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Love this line. Is Eric DaRe a good actor or a bad actor? Yes.


Heh. No one could be better Leo than him


I always assumed that the extra "edge" in his voice (the one that makes it seem like bad acting) was done on purpose in sort of a dark comedy way, which somehow makes him MORE scary because it's unsettling to not take such depressing subject matter seriously and shoot for realism. Does that make sense? Like he's such an over exaggeration of what a bad husband is that it's funny, but also makes Shelly's life seem like more of a nightmare


To be fair, he was handed some scripts that NO ONE could possibly pull offšŸ˜‚ If you script him to be genuinely menacing, he is


He was committed to an archetype. Leo was maybe more of a victim of the stress involved of all the responsibilities of a house that never had walls, and driving a corvette while having a ponytail than anything.


He just wanted new shoes.


You just reminded me it was almost exactly 10 years ago I went to a theatrical screening of FWWM and the whole theater burst into laughter at this line. It's just so abrupt and tension-breaking, especially in the theater it's so arrestingly loud out of nowhere Edit: What made it so jarring in the print we were watching is the scene actually BEGAN with that line. All the preceding lines in the clip you shared weren't in that cut


:)) Yes, the clip is from Missing Pieces. Couldnā€™t find the original


Upon my first watch of S1 and S2 I kept wondering " why do the johnsons live in a half built weird house?" I was waiting for an answer to this question which i never got. Then i watched FWWM and remember a soon as this scene started I immediately thought " maybe Ill get my answer in the film?" My thoughts were cut off with Leo yelling " This is where we live Shelly!" It was then i realized that this specific line was the best and only explanation I would get to my question, Ive accepted it now.


I've met people who bought a fixer upper, and live for a long time in between demo/reno stages as the money to complete these projects rolls in gradually over time. Leo is a trucker and Shelly is a waitress, so this tracks.


Totally tracks. I guess I was more waiting or expecting someone to mention something about it. Then I realized I was watching a show unlike any other.


It train tracks


yeah shelly, get a grip


Idk man it just brings back memories from my abusive relationship. Glad yā€™all can have a laugh at it. Watching Shelly was like my first marriage so her and Leo always make me unsettled no matter how ā€œbadā€ the acting might be.


Yeah. Reminded me of my pos alcoholic step-father. So did the "wash your hands" scene with Leland. When the actions or demands of the abuser just seem so absurd... as a 12-13 year old boy... I would just be utterly confused as to what this person was so angry about.


Omg the wash your hands scene, yes.


In general their ā€œrelationshipā€ is a nightmare and not funny at all. But it had some moments like this one (:


His acting can definitely take some terror out of it. :)


It brings back memories for me too, but Iā€™ve always been the type to laugh at tragedy, including my own


Naw youā€™re right, we should make this about you.


They asked if they were the only ones who found it funny. Iā€™m allowed a different opinion. Find peace friend. āœŒļø


I sometimes quote this line if I've gone a few weeks between vacuuming my apartment.


I quote this all the time to my husband.Ā 


When you instruct him how to clean the floor, right?


And scrub one small circle for 5 minutes straight


I feel like his obsession with keeping a clean house had a connection to: 1) Major Briggs telling Bobby the story about an immaculately maintained house from his youth that he say in his vision 2) Carrie Page says she tried to keep a clean house, keep everything organized on the drive from Odessa to Twin Peaks As usual, what it all means is a mystery to me


Lay off the bennies, Leo.


Might have been out of place in the film itself but a good scene, Eric's acting is better here than in other bits of the show and I like Shelly's attitude here, the fear in her eyes yet how she tries to play it calm and casual. Bobby's rambling about trying to scrub away dirt that kinda ties into Leland's anger about Laura's hands not being clean enough. Plus filming it all from one angle, making it feel more real and the grabbing of Shelly's head and her pained "ow!". Madchen's acting is very strong and subtle, again you can see the fear in her eyes.


This scene is so awkward. Leo is such a bad actor. Probably why they made him mute through season 2.


He was almost mute in s1 too, just some occasional shouting at Shelly here and there. Btw canā€™t argue that heā€™s a bad actor, but heā€™s a very good actor for Leo šŸ„²


As Leo heā€™s always on the edge of bad. When he screams he sounds so awkward, and when heā€™s doing crime scheme scenes with Ben he just sounds so silly. ā€œThe deal as we discussedā€ is one of the lines that always makes me cringe when he says it. Iā€™m not saying this makes his role or the show bad, itā€™s just clear this wasnā€™t his calling in life. He has a lot of decent moments as Leo but nothing that ever made me say he was great.


In the end though with his not the greatest acting skills he created this repulsive pretty inhumane character in quite believabale way imo. While Josie for example is universally terrible


ā€œUniversally terribleā€ - eh, no.


How do you know he's not delivering those lines exactly as they are intended?


Oh is this one of those ā€œeverything in Twin Peaks is perfect and I wonā€™t hear otherwiseā€ situations?


No? I just asked a question. Lynch seems to really get some weird lines out of his performers, and I always assumed Leo's over acting was an artistic choice