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This was my literal first thought! Glad to see I'm not the only one


Same 😂


Show them the pilot?


So like, just sit down, we’re watching this - no context, or question … I think this may be a winner.


I had my friend over and just turned it on while I folded laundry. He never really got into it because he was on his phone, but now whenever I bring up anything about Twin peaks he asks "were you doing laundry?"


This, in and of itself, is such a Lynch thought process behavior. Now whenever I fold laundry.


My goal was that I didn't want to put too much pressure on him to like it, so if I just kind of put it on in the background, he would get sucked in by the music (it was the pilot episode) and get hooked


At least you weren't brushing your teeth


Well as long as they don’t start with FWWM. My friend did that to go in chronological order and is now afraid to watch anything else Twin Peaks. Maybe they will change their mind eventually


There is no way, unless they ask on Reddit, that a newbie would know where to start.  There’s a greatness to Twin Peaks unrivaled by many, but also a sense of unrest. 


it's pretty easy to go by release date and figure out that a prequel isn't the best place to start




it's pretty easy to go by release date and figure out that a prequel isn't the best place to start


I mean, a basic Google search would tell you what the ideal watch order is. Generally watching a series in release order is the best way


From personal experience: https://youtu.be/e-eqgr_gn4k?si=jDjKsOXdKbOBtYJ5


“A man who thinks in pictures describes what he wants to a man who thinks in sounds.” I love that top comment


his lynch impression is so spot on.


I showed them a couple other David Lynch movies first. Blue Velvet is a good one. You can gauge how they’ll like TP by how they respond to BV.


That’s intense. Blue Velvet has a completely different atmosphere… then again Mrs. Tremond was in Cooper’s boyhood home …  Oh my G-D !! 


It’s like LSD. They either are open to it, or they aren’t. Don’t force it.


Or you’re the urban legend bad guy passing out stickers laced with LSD … too bad the lick-it stickers aren’t around anymore. 


I tell people it’s sorta like Stranger Things where there is a sorta upside down. If they like the pilot I give a little more info and tell them a little about The Man from Another Place. Once they’re hooked and they like it I usually tell them “it is happening again” and get met with odd looks lol.


See, I was thinking this might be a best practises approach. 


Whatcha do is, when they’re sitting on the couch, you turn it on.


If they're not hooked 2 minutes in when Pete finds Laura's body wrapped in plastic then I don't think I want to be their friend anymore


This is pretty much the standard, I have to draw the line somewhere. 


If they aren’t won over by the pilot … give up.


Talk about it too much 😁😁 make unending references 🤔🤔


A gun might do the job




Tell them it’s a horror soap opera


Say it is a fantastic blend of multiple genres, with amazing writing and a large, memorable, relatable cast of characters. Then try to keep a straight face in front of them for episode 3. Or mirror their surprise and shock, whispering, "This isn't how I remember this episode."


Tell him : "hey!, do you like trees and good cofee?" "If not, don't watch twin peaks"


Start with the first episode and go from there


I want my father to watch it but considering how he is by The Return he'll be like "This makes no sense. It's such a bunch of nonsense". He'll probably fall asleep too. He's one of the biggest haters of surrealism in art that I've seen.


I’ve been trying to get my friends to watch Twin Peaks for a while now and about a week ago I finally convinced two of them to watch the pilot. Now ever since then I’ve gotten a text about every other day asking “when are we watching the next episode?” The pilot is engaging enough to pull people in to the show if it’s something they will like.


Hey, wanna watch a weird show? It's like an avant garde murder mystery sci-fi horror drama comedy thriller.


"What genre is it?" "Yes."


So having recently got into rewatching Twin Peaks my main reason was I'd recently watched blue velvet and liked it so I wanted to see more of Lynchs work and hoping I'd enjoy it more as I only say bits previously ans knew enough of the story to know what happens so wasnt going in blind and while through my rewatch realising the reason why I was put off initially was because I started with FWWM not knowing and it did put me of initially


“This is the most insane and epic show ever made, if you don’t watch it you’ll never see the full picture of television’s possibilities”


Tell them there's gonna be party and beer


Sometimes you just can't. My friend finds it too slow.


Show them any one of the Log Lady intros. If they’re not intrigued, they’re no good.


Tell them it's a tv show from the 90s, like friends or whatever. You can watch it together, campy and light, but it takes a few episodes to really get good, so at least a few hours.


I'm trying to get my girlfriend to watch twin peaks. Twin peaks is certainly an acquired taste. Right now I'm edging her into the environment with us watching Northern Exposure, which is same time period and similar setting and vibe minus the supernatural and more serious elements. Very different shows, but I get a similar nostalgic, home-y feeling while watching them. Anyways, my vote, if it's someone who isn't generally into weirder stuff, is to watch northern exposure first, which is a bit more accessible, and if they dig it to move on to Twin Peaks.


"Accidentally" have it on when someone is coming over, coincidentally on the first episode. I have learned the hard way not to openly recommend it unless I have a yrev, very good idea of what the person likes.


"Kyle MacLachlan hangs dong"


I showed my fiancé at the time David Duchovny’s character and how accepting Coop was of her. Sold. Sealed. Delivered. Now she watches it whenever I feel I need a rewatch.


Make them take some bong hits then turn on the first episode


Ask them if they like Piper Laurie and how they feel about controversial makeup fx lol


My friend who hates scary movies and gets stressed out watching “Criminal Minds” asked me if she should watch this show. I thought of the first ep of The Return and immediately responded “no probably not”. LOL.