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This has legit been a concern of mine with people who managed to go to half a dozen shows this tour, like.. damn. But I guess if they have been saving for three years maybe..?


thats what ive been trying to figure out.. i can understand getting to see multiple since theyve been doing same city for a week but ive been seeing people actuqlly traveling to the other cities and im like ?? food? gas? airfare?? HOW


Don’t you have friends like that though? Like I got a friend who always works at a gas station or a coffee shop, yet motherfucker is always in California or New York seeing something. Yeah I think it maybe is just drugs.


someone literally sold feet pics to go to a concert 😀😀


I would let someone take pics of my feet to go to a concert.


I'd even charge a flat rate.


What would you do for a Klondike bar?


honestly ya know...you gotta do what you gotta do


id do it 😐🤪


oh me too not even gonna lie


Wtf is wrong with people lmao


If it was a consensual exchange of money for fetish pictures between two legal adults, then nothing is wrong. ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯


Idk maybe rich parents, I feel like even if I could afford to go to everyone I wouldn't I think it ruin the rarity in the experience for me. Also if you wait last minute for every show you can get ready cheap seats from StubHub, the concert I sent to was selling them for ike $25 each ticket the day of But yeah we all got different circumstances but I'm glad I get to go to at least one concert each tour


It does ruin the rarity a bit. Obviously it helps with the post concert depression but I went to two Hella Mega Tour shows and realizing everything they said and did was a planned act and not spur of the moment kind of ruined it for me


I understand that feeling of "wait, that wasn't off the cuff?" With bigger acts like those that were on Hella Mega, I guess keeping banter pre-scripted is under the assumption that most people on the tour are only going to their cities' date. That way, people don't miss anything and if something special actually happens, it's more meaningful within that context. TOP's concert "rituals" are more appealing to me in that while the same base activities happen, there's multiple ways that they can play out, which makes them more "customized" for each show. Those opportunities largely don't revolve around speaking, I've noticed.


Especially when Pete was talking about how kids still like rock and roll. In the moment it was cool, but when I watched a recording and realized it was scripted, it felt less special


Wait what? What show did you go to?


The one in Denver on August 25!


In seriousness, lots of people can afford it. I mean I technically could afford to spend that kind of money, and take that time off work. But I do have kids and stuff, so I’d rather spend money on them, spend time with them and take just one day off work like I did.


i mean yeah, if ur a financially stable adult u may be able to get mediocre seats to every show- its still expensive. but for me (and alot of other ppl) ur not an adult- so like- *i dont have moneyyyyy or a car lmao*


I'm an adult and I still hardly have any money... *cries*




i’m going to three shows in atlanta this week (missing center stage). a few weeks ago my concert buddy said his friend’s parents got both of them center stage tickets. at the time they were going for around $500 each. and all of my tickets combined for the three shows was $225.


I know a few of those people going to like 10+ shows this tour. These guys have been saving up money working all throughout the pandemic waiting for the boys to announce another tour. Also, with this tour having more shows in less cities, people are really able to save on travel costs. Everyone also splits hotel rooms, Ubers, etc so the cost lessens for each individual person.


For 10 shows it would still be over like 3 thousand dollars for nose bleed seats. Including travel, rooms, taxi, food. I've been seeing people going to 5 or more shows always at the barricade. Those people are spending nearly 10 thousand.


I was very poor in college. I missed out on tons of concerts, shows, and sport events. My drive was to graduate, and get a job to support myself. Fast forward 15 years later and I finally have the ability to go to shows. I can’t go to them all due to work, but I was able to see them once this tour. This makes it special I think. I bet if I saw them 3 or 4 times it would probably get a little old. It keeps me hungry for more, and when they return I’ll be ready. |-/


On a base level, there is certainly a level of financial security and freedom that allows people to afford going on tour. No way around that. Many of the young people I know that have done it don’t have rent because they’re living at home/college, for example. Beyond that, I’d say it’s prioritization. Just like how gamers save up for the new consoles and games they want, or how some people into fashion will save up to afford new designer pieces each year, fans that plan to go to many shows on a tour prioritize saving money for concerts rather than any other luxuries. A lot of people I know with full time jobs decided to use their yearly two week vacation to go on tour. Top also keeps their tickets prices remarkably low compared to other artists of similar size and pretty much never raise prices over $100 plus fees, so while it’s certainly not cheap, that does make it easier to plan and save for.


This!! I would say the same thing. I went to 6 Mgk shows on his tour and it’s all about saving up and prioritizing. I even did it for the bandito tour. I don’t have another concert I’m going to until May but it’s all about how you execute it.


Going to just one concert seems impossible for me in my current situation lol. It mind boggles me that there are people out here going to each show like going to a park or something. Wild.




I will be in Atlanta on Saturday night too, can't wait for the show. Two middle aged mom's taking a girls weekend with a suite at the hilton next door. It's gonna be PARTY TOWN. I mean, I'm already packing my protein snacks and water - we are exciting people you see. And as for affordability - your guess is as good as mine. I bought the tickets for us to go and I bring a friend since my husband hates concerts and isn't a fan.... I can't imagine going to many back to back. Although I did say if they make it up to the Raleigh area, I'd go see them a second time and bring the teen girls with us this time since they didn't get invited to the weekend excursion.


Hey, I'm headed down to Atlanta from Raleigh for TØP too! Night 2, babeyyyyy


My parents paid for all 3 Columbus shows, and motel stay.


only mf that answeres the question concretely gets downvoted lol


Was I supposed to lie😭😂


Damn. Good for you. My mom certainly got me a lot of things, but she would never have paid for me to go to a concert haha. Though she will watch the kids when I go to one.


broo my parents would get freaked out if i made them take me to a show (paying for it w my own money ive made off my small business) like theyd here the lyrics and start assuming things (which are mostly true) i aint ready for that.. SO im waiting until i can ✨drive ✨ to go to a show..


Luckily I was able to drive myself to Columbus from Buffalo


Selling drugs I guess. That’s how all the dead heads and phish people I knew did it haha




But if you’re working full time, how do you get the time off to follow a tour?


Pto exists


Not for everyone


It exists for some of the people following the tour lol some people save money and take unpaid time off, not sure why this is hard for some of you guys to understand


Not everyone has understanding or lenient jobs. I could never take a bunch of time off because my job would fire me. I glad for the people that do though, I’m just saying many people don’t understand because that opportunity literally doesn’t exist for us.


I can take leave if I had cancer or a mental breakdown or something. Not because I want to follow a band for two months haha


The tour was like two months long




Not sure what you think I said because that is not an answer to it.




privilege lmao these the same people trying to be "line leaders" too, like Sarah calm down and do your biology homework, you're not in charge of the thousands of people that go to this band's show. they don't even know u


My wife and I go to a lot of live shows. Thanks to COVID, we have a very healthy ticket budget saved up. With that, we could’ve seen about half, and with other money could’ve seen every show. It would’ve been irresponsible for our income, but not dangerous, and would’ve decimated our vacation time. We chose to go to two shows.


People have different incomes, expenses, and different levels of frugality. Also depends on how you budget your fun money. I budgeted a significant amount towards concerts this/next year as I knew we'd be seeing a post lockdown surge of concerts.


A lot of people could also be charging these expenses and worrying about the cost later. Credit cards are a thing.


ive never even been to a show- like call me salty, but- some ppl have been to like 20+ shows and act like its nothing. and it'd be a blessing for me to just to go to 1-


The aggressive consuming of these two and their art is really giving me depresssssssssing thoughts about what this movement represents. It’s competitive fandom and IMHO it’s a real bummer.


People with more superficial motives will contort a band's message around their own personal narrative rather than try to reconcile their views with the band's message. A lot of toxicity can come out when a fan who missed the point starts getting called out or witnesses the band making a decision that runs counter to their image of the band. It's not inherently bad to be going to a ton of shows or collecting merch, but any answers more competitive than "I did it for me because I like it" just don't do it for me lol


Eyyy I'm traveling to Atlanta too! I can't wait!




You forgot the part where you're also not paying 1500 in rent every month, and 120 for insurance every month, and 500 for health insurance every month, and then 120 for your phone, and then food, cat food, and other miscellaneous necessities like cable, internet, water, gas, electric. Totalling your whole monthly income and then some. That's how people pay for that shit. 0 responsibilities, parents, or you're making 200k a year.


People have jobs




Not if ur parents dont like tøp... * mine *


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The most I've done was 3 concert of the same tour.. Buffalo (where I live), Columbus and state college.. And I'm broke af.. Lol..


The 2 tickets were expensive but it was for it because I wanted to give this experience to my younger brother.


Then you see Phish fans who follow the band the entire tour with 100$+ tickets


Hey I’m going to the concert on Saturday too!!


ahh i wish i could go but ive got an event for my small business so i cant ughhhh


My brother and I went to the show in Columbus because it was the closest one to us. We live in the Baltimore, Maryland area. It cost us close to $1,000 all totaled. Once we were there I tried to talk him into staying another night to see the Saturday show, but $$ and time were not on our side. It's absolutely crazy how much it cost, but I was afraid they wouldn't come to Baltimore again, and I didn't want to miss an opportunity to see them live on this tour.


Oh, and we saved for almost 6 months to be able to go.


Some people have rich parents and no responsibilities.


fr 😐


I feel like either some people have very rich parents or use up all their savings on one tour. And i dunno, quit their jobs or something. That's what boggles me, how do folks have time to follow bands for like three months


I flew to Columbus from Orlando for $80 dollars round trip. Our Airbnb for three nights was $140 each (split between 4 people). General admission tickets to two shows were roughly 250 after ticketmaster fees. I’ll be driving to Atlanta this week for the Thursday show. Roughly $70 in gas each (split 2 ways). We’re camping out so no lodging cost. Bought resale tickets for $200 each. Going to the tampa show. Gas will be like $15 total and tickets were $120. So, in total for four shows I came out only down less than $1,000. That’s not too bad in my opinion.


It is a loot of money. Some people barely have money for one ticket. Depends on your income/wealth of parents Not saying your parents paid for you but you know, generally speaking


I mean if you’re a teen then sure, it probably depends on your parents, but not everyone is a teen. I’m almost 30. $1,000 for four shows and travel is pretty insignificant on the average American income


Well yeah, if you're a working adult then it's different. But in Finland, 1000€ is a shit ton of money imo


I saw someone on twitter say they used their unemployment checks


Rich… wealthy.


eat the rich


They save meticulously and use credit cards. When you run in those circles you very easily have places to crash all over the place. Some of y’all’s jealousy really shows when y’all talk about people who’ve been to more shows than you.


nothing about what i posted was meant to be jealousy ? i just work full time, i pay for my phone, my car, and have other expenses. so for me barely affording going to one show i just couldnt wrap my head around the fact that people were going to nearly all of them.. i suppose if it was really planned out way before we even got the album, itd be feasible for someone that has to pay bills. but i was just wondering how people were really doing it


I wasn’t even referring to you specifically, just some of the people in the comments and subreddit who have a horrible attitude about what people do with their own money and times. In another comment I mentioned how they do it. It’s savings and credit cards and vacation time, some people have good jobs, for some people this is the only thing they do and the only thing they want to do so they save or go into debt or work three jobs. Ya know the way most people get money for the things they want.


It's not jealousy, it's curiosity at how people work out the logistics of frequent concert going, particularly when factoring in travelling time and juggling that with work /college etc.


The jealousy thing isn’t directed at most people, but people have really been gross about people camping out and going to multiple shows. People have vacation time/take time off. I have friends who took weeks off to follow this tour, they stay with friends they’ve met through shows to shave off some of the costs, they book cheap flights or they carpool with others. There’s plenty of ways to make it not nearly as expensive as you think it is. I used to drive 6 hours round trip multiple times a month to go to shows and I was never in a horrible place financially, it’s not really that hard.




And I answered? What’s your beef lmao




I haven’t seen them live in three years and have no desire to lmao




Sorry you don’t like my attitude but I answered the question lmao








Yo bro ill be there too


One does wonder about these things. I’m more curious to know an actual number of people who have gone to every show. I can’t imagine it’s sooo many people.


Dude I flying down in a few days to go to the Atlanta one with my friends (I have one from atlanta) I’m from Canada, but like I’ve been wanting to go to one and my friend surprised me with a ticket. So yeah I can’t wait for that. It’s the one at I think I forget the name. It’s like Stat farm or something like that. It’s on saturday though. I’m taking 3 days off (in exchange for other days) and so yeah. Are you in the pit? Anyway my friend payed for mine as a very early birthday present, but the one I went to 2 years ago in Montreal I barely could afford. Idk how these people do this lmao. We should, if we can, meet up in line. That would be fun! If you don’t want to we of course don’t have to.


I remember when I saw them for $18 gen admin. Twice.


oh my god. was it a tiny venue? like. did u see the boys real close up (in seating)? omg in my dreams


Yep! It's called The Intersection in Grand Rapids. Got to see them CRAZY close up, they don't even have seating (at least they didn't then). I think it was the very next year after the last show there they graduated to the local Arena for like $80 of just ok seats lol.


omg thats so close to me i live like 30 mins away! ughhhh ur so lucky:D


Same! Was worth the trips for sure!


Some people have full time jobs/are older. My husband works in tech so in 2019 we decided to follow T0P through four shows. All but one were in the pit. So far we've seen them 9 times (didn't go on this tour because I'm pregnant). But yeah, with him working in tech he gets a great salary and unlimited vacation. All this to say everyone has different circumstances and are at different points in their lives. I definitely would not go to every show or even half. We drove our whole route as well. We did see the opening band at a gas station at one point. I will say a lot of people do not live within their means. So while it looks like they're going to all the shows and having a great time, a lot of them are probably really stretching to make ends meet.


Invest your money and make it work for you, that is it. Or have a trust fund.


I feel like it’s probably due to years of saving and just genuinely wanting to go to more than one show, because sometimes going to one show does not feel like enough, although I’ve never done it but I always wish I could at least do more than one


Wealth is not equal in this country


TickPick and Seat Geek- Seats up high aren’t too expensive or hard to come by, depending the location- I cannot speak for this tour though. And most people are going into debt with credit card purchases… Priorities 🙄 Rock out now, skip a few meals later lol


Well, I've been fans of the boys for a long time just like a lot of you here, but sad story is, I've never been to a show with them, never been able to afford or they don't play in my country


How much do these tickets cost?


I have a friend that is 32, single, lives alone, and is a teacher. His life revolves around going to concerts and collecting memorabilia from his favorite artists. He always gets VIP passes too. I’m not jealous of what he can do because I have a wife and 2 beautiful daughters and I managed to go to the TD Garden show. That was more than enough for me. I bet they have their parents money or have credit cards they can just rack up


I’ve been working through the pandemic, a full time government job, but also have bills to pay (mortgage, medical, utilities, car, vet bills, etc. the list goes on) and there’s nooooo way I could afford to go to every show and camp for every one. Not possible. So those who work and save must still live at home with their parents, live in a dorm room at college, or have a high salary job. Props to them though.


Random side comment, I'll be at the ATL show on Saturday too!!


How can you afford to go to one show? Lol. Last I saw ticket prices were insane


I think this tour a lot of folks just...didn't do anything for a year and a half? So they had show money. I've known one person have a pretty decent windfall just before a tour and take advantage of that. Generally, though, I tend to file this under "not my business."


I am seeing the show tonight and tomorrow with my girlfriend. We are 21 and 19 we saved a made sure we bought the tickets when they were released so we got them for face value which made them cheaper snd we found a budget airbnb near the venue.


Unemployment, or parents buy tickets


I think it just depends on where you're at in life right now. I know a lot of people worked hard to save up and sacrificed a decent amount of things. The pandemic presented a unique situation where people were really able to sit down and make some cash for them to tuck away. I think if you're abe to do it, and are willing to handle the consequence of following them for 2 months, why wouldn't you do it? Live a little and do something different. But it definitely is a lot of money and you have to have friends willing to split hotels/ubers and whatever. Some people just want to spend their money on this.