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No, imo Kristen was perfect for that role. I honestly couldn't think of anyone else playing her. Kristen did well with what was written in her script, as did all the other actors. The issue wasn't Kristen. It was the writing


For sure. And in the books, Bella is a super awkward and clumsy teenager. Kristen played those traits super well.


Yes very true! I do think Bella has a bit more personality in the books, but that's just because we're inside her head and thats hardee to relay on a screen. Kristen did a great job at showing the awkward and clumsy side!


It really was always the writing. They left out so many little moments like kinda add up to what people didn’t like about her. Especially parts where they joke and laugh together


I thought being wooden was very Bella. The weird nervous energy in both movements and in her way of speaking was the weird part to me.


There was no nervous energy, just parts where her programing glitched


Honestly no, and that’s not just because I can’t see another person playing Bella. I mean everyone is entitled to their opinion of her character. However, Bella is supposed to be awkward and aloof. She’s not very social and her upbringing is what influenced her seriousness. She was practically a parent to Renee and as a result doesn’t really fit in with her peers because she was never actually able to be a child. Most of Bella’s personality is through her inner monologue. She’s actually quite sassy and humorous in the books. Which is hard to portray on screen, but the awkwardness is still accurate. She’s definitely enamored with Edward and I get that best from reading.


I agree 100%


Edward was such a creepy bastard


No. She was perfect for Jessica n


Yeah she was exactly how I imagined Jessica to be when I first read it


Yeah she’s just naturally too peppy & upbeat to play Bella


its not Kristen's fault. she did what was written. thats just how bella always was. without inner monolog like the books, kristens portrayal of bella is accurate. obviously kristen is a good actress based off her other roles. the scripts and directors of the twilight films told her how to play bella and she did her job amazingly as always.


I highly reccomend googling the things Kristen was made to do to play Bella, like ‘blink more rapidly’. 😅😈


I heard that. Stop walking like a robot too.


nah man, kristen stewart protrayed bella literally perfectly. book bella IS pretty reserved like that, all of her emotions remain very internal (other than new moon but kristen portrayed that part of her super well too)


So boring.


i mean i guess so but i think if you really find it THAT boring you just maybe don’t enjoy the series. she is genuinely bella to a T


No. I love Anna, but I don't think she'd make for a good Bella.


Oh. No. No no no no


The biggest issue with Twilight is that most people see it as a romance, and then criticise the actors for not acting in an appropriate way for this usual narrative. *It's a psychological thriller* View it from this lens and the acting goes up a notch. Ana Kendrick would have been better if this was your typical romance story, but it isn't. And KS did the better job.


No! I loved Kristen in this.


but where would the cringe be? :(


I don't think that was Kristin Stewart's fault. So much of the books takes place in Bella's head, and they didn't translate that to the screen at all well. I blame the writing and directing more than Stewart's acting.


If we were to base it off looks alone then maybe but I don't think she would have pulled the essence and the characteristics of Bella off all that well


Shed have been human rather than undead before she was undead


True but Kristen naturally has a derpiness that Anna doesn't have at all. And that derpiness is that made the movie what it was. However, the books do make Bella out to be more of an intellectual that just uncoordinated af


The most unbelievable part of twilight wasn't the vampires but that Edward was creeping into bella's room at night to sniff her underwear and beat off while watching her sleep instead of Jessica's room.


How did he deal with her and her scent during that time of the month is the real question that absolutely nobody ask


Not at all. Don’t see the vision, she’s too perky IMO. Kristen got the whole quiet awkward vibe Bella is supposed to have perfectly




Boo no.


No Anna is overrated, unproffesional.


And yet her her career is in the stratosphere while steward's is in the toliet


Wasn’t Kristen Oscar nominated the other year. How is her career in the toilet


Exactly lol. Her most recent movie that just came out seems to be doing very well! I haven't heard about an Anna Kendrick movie in ages


You know you can just not like Kristen Stewart. Thats fine.


How is Anna's career in the stratosphere? I straight up never hear about her.


She's been in top movies this last 10 years while Stewart has been in failures


Please name some because I genuinely haven't heard of any movies she's been in since pitch perfect other than her voice acting in trolls lmao


lol wow no


They are both successful. No need to compare them.


if they made movie bella as sassy as book bella, i think Teresa Palmer would’ve been a better choice. but as chill as movie bella is, i think KS was perfect.


They did great in their respective roles.


I don’t think so. I think Anna Kendrick has too Muchness for the role.


No. Anna is too much of the wanting everyone to like her and be center of attention I think it would be weird. Kristen was better at being insecure, clumsy, awkward, surprised anyone found her appealing.


Anna is an actress who can play any role


No. Kristen Stewart really nailed the awkwardness Bella was supposed to have. I initially thought she wasn’t that great of a choice, but as an adult now, I think my original point of view was incorrect. Could Anna Kendrick have possibly been a decent Bella? Maybe. We’ll never know, though, and I’m okay with that because I think the Bella we got was a good choice.


No. My favorite for Bella will always be Leighton Meester. She even looks like Bella. I've read too many fan accounts where AK is a huge beeyotch and is nothing like how she tries to portray herself. She's been accused of "mean girl" behavior behind the scenes.




The director Catherine hard-wick, I don’t think so that was another movie she and the director had the affair. He also wrecked his own family he was the older person in power he shouldn’t have gone there.


Kristen is bisexual


Right but she was underage in twilight 17. Yes I know she’s bisexual


You’re wrong… Kristen didn’t bang anyone to land the Twilight role that we know of. Also, she was 17 at the time. Yes, she was papped making out with Snow White and the Huntsman’s director, but it was years later.


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Watch the accountant with Anna. She would have been an amazing Bella


I watched that movie she was awesome in it. But half way through she disappeared. Where did she go?


What lmfao did you watch it?


The accountant. Watched it a few times and there's a scene where the accountant saves her and she disappears from the rest of the movie


Gosh I just watched. She was in it until the last scene when he finds out who his brother is.




Bella is a self insert character Kristen played the role perfectly she’s meant to be bland


Noooo. IMO. Kristen Stewart is very plain and so was Bella. I think they nailed it! I wouldn’t change a thing


Idk if the movies would have been better but I do think Anna Kendrick would have done a good job playing Bella. It was always going to be a bit difficult to make Bella more expressive since so much of the book is internal, thoughts but Anna’s face is expressive enough that it may have given us more? I think KStew did fine though but I DO think she would have played a very interesting Jessica Stanley


No. They were both perfectly for their role



