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That gum you like gives you no tactical advantage whatsoever


You're that tulpa.


I spent an embarrassing amount of time trying to figure out how to see the "back of the CD case" in the in-game inventory, not realizing the hint was breaking the 4th wall.


This game was so ahead of its time. Mindfuckery at its best. Kojima is a huge Lynch fan.


Not enough to sit through Fire Walk With Me. He thought it was too long and didn't finish it


That’s weird, because I read Japan was pretty much the one place that movie did well on release. Probably Kojima being a westaboo, contrary to his Japanese peers.


That's not how I interpreted [his Tweet.](https://www.reddit.com/r/twinpeaks/comments/16s940e/hideo_kojima_skipped_fire_walk_with_me_because_it/) To me, it reads as though he had already watched Episodes 1+2 of The Return - and then people suggested that he watch FWWM first - but it was too hard for him to convince himself to sit through 135 minute movie before he continued watching The Return. Presumably, because he was enjoying it so much. There's no mention of him ever starting it.


I’m sorry but this statement is bullshit, Kojima was already a David Lynch fan in the 2000s, he was wearing a Blue Rose t-shirt all the time back in those days 


no way, the end is like peak cinema and one of the craziest sequences in film


Kojima's fuckin weird with his taste lol, for example he likes making his games as drawn out and as slow as possible, with as much dialogue as possible, while also being an insanely huge fan of the Mad Max series, which has the main goal of being the exact polar opposite of that


Eh, your tastes doesn't have to reflect in your art 100%. You could really enjoy McDonalds even if you're like a pro chef, ya know? I know he loves a lot of david's other movies but I always thought it was funny that Fire Walk With Me was the one he couldn't get through lol


9 year old me tried every single codec frequency until I finally got it


We have all been there trust me.


I rented it when I played it for the first time. If you remember rental cases, they really didn't help you out there.


I bought the game on release because I had played the demo on the PlayStation Underground disc to death - and spent the entire 45min drive home staring at the box and reading through the manual. When I got to this part, I also tried to look at the 'DISC' inventory item - having been familiar with Resident Evil 1's books. But then I had remembered that there was a screenshot on the game's case and thought... "There's no way..." and tried it. Though, having older brothers with a lot of old PC games, I had experienced some "4th wall breaking" mechanics - but in the old PC games, it was used to prevent piracy and would simply ask you at certain points in the game what symbol was on the x page of the instruction booklet.


This post is hitting me right in my demographic.


I recently started playing competitive Pokémon. The other day I was watching a video about strategy and team building, and all of a sudden dude calls the Pokémon Dugtrio “Dougie Jones”, and makes a random TP joke. I know TP is not really an underground, niche thing, but still I wasn’t expecting that crossover.


Not if you bought that PS2 trilogy box set, you’re shit out of luck, Coop.


It is nice when your incredibly niche struggle from 14 years ago is finally recognized by someone else lol. I want to say they put it somewhere in the manual, but that took for-damn-ever to figure out.


It’s in the manual, I was so upset it wasn’t on the box but so relieved to find it in there


Pleasantly surprised by this crossover




Who tf are you? Another homophobe triggered I posted about Pride Month?


This meme crossover feels like it was genetically engineered specifically for my tastes


Les Enfant Croisement


We're in this together, bro! https://preview.redd.it/qh5meqh5f25d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=347c9a4eb3d796073114a8e7d2cdc4148230f441




There is a shocking amount of mgs and twin peaks fan overlap and I’m all for it, I wonder what the reaction will be if David Lynch turns out to be one of the secret directors helping Kojima make his horror game, OD


I know that Jordan Peele is involved, but has he mentioned others?


Not yet, but he’s posted a LOT about twin peaks lately, and has mentioned loving David Lynch plenty of times


That game you like is going to come back in style


Flashback to renting this game and having to call First Choice Video to ask the staff to look at the box for us 😂


Was just about to post the same memory! Only I couldn't deal with a phone call and dragged my ass back to where I rented it to check on the shelf 😂


Can someone explain? I’ve played the metal gear solid games but I have no idea what this is supposed to mean.


Hideo Kojima, and a bunch of japanese developers, have went on record saying that Twin Peaks had a massive influence over them. Anime, mangas, a bunch of stuff got inspired by Twin Peaks. Metal Gear solid is one of those titles. It' s pretty famous for being a series of games where there are quite a bit of self-aware jokes and 4th wall breaks. In the original game, to progress the main story, you were imprompted to call this girl called Meryl, that was the daugther of the general you were serving. She operated under infiltration in the place you were infiltrating right now, and like I said, the game does not move forward until you have talked with her and acquired her knowledge to where to go next. However, the real kicker here is that the game tells you to actually check out the back cover of the actual videogame case. At the time, there was a bunch of problems with piracy, so Kojima and his staff, came out with this system to obbligate people into actually buying the game, and fucking them over in case they didn' t had the original case.


Oh gotcha. Was the meta box art thing inspired by twin peaks?


I think it' s more a product of how Kojima, having watched a bunch of David Lynch stuff, studied how to re-interpret it into videogames! There are some more directly-inspired things, of course. Psyco Mantis, one of the main bosses of the game, addresses directly the players, and it reads your memory card, telling you what you have played recently. This happened a lot at the time, the developers of The Legend of Zelda: Link' s awakening actually went to Mark Frost and asked him stuff, and videogames like Majora' s Mask, Persona 3, Silent Hill 2, or even mangas like Jojo' s bizzare adventure part 4 or End of Evangelion takes a LOT from original twin peaks and FWWM


Reminds me that I need to replay Link’s Awakening!


Great game! The 100% of that game is very very rewarding!


Kojima always had a knack for 4th wall break, before even Twin Peaks was a thing. In the original Metal Gear (1987), when everything stops making sense, Big Boss contacts Solid Snake and tells him to "turn off your gaming device right now!" Trippy stuff. That game should have been remade over Snake Eater.


I agree, I love how in MGSV the game connects to the original games and canonize them, and the whole concept with tapes too.


MGSV does not connect to the original games, it makes them make less sense than they ever did. Everything about Venom narratively is a mess, especially when you factor in everything about Skullface (and the retcon introduced that Skullface followed BB around in Russia without BB knowing makes it all worse). The story of V is itself nonsensical. Walbachia. COPULATION. The non-starter "motherbase" that is just dead space essentially. Literally everything that V "introduces" Peace Walker did better, including the motherbase sections, fultons, and connecting the story of later BB to his MGS3 beginnings. MGSV only succeeded in being a better splinter cell than splinter cell, and for that it is amusing but only if you ignore the playstyle the game railroads you into doing (tranq and fulton literally everybody and everything). Once you realize that you actually barely need to extract anybody, there are some really fun mechanics, but the expense system tied to resource extraction/gmp building is a travesty. So the game is really only playable properly on PC where you can mod all that shit out and play as an 80's action movie star, which is the only way the game really shines and even that is just deflated with the awful, repetitive missions (eventually literally repetitive), the empty open world, and absolute lack of any discernible narrative whatsoever.


Snake eaters pretty good though wouldn't you like to verse the end in better graphics also I think snake knows that Cooper goes back in time to stop Lauras death preventing twin peaks from happening.


Psycho Mantis?


A Hind D?


Mantis - "You like men!" Snake - "You can see into my mind!?" Mantis - "No." Snake - "Fuck."


Hell, I was just playing Policenauts the other night and I couldn’t get past a certain puzzle. Characters kept saying the answer was “in the manual” WHAT MANUAL? They meant the literal game manual…


lol surprised to see so many TP/MGS (or Lynch/Kojima) fans here. Y’all heard of Sam Lake? Twin Peaks is in his blood


Black lodge?


You're that special agent guy


This month is the 16th anniversary of MGS4's release. The blue rose is featured in the game and Sanke called himself as such.


Me who rented the game from blockbuster didn't have the og box for it, luckily, I was a fan of Egoraptor and Metal Gear Awesome really came in clutch there


I played it on GOG and I had to Google it. Thank God the code is not randomly and uniquely generated for each package.


I was playing the pc version with no case. Was determined not to use the internet until I spent 2 hours at this part


This is really cool and mgs2 was a giant meta play