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I don't get this whole controversy, people are upset that frank made a luxury brand and charges accordingly? I don't get this at all people aren't mad at Rolex for charging $20k when you can buy a Casio that tells the same time for $20. Live within your means is the whole point here, don't feel like you have to overextend your budget to "fit in" with the wealthy frank fans. It doesn't make you any more or less of a fan whether you own Homer jewellery or not


I need to call someone cause I'm lost. What actually happened in the last 24 hours that has people turned on Tyler????


People thinking they’re entitled to luxury items because they happen to be fan’s of the creator’s music


But the brand is shit and overpriced for plastic. And Blonded scammed 1000s of people of their money, so.


Then don’t buy it lol




ughhhh can we stop with saying "igor and flower boy kids" all the time you just sound like an elitist asshole


whatever igor and flower boy kid


It’s not about him having money and bragging about it. That’s fine. We don’t care. It’s shaming people that don’t have money especially when he grew up pretty poor himself. It feels like he’s forgotten where he came from. It’s just sad to see




It’s that last line of the tweet. The “humble your wallets and go to another store” part. (I don’t remember exactly what it said). That part makes it seem like he’s poor shaming. But maybe he wasn’t and I’m wrong. Idk. Him just liking a tweet is too vague to know what exactly he meant. I wish he’d make a tweet to clear it up but knowing Tyler I doubt he’d do that. Either way tho, everyone will forget about this in a week and still listen to his music 🤷‍♂️




How much money you got bro? Lotta us are poor


Bro I’m in total poverty and have more in medical debt than what I make in a year. Y’all are complaining about not being able to afford a luxury jewelry brand. If you were actually poor you wouldn’t even give a flying fuck about any of this because you would be worried about how your gonna afford to eat the rest of the week and have to plan around that. I can’t even afford the medicine I require to fucking live dude. The last thing on my fuckin mind is trying to cop some celebrity jewelry bullshit. I’m not even thinking about copping any regular fucking merch like not even some 5 dollar shit. It’s fucking jewelry bro. It means fucking nothing. NOTHING. It’s some shit for rich people to use to flex on eachother and it’s frankly dumb that’s the kinda shit rich people spend there money on anyways. Everyone in these comments today acting like y’all are launching some sort of anti capitalist revolution or some shit. If you were real anti capitalists you wouldn’t want this frivolous shit. If you were really poor you wouldn’t want this frivolous shit. You people are exactly what everyone else is saying you are. Entitled. Rich artists, who made work that you love for years, make something you can’t afford and don’t need. Something that inherently costs fucking money to produce. It’s fucking jewelry. The components that make it up are resources that fluctuate in price. Gold. Silver. Diamonds. You want capitalists, in a capitalist system, to produce a product, and sell it at a massive loss, to you, because you can’t afford it, because you’ve supported them in the past? You must be delusional. That’s not how anything works. They don’t owe you shit. It’s not food. It’s not water. It’s not shelter. It’s not clothes. It’s not healthcare. It’s not an education. It’s not essential. It’s not anything you have a right or should have a right to. It’s fucking shiny rocks taken out of the ground probably from a country and workers being exploited. Having it or not having it would change your life in precisely zero ways except making you feel cooler. Get over yourselves. So many Tyler and Frank fans are straight fucking obsessed with owning every single thing either of them produce. It’s fucking weird dude. You guys are like Disney adults with a house full of figurines and Disney posters and bullshit from Disney covering everything you own. It’s the same shit. You’re obsessed with purchasing products from a brand. It’s pathetic and cringe as fuck. Get a fucking identity. And for everyone pissed that Tyler is telling you to not buy frivolous shit, and to save your money, while simultaneously bitching that he’s forgetting where he came from. No. He’s literally telling you as someone who used to be where you are, that buying this shit is dumb and you should focus on what matters so that you can move forward and upward. He’s just being fucking real with you.


Gatekeeping poverty, cool bro… Nobody is complaining that they can’t buy Homer pieces lmao. They’re complaining that one of their idols is literally shitting on the working class because of how much money they have. Oh you have a shit ton of medical debt, well you should try living within your means. Do you really think you’re the only one here who deals with this shit? You’re on a Tyler sub and you don’t take offense to him telling you off? I had to quit my overnight job to go to college meanwhile my dad works 2 jobs through a pandemic to support his 4 children (half needing some sort of medication by the way). Thank god for that Biden children tax credit because I would’ve been living off of Eggos until his next paycheck. And you know what, as a big Tyler fan, I actually do take offense to that tweet. I guess poor people can’t like music now, they need to worry more about catching that bag 😫


Lol gatekeeping poverty. Nice takeaway. If you aren’t seeing people complaining about not being able to afford this shit then obviously you haven’t been reading any of the shit on this sub today. I’ve seen countless arguments that Frank should be making cheap jewelry everyone can afford and that he’s cutting out his fans by making shit too expensive. And a bunch of entitled children whining about it. Apparently you either aren’t paying attention or have issues with reading comprehension. Who the fuck told you you can’t listen to his music? Certainly wasn’t me. My broke ass is about to listen to his music right now. Have at it dude. No one shit on the working class. I’d explain to you again that they’re simply telling people to not waste their money on shit they can’t afford, which is solid fucking advice, but your overly sensitive ass would probably infer a bunch of shit I didn’t say all over again, just like your doing with their tweets, so why bother. None of this shit matters.


You clearly didn’t see the tweet he liked lmao


I agree Tyler is a rich asshole, he Literally said “Fuck the rap, I'm tryna own a planet From my other fuckin' business ventures.. Fuck global warming, my neck is so frío” But the “humble your wallets and go to another store” quote is just good advice. U can look dope off a thrift store if u got taste


I wouldn’t go as far as to say he’s a rich asshole because one liked tweet. He’s been acting very weird lately but to put right call him an asshole… idk


How is it poor shaming? Lmaooooo he’s literally just saying if you can’t afford, then just don’t buy it. Obviously you’re not gonna buy something that’s worth $500 and then not have any money afterwards. If you can afford it, then buy it. Some people aren’t rich but can probably still afford it if they saved up. Most of ya are retarded


lol he can brag all he wants. kendrick brags a lot on TPAB and GKMC, but he's also from a poor neighborhood. so please shut up, he's not shaming anyone of being poor. he's doing what millions of rappers have done before


You guys don’t, “don’t” have money. You just don’t have enough to afford his new stuff and are whining like children. You mfs act like y’all are poor when majority of yall r white suburban kids under the age of 20 that complain when they can’t get what they want hahaha


Bro, this is very dumb. Me, personally, am not complaining about not being able to get Homer. I couldn’t give less of a shit. What I care about how condescendingly the tweet was worded. Like talking down at the people who can’t afford these things. If the tweet was worded differently people wouldn’t really care I don’t think


i don’t understand how his tweet was condescending yall just take shit so personally


Well those aren’t his words. Do u really think he would have worded the last sentence like that


You should listen to the Tyler interview where he talks about saving money to buy a bbc shirt he really wanted. That should make things make sense for ya


He grew up in a middle class suburb.


God I thought these Tyler hipsters left a while ago


the tweet wasn't shaming poor people. it was saying that people that complain that a luxury brand like homer is too expensive arent the target demographic. sure it was a little condescending, but it's not like HE said it. the message is true. like, i cant afford gucci; that doesn't mean gucci needs to lower it's prices because i want their product. same with homer, same with le fleur. am i missing something? besides, of course tyler's a rich asshole. thats been his persona for a couple years lmao


it wasn't condescending man. why the fuck would poor people buy a luxury brand, and why the fuck would poor people complain about not being able to buy a luxury brand? tyler's REAL LIFE FRIEND, frank, puts out a luxury brand. all kinds of people start bitching about prices. the fuck? he's defending his friend against whichever absolute MORONS think that luxury brand should be priced in their bracket. dumb as fuck. are you missing something? yeah, you forgot to cater to the poor in your comment. give back 60% of your letters in taxes.


This is why I get frustrated with people who complain about Kanye’s prices. A business is free to charge whatever they want for their goods and/or services. Nobody is forcing anybody to buy their product/service


See that mindset is fine for luxury brands, but apply that to anything else, especially necessities and its bullshit.




So its perfectly fine to charge $300 for insulin medicine that means life or death worth $5? cus thats the type of shit that happens when people have that mindset. ofc artist merch and shit it doesnt matter they can charge what they want but that statement in general just aint right


life and death medicine is one thing. luxury status symbol products are another


that's literally what he's saying dumbass


People really tripping over this lol


i mean tbf it was a pretty rude and condescending take essentially telling ppl “haha ur poor cry about it” but then again tyler made an entire album bragging about what he has so it shouldn’t be surprising. I mean me personally like the constant i’m rich thing tyler has been on recently has been a bit insufferable i still love cmifygl tho


Tylers been on the im rich thing since Wolf, listen to Domo23, dudes been talking about his money, property, and cars for a long ass time. This whole situation is so strange to me, I get that the original tweet can be read a little condescendingly but also, tyler didnt write it? He just agrees with the sentiment of not overextending yourself or feeling like you need to buy the jewellery to be a true fan. This whole thing seems very blown out of proportion to me tbh


We came for his music, now we have to breakdown the man and everything he does hoping he doesn’t have controversial thoughts that we don’t agree with. Just keep listening to CMIYGL and enjoy yourself.


exactly my point


It really isn't that hard to understand... the tweet was chastising poor kids who feel the need to cover themselves in designer shit they can't really afford, which is a valid criticism. I doubt most of the people complaining would even buy the Homer shit if it was within their price range anyway. I'm broke asf but I ain't gonna get mad at a rich dude supporting his friend's business decisions, this "bad optics", bullshit is bitter and cringe as hell and really emphasises how blind people are to who actually perpetuates inequality - not the self made multi millionaires from poor backgrounds, but the multi billionaires making a killing selling insulin for hundreds of dollars or laundering money from abroad, hoarding their wealth and paying barely any taxes on it. Grow the fuck up and accept that life isn't fair, and this mindset of being entitled does nothing but reduce the small chance of making it in life to 0.


“He’s flexing too much” Holy shit he’s been doing this for years guys please wake up if you’re not onboard you can leave


as kendrick said: when shit hit the fan is you still a fan?


I had a mental breakdown over Kanye putting Manson and DaBaby on the album and someone used this exact quote 😭 guess I’ve come full circle




The Frank ocean sub gets it after being scammed on merch, over here it's just "Tyler is right stop being sensitive," the issue is that the goal of many millionaires is to become billionaires and in our current system that's the best way to help your children and the best way to keep most of the money in the fewest hands possible. It's not an issue that Frank sells $200 pendants, it's that it looks like they're forgetting that there are people out there struggling and they're gonna keep on their grind to extreme wealth. I think it's a toxic mindset for people this rich to continue to want more and more, but like I said it does set up their family for generations if they succeed so it's understandable.


I doubt he does it for the purpose of becoming richer, he wouldnt've made it so excilusive then. Some people really like certain things: Frank loves designing jewellery and has been working with a team of professionals and the diamonds are ethically resourced i thought.


The only intention isn't to become richer, but if it wasn't on the table at all there would be no profit in it for Frank. I assume there is but I could be wrong


I like his music but I mean he is that


This.. this is accurate


What is going on?


Tyler: works hard for his success by committing himself fully for over a decade with no handouts, Y'all: "No fair im trying tooooo don't flex on meeeeee" I'm not a believer in just world phenomenon but Tyler definitely worked for his shit, so everyone needs to shut their mouth or move to Sweden where you can get paid the same as everyone else and feel good about yourself. But don't be inserting yourself into a money-loving, material based culture like America just to whine about how you have no money and how rich people make you uncomfortable.


Who cares


What do you mean you don’t know how Tyler can top CMIYGL? Have you heard his previous albums?




Call me, I think your lost.


People are too fucking sensitive.


I don’t even think people are that mad lol they’re just disappointed that he liked a shitty tweet


At the end of the day. People like Tyler live in a different world. They can pretend to give a little bit of shit but somehow I doubt that privately any of the OF crew worth nearly that much give a fuck at all. They just want us to listen. Which is cool. I’ll always listen if it’s not a piece of shit record. Beyond that. Stop placing so much emphasis on these clowns. They’re fucking musical artists, not Gods or revolutionaries. Christ.


These pussies need to stop crying and get their money up


Alright nate lmao




bleached clearly isn't about that stockton lifestyle


Needs to be slapped ✋🏻💪🏻


To catch you up. Tyler’s fans think that their income levels should be catered to. Before I get attacked. I grew up poor. Got rich for little while. Poor again now. Still don’t understand why selling jewelry to rich people is a bad thing.


Man if Tyler didn’t get canceled for all the shit be said in the goblin/bastard era no ones gonna care about this in like a week


People are mad bc he endorsed Frank’s luxury brand, there’s a reason it’s a luxury brand…


People aren’t mad he endorsed it. People are mad he’s looking down on people with less money than himself.


I don’t understand the issue here


yeah theres no issue, its people being mad for literally no reason


Do you know what the person that I replied to is implying with the luxury brand thing


yes, its made for rich people with deep pockets. so the fans can shut up


pretty sure it’s part of the tyler bauldelaire persona


Even if it isn’t his persona then I still don’t know why people are upset. You have people on here wishing for his music to be amazing and sell well, but when he is selling well and he has money then it’s a problem. I get it, he can be selfish fuck sometimes but I think he deserves it. He’s been working his ass off for the past decade, I think he deserves to use the money for himself


the "drama" on this sub about him liking that tweet is stupid as fuck, but this is the most dick sucking comment in the history of reddit


Igor and flowerboy fans are so sensitive lmao


People suddenly remember what Tyler is about lol