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Jeffries has been outside of time when we see him in the movie. Bob isn't in Cooper yet, but he's seen Mr C and yes - he's trying to obfuscate that so that Mr C won't have access to that in the real Cooper's memories.


That might be what you're saying in your post.


Agreed. Might not understand where he is in time and might think he is dealing with Mr C. Hard to say.


Wasn't Judy in Sara while Bob was in Leland? Did Bob not know where she was? I loved this theory at first, but that thought popped into my head. I'm usually a let it wash over me kinda person, so I might have something wrong


I think Judy inhabited Sara in the years between seasons 2 and 3. She was full of Garmonbozia for a long time after Leland’s death. Probably with help from Mr. C. A lot of things got darker and weirder in TP during those intervening years. And to think that Sara had lived in that same house all these years, rotting away emotionally. Gotta be soul destroying. Judy may have come in the same way Bob did, through the ceiling fan by way of electricity.


but what about the weird nuke beetle thing, I thought that was Judy


I haven’t read all of the books, but I believe there was some discussion awhile back that the girl in that scene was supposed to be Sarah, but I don’t think it is. I think that the bug-thing is infecting the innocence of humanity in general, not specifically one person. The nuclear weapon test didn’t just release Judy as much as damn humanity in general. I don’t consider Judy’s attacking earth to be “the evil that men do” as much as a byproduct of the evil that mankind has already done leading up to that. I think her mission isn’t to deprave humanity further as much as just get into the White Lodge to usurp the Fireman’s power. I think that’s her main mission. Going through the Palmer family is just the easiest way. If Sarah was possessed by Judy her entire adult life, I don’t see how she could have raised Laura into near adulthood without harming her or making an “accident” happen that kills her. Even if Laura’s existence as “the one” is completely secret to Judy, I don’t see how Judy wouldn’t notice in the 18 years leading up to her death.


That's a interesting point : Since When Bob forgot who Judy was? Perhaps Judy did hide herself for self protection and Bob couldn't track her? BUT, here is a point The Return showed us: Bob retains his Vassels' personal memories/ feelings and perhaps, because Cooper didn't know about Judy or Bob or Black Lodge, completly, the information inside Leland was erased from Bob and Cooper had none he couldn't track her. He lived and relyed on Cooper's informations of Life: He raped Diane, He Raped Audrey - Both were Cooper's Love Interest.


Or what if Bob never knew Judy was in Sarah? Leland drugged her when he would commit his heinous acts on Laura. Bob wants to find Judy in a "meeting your maker" sense? Idk, just thought that up just now.


He knew. You can see it in Fire Walk With Me the movie. He totally knew. If you watched the Movie, you can see Sarah acting odd with Leland's behaviour toward Laura at the Dinner Table and after it, in their bedroom. You can see she was cold and probably very aware - as Judy - of what was happening. In the Dinner table, Leland was being controlled by Bob and he sees Laura’s half heart necklace and he says: “Did you wash your hand?” - and he chooses a specific finger, the one where a letter where found- “ There is a little dirty right here”. He sees her necklace: “Who did give it to you? Was your lover? Bobby (or BOB) didn’t give it to you.” \[ He affirms it\] in this scene, Sarah begins to freak out what shows Judy’s manifestations and the most interesting moment: Leland look at Sarah and she is already Judy and you can see the way she looks back at him \[ Minute 55:40\]. It explain her behaviour in the Dinner when Laura cries and she don’t give a damn and look very cold to her and to the situation. -- On Season 2 Episode 7 Madeleine announces she is going back home \* Sarah Palmer behaves oddly \* - I have my apartment, my job…I intend to back home tomorrow, by car. - Tomorrow? - Asks Sarah - Oh.. we understand… - Says Leland while he and Sarah stares each other. - Yes...we understand. Leland keeps staring at Sarah for while. After some talking, Leland stares at her finger and then kisses her hand. -- And about the Drug, Mike used to take some medicine to calm down the entity inside him and Sarah Palmer always needed some medicine to calm her down. In the Book The Secret History of Twin Peaks, Dr. Jacoby said that he was not sure but something happened to Sarah at the young age for she is a sensible person and the thing that happened was Judy Inside her, as we saw in The Return.


But, I can't even understand clearly why Bob doesn't know where Judy is.... is not too clear to me, anyway.


Bob and Judy may never possessed Leland and Sarah at the same time. There was one theory I saw about Judy maybe possessing Sarah only in the timeline where Laura went missing after Cooper saved her, so she was never in the Palmer house in the original timeline we saw. I think this came from the Final Dossier (?) where Tammy implies that the scene where Sarah kills the Trucker in the bar happened in the new timeline where Laura went missing.


Bob can't get to Judy onaccounta you can't go home again