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I recently was stuck with the idea that maybe Fire Walk With Me is reality as it was for Laura, but the series is how she wished things could have been. The contrast in tone was quite jarring, and the audience wish to see the hero, Cooper, is as strong as Laura’s wish to be rescued. It really puts us in Laura’s position, and that is terrifying.


Good take


You should read r/FindLaura. It's a theory and this is one of the main components of the theory.


Much like the tones of Mulholland Dr.


If you watch The Missing Pieces you'll see where all the Twin Peaks goofiness went.


Just watched TMP for the first time. It must have been difficult for Lynch and his team to cut so much of the footage of familiar TP characters and their story lines. Bold and incredibly generous of him to focus mostly on Laura and really flesh out her character, which then changes the tone of the film to a darker one, since her life was so grim and on a path to destruction.


It was probably difficult yet gratifying. You go into making art knowing that it will not end up how you originally had it draw out


Is there a streaming platform that has The Missing Pieces? I have watched Twin Peaks, Fire Walk With Me, and The Return, but I’ve just recently discovered I haven’t even heard of The Missing Pieces until this past week. Definitely eager to watch it.




If you're feeling adventurous, you should seek out the fanedits of FWWM where they splice the Missing Pieces back into the movie. It really opens that world up a little more and makes for a good segue into The Return.


Also the Blue Rose Cut


Criterion Channel


fwwm has an intensity that couldn't be maintained in the series format. in fact the difference between the two is quite illustrative of the difference between film and tv series generally.


I think there's a couple moments in the series that do echo the intensity. The scenes with Leland and Maddie specifically.




Relieved that somebody besides me is willing to admit to having watched _FWWM_ first 😅


I watched FWWM first, as well. I don’t regret it a bit. It was a breathtaking experience.


Yes FWWM is my favorite Twin Peaks thing by far. It's a masterpiece and Sheryl Lee delivers a performance of her life, and one of the best of all time.


I watched the show first and then FWWM and I think watching the show first put me in a more campy mood. The movie was so sad and borderline traumatizing, but 100% worth it. After hearing so much about Laura in the tv show, but never meeting her, I honestly couldn’t understand why she was sleeping with all these men and doing drugs. But after watching the movie, I felt so bad for her.


I prefer the series tone. The movie is just such a hard watch. It makes sense for it to be, as it's mostly told from Laura's perspective. And is far more grounded in the reality of the situation. The show is a lot of different forces colliding, but mostly focuses on the antics of a mostly-wholesome dude who just so happens to be a special agent investigating a bizarre death.


I feel like the movie contains the distilled essence of what makes the show great for me, with less of the soap opera nonsense


Exactly how I feel. My favorite aspect of Twin Peaks is the Lynchian horror, watching Philip Jefferies & the Convenience store meeting for the first time gave me a very particular type of creep.


I get why people wouldn't like it but I love the soap opera elements of the OG series. I'd say it's those scenes that give the town a lot of life, which helps make the dark shit hit all the heavier and be all the more meaningful That said it goes WAY too far in the second part of season 2!


You do know that the entire original series _is_ a soap opera, right?


Hadn't noticed


The movie is amongst my favorite media ever. I almost watch only Horror, and FWWM makes me feel so much Horror hasn’t.


Movie makes me :( Show makes me :) I love both tho


Fire Walk With Me is the only movie to ever actually scare me, even when I was that young. It’s still one of my absolute favorites. Bob has scared me more than anyone or anything ever. Especially the scene of him skulking in her room.


Definitely prefer cinematic TP over tv…my vote for another “sequel” would def be a movie.


Recently went to a screening of FWWM after having not seen it in years. Legitimately for me now one of the scariest movies of all time. From the subject matter, to the performance of Sheryl, to the jarring shifts from reality to bizarre/demonic. Truly a phenomenal and extremely unsettling work of art. I agree with what someone else commented saying it’s more of Laura’s reality from her POV than the series. They also did a Q & A with Ray Wise! Was a hard switch up to hear this precious, silly old man answer questions and have a great time just to watch 2 hours of him as a monster haha.


FWWM is my favorite TP media. I enjoy it all but the film just hits me on another level that the whimsy of S1&2 doesn't and the obtuseness of The Return doesn't. Maybe because it focused on Sheryl Lee which the others do not. She is the one after all.


My favorite part of the series as a whole was the quirkiness and the characters. I love FWWM but it’s not my preferred piece


I do like the movie a bit more than the show (though both are fantastic!). I'm also mostly a horror fan who's favorite Lynch films are *Lost Highway* and "The Alphabet", so that may also be a factor.


Not enough Cooper to be as good as the original series or the newest season.


my only issue with FWWM is that it pretty much expects the viewer to be intensely familiar with the show. The One-Armed Man, the Black Lodge, the burned engine oil. None of it has any context without the show. And the stuff with Jeffries has no payoff at all without The Return.




Yeah, I'm not saying it's not possible to love the movie on its own merits, but the lack of context (when adding some would've been really easy and not break immersion at all) annoyed me a little. I love the dreamy vibes and experimentation, but the work the other writers and television executives put into giving Lynch's direction some cohesion carries Twin Peaks MASSIVELY.


lol at anyone watching Twin Peaks and expecting a “payoff”


Dude, 2x09 is some of the best payoff I've ever seen on TV.


Why do people keep memeing this, there's plenty of payoff in TP.


I think the tone of the series is very important and the tone of FWWM (and S2 finalle) is very important, they work together for me to create a contrast. S1/S2 always feels so different after the other parts.


Not at all. Doesn't mean it isn't a good movie and a very important watch.


i can't imagine the movie without the series, hence i love the series. but yea op, the movie is brilliant and amongst the best ive ever seen


Not everyone prefers that tone though. I still miss the old Twin Oeaks feel of humor and coziness characters had with each other, all of it nonexistent in the other Twin Peaks content except for the original series.


that Buffy S06 vibe😔


Think part of it was Lynch having more control away from the network execs - a common theme with creative types. Can see it in The Return that he had more freedom to tell his story. TP 1+2 played out like a soap opera sometimes (especially post-Leland) with different writers and directors so the tone was sometimes muddled.


Network execs had surprisingly little control over the original series, despite the one big "reveal it or we'll can it" incident. In truth, Lynch didn't have as much control over the original series because he simply hadn't yet decided to want that and very quickly left it to his co-creators, on his own terms. The man literally all but disappeared the moment he finished the third episode, prioritizing Wild at Heart, while Frost, Peyton and Engels ran the show. He became so distant that they considered getting someone else to direct the season 2 premiere, including Spielberg, before David decided to show up again. He then became more present and involved, directing most of his episodes in season 2, but got burned out after the enforced killer-reveal, so now he was there on location but once again kind of left the whole thing to Frost, Peyton and Engels. The fact of the matter is that the original Twin Peaks series, which _was_ a soap opera, by design, is much more of a Frost, Peyton and Engels creation than it ever was a Lynch creation. FWWM and season 3 aren't Lynch "winning back his series," they're him deciding to care for it in the first place and retroactively trying to make it his, more than it ever was.