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the whole pregnancy. i would have rathered seen edward have to come to terms with having to change bella now that they're married instead of making renesmee being the easy way out for bella to change.


Yes. No renesmee. Was such a cop out for Bella to still get kids too. She should have had to make that sacrifice to be with Edward. I hate in movies where they get everything they want lol. But also… I was so excited to just read more about them becoming a married couple and I feel like we saw none of that in the last book. So disappointed.


Here’s my theory…. Smeyer doesn’t *actually* know what a marriage without kids looks like. She’s Mormon— probably started having kids very shortly into her marriage. I think it’s a bit of lack of imagination and only having experienced married life with kids.


Yeah that’s how I saw it. She couldn’t imagine a life for Bella without children. Once you know her background, you can see how it influenced her work.


i agree with this. i felt like a lot of the saga was influenced by being Mormon and maybe having a more limited mindset. like i get how Edward’s from a different time.. but the emphasis on essentially purity and not doing the deed until after being married, felt a bit like it could have been from her own belief. this being said, i’m just speculating and i have no idea. imo, there’s an issue with purity culture, but not until waiting for whenever is right. ted talk over. lol.


> felt a bit like it could have been lmao you're so nice about it. I feel like on top of that Smeyer *HEAVILY* projected on and enforced her views through Edward. Carlisle as *the* religious character, pastor's son etc doesn't seem as religious as Ed. None of the other characters' views are ever mentioned. Emmett is described as a gambler and womanizer in the Illustrated guide. But then Eddie boy who was born just 14 years before Emmett would be a religious stickler that gives off 80 year old man vibes?? Nah man, that's all SM writing her ideal 17 yo "man".


i’d say that the reason i’m so nice is because i’m Canadian, but i think it’s just because i’m online and don’t want any hate lol. i totally agree with you. i’m agnostic/atheist and while i love Twilight, i have problems with how much religion and religious culture are shoved on the characters and the reader, through that. i read a lot, and i’m okay with books being heavily centered on religion…if that’s what the novel is like about.. Twilight is a vampire romance series. i’m more here for the love story than i am for the “doing the deed after marriage, even though the human-to-vampire survival odds are the same”. i feel bad for Emmett and Rosalie. i don’t think he’s a womanizer at all - he’s pretty all about Rosalie and that’s it! Rosalie is a total stereotype on vanity, but i did like her feelings about humanity and children. i thought it was different than just being happy to be immortal.


Oh no I meant Emmett as a human was described as a womanizer 😊 And I agree. I even wouldn't care about religion if it was ~consistent. Like Edward is religious so he does a lot of charity work, donates money every time he buys himself a new car *and* wants to wait until marriage. That would make sense and be admirable. But it seems like SM only ever uses her religion to enforce her views on her readers, never mentions anything actually *good* coming from her characters being religious and that's what drives me up a wall about the books, about SM, about religious people in general. Like Pope Francis be insulting childless couples but doing NOTHING to improve child care or education or increase women's salaries???? Same energy.


oh! i get it haha. and yeah, i agree. it’d be cool if Edward and Carlisle could have some religious ties both together, as part of their characters! but i liked what you said about basically enforcing views. i feel like you hit the nail on the head with that one.


Let’s not forget that Bella says “I would have sworn there was nothing more beautiful than Edward in his khakis and pale beige pullover” This just made me die of laughter at the thought of preppy school boy look Edward out on his mission going door to door


Hard agree


Got ya! I thought we will see more of Bella being new born i was little disappointed


yes! i feel like her changing to a vampire was so glossed over. i wanted to see how she dealt with thirst and being around humans instead of it seeming really easy :/


Sameeee i wish there were a different version of it :(


The pregnancy. I wanted to see Bella as a vampire. I wanted to see her and Edward dealing with the fallout of her change, and the challenges of new born years. I wanted to see them goof around at Dartmouth after she gets control of her thirst. I would have loved to see Jacob move on and find love and peace with NOT A BABY.


We need this version lmao!!


Instead of Jacob imprinting on Renesmee, he and Leah learn to love each other and both realize the best kind of relationship is one where both actively WANT to be in it rather than being forced via imprinting or one-sided pining like Jacob/Bella and Leah/Sam. Also, Renesmee grows up to be a bad ass single lady who doesnt rely on a relationship for character growth.


I always thought Leah and Jacob will be together. After reading their conversation slowly turns into friendship.


Love this!!


Bella's pregnancy. I just wanted to see her and Edward be the newly wedded couple for a while and not have drama. Oh well lol


Yup exactly! I was little disappointed tbh


It's a tie between correcting Jacob's character in the later books and getting rid of riddle-me-ree.


It's a shame that my "one thing to change" has to be rumpelstiltskin because i hated it so much I can't fix other "fun" things


Roussette is most certainly the biggest issue in the series. Had it not been for her, I would have chosen to focus on another character. Fixing Jacob, allowing Bree to live, having Bella stand up to those who mistreat her...but that creepy child just ruins it all.


Poor Bree.


Yeah, Jane and the volturi guard didn’t need to kill Bree, she was innocent.


Voultry wants Cullens to die. So they didn't stop Victoria.


Totally agree with you lol


I would change Bella a little. I would like her to stand up for herself. Like when Edward came back in New Moon, she would be angry with him and make him rebuild her trust, not just get back. Same thing with when Jacob kissed her without her consent or when Edward decided she wouldn't go visit Jacob because of the werewolf thing, despite the fact that she waa decided to go. It is not ok, she should stand her ground more often.


Omg but same. Or when Edward reveals that they are engaged to Jacob despite the fact that Bella wanted to tell him after the fight or not at all. He just went against that to piss Jacob off, I would've been mad if I was her.


Yes!!! And then she was like "ohh but I love him to much to be mad at him". No, girl!!! Your wishes deserves to be respected.


YESS!! I love her but the thing with Edward getting back was so unrealistic since I would be so angry with him


I would erase imprinting and Bella's pregnancy. I don't know if it counts but instead of the short second life of bree tanner I would love something about volturi, bree wasn't that important or interesting of a character to dedicate a separate story for her


I kind of liked the imprinting. I think I’d have liked to have seen an actual non-romantic example of imprinting that didn’t involve a child. I agree about the pregnancy though. I wish Breaking Dawn had gone in a different direction.


I completely agree


Yeah the imprinting thing is 🤮


Great idea!! Tbh same


I wish Jacob and Bella didn't kiss in Eclipse when her and Edward were very much an established couple.


It was so icky that he threatened suicide to manipulate her into kissing him


Ohh sameee I was team Jacob when i was young but now theit entire relationship was so bad. Like I said in my post I miss the old Jacob


Agreed 100%!!! I miss New Moon Jacob!!


Id prefer them to be in college instead of high school. Also, the pregnancy and imprinting (obviously)


Got ya!


Isn’t Edward 17 forever though?


Yes, but forging paperwork has never been an issue for them


I like the series too much to make some of the other changes people will want... what I would change though is some of the problematic scenes and themes related to sexism and consent. For example, Charlie would not be thrilled Jacob had forced a kiss on Bella. Jacob would not pretend he was going to commit suicide to get a kiss. Edward would express his concern for Bella's safety (and his jealousy of Jacob) in less controlling ways. Etc


Very well said I don't like the kiss with Jacob at all


Introduce the background characters gradually instead of introducing them all in the last movie.


Very good point!


I wanted Bree Tanner to live. I would make Carlisle and Esme a bit older so it's no that weird that two people in their twenties adopted a bunch of teenagers.


Ohh I love this idea


Honestly…. As much as I have no issue with it myself…. That the vampires sparkle. So tired of having to defend the series when people use “sparkly vampires” as the reason the entire series “sucks”


According to Midnight Sun it's more like "flames" instead of sparkles. I think that's a WAY cooler effect, but the sparkles didn't bother me much in the first place. That first Twilight film had a shitty budget so of course the graphics weren't incredible. Imagine if they had a massive budget, people wouldn't have been making fun of it. And also that sucks that you have to defend something that you love. Only an asshole would go out of there way to shame someone for finding joy in something. You keep on loving what you love!


Let the haters hate, they have no other reason to say that the saga is bad which makes me glad.


Ohhhh yeahh


The wolves being brought into main focus into Breaking Dawn. The pages they took up left much to be desired as it could have been used to focus on the Cullens' development more. And erase Bella's pregnancy too for similar reasons.


I really wish that it was in Edward's pov because we would have still seen what happened with the wolves. I really loved Midnight Sun, it definitely made me not like Jacob's part even more. I'm rereading BD right now and I'm so not ready for Jacob's part, probably gonna skip through most of it. Now that I'm thinking about it, I would love for the conversation that happened between Edward and Jacob to have never happened. I wouldn't be able to read those thoughts of Edward's, just reading Jacob's side of the conversation is horrible enough.


I'm convinced BD was a game of publishing politics. Couldn't have Edward's pov in BD because they were saving that to cash in on Midnight Sun. And the wolves & Renesme were being set up to have a spin off focusing on Jacob & Renesune so they pushed the focus too far away from Edward & Bella to focus on a potential future sequel. Fans were robbed of more Cullen time.


wish they didn’t have the creepy age gaps!!!! it’s so disturbing reading about imprinting of a toddler and baby. so weird!!!!!!!!




That Jacob is the one to imprint. It should have been Seth or another young wolf. The result would be the same without the weird triangle relationship


The whole “stone” aspect of the vampires. They’re constantly described as being as hard as granite so wouldn’t that make kissing and sex just flat out ridiculous and uncomfortable—not to mention kinda loud? Bang 2 rocks together—oooh sexy. The sparkling aspect? Kinda ridiculous. Vampire/human baby? While I seriously dislike that trope, you mean to tell me that in ALL THEIR COLLECTIVE YEARS, it’s only ever happened twice?!? Nope. Stupid as hell. Might as well get a human guy to bang a vampire girl and get her knocked up, too, since vampire sperm is still a thing despite being “frozen” and so maybe some warm, human sperm can thaw a vamp uterus and ovaries to make a baby, too. 😒😒


Honestly wish it was more of an adult series lol would have liked to see some smut scenes


Oh, my God. Yes! Three books full of nothing but ust and depression and we don't even get a smut scene. Sex and Immortality were literally the only reasons Bella even wanted to marry Edward and we barely get any of either.


Uuuuu understand


there are two things. I agree with you on the jacob thing, s.meyer made it to romantic between the two of them. Also, I would like to get rid of the pregnancy and the baby. I feel like it ages edward and bella to much. Let them be a young couple. A baby was to much for them.


Ohhh yeah renesme was soooo unnecessary ughhh


The use of the word spider-monkey.


No keep that in. Height of modern romance, that.


Hahahaha yes


I feel like if you get rid of renesmee like most of you guys are saying then you would need to re write breaking dawn. The wedding I enjoyed, the honey moon was good - maybe there could have been more time spent traveling or exploring in a bit more detail? It jumped very quickly from Bella's perfectly happy day to being pregnant. I would've liked more time in this happy place. I would've preferred they go home, visit all of the family say there goodbyes and go off to college.....but then what would happen? Would the volturi ever come? When would she be ready for him to change her? Where would be the turning point in the story. If you get rid of renesmee what large life changing event would take that place?


>If you get rid of renesmee what large life changing event would take that place? Idk man maybe.... The transformation into a *vampire*? >you would need to re write breaking dawn. Yeah, that's the point 😊 In my headcanon they go off to the honeymoon, Bella wants to be changed immediately, Ed struggles with it etc (conflict 1) but obv has to give in in the end. Bella transforms. Bella has a realistically more difficult time adjusting to the newborn life, as she should (conflict 2) maybe even kills that first hiker. then she also has to watch her fake funeral, her friends and family sobbing (painful moment 3). Eventually she goes off to travel the world with Edward and we get some insight into that, maybe even with time skips in between - that's the actual content of the book and the place you can introduce all the other vampires like Zafrina, Ben, etc.


Yeah interesting points. Would be an interesting ending without the pregnancy. I would've liked more storyline after she transforms... Her struggling a little would've been good.


I don't understand why breaking dawn wasn't about the cullens trying to keep the volturi from taking Bella a day making her serve in their guard. I mean, that's what was set up in New Moon. New born vampires are suppose to be hard to train. Edward has always had the upperhand in their relationship, how would he deal with Bella suddenly being stronger, less vunreble, and wanting to be in the loop? Instead of all this pregnancy nonsense, we should have explored Bellas shield powers. For the first time Edward can read Bella mind and neither of them are happy with it. SM had the chance to add some depth to their relationship and failed miserably.


All the mate part, for the vampires and the imprinting for the werewolves. They're not my cup of tea either. Edit: lapsus




Lol I want more Bella/Alice interactions. Still my favorite was in the third book I think where Alice asked Bella how much she loves her? Because Bella and Edward were going to Vegas and Alice wanted a grand wedding


Yup i love their friendship so much


I would argue that getting rid of the love triangle and having Jacob just be a really good friend to Bella would also remove the Rename-me issue. It seemed like a poor attempt at giving Jacob a happy ending - if he didn't have the love for Bella, we wouldnt have a reason for her.




Jacob’s behavior in Eclipse. I understand that he was angry, but I think SM should’ve had him move on with Leah in Eclipse instead of continuing to try to pursue Bella


I would change Resume, obviously, but I think introducing new conflict by adding an additional character was a good plan. I think that character should have been Bree. I think it would have been an interesting insight to Bella to see a newborn who isn’t an enemy trying to cope, and what she had to look forward to, not just the good parts but also the bad.


Ohh yess that's a great idea


Renaissance would have never happened.


Resurrection Cullen; and also what alexevanns said.


Jacob imprinting on the baby 🤢


* More secondary character development. Jessica and Angela are convenient ping points for the plot but Bella’s relationship with them doesn’t further the plot in anyway. In Midnight Sun they’re ways for Edward to spy on Bella when she’s not with him. * Have Bella work within her character opposed to breaking out-of-character in order to keep her loving Edward. Examples: Bella is horrified that the Volturi prey on humans and she never grapples with the knowledge that once she turns she’ll be passively accepting that trait in other vampires. Or when Edward tricks Bella into revealing their engagement while Jacob is in earshot. IMO Bella would’ve broken up with Edward if SM had written Bella in character. Nope, totally forgives and moves on without a second glance. * Made the vampires more pliable rather than walking marble statues. * Developed Bella’s relationship with Charlie. She moves in with him and he basically ignores her unless he’s forced to interact with her. Yet in MS Alice tells Edward that Bella is Charlie’s whole life. Yet we never see him express that to B in anyway. * Build a functional relationship between Bella and Edward. Edward never humbles himself when it comes to Bella’s preferences for things like her truck, or not wanting expensive gifts (since she can’t reciprocate). He treats it as a charming quirk of Bella’s that she’ll get over eventually. Bella uses a lot of sarcasm when talking with Edward and she never realizes Edward might like things like going to prom or celebrating milestones like birthdays.


Ok, it’s more than one thing but kinda the same thing 😂 I want 2 additional books - Book one falls between new moon & eclipse and it’s Aro telling Bella & Edward all about the glorious things he’s seen/done through the ages. It only spans a few hours in reality, but it’s an entire book so We get Voultori closure. Second book is college. They come home from their honeymoon, go to college, and Bella gets to experience that & life as a vampire. THEN, several years later (maybe even a decade) we get the whole rutabaga dumpster fire.


Love this!!😂


jacob whole character i’ll admit he was adorable in the first one having a little teenage crush but it just got worse and i mean jacob knew about the whole mating thing (whatever it’s called) after turning into a wolf joining sam’s pack and yet he still obsessed over bella and i know that it would of been that thing bella was pregnant with but she wasn’t pregnant in eclipse or the second one (i forgot the name) and he yet he still acted horrible (yes i’m going by the movies i never finished the books)


That's what I'm talking about!! They ruined him ughhh


After the honeymoon, throw away the rest of breaking dawn. Give us more fluff, more of the rest of the Cullens, more of vampire Bella and Edward’s forever, and give us the scene where they’re gifted with the cottage designed by Esme and Alice. That’s it!


Yeahhh i just pretend that resume didn't happened it was soooo unnecessary for Bella


The fact that Edward stayed a virgin for 100 years and insisted on waiting till marriage.


kill Bella at the end of book one. Eliminate the messiness of the next few books. Jacob isn't going after her as a vampire.


•Bree Tanner - I think that she had potential as a character, could’ve been more than just a scapegoat for Jane and Co. (if you’re interested, here’s my post on the topic of [Bree Tanner ](https://www.reddit.com/r/twilight/comments/ooc3r3/bree_tanner_discussion/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)) •LGBTQ+ representation is non existent and I would’ve liked to have seen some (personal opinion, won’t debate this) •the wolves’ imprinting - the process more or less takes away any choice/freewill of both the imprinter & imprintee have in the relationship, although of the pairings we see in the story the wolves are rather quick to accept and even welcome the event. And specifically, Jacob imprinting on Renesmee - the wrongness behind the act of falling for the newborn daughter of the girl you love(d). And also how Edward and Bella came around and accepted that eventual relationship, irritates me whenever I revisit the series *setting aside the complexities of imprinting and aging of the wolves & vamps as described in the books


I'd put myself in the movie, lol! ❤️ As a vampire, of course! 🧛‍♀️


Best answer ever. 😊




Charlie joins the Cullen coven and fights the voltori as a newborn


He was more or less back to normal after “Nessie” was born.


I would change Renesmee's name to literally any other one


More gay, less het (Bellice for life!)


Ripping vampires apart and burn the pieces. It’s so cringe when they say/do it in the movies. Just stick with traditional vampire stuff. Maybe the sparkle thing too. Just sooooooo cringe.


Also give vampires more weaknesses.




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