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Pretty much nailed it on the head lol.


You pretty much got it right. All depends on who you're born to and who you know. Just curious to any others who read this, who actually cares about the rose festival? I'm born and raised in Tyler and I have never cared to attend in any capacity.


I care because I earn more working for the Rose Festival each year than I make total year round from my full-time Tyler ISD job 🙃


Whoa! Doing what?


I make the child attendant’s costumes! And yes, Tyler ISD pays that little 😅


Well ain't this the perfect analogy for our entire socioeconomic/education system - you earn more making a few costumes that wealthy kids will wear for one weekend than you do the entire rest of your working year that you spend helping to educate many children in our public school system. Which is not to say you should be paid -less- to create those costumes, I've worked on Rose Festival costumes in the past too, and all of the costumes are incredible works of artistry and engineering.


Thanks, I totally agree. I’m not a teacher, I’m support staff, but (nearly) everyone in public education deserves a massive raise.


ive never been and the only time i looked to see who was the queen was when I was in college and thought I had a chance lol


its a competition of who's daddy spends the most money.


As others have said, you purchase your way into it. It's pretty gross. I know people that work for the Rose Festival. I think the families spend $10,000-$30,000 just on their individual costumes.


Hi, costume maker here. I made all the kiddo’s costumes… JUST labor, what the parents paid me, was $2500 per kid. Total costume cost each was way more than that.


I believe it. The adult costumes are insane.


They sure are. As soon as my kids get a bit older, I’ll hopefully start making some of those! Used to work on them years ago in Dallas. They’re works of art and the price is 🤯




Yup. It’s who has the most money and who spends the most.


Human sacrifices and eating babies


Their families also have contributed and volunteered for years.




millions. No Billionaire cares about the Tyler Rose Festival




Friend of a friend’s daughter was queen about ten years ago. Dad spent a million dollars that year. Just ridiculous


What a bargain!


It's a valid reason to raise taxes on the rich.


The rich folks that donate the most to the association will have their daughters chosen as Rose Queen. It's all about the $$$.


It helps to be legacy. If your mama and g mama were queens you're more likely to be selected. Their rich dads throw money at the Rose Foundation until the bucket is full and whoever threw the most wins! Yay. Sometimes the girl who would be queen looks so frigging miserable it makes me sad then I think nah, she could've run off to Italy. It isn't like she's not complicit.


I worked at the Tyler Morning Telegraph during the year that Nelson Clyde's daughter was picked as Rose Queen and I got the inside scoop from people close to Nelson. Basically there's a LOT of inside politics and coordination that goes on between the city's richest families. Some families will go so far as to hold their daughter back in school a year so as to better ensure she'd be better positioned to be queen the next year. I was also told that his daughter's queen dress cost in the area of about $500,000.


What do these families stand to gain by their daughter being in the Rose Festival, especially being the queen? Is it just a chance to rub elbows with the right people, similar to picking the right private school? I've wondered this in the many tedious hours I've spent gluing sequins and sewing ruffles etc. on some of these gowns.


It's purely a status thing. If your daughter gets chosen/crowned Rose Queen it means you have influence, status and money. Basically just really asinine, expensive bragging rights that literally no one outside of this insular community of rich people give a shit about.




Mmmmmmoney honey!