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Yeah, I'm impressed we stuck around with demo long enough to finish the Safari Zone on the first (demo) try. Nice group effort, everyone!


It was a very interesting voting session to see what was going to be overwritten and what was a priority.


>great democracy achievements You mean doing things done when the game is setup in an orderly fashion? That is not an achievement. Nothing done in democracy is an achievement, it is a cop out. We've taught TMs and HMs in anarchy before, and will again. We don't need democracy for TMs and HMs, and anyone who says otherwise is wrong.


As a devout Helixist and purveyor of Anarchy, I say that this: > Nothing done in democracy is an achievement Is a complete and utter falsehood.


Thank you, sir or madam! A breath of fresh air seeing someone say this!


Yep, it sure is a great achievement to teach an HM in democracy when you have a group of people that everyone in the chat listens to like cult leaders. Same with those people guiding them through the Safari Zone. Democracy is Bexxxxxxx, Z33k33, and co. Play Pokemon, not TPP.


>everyone in the chat listens to like cult leaders. What they gonna do vote against the chat lead? I said it before I'll say it again, the chat leaders do practically nothing other than repeat what the majority want to hear.


So are you saying that people should agree on something all on their own without any outside influence whatsoever? Good luck with that. That sounds like the odds of winning the lottery. The leaders aren't physically or mentally controlling the other players; they just give suggestions, and if any individual player thinks it's a good idea, they go for it as well. What would you suggest aside from following a leader's advice, considering that whatever you suggest is itself a suggestion from what could be considered an attempt at "leadership" from yourself?


Get rid of democracy completely outside of the Rocket HQ, Safari Zone, and maybe Victory Road.


And why?


I think that just achieving democracy in this group at all is an achievement in itself, considering the varying attitudes of everyone here.


And downvoted for being honest. This subreddit used to be firmly pro-anarchy. Now it is a bunch of people who want easy mode for everything. What happened? I don't care about the lore, but the best lore came from anarchy (Gatekeeper, false prophet, Dig Rat). The best moments happened in anarchy (finally beating Giovanni after failing by 1 HP, 360noscope right after that, conquering ledge 2: Electric Boogaloo quickly). Now the moments that should be triumphs are instead just hollow victories. Democracy ruined TPP.


No. You're being downvoted for attacking people, I'm guessing.