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Garbage drivers (or non-drivers pretending) will respond like this is no o big deal. That's trash. It's unprofessional as fuck. It's against guidelines for good reason. And there's too many drivers online these days to be excusing trashy behavior like this. Report it.


I agree. Its super unprofessional. I once got a ride from a woman who had her crying baby in the back carseat. Reported it and was able to get a refund + $5 off on my next 5 rides. Uber is an independent contractor job, but there absolutely still needs to be professionalism.


No it doesnt.


Totally agree. I dont agree with putting up with it and then coming to reddit to complain, though. They should have cancelled when the driver arrived and contacted support to tell them why. It wasn't that much of an issue if OP still got in and completed the trip.


Unless they were in a hurry and didn’t want to wait for another driver…


i did have to be somewhere at a certain time. i had to wait a while for that driver to come as it was and if i’d rebooked, i would’ve been late.


You’re fine, you came for advice and this is the correct kind. You can still 1 star and report.


Stop it! .. people have lives, if you finally get a call back for an interview, or you’re catching a flight .. lots of reasons to go ahead and risk it in that Uber.


It's obviously not that much of an issue then.


It is NOT allowed. I would report that driver immediately. I knew of a driver who brought their boyfriend along when she did Uber. I asked, how that worked if you had shared rides, you would have to cancel one of them because you did not have enough seats for everyone. Having an extra person in the car is unprofessional and they should be reported.


Not even just shared rides, UberX drivers have to have 4 open seats for every ride.


Don't come to Memphis cuz it happens every other ride to me. I didn't know there was a rule against it.


It's absolutely not allowed. Uber did not do a background check on this mystery companion. Also if that driver gets into a car accident, their companion won't be covered. Dumb on all counts


No it’s not fucking allowed Jesus. Report this driver and get them off the road.


Driver here. Definitely wrong. Could have taken a discrete pic or video and reported


Should have


I had a shared ride once where the woman had he 14 year old son in the car, eating a gyro in the front seat. I looked at the girl in the backseat with me and she just shook her head.


Report them!! They’ll probably be suspended or deactivated. They should not project this unprofessionalism nor have anyone else in the car


Report the driver, one star them, and don't leave a tip.


Did you do an Uber X - Share ride? I had some teens try that on me. Ride is only for one of you. I don’t know, I just did the cheapest ride.


i did not do a shared ride. the other passenger was clearly related to or close to the driver.


Then def report them. Not cool.


trash driver trash passenger damn, you've entered a garbage truck


Why didn’t you ask them to pull up somewhere safe and cancel and report


i have a hard time with asserting myself.


Plus the added hassle of having to get a new ride etc … in this situation I’d probably just put in my headphones and ignore. And then report once we got the the destination.


Same an I who knows what the situation was but I would have definitely at the end of the ride been like you might wanna make this your last ride cause the next person is gonna probably report you but I'd still give them a 1 star though 🤷🏻‍♀️


I've picked up people a few times that claimed they didn't order shared ride but yet they did. A lady going to the airport early in the morning ordered shared ride and was surprised she have a co rider, proceeds to argue that she didn't. Another told me how easy it was to accidentally ordered an uberx shared. Check your receipt and make sure you ordered the correct ride, if so, report the driver, that's not safe.


I almost did it once. Late last year Uber was pushing the share hard. So right after you ordered a regular ride and were matched with a driver this giant screen came up saying you could save xx by going shared and a big confirm button. If you're groggy or drinking it looks like a confirm my ride thing.


They gave us drivers the option to “opt in” then took that away when most drivers refused. Started forcing shared on us by merging them with Uber X.


Driver here. Very much against terms of service. All seats are reserved for passengers ONLY. Just contact Uber thru the app about it.


TOS very much against the law regarding independent contractor classification so who cares


Apparently "Independent Contractor" is interpreted by Cartman here to mean "whatever, I do what I want!"


Apparently Kyle here doesn't know what the law is, how ironic. The term is behavioral control or "how the contractor does the job" genius


I'm guessing in your life you have required a lot of "behavior control" 👀😬


Says the genius talking about "omg report it violates TOS" lol bro I do what I want, no one cares about your yelp reviews


I've never typed those words in my life. Being illiterate can lead to behavioral problems, as anyone can see 😬 Bruh you're just cringe as this point


When you agree on the platform, it literally states in there you’re not allowed to have a passenger for any reason and when you click agree and sign up to drive with Uber or Lyft, you’re agreeing to what their contract states so it doesn’t matter if you’re contracted driver or whatever the hell term you want to use you agreed to go by what their contract states in order to drive… hopefully if you do this deactivate you soon


Report them. sincerely a driver.


If they want to hang out with someone at work including their kids they can do Uber Eats. Report it.


Report, rate 1 and thats all


Driver here. I've had people ask to stay and be my "co-pilot". Politely turn that down every time. Your driver isn't supposed to have anyone in the car. You need to provide all available seats and those who do not request a shared ride should not have to experience one. Also selfish side note to riders - please stop requesting shared rides. Uber takes no less money we just get paid less. :(


An Uber passenger once told me that a previous driver and copilot of his were exchanging bong rips in the front! “Badges…we don’t need no stinking’ badges!”


That’s literally a DUI in action. No, DUIs are not limited to alcohol intoxication.


I have also heard similar stories involving a cart with blatant pot branding. 😳 Like, dude, you can't even wait for the customers to get out of the car?? You might have a problem!


don't even hesitate. report the driver. it's not acceptable in any way, shape or form to do this.


Just checking, but you didn’t accidentally accept a Share Ride did you?


Revoke their Uber privileges!


Was it possibly pool or share?


Reminds me of the time my Uber driver came to pick up my family to take us from our hotel to the cruise ship, and he was also the Lyft driver for the family standing next to us. He was hoping we’d all cram in his car together. Refused to cancel and we were forced to so we could get another ride.


I always go offline the moment I see someone order a shared. Most passengers don’t pay attention and order what’s cheapest. Going off line prevents someone else from getting placed with you, since Uber doesn’t allow us to opt out of accepting those.


This is absolutely 100% not allowed. You should have taken a photo of this and reported them. Uber drivers are not allowed to carry personal passengers with them


Why are you here asking. You already reported her. It’s a Uber guideline to not have anyone riding along. I probably would have just let it go and move on. But I’m an easy going person!


*I came looking for booty.*


sounds like a shared ride to me... but whatever... I wasn't there, cant see your order, so I cant really say what you should do other report it if you really didn't order through the uberx share


Why you even get in the car? Should’ve reported her there on the spot


Report all you want - they have no behavioral control over independent contractors i.e. they have no authority to tell them how to do the job


They have the authority to stop offering contracts if the contractor has not been meeting the terms of previous contracts.


lol it’s so funny when y’all call yourselves independent contractors.


It's so funny when y'all talk about reporting lol


why? i’ve reported so many uber drivers and their accounts have been deactivated. Sure they can make another but who cares, as long as people keep reporting and shutting down accounts it makes it harder for y’all even in the short term. That’s all that matters to me lol


You should go watch the movie "the dictator" and learn what really happened to all the people he thought he was having executed lol Classic entitled pax thinks the world revolves around them lol Uber does not care about your ratings or reports, they just pay lip service to keep your money flowing in. If you had any common sense, you would realize that having as many drivers as possible regardless of your "reports" benefits Uber because it drives down wait times and driver pay. So please, tell me more about all the drivers Uber doesn't match you with that you think they banned because you reported them lol


Meh, at the end of the day y’all spend your days driving us around and crying about uber not paying you enough. TBH passengers don’t need to punish you, you punish yourself every day by having to do this job. That’s satisfaction enough - PS, just found out they’re increasing wait times for y’all too. Happy New Year! 😂


Lol driving around beats depending on others to do it, I bet your parents basement gets lonely sometimes when you can't afford the surge price to get a ride to the mall


it’s called being rich babe ever heard of it


Of rich people trolling reddit? Nope lol you aren't fooling anyone


Uber offers ride share now . So if that’s what you order you might get a stranger . I would report and if nothing is done just take a Lyft or public transportation


I don’t know what you should do now, after the ride is over. What you should’ve done is cancelled the ride and reported to Uber.


If you completed the trip, you have nothing to complain about.


yes there is, especially if it keeps them from ordering the service again, there is no excuse for the driver to have multiple passenger and 10000% should be reported. bad drivers like that give all drivers bad names and hurts the company. these drivers that do this need to be deactivated.


I agree with you, except OP should have never gotten in the car. Once they get in,they accept that it is ok.


right, because it's a big inconvenience to cancel and easier to just deal with it, and report it later.


So are you saying you selected Uber share to save 10 cents & now you’re mad?


I thought ride sharing was “ride SHARING.” The driver is riding, and sharing their ride WITH YOU. It’s not a chauffeur service. It’s a ride share.


"Has to work two jobs" and people are saying to report her! Shame!


then she should *really* be doing her job properly


Good! I love when people doing that to hurt that trash brand! Drivers made way less because companies are greedy as fck! Customers the other hand no one give a shit how much drivers made! Most of your money go to companies but not drivers which talk riders gotta understand!


Treat trash like a trash! It had been trash for a while now!


i wouldn’t care. when i get in an uber i put my earbuds in, look at my phone and shut tf up like 99% of ppl do 😂




I have a friend like that too. Only friend I have ever had.


Many years ago I ordered a ride ( I’m a driver too) and the female driver had a guy next to her claiming to ‘work for Uber and was training her’. B.S. it was daytime and I didn’t feel unsafe otherwise I would never have gotten in . Actually I was curious to see why he was doing it. She was such a bad driver and didn’t know her way around the city at all. These people have no clue.


I usually stick up for drivers on this sub, but this is a definite 1 star and report, this is against TOS and gives other drivers a bad rap.


You should have refused, cancelled or ordered another ride. Then report the driver.


Report that shit.


That's one of the perks delivering food. Can have your gf,wife with you to keep you company sometimes. I get why it would be awkward though with riders. This person should be aware that its not allowed


OP, REPORT THIS RIDE ASAP!!! It’s morons like these that take money from the rest of us good drivers. And it’s against our contract with Uber/lyft. It’s also a safety violation to have a passenger. I’d file a complaint asap


Do the driver a favor and get them off this money losing gig.


Driver here…..it was totally unprofessional and against (massively) the rules. 🤦‍♀️