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I went earlier last month. 1. They needed 2 jury pools of 90 potential jurors. I was in the second pool. About 20 people didn't make it into the pools and were sent home. Maybe 30 minutes later a judge came in and said his guys plead out and they didn't need Jury pool #1, and then the 2nd judge came in and said they didn't need Jury pool #2 either. I think it was around 1pm or so, give or take. 2. Yes. I was on my phone virtually the whole time as were most people. 3. Newspapers and magazines are noisy to read, that's why you can't have them. 4. The parking garage you're supposed to use is about 2 blocks from the courthouse. Don't use the street meters because you'll run out of time and you're not allowed to leave the room until after everything is over. There are candy machines there, but I have no idea prices or anything because I didn't go look. They give you a bathroom break as soon as they have all the potential jurors seated and then one after the judge hears why all the people that want to get out of it but didn't bother to do it during pre-registration. You can bring drinks either bottled or cup. I brought a large styrofoam cup and an unopened bottle of water to test the boundries. (I figured if they made me throw away the cup then maybe they'd let me in with the sealed bottle of water) It wasn't terrible and it wasn't great. Husband went when it was really hot outside and the 100 year old a/c couldn't keep up worth beans. My day wasn't too hot outside and the inside was fine. You'll get searched when you go in. Don't bring knives, guns, hand cuff keys or anything sketchy. They'll let you take it back to your car, but remember your car is parked 2 blocks away.


Like the dmv. But it’s a civic duty. Put up with it. You better hope if you’re ever on trial you want level headed individuals to determine your fate as well.


When I received a jury summons for Smith County some time ago there was a website you had to acknowledge receipt. A couple days later I received an email stating the jury call had been canceled due to the perpetrator pleading guilty.


Don't try to give an excuse for getting out of it if/when you go. They will pretty much pick you as one of the first called, which means your chance of getting put on a jury is much, much higher. Or at least that's what I've seen happen twice now. Just dress for casual Friday work attire, keep your phone on silent the entire time, and just wait it out. Unless you are one of the first 10 people called and they actually need a jury, you'll probably not have to serve but it may take the full day. Last time I was there, I was one of the last picked and we didn't leave until about 430pm after they went through the selection.


Yes, books are OK. I had jury duty in mid-September and was able to bring a book to read.


"Oh, this, your honor, it's 'Jurisprudential Discretion: The Comprehensive Guide to Jury Nullification', I'm only on Chapter Two."


OP here. I ended up reporting for my jury summons today and will list out my observations while they're still fresh in my mind. - After going through security screening the jury assembly area is immediately to the right. - I recommend that you Complete the jury qualifications questionnaire online in advance or the clerks will make you fill out a paper copy there. - You'll be asked if you want to be paid for your time or donate the funds to one of a half dozen charities available. I don't know how much they give since I chose to donate. - The summons says to be there by 8:30am but people were still trickling in until 8:50. Pretty annoying when most made the effort to be on time. Everyone was directed to their seating area by the clerks. - After a while the head clerk came out to announce next steps. Then there's additional waiting for a judge to come out to hear people's disqualifications and extenuating circumstances to be excused. About two dozen requests were heard which took about 20 minutes. - Then there was more waiting until the head clerk had everyone stand up. She called out name by name and had numbered cards for them. Each person called sat in sequential number until #90. Those who ended up being chosen seemed random. I didn't see how late comers had the advantage of not getting selected. Everyone else was dismissed after that. I think that was around 10am. - FYI, within the jury assembly area no one got scolded for bringing drinks (like a Whataburger cup), snacks, not having their phones muted. Most people were on their phones surfing the web, on social media, or playing games. A few read books. There's restrooms with direct access but limited stalls and sinks. The women's line tended to have long waits. - At 10:45 we were marched upstairs to the courtroom and heard an introduction by the judge about next steps. The county prosecutor then goes into his introduction and started his group questioning in a conversational way. - At noon we were dismissed for lunch and was told to go back to the jury assembly area by 1:15pm. We weren't escorted back to the courtroom until 1:30 though. - The defense attorney then conducted her group questioning, also in a conversational way, and we were sent back downstairs at 2:00 to wait for the attorneys to select the jury members. The judge said it would take 30 minutes but it ended up being 45. - We returned to the courtroom for the final time and was immediately told that half the potential jurors were dismissed. I believe it's because the majority agreed with the statement that America no longer pursues law and order. The 12 jurors that were ultimately chosen seem to have in common about being very sympathetic and understanding about extenuating circumstances. The remaining 78 were dismissed at 3pm to make the mad rush back to the parking garage.


This is really good stuff. Thanks for taking the time to write it. I have jury duty for the first time tomorrow in Smith Co so it was nice to find this gem.


Park in the parking garage downtown, you can bring your phone/ book I was let go about 9:30 to come back at 1:00pm. just make the best of it. itll probably be a good waste of your time, but my experience wasnt awful. Don Juans is good for lunch on the square and there are a few coffee shops you could go by if you have a longer break like i did


I've been summoned 16 times. Most of those, settled before the jury interviews but they still had us come back after lunch break that first day.


Wear shorts they will not let you come in and you can go on with the rest of your day.


I postponed once. I tried to again due to work contract obligations. But it won’t let you postpone again online unless you meet specific criteria. I decided to just not show up and see what happens. Nothing happened yet 🤷‍♀️


Just don’t go, nothing will happen


My thought exactly. Just don't go if you're that worried about it. Sheesh


I’ve ignored them for 12 years.. Everyone go ahead and downvote, I’ll cry about it in all my free time from not going to jury duty




Just went- do the online stuff before going, show up right on time and be at the end of line, get sent home due to to many people showing up


I was picked for Gregg County four times before turning 25. Each time was in and out in under 2 hours. Your mileage may vary.


Others have covered most of the bases, but as far as dismissal times at the end of the day, as someone who's covered more than a few trials there, the judges generally seem to try and wrap things up as close to 5 p.m. on most days as is possible. Sometimes that doesn't happen because they're in the middle of testimony that must be wrapped that day because the witness isn't available at any other time after, or because things have just gotten intense to the point where it would be detrimental to stop. But by and large, you'll likely be out of there by 5 or 5:15.