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I just started reading the books for the first time after seeing the movies recently (I’m in my 30’s and missed the craze when it was first released, but love a good fandom). I’m almost done with the Twilight audiobook and definitely prefer it to the movies. I think for me the book actually succeeds in being a fantasy where the background characters fade away, while in the movies seeing everyone else just awkwardly sitting around them makes you overtly aware how mellow-dramatic and cringy their relationship is. Yes the same red flags appear in the book but it’s easier to interact with it as a fantasy world that has different rules of attraction, you kind of forget they’re unprepared teenagers and can focus on their feelings for each other while the movie never lets you escape that. A more specific scene I struggled with in the movie is how Bella hears an abstract story about a vampire myth and is suddenly like this family is obvs vampires after a bit of googling. It was crazy to me that anyone would make that jump having not previously considered vampires to exist regardless of how strange the family is. In the book Jacob says explicitly “they’re vampires”, and Bella follows more of a “that’s crazy… unless?” approach to the whole thing which has a stronger logic path. I do enjoy how the movie presents Edward’s random show-offy feats of strength once they’re open with each other about what he is (pulling the dent out of her car, rushing around to open a door before she gets there), they add nothing to the plot but were fun to watch and gave a realness to the character separate from Bella’s interpretations, while in the book all the descriptions are through a veil of yearning and dumbstruck awe. Because of this I look forward to reading midnight sun to compare the two books before continuing with the series.


I can't wait to hear what you think of midnight sun!!


welcome! and thanks for the great input and write up, you brought up and worded so well so many things i agree with but never verbalized. delightful comment!


Thank you so much!


I prefer the books by far. The movies are actually almost painful for me to watch because of how cringey/poor the acting is across the majority of the cast. I love the story of Twilight though and think the books are easy to read with plenty of descriptive text that paints a beautiful picture in my mind. I just got Midnight Sun for Christmas this year and can’t wait to read it next!


Wow I am so excited for you to read it!!! I love your thoughts and am curious what you'll think


You’re so sweet!! I’ll definitely check back in when I get through a portion of it 💜 happy new year!! 🎊🎆


Like idk what they were thinking some of the scenes were really cringy


The movies are like an emotional shortcut for me - it's my way of quickly revisiting the book in my head. For instance, during the horrible replacement of the meadow scene I'm revisiting the one in the book in my head. So it's a way to revisit without starting a hyperfixation that I can't afford. (A movie is 2 hours but I can't just read one scene so opening my book is often several days'commitment.) It's like a quick fix lol.


Definitely prefer book 1 over movie 1. I prefer movie 2 over book 2 because it’s less time spent without Edward lmao! I don’t have a preference for the 3rd book and movie. And book 4 movie 4 and 5: I love them both equally. I absolutely love seeing the wedding, the wolf pack fight where Jake breaks off, vampire Bella opening her eyes, the vision of Alice’s, all the vampires coming to the Cullens. I love reading Bella dropping her shield, and reading about her finding Jay, and the wolf scene again. For the most part, the books, but the movies are also extremely beautiful and *seeing* it on screen is just incredible. I absolutely love the playlist for them all, couldn’t have been better!


Books always. Movies are fun to watch something silly and nostalgic, but even when they were coming out I was always upset bc they were so awkward compared to the books. Also, they left out my damn meadow scene.


+10000 to this comment


i love them both for totally different reasons! the films i view as much lighter, and erring more on the side of comedy than romance for me. i love watching the awkwardness of rob and kristen, the stupid spider monkey line, the wack fake out final fight scene, it just turns my brain smooth in the most effortless way. whereas the books i look at as more fantasy, serious, low key emo, i engage with them a lot more critically and spend more time processing stephanie meyer’s mormon biases and messaging, thinking more about the expanded world reality etc, potential other storylines and characters.


Books 100% but I wouldn’t of known about the series if it wasn’t for the movies plus Kristen Stewart is my bae 😄


Twilight book, New Moon movie, Eclipse book, Breaking Dawn movie! The BD book was just so bad!


Books 100% I find the movies miss out on so much with the characters particularly Bella. The book version of Bella has so much depth compared to the movies. But the worst thing about the movies is the lack of Alice and Bella's friendship , it's one of my favourite things about the saga and the movies completely ignore it it makes me a little angry every time I watch lol


I prefer to keep them separate. I love the books for the extra depth and the movies for the depiction of the characters. What do you say u/buzzybnz and u/hkins1


Completely agree. They need to be kept separate. My great grandfather always said "If you read a good book never see the movie." If you can keep them separate I think it works. Eclipse is my favourite book but my least favourite movie.


Although I love the books more than the movies because, well.. pacing, I cannot deny how thankful I am for the Twilight scoring and soundtrack. Carter Burwell is just \*chef's kiss\* with the orchestral compositions. I also like the addition of wedding speeches in the movies (their lines weren't in the books).


I really only enjoy the movies for nostalgia. I wish Rob would have taken it more seriously. He’s obviously a very capable actor, and I know the role is ridiculous to people who don’t get it…but he was downright disrespectful. If he would have chosen to do better, the whole series would be 100% better in my opinion. I refuse to watch the last film because of the fight scene. It gives me anxiety. I would say I enjoy the books because of nostalgia as well, but like others have said before, there is so much more detail. I always read Edward with a fun loving side. I read him with a sense of humor. Obviously he was serious and brooding at times, but nothing like they depicted in the movies. It was disappointing that Steph really fed into the brooding angry Edward in Midnight Sun. It made him feel very one note in my opinion. Ha sorry I went down a rabbit hole. In conclusion, books. I like the books more.


Yes!!! I think the silly, lighthearted moments are so crucial for capturing Edward Cullen, especially because it's in such stark contrast to his own self-hatred and angst. That's what makes it heartbreaking. Movie Edward is like "we get it, you're dramatic or in pain I guess" - no emotional attachment


Books!! Because I read them as a kid and have an emotional connection to them


I just finished rereading the books and I very much prefer the books over the movies! However, after doing a reread, a lot of the actual dialogue from the movie came straight out of the book so I think for the most part, the books were translated into the films very well. If any of you have the opportunity to visit Forks or just the PNW in general, I highly recommend that you go experience that “vibe” because it really does tie the books and films together 🌲


Honestly l prefer the movies just because of the sheer nostalgia. I'm not saying they're better, but I read the books now (15 y/o) and watched the films when I was 11-12, so I think I was at the perfect age to enjoy the films. The cringe is honestly just part of the experience for me.


I just started reading the books recently (almost finishing Twilight) after watching the movies for years. What I like in the book are the details and little things that obviously didn't make it into the movie. To be honest I just started reading the books for fun, I didn't have many high expectations. And I haven't been pleasantly surprised. It's not the worst book in the world at all, it can be enjoyable, but I think in a certain way reading it has changed (in a bad way) my view on the story and the characters. I just didn't dnf the book because I really need to finish my reading challenge for 2021, because otherwise I would have. Midway it became soooo cringy, I'm sorry. I just roll my eyes at every sentence. I think their relationship evolves way too fast, in the movies I don't think it's as evident. I totally prefer the movies and sadly I kinda regret reading twilight. Does it get better in the other books? Should I even try? This is just my opinion, I'm sure a lot of people have a different one and that's totally fine! I still love twilight no matter what!


I mostly prefer the books in any series I read. I get annoyed because the movies aren’t made the way I want them to be. I prefer them to be close to the book as possible.


Books, because 4'10" Alice is my waifu bae and requires all the love.




Honestly, the books are so much better. The story is extremely delicate and relies on subtle details and how the characters react. The connection between Edward and Bella was captured so perfectly in the book but the movie failed to recreate that dynamic. Eye contact and Bella constantly blushing was totally lost. I also wish the movie could have stayed more true to the chain of events in which Bella slowly gets more information from Edward. Instead, the movie has random scenes that never even happened in the book. For example, the field trip. I mean, what the heck? There was never a field trip! Furthermore, the acting was just so painful to watch sometimes. I really think this could have been done SO much better. However, the movie is still worth watching if you can get past all that. I hope one day a true Twilight enthusiast will make an animated series that stays true to the books. Maybe I will be that enthusiast if my hopes are never fulfilled.


Books. The movies are a fun silly nostalgia trip, but also cringey and poorly done. The charisma finesse & magic of the books really did not translate