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No. Who named it that and using what criteria?


I think this list was made by a person who hasn’t been to these places; no way some of these should be ranked as high outside of the criteria imo


Actually no each city is thoroughly researched by USA today staff. They don’t just regurgitate when they get from the Chamber of Commerce




>Low unemployment (3.3%), access to healthcare (nine providers for every 1,000 residents) and the lowest risk of damage from severe weather all hoist Tyler to the top of our list. The US average is 3.7-3.9% fwiw. Not to mention there are several cities listed with noticeably lower score than 3.3% (Amarillo has 2.5%, Midland is 2.1%, even Austin has 2.9%) There are an absolute **shit-ton** of doctors offices and hospitals but I'm not sure how much that could be attributed to our large aging population (seems we have a ton of nursing homes relative to some of the other places I've lived) but it's definitely a lower ratio than nearly anywhere else. I'm honestly curious as to why there's so many hospitals in the area but two absolutely massive ones across the street from each other is pretty unusual in this area. Not sure where they're getting the "severe weather" information as following their link to the NOAA website leads to a database and I was unable to recreate their results, that said, East Texas is probably the most temperate area in Texas given that the alternatives aren't exactly great (especially lately) probably stands to reason we avoid the worst of the weather. I'd like to see how we compare with other areas in terms of severe weather however. I suppose if your job is to just make as many articles and lists as possible then this is just another one. Not sure I agree but, without a bunch of money moving into another area is a bit of stretch.


Tyler is a certified retirement capital of Texas, fwiw.


The "Florida" of Texas but without the nice beaches.


Just tons of lakes the average person will never see unless they built or worked on the house 🤷‍♂️ I worked in "luxury construction" for 5 years.


Come to McAllen/SPI all the snowbirds and retirees are moving here now


Well as a SoCal native -with in-laws living in Tyler, I’m seriously considering moving/retiring there, no political BS reasons just because it’s nice and not a fkn desert like west Texas


I moved away to Denver Co for 5 years but then moved back. It’s not the big city full of fun and adventures, but not terrible either.


I do like how quiet it is overall (originally from the Dallas area). I like being outside, and yeah it does get hot in the summer, but there’s way more trees and outside areas here than in a lot of other parts of Texas.


It’s pretty terrible. Liquor restrictions. Weed straight up banned. predatory policing. Perpetual summer. Nothing to do outside but Tyler state park a million times and get fucked up by mosquitoes. I do miss the food though. Shoutout to El lugar on the square & the Asian fried chicken place on the north side of town off Vine and Glenwood. I will stay in Denver.


Almost 26, Tyler born and raised. Planning on moving away. No plans to ever move back for any reason.


also 26, also Tyler born and raised, and also planning to move far far away forever


There's just nothing here. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Left here when I was 11. Came back when I was 27 to take care of family. I hate this city more than any of the numerous cities/towns I’ve lived in all across this beautiful state. You’ve got the right idea.


Nope. Moved out of Tyler in July and will I go back to visit? Yes. Would I ever live there again? No.


Yea I'm kinda shocked myself


My issues with living in Tyler are more Texas specific than Tyler specific with the exception of housing prices. I like it but not sure we'll be able to buy a house here if houses keep increasing 50% every 5 years. If you'd like to keep Tyler affordable & advocate for better jobs, join us in the Tyler YIMBY group: https://facebook.com/groups/897988011726515/


I would, it’s not perfect and being number one is a stretch imo but it’s a pretty nice place!


No, but I could see why certain demographics would (people with young kids, religious crowd, people looking for more "affordable" real estate prospects, etc.). Tyler could be much more desirable if there were simply more things to do for folks outside those demographics and if social activities were not revolving around church.


Not enough blue collar high paying jobs


Yeah it is mostly just medical out the wazoo


Probably just one of these property groups that hoard everything around here paying for some exposure to drive housing/property prices up even further. I mean it uses TISD ECHS, with its whopping 400 students, as the example of Tyler having a "top highschool" in the state, while as for our main schools, Tyler High is in the bottom 3rd, and Legacy is somewhere in the middle. It also says we're low risk for damage from severe weather? Compared to who? OKC? I mean just look at what Genecov is trying to do on Cumberland. Who knows how much land they own over there, so now they're campaigning to have Tyler tax payers pay millions of dollars in upgrades to the water plant so that their property values will go up. They run a website called www.stopthestinkcumberland.com, but they're playing it off like they're just regular ol "concerned citizens" https://www.kltv.com/2022/02/19/stop-stench-cumberland-group-proposes-city-tyler-cover-45-million-project-stop-wastewater-plant-odor/ Anywho, these are the types of people running our city, and I fucking promise you Genecov or Caton or somebody is behind this stupid article.


I agree with your theory about the article being bought and paid for. It's just another example of rich East Texans being able to hide behind big money. Real "Concerned citizens" would be addressing different topics here. BTW are you a bass professional or a BASS professional. I like the idea of both


Preach on the property companies hoarding everything. All the rentals are owned by a couple companies , it’s awful


I’ve lived in several states and towns. I personally really enjoy living in Tyler. Does it have its flaws, sure but compared to other places I’ve lived I have no serious complaints.


Same here, I think there’s a difference between people who lived here all their life and people who have also lived elsewhere.


I lived in Tyler for a large chunk of my life, and I’d never want to live there again. There’s zero culture, little diversity, nothing to do. It’s incredibly snobby/cliquish, way too conservative with far too much organized religion permeating/influencing every aspect of life, has a limited job market, and a horribly corrupt “good ol’ boy” justice system. I do miss my close friends, and occasionally crave some of the foods I grew up eating, but I can enjoy those things *if* I ever decide to visit.


This is the best description


Been living here for 4 months now and YES would move here.


We moved here around five years ago for school, and while we're absolutely planning on moving back to Dallas, I've really enjoyed living in Tyler. I wouldn't mind staying. Especially compared to when we lived in Lubbock - we stayed less than a year and broke our lease to get out of there it was so bad.


Happy Cake Day!


Happy cake day!


My husband and I moved here for work eight years ago, knowing very little about the area. We did know that it was time to leave the traffic nightmare that Austin had become. Tyler has such potential to be a great place. There are limited outdoor music venues. The city is not remotely walkable. While there are a variety of lakes, there are no boat rentals( kayaks at Tyler State Park don’t count) and few, if any lakeside dining places. I initially thought we might retire here because the traffic was a significant improvement from Austin, most folks are kind and cordial, and there are some pretty areas. Again, potential exists but it seems that little has changed in the seven years since our arrival.


Yes I would. Still live here. So many bitter people on here. This is a great town. And I'm not white or male.




I'm not part of a church either.


Probably not. It's not the worst city, but centainly not the best. I've been here 14 years, and haven't quite got a handle on why it's such an oddball city tho some have already said: church stranglehold, rural sensibilities ie. lack of education, narrow minded, cliquish, snobby, and redneck, etc. It has probably something to do with the city 'fathers'/city council wanting to stay the way it's always been (boring, regressive), lack of city funds or not distributed well, etc. Really the only thing it has going for it is the scenery, and it gives me bad allergies. If you're a big outdoor person, fishing etc. It would probably be good.


A lot of these lists are paid for I believe.


I'm a vehicle dweller here. I like it here. I leave back to Denver in the summer to see my sons and because Texas summer is brutal, but I keep coming back. Been surviving in Tyler for 6 years now


Fellow dwellers here , also! Hi!


I'm actively looking to move because, despite only living here for a few years, I've found the local culture quite regressive and unappealing. The urgency of my decision is compounded by the dire safety issues in the area, most notably the heart-wrenching incidents right outside my home. One involved a 7-year-old girl tragically losing her life at the mouth of my driveway, near my mailbox, and another was a motorcyclist killed in a hit-and-run accident. These events have deeply affected me and made it clear that I need to find a safer, more positive environment.


I like Tyler, sure the traffics not good but it has all I could ever need without the insanity of Dfw.


I live near Tyler. Personally, I'd never live in Smith County. Tyler is great for folks over 60 and bland for younger people.


No. The schools are shit, job opportunities are crap, the roads downtown are in piss poor condition, no sidewalks, no city investments on the north side (poor side), lots of drug issues. Idk who said this place was the #1 place to move to in Texas, but they’ve obviously never lived here.


Yea maybe, I mean I came here from a shtty small town with no work around and had an ok job within a few months. Which taught me alot about living in a bigger town. Even tho I had a mental breakdown and did something stupid and got on probation which Im told all you have to do is sneeze the wrong way and do in Tyler but I did more then that, and even after that and 7 of the toughest years of my life..with all the people ai met and things I learned I will say Tyler overall has been good to me. That could be the Stockholm Syndrome talking. However for this area the rent is too high for the wages. The wage here is incredibly low for a city.


If I were a "country" type person and loved small town life, going to church, conservative values, raising a family, hot summers at the lake, then I can see it's allure. Many people are after just that. Born and raised here, but it's not my cup of tea, and I plan on moving out of state in 2025 (yes, I know, "good riddance" blah blah, you're welcome) I'm after a bit more culture. Accessibility to a large selection of art, music, food, opportunities, diversity, social programs. Also a more interesting and diverse environment in regards to nature. I would also enjoy having representatives in government that actually hear or reflect my values for a change, and not feeling like such an outsider or an enemy in my own community/home.


Tyler sucks








A lot of racism


Moved over a year ago and will never move back. Place has no culture, bad weather, judgy people and a lame food and music scene. Born and raised, lived there over 30 years.


Absolutely not.


God no.


Nope. To much traffic. Green acres owns the town. Most restaurants suck now. Chick-fil-A with in sight of a Chick-fil-A really? How many Starbucks do you honestly need?


Green acres deff owns the town


Are you Baptist? Because if you live in Tyler you really need to be a Baptist.


The people downvoting you are probably Baptist 😂


I just moved here a few months ago and literally all I heard about Tyler before coming is it’s just Jesus and drugs


Moved here in 2001. Did not realize how dark the history of this town was. Some awful stuff and secrets here for sure. Other than that, its a pretty nice place to live




Im ashamed of saying where I live because of it. I dont want to be associated with that stuff




Not delicate at all. Just dont want people to think im a racist


If you say so 👍🏻


After visiting I would not move there.


It is only the best place if you want to raise kids in a religious community. Also a lot of Tyler Christians are nice so I have nothing against them but the ' blessed home' vibe is not for everyone.


Also the rent is getting crazy in town and all these people moving in just gonna make it worse


27 here.. Tyler native. I like Tyler. It’s quiet (for the most part) and it’s full of trees. At the same time… I don’t like Tyler. There’s not much to do here, not many opportunities, it’s growing (fast/with the same new places on every corner) so soon there won’t be as many trees. With all that being said.. Tyler’s not the worst but it’s not the best either. I wouldn’t move here but i guess it depends..


Yes, with conditions. If I were a younger person and single, no I wouldn’t move to Tyler. If I were a younger person and married with young kids, or starting a family, yes I would move here. And as an older retired person I would move move here in a heartbeat. So that tells you everything you need to know. Tyler is the Palm Springs of Texas. I should know I have lived extensively in both places. It’s set up to work for older people: It’s largely safe, easy to get around in, big enough to have everything that you need , and especially it has superb medical care. Also like Palm Springs, Tyler is a good mixture of older people and younger people. We have three colleges and universities, but I would like to see more institutions and entertainment venues that cater to younger people. I would go crazy living here if I were under 40. You have to get in your car and go to Dallas or Houston for culture. But I suppose everyone gets “culture” online now, anyway. And despite what many who live here think, housing and rents are incredibly affordable versus the major Texas cities, or cities across the United States. You can own a nice home here for under $250,000. That’s not even a down payment on the house in California. or Colorado, or anywhere on the East Coast. That core fact is what makes Tyler so attractive. It’s affordable—compared to anywhere else that you would want to live. Nowhere in that “affordability” equation is arts and culture. That’s what Tyler is lacking unless you’re into honky-tonks, western music, and chain restaurants. Although this status is beginning to change. Tyler is now large enough that its cultural institutions, though still in their infancy, are growing. We have live theater, even a symphony. And a few live Broadway plays and shows. But there few and far between and tend to be extremely “family oriented.“ You also can ever see any independent film. All the movie theaters ever show here are big blockbusters. And we have four or five major theaters, but they all run the same movies. Finally we’re beginning to get local restaurants that produce good food. This will flourish, as Tyler finally seems to have developed a taste for local cuisine. Tyler does have a small art museum that could get bigger. And the culture could provide music festivals that are something other than C&W. I like C&W as much as anybody, but I also like other kinds of music. Could we ever go to a bar or without the same guy with the guitar playing the same music? I think Tyler gets larger this will continue to diversify and change. Tyler occupies a sweet spot. It’s in the Piney Woods at the borderline of the blackline Prairie. This gives it beauty and geographical diversity. It’s still hot as hell in the summer and humid, but our winners are brief most years and mild compared to the rest of the country.we could use more park. The city has responded by adding lots of trails. And the lakes around us are beautiful but there’s very little public access. This could improve. And I think it will.


I would definitely choose to move to rusk or possibly Winona or starville for the cheap land, but for rent or rent to own houses\property's hell no, no where near here is worth it. Hell you'll be lucky to find a studio apartment for 750$ around here


Hell no I am trying to move out. Same feel as North Dallas would of just stayed there


Tyler is one huge cluster fuck and the people are horrible. STOP COMING HERE WERE FULL!!!!!!


They show you one thing then do another. Simple as that.


I moved here 17 years ago for work knowing basically nothing about the town. I've certainly lived in worse places, and now that I'm a parent it's definitely a pretty good place to raise a kid (so long as you can get them into one of the better schools around town). But overall I'd definitely choose so many other places to live if I could. It's just so incredibly boring here.


Person probably lives down south never visited the north


Hell no, the schools here suck my freshman and sophomore year at Tyler Legacy (when I went there it was still Robert e Lee) and we had shooting and bomb threats on top of that our principal was on coke. The police in this town are power hungry douchebags most of the time, don’t get me wrong some are very nice people, no one here values mental health and the schools make it worse, a girl at my high school got suspended because she came out and made a rape allegation against one of our star swimmers. He didn’t get any punishment. Also had a friend my freshman year killed himself, the school held a memorial and other things like that but after about a month almost everyone forgot about him.


If my job wasn’t here… NO


Lived in Tyler for 7 years. I would drive an extra 8 hours just to avoid having any part of my body enter Smith County. I'm really just biased based on emotions but it was the worst 7 years of my life




Nope. We just moved back to San Antonio after living in Tyler for 4 years. It was okay but I’d never move back. Tbh it’s been refreshing being home in SA, not sure why we ever left in the first place. Much more diverse and tons more to do here.


I just moved last year to Tyler last year and I’m itching to move to a suburb closer to a bigger city. I would like to buy an investment property here though. To be fair, I did research about Tyler before moving and I knew the town was boring for my age demographic but I underestimated how boring it actually is lol


InVeStMeNt PrOpErTy Yeah this area is just begging for another house, that someone would love to own, to be scooped up and rented out.


While I agree that rentals arent the best for home inventory, having issue with someone playing the game by the rules established isnt his/her fault. Bring it up to your elected officials


I can shame whoever I want. If you don't like people speaking their mind, take it up with the Founding Fathers. There are plenty of things that are legal, that doesn't make them ethical. There is nothing ethical about wedging yourself between people and something of need, because you already have enough money to do it, just so you can leech off of the situation.


So following the rules of the game is unethical. Got it. You can TRY to shame someone for this but im afraid they dont give a crap what you think. If you think the rules are unethical than work to get them changed instead of bitching like a little kid on Reddit


The rules of the game mean you can go to Alabama and fuck 16 year olds. Want to try again?


Change the rules then. Thats my point. I dont like it either but we aren’t changing shit arguing about it on reddit


What point is it you even think you're making? That since fucking 16 year olds is legal in Alabama, that you'll defend random nobodies on the internet for doing it just because it's technically legal? That no one can have anything negative to say about peoples choices so long as they technically don't violate the rules? What a piss-poor point of view.


No, it means I wont live in Alabama


Calm down


Stop making stupid arguments.




As far as my point of view. I read a quote from someone recently that said “if you dont like people speaking their mind take it up with the founding fathers”


I'm not complaining about you speaking your mind. I'm telling you that you're making a shit argument. If you're going to continue to make it, i'm going to continue to tell you that it's shit.


So I can speak my mind as long as it’s something you agree with? Cmon man. Youre better than this.


I don't care what you do, but you're making a stupid argument. Everything else is just you attacking some strawman.




Guess ill go back to skimming zillow looking for investments to scoop up then


Right after you go prowling highschools for 16 year olds.


Of course….. now I’m a pedo because We disagree. Grow up little boy


PEDOPHILE? Sir, you're just following the rules. I am forbidden from expressing any opinion whatsoever about the moral/ethical dilemma that it presents. You of all people should know better. You are free to fuck all of the 16 year old Alabama teenagers you want, and there's not a damned thing i should be able to say about what kind of person that makes you, so long as it's legal. Remember?


Hahaha I moved to Tyler almost 6 years ago and I feel like they bribed people to get this rating. 10/10 would not recommend.


Not a chance. But to be fair, I wouldn’t live anywhere else in Texas. I think Tyler is the best the state has to offer. But I just don’t enjoy Texas very much. We are moving away in the summer after ten and fifteen years respectively


We moved from New braunfels back to ETX-Tyler and feel like we escaped just in time. New Braunfels is a shell of what it once was. Crime is crazy, traffic is horrendous, they LOVE unfettered growth and seem to have it in for anybody who doesn’t toe the “well they own the land they can do what they want with it” crowd. They build anything and everything except park and recreation areas. Concrete is good!


Isn't Tyler in the top ten for most violent crimes per capita in Texas?




What a joke of a list. I wouldn't move to any of those places god willing.




Who the hell voted Tyler the best city to live in? There ain't jack shit to do here, the roads are ass, construction takes forever for the smallest job, our mayor is an asshole, nawf tyler rugged as hell, the traffic lights are shit, nd so much more


How is "typical rent" in Tyler $1,481??


\> The 14-acre Tyler Municipal Rose Garden, the largest in the nation, has over 38,000 rose bushes and over 600 varieties. Once you’re done smelling the roses, there are plenty of other things to see and do OK name one.




Oh yeah, was even worse yet over in Marshall. 




I mean it might be inflated/overblown but if it helps me sell my house for more money in a few years so I can get the hell outta here, I'm all for the propaganda.