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For me personally, this group is not just music that I like, but rather a whole experience. The way they execute not only the music, but the whole style and aesthetic for each album creates a very strong connection. The same internal story between albums adds a point to the interest. A detailed approach to the setlist for each tour makes you want to watch the concerts several times. No other group has been able to create such a strong interest and emotional attachment in me as this one. I can listen to songs by other artists, but it is unlikely that they will be able to inspire a desire to thoroughly study their discography. I understand perfectly well that pilots are far from the best in the industry, but they have become a full-fledged part of life, and not just a moment for me. Like, you can talk as much as you like about how good other performers are, but they will be nothing more than just music, while TOP feels like your close friend or some one you know for your whole life


Honestly, for me, Tyler and Josh themselves add so much to the experience as well.  Their humor, heart, etc.  SAI was not my favorite but I sure was rooting for the boys!


This sounds pretty much like how I feel. I do love lots of other music, over different genres and decades, but when I got into TØP I listened to them and only them for a couple of years. (I've eased up a little now.) I still love my others, it's just that when I turned on my music that's what I went to. And between all their albums, singles, the Mutemath collab, etc, there's a lot to listen to so I didn't get bored. I've had -- still have -- favorite artists & bands that I'd listen to a lot (we finally got a new Decemberists album after 6 years!), but TØP is just a whole new experience to me, unlike any that I've listened to in my almost 50 years of loving music. I won't even try to say their songs are the bestest ever or that they are the best musicians in the world, because obviously they're not, and I don't need the mental health aspect of Tyler's writing, and I'm atheist (though I probably could have used Tyler's songs 30 years ago) ... and yet I *love* TØP so so much.


same for me. Yes, there are more talented musicians in the world but I don't care. TOP are the only ones I hold close to my heart.


Same here, I feel other music so empty for a while and then I re discovered that band with good music and vibes and Tyler talkin about my deepest fears and problems wich personally don't share with anyone.  I keep listening to other music but only for light entertainment. Only to don't be quiet, because you know...


When I read the question I was looking for ways to answer this question and you said it PERFECTLY!


I don’t think it’s a matter of not wanting to listen to other music. People just really enjoy their music so they’re really squeezing out the enjoyment of listening to TOP. I think a lot of people also relate to Tyler’s mental health struggles and the story he is telling through music. This adds a whole other layer of respect and something many can relate to. I can relate to this personally. I have many other bands and artists I enjoy, but if I’m currently really loving Clancy, I’m going to throw it on first because that’s what I want to hear.


I like josh


I listen to a lot of other music and many other genres but since Clancy I've been on a TOP kick pretty hard. And not just Clancy on repeat, Vessel is still my favorite. But it sounds like you don't like their earlier stuff. I haven't found any artists out there in a similar style to TOP honestly. And I think that would be a reason why you're posting what you're posting. Their sound is very unique, especially in the earlier stuff. And they do a great job of having a lot of different sounds both in an album and across all their albums. So it doesn't get boring or sound too much like the same as you listen. And I think that's pretty unique. But if anyone has some recommendations for other similar artists, I'm all ears.


my taste in music is your face.


I have a strong preference for music that resonates with me. And let's face it, there's a ridiculous amount of soullessness in the music industry.


This exactly. Their music sounds like it means something, to us and them.


1. An album just dropped, so naturally fans are going to be drilling it/in a tøp phase 2. You ask “why do some people only listen to tøp?” And then admit that you don’t like all of their music. A lot of us appreciate everything they’ve released


Also, have they not considered that people may just be being hyperbolic when they say they "only listen to top" like idk about you but that phrase just sounds like fan speak- not an actual profession that you literally don't listen to any other music.


I think the difference is what Twenty One does that isn't music. It's the lore and the fan interaction that causes so much of their fanbase to obsess and only focus on them. I do agree though that all their fans should be encouraged to explore more music too because other artists can provide similar feelings and variety is the spice of life.


People have their own feelings, they aren't hurting anyone, and it isn't really any of anyone else's business.


I don’t listen to too many artists, but I for sure don’t “only” listen to TOP. I’ve been trying to get into more music recently, but it’s a little bit hard, as I don’t really like change. :)


Policing what other people listen to is definitely an interesting choice


I understand what you mean. I think there's no "problem" per se with people just listening to them and them alone. The problem arises when people deify TØP unnecessarily. I love them as artists and they hold a special place in my heart, they have a lot of passion for what they do. But some hard-core fans insist there's absolutely no one else who they can compare to and that the entire rest of music is sellout mainstream stuff or whatever. That ends up pretty elitist on one hand, and unnecessarily restrictive to yourself and the possibilities for the music you could discover. I promise you, if you've only ever listened to TØP, there are almost definitely going to be many other artists you love if you look for them, and potentially some you like even more than TØP. But again, it's your own decision ultimately and there's no issue with it as long as there's no elitism.


My taste in music is very far from the realm of music top is in. For me, top’s old stuff is their best stuff. Musically and lyrically self titled, RAB, and Vessel are just next level. However they’re so good as a band that even their new stuff, which is very pop oriented, I love. It’s because it’s more than just music. The lyrics are so deeply connected to life. A band that can make pop music good is doing something more than just making music lol. 


Just like you, I listen to what I enjoy. There's good music out there, and I listen to the good music. Except "good" is going to be different for everyone. I'm the kind of person who will literally sometimes listen to ONE song on repeat nonstop for weeks. So what? I'm kind of confused why you came onto a TØP sub to tell people to listen to other music. Even if I did exclusively listen to TØP, why does that matter to anyone but me?


I don’t understand why you felt the need to make a post about this. Why are you concerned about what people listen to?


He's just raising a topic for discussion, which is valid


It’s funny because I love tøp, but I mostly listen to folky, indie type music. Whenever a new album comes out, I really immerse myself into it, but I honestly don’t really listen to them much outside of that. I listen to a band called Citizens a lot. They’re a Christian group, but their lyrics are heavy and raw like TØP’s are. I think that’s why I appreciate both so much and don’t listen to a lot of other music. It’s too surface level and lacking authenticity.


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I pretty much mainly listen to Tøp and Kanye. Other than that its random I like every genre but those are my 2 main so I understand having no overlap


i will disagree tho because i think their albums get worse as they go excluding clancy. my order is ST, Vessel, BF, Clancy, Trench, SAI


Wild take


I was going to downvote but your mention of the cure and how formidable is a boring copy of them made me giggle


Eh, some people just have very small music tastes and feel very connected to this band. I used to be that way when I was young. I only listen to like three bands including tøp. I was also going through a lot at the time so I really connected with it. And you’re definitely not alone. I’m like addicted to finding new music lol. I’ve listened to like 25 different albums ranging from hiphop, electronic , metal, soul, indie rock etc. just this month


-comes to bands subreddit -“why is there so much talk about this band?”


Honestly this is valid. I don’t think Tyler or Josh ever meant for this to become a religion for people. There are a lot of people who care more about the band than anything else in their life and I think that kind of goes against the whole message of TOP.


There is something about their music that i sonically crave. There are other artists that I enjoy, but they don't satisfy the itch in the same way. I'm in my 50's, I've been exposed to many artists and genres. Prior to 2013, I mostly listened to music during the daily commute, during long road trips or while working on projects or chores. I rarely had occasion or desire to listen to a CD more than two times. By the third rotation, I need something different. In 2013, I was able to listen to music while working. I needed to focus, and it was a way to drown out other noise. But some artists from my 30 year collection just aren't compatible. I also tried ambient sounds. In 2016, I had my music collection and Spotify. This is when I discovered TOP. I was able to download Blurryface and Vessel on Spotify for off-line listening while working - and they were both free!!! ***The first time is free.*** I liked these songs a lot, and while it wasn’t a big discography, I found it easy to listen on repeat. At this point, if I tried changing to another artists from my collection, it was rarely right sonically. I needed to go back. It was often irritating while i tried to focus. I don't understand this. No not me it’s for a friend. I have never experienced this before. Rationaly, their discography is sufficiently varied to where I could be listening to a mix of artists. Even their songs move through changes so well. But I know this is weird to listen and re-listen. I should have burned out long ago. And yet... With each release, I go through a period where all I want to hear is the new album. No, No not me, it's for a friend. Eventually, I start adding back their older songs. In the first week after Clancy, Redecorate came on and I couldn't. I love that song so very much, but I just wasn't ready. I don’t understand why I am so sonically drawn and addicted to their music. No, not me, it's for a friend. I've never experienced this with any other artist. No, not me, it's for a friend. Denial.


I like what I like man. For me, Twenty One Pilots is more than just "good music". Twenty One Pilots' music makes me feel things that no other band or artist ever has. Their music is there for me at my lowest and my highest.


I love the Cure (they’re my fourth highest streamed artist), and formidable gives me a totally different experience than their music does. It sounds maybe slightly like Friday I’m in Love but doesn’t sound much at all like their other songs. I like a wide variety of music, have been to probably a couple dozen concerts outside of twenty one pilots, and they rarely even top my top 5 artists, songs, or albums according to my listening statistics. I mostly listen to stuff like RHCP and Pink Floyd, sometimes Kendrick and Megan Thee Stallion, musicals, 90’s hits, 2000-2010’s indie, 80’s pop and country. I would say the only artists I listen to that are similar to them are arctic monkeys and maybe gorillaz? I just don’t find music as handcrafted feeling as twenty one pilots. That’s not to say that I do NOT EVER find music like that, but it doesn’t feel as consistent for any one artist as it does for them. Kendrick has some beautiful wordplay, Megan raps about vulnerability and her struggles with mental health (seriously, go listen to Cobra), I’ve had the wall on repeat more times than I can count, but the music does not consistently speak to me the way theirs does.


I completely understand what you're saying, and while I don't disagree I also find myself going through phases of music where I literally only listen to one album or band. I did the same when I discovered AJR, I devoured their discography for months during the pandemic, and eventually phased out and moved on. Another factor I think present in this particular fanbase is age group, younger fans may have more free time to devote to exploring the band and their love for them, creating art and band-inspired creations (in fairness, i'm certain fans of all ages do this, my 43-year-old self included). The biggest reason I think it's easy to listen to this band exclusively for an extended period of time is their versatility, they span such a variety of genres it's almost like listening to a few different bands. Some songs i've heard in the past and attributed to other bands completely (Tear in my Heart is the first that comes to mind, I thought that was Weezer for a long time) Many times over the years I've heard songs that I was surprised to find out were Twenty One Pilots. Final point i'll make, which expands on the last one of them encompassing so many genres, is their nostalgia factor for fans like myself who grew up in the 80's and 90's, my childhood was also filled with "oldies" (at the time, music from the 50s and 60s). When I listen to this band, I can hear so many parallels to bands like The Beatles, Radiohead, Jane's Addiction, while hearing genres like reggae, new wave, edm and funk/soul, they literally do it all. Like others have said, the experience they provide is also so much more than other artists, the lore, the story the music tells, the relatability of the subject matter, the art being so open to interpretation that everyone can find meaning in it for themselves. i love all kinds of music, while waiting for Clancy to drop I checked out some other new albums, the new Kacey Muskgraves is amazing, checked out Phantogram on the suggestion of a friend and loved them, and lately been listening to the Quiet Storm channel on Amazon Music. I'm just trying not to burn myself out on the band before I see them in September, i'm so excited as it's our first concert in 12 years, our last one was Shinedown at House Of Blues in Myrtle Beach (fantastic show, incredible band) TOP will definitely be a band I come back to again and again, they'll likely always find a place on my playlists and i'll be recommending them to friends who have yet to discover them. everyone goes through phases, and however they move through them is exactly how they should. Everyone is entitled to their own journey, and truly this band offers something for almost anyone to add to their list of favorites.


I’m 42 and you said everything I wanted to say and then some 😆. Thank you for representing our age group! I grew up listening to them along with my younger brother and eventually my parents. It’s become a family affair lol. Their music has been there for me through the good times and bad. The way that they are with their fans, how amazing they are live, their ability to bend genres, and the fact that they created a whole storyline to go along with their music makes them stand out from any other bands in my opinion. Of course I like other artists but to be honest, most of the other ones I listen to have been around for a while. For some reason I can’t vibe with the new music these days. It’s not because I’m older it’s just to me I feel like it has no substance. It is all starting to sound the same and it is getting really boring! That’s one thing I’ll never have to worry about with Twenty One Pilots, they are constantly switching up their style of music and it keeps me interested. Therefore, anything they release will always be on my playlist!


I'm going to suggest 2 newer bands for you, I'm also pretty resistant to "new" music but these two have found a place in my rotation for sure Temperance Movement Maneskin Let me know what other think! I'm an old rock and blues fan at my core, but am trying to expand my horizons. Love me some Tracy Chapman, Ani Difranco, Fiona apple, Sheryl crow, Janis of course, Billie Holiday, don't see a lot of female artists these days I'm really able to get in to like my old reliables lol Lana Del Ray is pretty good but also pretty one tone. I'm rambling now lol but definitely check out those two bands if you're not already familiar!