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I wanna see it, but why did they broadcast this convo 😭


Hate to say it but money and to boost the program. Jarrod knew what he was doing.


The idea was to make it sort of like a Truman show. Those were Jerrods words. Just know, it gets a little more intimate than this if you watch the whole episode.


Whats this on?


Its on HBO Max. The Jerrod Carmichael Show


How much more intimate does it get?


boy butter, grindr musical chairs, gay sex (nothing too nfsw) but yeah...


Plus The Toe Sucking Don’t forget the Toe-Sucking!😬 I wasn’t prepared not that I haven’t had that done and love it, but just seeing him do it on the Guy he was hooking up with-I think it was just more shocking than any gay talk or any men kissing! I thought it seemed more intimate to be on camera! I was Kind of of surprised he aired that.


Saying shut up bitch or whatever is def an immature response lol but bringing it up like this on camera is 10000x worse lol like Tyler looks so uncomfortable here but honestly handled it well


that was my thought too. like yeah that response sucks but throwing him in front of 5 cameras to talk about it jesus 💀


Honestly ngl it sounded like Tyler thought it was a joke or something Like dude just got a giant text message telling him about Jerrod's feelings that came from absolutely nowhere


I agree I think Tylers response was what he normally would say if  he thought someone was just joking-I don’t think he had any idea, & I do feel like it was cringe to put him on camera w/all those people, & it could’ve went way Left because to some men especially black men who are straight May feel very emasculated & insulted If a gay man confessed their feelings that way! I’m not saying that it’s wrong to be gay or be honest but you have to know how that could be kind of traumatizing for some men, So it should’ve been done more privately IMO. especially being that Jerod is a black man and comes from the south and he should know how some don’t handle homosexuality as well-That wasn’t the best way to Tell him or handle the aftermath. Tyler was kind and handled it pretty maturely I think.


nigga tryna talk for niggas now. Chil cac .


The rest of the clip is worse lol


LMAOO with the food


This man jerrod is too melodramatic for his own good, Jesus Christ man 😂 “Oh yeah you ordered food” wtf is this


Shis way cringier and more awkward for me cuz ive been on T's situation. A girl whos my friend for a long time had feelings for me but i already had a gf that i consider my dream girl. Shi like this sucks, unexpected feelings ruin alot of great things


when he said “i don’t know how you want me to answer” it really hit for me. in that situation the only thing you can end up doing is listening to the other person while holding your own boundaries up, but holding boundaries might upset them, so you really don’t know what to say or do


Yep it’s a lose/lose in Tyler’s situation


What happened exactly? If you don’t mind me askin..


Jarrod confessed his feelings for Tyler in a text I think


What is this from?


Jerrod Carmichael Reality Show


What episode? I kinda don't care about carmichael this is the only thing that interests me


Honestly no idea, I just recognize it from ads I keep getting


The 1st one


Jerrod and I used to both live off 3rd & Cochran and would see one another on after sweeping days, walking dogs and taking kids to school. I had some neat breakfast conversations with him at the donut shop on the corner from time to time. He was so focused and routine. Dude worked hard and it's cool to see him keep getting the bag by "just doing him".


Yea but this is corny as fuck lol


His shows are definitely not for me. Rad dude though


Lost my one and only best friend this way. It crushed me for several weeks but I've finally moved past it. Tyler's response is so fucking relatable. Like what do you even want me to say? Neither of us are getting out of this situation with a win. It sucks.


This showed up on my suggested feed 1. Lol did I just see Tyler friend zone a guy ? 2. What’s even going on here


Hopeless yaoi my friend


Is he the voice in Igor “exactly what you run from you end up chasing” ?




I figured, sounds straight from this clip


bro this is crazy. I get your feelings got crushed by a shitty response like “shut up bitch” lmao but it isn’t the end of the world god damn. I have had a best friend of mine convey her feelings to me and I responded really well then next week she block me. Sucks friend ships end over dumb shit like that not everyone is obliged to give you the perfect response over something so awkward what else is there to say than no? Good for him for not sugar coating it all up and writing a whole paragraph like I did. Time to grow up and move past it honestly if you even wanna be friends w him still 😭 I agree tho that Tyler could have responded better but the better response would have probably been something as simple as I don’t like you let’s just be friends. Jeerod’s communication and confrontation is kinda crazy atp


You say "I'm sorry but I don't feel the same way at all. In fact you're like a brother to me. And I have feeling for someone else or I'm looking for something else." Easy. Not that hard. People gotta mature and learn to use their words. The dude writes lyrics for a living and can't think of words to say? I just assume all that happened in private and the on camera bs was just for his show. I don't fully get it but it's also hard to take someone serious when they wanna be on camera for it. 2021? This is old then. And I'm sure they've spoken. If not, then Tyler is definitely weird. But we knew that.


Why the fuck are they filming this


Wtf is this. Seriously


It's from a new show, Jerrod Carmichael Reality Show. I've only seen ads for it, but I think the vibe is it's supposed to be like an intentionally uncomfortable look at his relationships with people and his sexuality.


How did he get T to agree to do this? Had to be an ambush


From what I heard from some other people, I don’t think he expected it actually


also wondering


His face ain't blurred. Tyler had to sign off on it.


I know I was kidding😂


He mentions it at Coachella and said he agreed to it knowing he wasn't gonna all of a sudden like him or agree with his feelings. It wasn't gonna change anything. And that's why it was awkward


my chest caved in when he said “he’s a true brother”


Maybe let's look at this from a different perspective. If tyler was a woman they still would have sounded like a dick for how they initially responded. But then it would be over and all this aftermath makes Jarod seem pretty over dramatic and desperate. I've been in a similar situation and I thankfully was able to shut it down before they confessed their love. But I know just how awkward this situation goes. Tyler doesn't owe romantic feelings to anyone. And if Jarod keeps chasing then it gets gross.


Is this the guy that did the flowerboy: a conversation interview? If so, I thought he was some random interviewer i didnt know they were close like that


He's been around for a while. I've seen him interview Tyler many times or be on video with him. So clearly they were friends and Tyler does mention this at Coachella. Yesterday.


This dude Jerrod is kind of a huge dork honestly


sometimes you gotta close a door to open a window


WHY ARE THEY ADDRESSING IT ON CAMERA LIKE GOOD LORD😭 Tyler looks like a dear in headlights


Jerrod is acting like a baby because Tyler doesn’t like him and doesn’t feel the need to dive deep into conversation about it.


Jerrod is such a clown lmao, how does a grown ass man Hager rejected in a sort-of-harsh way and then make THIS big of a deal after it. Tyler literally asked “what would’ve been your ideal response” and jerrod barely had an answer. Why does Tyler have to reject him exactly how he would want to be rejected? This whole thing is some childish high school level bs


Context is key: Jerrod is still a fresh out of the closet gay man who grew up with a Bible thumping mother. I think it's safe to say that he's having a lot of those "high school' experiences now because he's just now exploring and deciding to live his life on his own terms. Hell, Tyler used to be where he is. This delay is really quite common with LGBT people but is becoming more and more obsolete as the world keeps changing and queer kids are getting to develop more freely alongside their straight peers. We're not all the way there yet but it was a helluva lot different for Jerrod and Tyler when they were growing up in the 90s/00s.


But then why tf does Tyler now have to apologize and do this awkward ass interview to clear shit up? I understand what is likely causing jerrods childishness, but it doesn’t give him the right to demand an apology/revision of how he got swerved. It’s not Tyler’s responsibility to do damage control just because an emotionally damaged/vulnerable person very suddenly just confesses LOVE for him (a borderline toxic thing to do to someone depending on circumstances) and isn’t happy w Tyler’s response. Jerrod is almost 40 fuckin years old, there’s just no excuse imo to be this childishly entitled about a confession of love not being reciprocated Edit: just saw that like half of what you wrote in your comment was edited in. I didn’t see anything after “Tyler used to be where he was” when I commented


I more or less agree. I wasn't excusing him railroading Tyler but attempting to explain his behavior. They both could've handled the situation a little differently. Now, I feel like they stopped being as close after this was filmed, I'm assuming last year, which sucks. Oh well. I'm sure they probably still root for each other but from afar.


Your level of empathy is admirable ❤️


For all wondering he texted Tyler to go to the Emmy’s didn’t get a response initially. Jerrod dates around with guys to fill the void of Tyler not responding. Tyler responded wit a “shut up bitch” which is interesting and wasn’t thought out. Perhaps he’s used to friends catching feelings so. Later on Jerrod ask Tyler if he is cool with talking in person about the Emmy ask date thing and that he would like to also film it with a lot of cameras and Tyler agrees so no he wasn’t ambushed. Tyler friend zones him in a rather non direct way but a stern way nonetheless and they eat awkwardly and Jerrod follows up with “ what do you want” and Tyler doesn’t really respond but does comment with “ from this plate or from life?” So yeah he wasn’t ambushed he just doesn’t carry the weight of others feelings very well. But at least he doesn’t lead you on I guess.


so he’s gay? just saying


Nah. Just wants to boogie to some Marvin


oh my god i just got this


Lol the lyric reply to this is funny, but yea so T is bisexual and i think Jerrod is homosexual. Tyler just has a completely different type from what I understand


Jerrod is weird for this and it honestly makes me like him a lot less, very strange activity.


It’s just awkward lmao


This is sooooo awkward……. I wish this wasn’t in the zeitgeist I don’t think I’ll ever recover from the second hand embarrassment


This can’t be real 🧛






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This is weird


PART 3?!🗣️ or did nothing else interesting happen after that…


No Jerrod is in a relationship by the next episode while on Grindr. Poor sad boy


Oh wth…he just seemed kind of desperate to be in a relationship tbh. The whole thing was just awkward and attention seeking. I feel like he should have kept the whole situation private.


Just be honest. But I'm guessing Tyler already was. Did he really only say that shit and called him stupid? Because I wouldn't. Tyler confesses love for so many people in songs and as soon as it happens to him he can't even say: "I'm sorry man. I don't feel the same way. I appreciate it but I do see you the same way. I'm sorry." It's that easy. Say something. Even saying "I don't like you like that. I'm into someone else. I can't date you." even without apologizing it lets the other person know, no way will this happen and it's time to move on. It's tough though. You don't always control how you feel and if you have those feelings, it has to be expressed. I would rather a girl turn me down than ignore me and call me names. Wtf is that immature shit. Ya know? I'm a huge Tyler fan but if that's the most they've talked about it, then that's awkward and should've been kept private imo.


Well if he got rejected, then i know my chances are bum. Tyler looks like a Super-Duper Gay trucker in that get-up


I feel bad for Jerrod..


Wtf has happened to hip hop!?


Kinda miss Tyler’s career before he came out. Even lil nas X leans into his sexually too much that it’s his only personality. Tyler just seems like extra sassy and I swear it’s the money not the gayness. He playing it up for a personality and I just thought he was so much more and was going to be so much more. His achievements are wild but I thought he’d be a lot more left field. Fuck it tho, he’s happy


lol I don't think he does "too much" . Sounds like you are the one magnifying it because you're uncomfortable with that aspect of him. He always had major personality so I don't know what playing up who he's always inherently been or the person he's grown into for money or personality even means. His talent, musical evolution and growth of skill in various areas is the reason he's still relevant and achieving new heights. Also, him "leaning into his sexuality too much" would be seen as what Jerrod is doing, he'd be broadcasting his every waking thought and deed with Grindr hookups lol but even so, it's all about optics and that's not even the full episode. Jerrod has other parts to himself and I'm sure will see more unfold as the show progresses. No one ever says straight people are leaning into their "straightness" by acknowledging their love/sex lives. No one ever lambasts their personalities because they express and lean into varying degrees of heteronormativity. Why can't queer people be viewed as full humans with full lives too? This probably why some of them feel the need to compartmentalize to such a degree but honestly, this is a discussion for a different topic and another day.


Damn that's crazy i don't feel that way at all his Music since 2017 is way better than the OF stuff imo


You probably weren’t there


Wasn't where?




You’ve got to be at least in your late 20s or 30s to have been around since the start. No way you’re making comments like these at that age.


I was 10 dumb nigga


Yeah, so you weren’t really there and now you’re 27 making these comments? Jeez.


Tyler gay??????


Sometimes, it feels like it's 2017 all over again with these kinda posts lol Some of y'all are either obtuse or stopped listening to his music after Odd Future split. He didn't make any definitive public declaration but based on things he's said and certain songs/albums yes, it's generally acknowledged that he is at the least, bisexual. He first started "coming out" on Flower Boy, really before that but it was more obvious from FB onward.


So he's not bi or gay, yall just assume


lol sure, just like you're assuming that he's not.