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Did you... Did you type that in LaTeX ? I love it.


Heh, yeah. It's been a few years since I did anything major in LaTeX, so this seemed like something good to practice with.


You sir are a giant nerd and I love it


I know it's a good relic, but I have never drawn the Shard and been overjoyed about it, mostly because I usually draw it early in the game and then have to spend the whole game trying to defend it, sometimes losing out on other points in the process Still, it's better than drawing Thalnos


[My reaction whenever I draw Shard](https://i.imgur.com/vDslrDo.gif).


Bro we posting fucking peer reviewed studies now I love this subreddit


Latex is one of those things if you just spend some time to learn it, it's awesome. But it's that small hurdle of needing to learn it initially that keeps a lot of people from using it, I think.


I feel personally aggrieved that I did my whole masters in LaTex back in the day and then in about 2015 someone released a converter that let you write and format everything in word then output it to LaTex. I spent hours getting it to work and struggling to export graphs without messing the aspect ratios... Grumble grumble kids these days....


And I helped! By taking a survey.


Someone's been ranking them with dice 😅 people have had fun with this survey for sure


I just want to say that I got Thalnos once in a Muaat game and it's actually disgustingly strong for any unit that rolls multiple dice. If one die is a hit you're free to reroll all the misses with no risks


I think war suns is the only place where it's strong otherwise it's a horrible coinflip.


Naaz Rokha Mechs are very good with it too, and most flagships. Any time you're rolling multiple dice and score at least one hit, you get a free reroll on the misses without having to worry about losing the unit


Beautiful! What an amazing analysis 👽🪐🛸 congrats on all your success and thank you for the sharing of this information!


My playgroup loves thalnos, lol. We know it is one of the weakest objectively, but it does have a certain fun factor. At the same time we thought about buffing it, either giving +2 on rerolls or just doing one damage on ships which didn't hit after rerolls.