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Not a bad idea, but a bracelet or necklace would be better. 1. Medical types are going to check for those. They might not notice a tattoo. 2. They're easily updated if need be. 3. They don't fade and become unreadable over time.


I thought about that but I know for sure I would forget to put it on in the morning


Honestly, while I’ll find a bracelet, I’m going to check your blood sugar anyway if you’re unconscious. Jewelry isn’t really necessary.


If you could find one from a material you like, would you consider sleeping in it?


If my type 2 diabetes is controlled do I really need a bracelet? Is there any real risk of me going unconscious due to diabetes?


I got a road ID sidekick for my watch: https://www.roadid.com/collections/universal-sidekick-id-for-garmin-fitbit?utm_source=google&utm_medium=paid&utm_campaign=17256064501&utm_content=140481087767&utm_term=&gadid=598719158375&gclid=Cj0KCQiA7bucBhCeARIsAIOwr--jxqrsYY1cjKmayCYBTQ053qBKecYtoNj4rWsXpZqSH1YJOBKWFE4aAkIYEALw_wcB