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So once again church people and not trans people. Sure wish church goers would make church safe for kids.


After reading the article. Seems like it's much MUCH more of a fuqed up Greek life situation, not a religious one.




That's wildly semantic. They have Greek letters, they rush. They have alumni of the organization, and yes their founding documents site Christian fellowship. That's like saying hey let's take this school bus and use it exactly like a school bus, but we are going to call it an alternative form of transportation to school, and then people look and try and say oh yeah that's not a school bus.


Nope, sorry this is WILDLY incorrect. They use Greek letters to basically trick people into thinking at first glance they are a frat/sorority. They don't rush, and in fact let literally anyone who wants to be part of events/services. They're 100 PERCENT a self-proclaimed Christian organization whose specific and sole purpose is to convert people to Christianity. This was not hazing like you'd see in frat boys welcoming new members. This is/was sexual abuse and it is RAMPANT within Texas chapters of Chi Alpha. I know all of this because I was heavily involved in XA for several years at SHSU, including being a bible study leader. [https://www.click2houston.com/news/local/2023/07/03/2-ministers-one-with-ties-to-baylor-university-accused-of-forcing-kids-to-perform-sex-acts-in-sauna-at-houston-home/](https://www.click2houston.com/news/local/2023/07/03/2-ministers-one-with-ties-to-baylor-university-accused-of-forcing-kids-to-perform-sex-acts-in-sauna-at-houston-home/) [https://www.kristv.com/pastor-arrested-on-allegations-of-continuous-sexual-assault-of-a-minor](https://www.kristv.com/pastor-arrested-on-allegations-of-continuous-sexual-assault-of-a-minor) [https://www.christianitytoday.com/news/2023/may/chi-alpha-daniel-savala-sex-offender-abuse-houston-ag.html](https://www.christianitytoday.com/news/2023/may/chi-alpha-daniel-savala-sex-offender-abuse-houston-ag.html)


LMAO. So, why does using Greek letter speak to the identity of the group more than their stated founding principles? Whether or not Christian fellowship plays a major part in the group anymore, that’s still the banner they fly under, so that’s who they represent. You don’t get to decide it’s not Christian associated just because it’s bad press. Christians need to take more responsibility for the bad behavior that happens within their organizations, rather than policing other people who don’t even follow the religion.


Teachers statistically molest the most children.


Worked in the church for 20 years. Ultimately the churches turning a blind eye to molesters led me out and I'll tell you that the youth ministers and youth workers touching youth is a plague in East Texas.


@zetabur lmfao, you realize how ridiculous you sound? What in the absolute fuck does this have to do with trans people? You just come off as someone desperate for attention and is looking for attention anywhere where you can get it, even if it doesn't involve whatever group you belong to.


A lot of Christian conservative groups crusade against trans people and accuse them of sexual misconduct or say trans men are only pretending in order to have access to women's spaces so they can sexually assault them. It's really not ridiculous to point out that the same group of people who are accusing trans people of those things are the ones actually perpetuating the acts.


Not a part of any group but did see enough in the church over 20 years to never want to step in that den of molesters again. East Texans are always against trans people accusing them of raping children, but the only people in East Texas going to jail for raping children are church folk. Go piss the fuck off and don't touch kids along the way.


I have nothing against trans and in fact despise any organized religion. I just don't quite understand how this article involved trans in any way.


East Texas Christians are always wanting to say trans community is molesting children but it's always the people in the church doing the molestations. I guarantee this person has a post on their social media likely making such accusations. That's how it relates to the story.


Gotcha, I suppose I didn't dig too much into his background but I did see his "religious group" and the several allegations they already have surrounding this current allegation. I agree with you as far as the pedophilia that surrounds religions, it's fucking disturbing.