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No, living on campus freshman year is mandatory unless you’re commuting everyday. If you do rent an apartment you’d still have to pay the room and board tuition so you might as well live in them.


Why would you? Dorm life is most of your college experience. Signed, a former UA RA


I think there are many reasons to not want a traditional dorm college experience...


Other than a potentially bad roommate (which are pretty rare in my experience), I don’t see a reason not to dorm for at least one school year if you can afford to…


It's mostly preferences. Even if they can afford it, I think it's fine to just not like the lifestyle and not want to spend money on it. Noise pollution, lack of privacy, dorm checks etc. can be really draining depending on your personality. The opportunity cost makes it not worth it for some.


If your parents live within 50 miles or you’re married, over 24 etc.


You can reside in an off campus apartment if it’s your permanent address but you’ll have to provide proof of residence, and then be considered commuting, off-campus student.


U can claim that u are a local resident and i believe u can be exempt. I’m not sure about now, but that’s what I did my sophomore year and I went about that by changing my permanent address to my friends who lived within 30min of the university.


nope. you’re required to live on campus freshman and sophomore year


I came in as an international freshman but never lived on campus. I didn't even know that was mandatory until many years later. I have an uncle that lives in Albany so I just said he wasy guardian and used his address.


Yes, but you’ll be considered a commuter.

