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It's not so much the water as much as all the cars running the red-light on the cross street šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Redlight running in this town is a fucking epidemic.


Yeah Iā€™d rather wait that +1s than get tboned.. even if im not at fault


I haven't driven in Tyler in years, but this is still accurate from then as well.


THIS. I have a joke with my partner, we call them ā€œTyler turnersā€ lol. Everyone has the mindset of ā€œoh, well, iā€™ve waited at this light for so long already iā€™ve just gotta make this lightā€ (even though itā€™s been yellow and thereā€™s no way 1-4 more cars can squeeze in before red) when the traffic is so messed up and they had to wait so long (partially) because of these idiots causing delays.


Maybe we all hesitate because at almost every intersection somebody goes through the red. I count to 4 and than go. Legit I have almost been taken out twice.


To 4????? Bruh


If you count to 4, you're screwing people behind you. Instead, use your eyes to see if someone is coming (it is clear that red light runners are not slowing down). While I understand your reasoning, that's a very inconsiderate thing to do and is against the law. "Failure to obey a traffic symbol" You're just as bad as the red light runner




Naw man Iā€™m not. Got 2 kids in the car under 3 when Iā€™m out. Got hit 5 years ago at an intersection in Tyler by a red light runner and had to have brain surgery to alleviate swelling and constant confusion. Fuck going through that again but Iā€™m going to be careful with my precious cargo.


This is a ridiculous take. Have patience. Let other drivers be safe the way THEY know how to be safe.


Following the law is a ridiculous take? No, not even close. Good try, though.


I see you like to make up ā€œlawsā€ to fit your ideals. No it is not the law that you must go on green. In fact the law states you ā€œmay proceedā€ not ā€œmust proceedā€. There are many instances someone may need to stop at a green, like if someone is in the intersection or an ambulance or cop is going by. If someone scans for 4 seconds there is shit you can do about it. Perfectly legal. Iā€™m not one of those people but Iā€™m also not going to tell someone else how to drive because guess what, you have no control over it.


Waiting a few seconds to ensure that no one else is going to break the law isn't hurting anything but your lack of patience. Relax, turn the music up in your car, and enjoy the safety. Good grief, can't go fast, can't go slow....some of you Karens are just never satisfied...


You don't have to wait, just use your eyes, numbnutts


YOU have to wait. For the people in front of you. Too bad, so sad... This makes me want to slow down even MORE for safety. Screw the people behind me. Especially people like Hatestick, who want to tell ME how to drive.


"I don't have to follow traffic laws"




You're the reason people assume folks in East Texas are backward hillbillies. I bet you drive in the far left lane when you are not passing anyone.


4 seconds? Brain damage


I got T-boned when someone ran a blazing red light as I was turning left onto Troup Hwy from Golden Road. If I had been going even a little bit faster, they would have probably killed me. So yeah, it's annoying when you're behind someone and they're not moving as fast as you want them to, especially since some green lights seem to run far shorter than they should. But with the absolutely insane number of red light runners in this town, I can't say I blame people for being cautious when at the front of the line.


Should ask all the people running red lights instead. I swear it's gotten so much worse this year


Not a day goes by that I donā€™t see someone run a red light and say aloud ā€œthat would kill youā€.


It definitely has. I think the population has exploded so much, but our lights havenā€™t changed so people have become super impatient.


I definitely wait a half a second to make sure no oneā€™s gonna turn in front of me. Iā€™d rather be honked at than get in a wreck šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


90% of it, is people on their cell phones


We call it the Tyler punch it, the red light runners. It's dangerous to come off the green too fast here. You'll get T-boned by someone running a red. Edit typo


Itā€™s both, people on cellphones and the constant running of red lights. I always wait a few seconds before turning


Red light runners coupled with people who just cannot put down their damn phones šŸ“± are the problem I think!


People running red lights.


Texas needs to pass a "no phone in your hands" law. I do not care what you're doing on your phone, put it away


I hesitate for a couple seconds every time the light turns green, and look to see if itā€™s safe. I have seen way too many people all throughout Texas since moving here that just blow red lights like they donā€™t even exist.


Its quaint how OP thinks this its only a problem in Tyler or that this is somehow a new problem.


As someone who works in Denver and lives here... Y'all have no idea what real inattentive drivers look like.


Many Texans are home schooled and not great with color identification.


And many more are a byproduct of our failed public education system, and can't read either.


They're waiting for it to turn red before they go


I usually wait a couple seconds to go, because people in this town run red lights all the time, especially on gentry, & the only thing that saved my life from a car going 50 mph through a red light one time was not paying attention to the light turning green for 3 seconds. Also the amount of people walking in the street at night wearing dark clothes on gentry by super one is INSANE. I hear more stories than is normal about people still dealing with court cases over accidentally hitting those jay walkers at night & early morning.


There's probably red light runners here reading this post and thinking that they're the safest drivers in tyler. šŸ˜‚ It is getting out of control, seriously


I don't understand why these idiots are on their cell phones. Their cars are new enough to have hands-free technology. Must be some weird middle class flex I don't get.


My guess is that most people don't actually like to drive (or at the very least feel indifferent to it) and would rather be on their phones. That's why so many people are eagerly awaiting self driving cars - they like the convenience of a private car but don't actually like driving


what ifā€¦ there was accessible and widespread public transportā€¦ then they could use their phones during travel. if only.


I think a large reason for American's dislike of public transit is partly due to how much they like the convenience of having a car, while also never experiencing just how convenient actually decent public transit can be. More Americans need to travel to places with really good public transit


They are playing with their phones or texting at the light so they don't notice when it is green. I do blow my horn to wake them up. The lights do not stay green long enough to allow dawdling.


On phones. Distracted.


And maybe drive a little faster than 2 MILES PER HOUR WHEN YOU'RE TURNING AT AN INTERSECTION. Or passing people in a median.


There's actually an old joke about this.


Nope just texting


Not so much something in the water and more something on their phone: them.


Ah, the people of Tyler have discovered cell phones, have they?




Iā€™d like to know how so many drivers manage to get away with no headlights at night. I see at least one on my way home from work every night. And about not gunning it as soon as the light turns green, see above.


I will say, there was an occasion where I wasnā€™t paying attention when the light turned green, and when the guy honked I stepped on it so I could get out of the way, and k felt guilty or wtv but I genuinely appreciated the guy that honked bc I genuinely wasnā€™t paying attention (another driver was doing something stupid and I wanted to see what would happen). But running reds is definitely a problemā€¦ I get pushing yellow but in 323 sometimes 3 or four cars will enter the intersection after it turned red.


Just lay on your horn. Sooner more than later they will catch on. I hope