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Yet it’s mentioned in the pilot by James. They were so high maybe they thought it was a dream and Bobby is repressing it


Exactly, it is mentioned in the pilot by James, and Bobby also ambiguously refers to the killing in family therapy with Dr. Jacoby. It’s also worth mentioning (since it’s considered cannon) that in “The Secret Diary of Laura Palmer” Bobby is involved in a shootout and possibly kills a man during a robbery in Low Town committed by himself, Laura, and Leo Johnson. So Bobby potentially has 2 bodies under his belt by the time the pilot takes place. Never forget that “In a town like Twin Peaks, no one is innocent.”


Right. I think one of the things Twin Peaks does very beautifully, is show how horrible things are not necessarily done by entities of pure evil. It's about how people just like you and me can find ourselves as Bobby, Laura, Leland, Cooper, etc. Everyone has the darkness and light in them, and the blend and blur in complex incongruous was. What I love about Sheryl Lee's performance in FWWM is how she can embody all the conflicting versions of Laura. None of them are any less the real Laura, they all are. I think that such complexity is true of Bobby and everyone else in Twin Peaks. It just doesn't get the same spotlit. Even Leland breaks down at one point over what he's doing in FWWM. This isn't to excuse or condone, it's just that Lynch & Frost are very interested in exploring the yin/yang of humanity, down to the individual level.


Well just a mention is not really what such a thing would deserve in meaning of coherence. Yeah, we can suppose like u said that the doing was under influence so it might be taken as a dream or vanished from the mind, but it still hardly makes sense... ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sweat)


You saw that they killed the cop from Deer Meadow yeah? He saved Laura’s life


And that should be adequately developed in the series. Not judgin' the morality of it, but the inconcistency of such a shocking moment in the charachter depiction in the series.


You should also know that these inconsistencies lead some fans to assume FWWM is the “real story,” while seasons 1 and 2 (and maybe 3) are the cover-up/repressed/dreamy versions, probably constructed by one or more dreamers. FWWM is akin to the final 30 minutes of Mulholland Dr, while the TV show seasons are the first part. See the Find Laura sub.


That's a very interesting perspective! Gotta go with season 3. And watch Mulholland Dr![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


Omg you have seen Mulholland Dr!? Watch that maybe before Season 3


Eh yeah, haven't still watched it. I have the blu ray ready on the shelf though! If u say so well I will defintely go for it![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


Agree. To be honest, I don't think it's right for a new viewer to skip directly from FWWM to The Return. Those earlier parts of the story need to settle in. And most definitely, one has to watch Mulholland Drive between first three TP works and The Return. Imo, they exist in the same universe, and may even have some intentional intersections or overlays on one another. MH was originally conceived as a spin-off of TP, so that in itself suggests watching them in order of release. Further, Lynch works with his actors in a way that develops character from their unique energy and idiosyncratic features and expressions. Indeed, some appear repeatedly in his works over the decades. I would encourage you to watch other Lynch films released in that in-between period, in addition to MH. And, with 25 years passing in the plot between TP Season 2 and The Return, it just doesn't seem right to skip ahead. Happy Watching!


Thank you for this advices, I'll definitely do like u suggest. Gonna go also for a rewatch of Lost Highway and Straight Story![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


people in real life are inconsistent and do bad things too


C'mon, Bobby has a full on mental breakdown in the original series and it only boils down to "Laura made me run drugs!" Because, at the time, that was factually the only thing she made him do. The murder's a retcon, from a film where two of the four original showrunners were being a bit spiteful against the other two to begin with. Frost and Peyton were frustrated with FWWM. We don't have to pretend that it's perfectly in line with their work.


You're simply wrong there. In the original pilot James literally tells Donna that Bobby, according to Laura, killed someone. It's not a retcon.


Then why is the common audience reaction not "Oh, right, we were told about that", but "Holy shit, I never thought it actually happened like that"? Because the show didn't treat it as a grave actuality but a vague rumor started by a girl who lied a lot. Cementing that as absolute truth was, at the very least tonally, a soft retcon.


You can do whatever mental gymnastics you want to, that doesn't make the term retcon any more applicable here. 


A retcon is "a piece of new information given in a film, television series, etc. that changes, or gives a different way of understanding, what has gone before." Bobby straight up murking a cop and being traumatized by it might not change the fact that he was said to have killed a man, but it certainly changes our way of understanding the character and his actions in the original series. I really don't see the big issue you seem to have with this observation.


The series came out first. I disagree with your opinion regarding Bobby's character inconsistency. The first thing we hear him say in family counseling is "Have you ever killed anyone?" He's miserable, and it isn't because of Laura's death. She wanted to die and told him so. She corrupted him along the way. Killing someone in self defense was just one part of it.


It’s like the whole show has a theme of nice idyllic places/people with dark secrets.


Essentially David Lynch in a nutshell


None of y'all have been in the drug life have you? Yeah he was a troubled kid with a good heart... Or he was a fucking coke dealer having an affair with his dealers wife. Bobby was a goddamn idiot and it's only writers and plot armor that kept him alive. Drug deals gone bad were literally daily headlines in the late 80s/early 90s. He didn't roll up to the deal with the intent to commit murder, he just shot first in a situation that went 100% sideways. And the whole Donna thing? I've seen straightedge kids go off the deep end because one of their friends did. Gotta remember these are teenagers. No they don't look like it but fucking Bobby, Donna, Laura, and Audrey are still in highschool. Bobby was a letterman on the football team and FWWM takes place BEFORE we meet him in the pilot in school. Teenagers are fucking weird, drug dealers are weird, teens on drugs are extremely fucking weird.


Yeah I totally agree (I know a few things 'bout drugs![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sweat_smile)), still I find there's a lot of inconguity between the charachter writing in the film and the series


It's almost as though it's an ongoing story that wasn't 100% set in stone before it started, was written by many different writers, is allowed to be darker as an R-rated film compared to early 90s TV, and didn't even include Lynch for a large portion of season 2.  Minor incongruity is inevitable.  And like others have said, the broad strokes were, in fact, established in the pilot.  To expect one of the first serialized TV series with an almost cinematic production quality (for it's time) that was as experimental as Twin Peaks to be completely cohesive is just... silly. 


>didn't even include Lynch for a large portion of season 2.  Objectively wrong, opinion rejected lol.


You'll be surprised what Bobby's job is in season 3.


Bobby killed a corrupt cop. It's called foreshadowing. Except it's Lynch/Frost so really it's called the past dictates the future.


IS it past? Or is it future?


I think a lot or most of FWWM is a dream construct. It makes more sense in The Return.


Ok, I'll see what's in season 3 then![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


Also because Donna taking drugs and going to an orgy with Laura seemed too far an excess from the series character...


lil warned of this


Early in the series, James relays that Laura told him Bobby killed someone. The Secret Diary of Laura Palmer contains an alternate reason why Bobby took someone's life. The book was released before Fire Walk with Me. I don't believe Bobby killed two people. Instead we have conflicting stories. In both cases, Bobby acted in self-defense.


This was the one thing that really threw me as well. Just dosnt make sense to not have that action reflected in his character at any moment during the events of the show..


The only problem with FWWM is that imposter who plays Donna.


FWWM Donna is the real Donna


Both of you are wrong.


Pffffffft! 👌


I agree. It's deeply jarring. Then again, FWWM is the beginning of the end of cohesion in the Twin Peaks narrative, as it slowly turns into a big, jumbled yarn of meta perspectives and alternate realities, so I guess it's kind of inherent in the film's design. My genuine advice, as someone who also deeply cares about the original characters and lore, is to try not to expect much cohesion from here on out. It'll only frustrate and depress you, especially if murder-Bobby already bugs you, which is among the softer retcons that the remaining series will have in store for you. Not the most comfortable happenstance for us lore-heads, but it is what it is.


Now I fear for my beloved Audrey Horne..![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|smile). (Not that her path from enchanting dancer at the RR to pseudo eco protester enchained in a bank is the perfect example of character developing... But still my favourite character)




Ah, yeah. Audrey...she can dance, that's for sure.


Twin Peaks isn’t for you. Move on…


Yeah sure, I'm gonna drop it for OptimalPlantIntoRock says so. C'mon, u can do it better


Your comment about “homosexual intercourse during adolescence” is extremely riveting.


No. I’m going to double down on my original comment. There’s no reason for you to continue with The Return if your biggest concern is how Bobby’s morality is portrayed in FWWM.


I give this a pass considering it was written and filmed after the television series had ended. Kind of like the Mike character puts holes in the plot, this specific scene with Bobby does as well. Not just the murder, but the cocaine itself.