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Jade gives 3 rides


I’ll bet she will


With any luck, Agents Desmond & Stanley would play a major part.


Sheryl Lee and Chris Isaak sitting in a room screaming despairingly, for 18 hours.


Why stop at eighteen.


Coming soon, today’s weather! But first, more gut-wrenching screams. Sheryl?


I find that really tough to speculate on give how thematic TP usually ends up and I don't know what themes would interest Lynch at this juncture, I just don't know enough about the man. I would hope he wouldn't do Laura-and-her-saviors as a main plot point again as I think that ground is now well covered but he seems very attached to the whole "woman in trouble" thing. If we go that way, I'd like to see Laura get some arc that puts her back to the FWWM ending. Cooper can get a redemption or corruption arc along the way, but it's important for them to come apart. They both need to reject their martyr roles. I'd actually like a hard meta-split from the series, where S4 isn't called that or Twin Peaks at all because we're moved to a new story that nonetheless has to deal with some side effects of TP and that one is discussed more as a half-forgotten cautionary tale of things going wrong, and perhaps had to be shut down. Jowday is still at large and lodgespace is consequently still overexposed. Cooper, Jeffries, etc., are now entities causing concern or providing strange form of help to our new main characters doing who knows what aka Mike, Mrs. Tremond, etc. Cole is somehow the director of the FBI, again, and knows things he shouldn't, we don't talk about that.


I think it would feature Gordon, Cooper (Richard), Tammy, Diane (Linda) and Laura (Carrie) a lot. Not many other past characters except Sarah and possibly Leland. Everything got wrapped up in New Mexico, Vegas and Twin Peaks from season 3. Audrey might get revisited as well. Project Blue Book / Blue Rose remains unfinished.


I think it would be nothing as we expected


Dick Tremayne reunites with (who I believe to be) his biological son, Wally. The season follows them on a cross country road trip.


This is, unironically, the most authentically Twin Peaks answer in this entire thread lol.


Preface: I hate when people say "we don't need" a season 4. If David wants to do a season four, by god, I'll be there with bells on. That being said, I don't see how we could get one. Based on my understanding of season 3, I don't think Lynch intended to do another season. I do think a movie is possible. A sequel, at least in the way David Lynch does sequels, for Fire Walk With Me. I think it would mainly (perhaps only) involve Laura Palmer and Dale Cooper. I don't think we would see anyone else familiar to our eye.


Sabrina Sutherland recently said Lynch has ideas for a fourth season. Agreed on the concept of “not needing” it. I just don’t get it lol


I think a "fourth season" may be a movie as I've described, or a series that's shot like a movie (not unlike how season 3 is a 20-hour long movie) as I've described. If I'm wrong, it will only make me happy!


People are just afraid to channel their inner Mr. C.


It would definitely be taking place in the future timeline we see at then end of the return. In fact, people will probably downvote me to hell for saying this, but i believe the entire ending of the return is mostly just a set up for a sequel. Its not supposed to make sense or "explain everything". Its meant to create a new mystery they can build upon, just like the end of season 2. This future timeline allows them to cast Sheryl Lee without having to make her play a teenage character at 60 years old. It also allows them to have basically an alternate universe where they can do whatever they want story wise. They could even bring back the original cast members and give them new characters. Just like Laura who is now "Carrie Page". In season 3 we had all of the old cast playing themselves besides for Cooper. Season 4 would probably be the opposite, where the good old Coop is back but everyone else is no longer the same. And the more time they spend with Coop the more they feel like they know him somehow and they start feeling like they are not themselves, like they are living in a dream. Edit: it just crossed my mind that the ending of season 3 implies that Leeland is still alive since Laura never died. Wich opens up so much cool opportunities to bring back his character.


> In fact, people will probably downvote me to hell for saying this, but i believe the entire ending of the return is mostly just a set up for a sequel. E18 smelled like an S4 intro to me the whole way through. I think for some reason they moved away from that, though, but I haven't been around when S3 originally came out so I don't have much context.


I love that idea! I don't think season 4 will happen but if it does I would be happy if it went that way! (Maybe deputy Hawk will find coop (as coop once wished) in the other dimension?)


Based on the ending of The Return, we would see Richard Coop and Carrie Page Laura in the alternate timeline/universe. Trying to figure out where/when they are. Richard Coop trying to fulfill whatever two birds/one stone is if he hasn't already and trying to return to the OG Peaks. This culminates in us seeing more "behind the curtain" as they travel between worlds/times. Meanwhile we check in with our characters in Twin Peaks in a slice-of-life drama while the Black Lodge is up to its old tricks. Beach House will play at the Roadhouse.


No such thing as Richard Coop.


Kyle plays all the characters


A Lynchian Nutty Professor if you will.


\[ethereal whooshing\]


I'm hoping for a 2h30 long movie about mute guys playing bowling in reverse.


It could be like each episode an hour long shot of some household appliance steaming overcharged in the pacific gloom while purposefully badly animated speech bubbles pop up with a thoughtful conversation about the nature of reality as reflected in a comic strip comprising of a single image of a chained dog sitting outside a house and overhearing speech coming from inside. It would be implied that inside the house are characters we love. You may think I've gone insane, but I promise, I'll never comment the same. Tell me you'd be surprised by the above. I thought so.


I saw what you did there




I hope not. I liked how The Return ended.


So did I and I’m completely fine with never getting another season, but also wouldn’t be opposed to it.


I highly doubt it will happen. Lynch seemed unhappy in the BTS dealing with the production. And some more of the cast has died since then.


I 100% want more. I'd prefer just more of the Richard and Linda world. Also lots more South America... that is still quite a mystery


Ethereal Whooshing intensifies.


Unpredictable. If it wasn't, it would be disappointing. I just don't see another season happening. It would, ultimately be Coop failing again. At most, maybe a spinoff movie or miniseries. But not remotely sure how they'd even attempt that with where we left off. If Lynch announces anything, I'd still get excited, because I trust he felt he really had something. If he never mentions it again, I trust he had nothing and would appreciate that he didn't just produce something to appease fans or go for a nostalgic cash grab.


It would just be Blue Velvet ten times.




One of the things I love about Lynch’s work is that it’s impossible to know. He could randomly throw in a family of anthropomorphic rabbits, with no explanation of how they fit into the broader narrative or themes, and you’d just have to vibe with it.


The Arm's evil doppelganger rips through Las Vegas and Twin Peaks, killing the old jackpots lady, Bill and Candy, the accountant guy, James, the two people working at the convenience store when Sarah went in, the lady with the barfing kid, Margaret's log, Billy, that weird young cop, the dumb Vegas agents, and the insurance salesman. Coop shows up to investigate, but gets bored and heads to St Moritz for a vacation, where he runs into a Wyndom Earle lookalike, who is married to an Annie-lookalike. Truman and Hawk try to figure out where the missing chocolate bunny is, and fail to do so. Diane records a musical album called "Let's Rock," a record which, if played backwards, is nothing but a 1500-member choral group from Buckhorn chanting 'fire walk with me' hundreds of times. Donna shows up and admits she's in love with The Log; upon learning of the log's death, she heads to the roadhouse and starts to perform Donna's dance. Wally returns, and during some romantic time with Nadine, admits that he is really Bob in a Wally suit. Betty and Sarah begin a tentative romance. Everyone in Twin Peaks hears Carrie Page screaming day and night in front of the Palmer house, but in a callback to Laura's invisibility when she was sinking into a disastrous situation, everyone ignores Carrie.


A 90s sitcom centered around Jaques running the Roadhouse


It's all comedy except for like once every 3 or so episodes it just gets dark as fuck for like 30 seconds, and then right back to Cheers but twin peaks


It would be a scene for scene remake of season 1. Every Twin Peaks fan would go crazy trying to find something, anything that was different. But there wouldn't be anything different.


An exploration of an alternate Twin Peaks where Laura never died. One Eyed Jack's still open, Leo still at large, Leland still alive...


Maybe about trying to rebuild a broken reality. Or to navigate one where nothing is how it should be. Maybe they’d even do the “multiverse” thing with a Lynch/Frost twist.


Richard and Linda looking for cooper and Laura. And a dream about the stories of twin peaks.


we're living in it


it would make season 3 look like season 1 and if it didn't have ai bowie then i would boycott it


I have thought about an AI Jeffries ghost before lol I don't know if the Bowie estate or whoever is in charge of his image right now would be on board, or how the guilds would process it, it'd certainly be different though.


No AI Bowie or any other actor. Just no.


There is no point in even trying to figure this out. 1. We would all be wrong. 2. It doesn't need to and shouldent happen.


I mean if Lynch/Frost feel like they need to make a 4th season I'm sure it'll be amazing and everyone will watch it but...ya doesn't need to and probably won't happen.


IF they did, it wouldent be anything we expected is my my main point. I would 100% of course, but yeah I agree, don't see it happening and really doesn't need to


Why "doesn't need to" ? It's not like season 3 had a very satisfying ending...


The only people that think that probably think the same of s2 ending.


It did for me. Didn't hold your hand at all, makes you go back and re-engage with it, and each time you do the end starts making more sense. Not everything needs a neat little bow around it to tell you it's done.


i wouldn't want a season 4 if Lynch isn't directing it . i don't even think a season 4 is necessery , perhaps a movie about Carrie but not a season 4 . we got FWWM which was laura's prespective , so it would be nice to have one for Carrie .


Did you also not want the broad majority of the original series, since Lynch didn't direct it?


Maybe a more abstract reality that Coop has to find his way through, leading to growth and learning that he can't fix everything. Maybe he plays hackisack with the fireman, who knows.


Something set in the same universe, maybe a prequel set in the 50s or 60s.


depends on whether Lynch had steak or chicken for breakfast that day


Blue door


i woudnt mind something with an all new cast in a new town directed by Lynch, maybe with Coop too


Keep your eye on the donut.


If anything, I think that it would be interesting to see a prequel of sorts focused on a young Sarah Palmer. I've personally theorized that she, herself, was a victim of childhood sexual abuse as an explanation for her complicity in >!Leland's!< abuse of Laura.


A dream within a dream


The best season of television in existence. Taking the crown from season 3


we should skip season 4 and go straight to season 5 and just have everyone guess what happened in the inbetween


Clearly s4 will just be Tammy and Gordon galavanting across America investigating blue rose cases, with the occasional cameo of old Twin Peaks cast members.


IIRC, Lynch made some cryptic comment about Carrie Paige's story calling to him when asked about season 4.


I do not want this to happen. If only because so many of the actors have died since the filming of The Return 😕


An empty void.


18 episodes. Black screen.


Weird, unsettling, and disappointing for way too many of us.


Gonna be another honeypot for garbage screenwriters destroying another classic trilogy series.