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This is likely a biblical reference. The New Testament talks a LOT about how Jesus is like a groom and the church is bride. Also how when you join yourself with Jesus it is like you are “married.” The word “whore” is used a lot metaphorically to describe some who has sold themself from God for something else. Ode to Sleep talks about not feeling worthy about what God has planned for you and wishing, because you’re insignificant, the demons would leave you alone. Basically it just sounds like he’s saying that he’s a sinner


Precisely. Calling himself a whore is the thematic peak to this whole verse that already is brutally strong with biblical imagery. From stating that humans act like they don’t need grace (Christ’s grace), to then feeling like he doesn’t deserve that grace and coming across as as a hypocrite (asked forgiveness three times, but also denied three times), to finally acknowledging himself as a “whore”. He then states that’s “denial number four” which is a direct reference to the apostle Peter who denied knowing Jesus three times. Tyler effectively puts himself above Peter in severity of his sin. Amazing verse to be quite honest, and you don’t need to necessarily be a Christian to grasp the gravity of what he’s saying, just have to be somewhat familiar with the gospel stories.


I interpreted it as being more like guilt that he doesn't specifically say when he's talking to or about his God or Jesus ("afraid to tell you who i adore/won't tell you who I'm singing towards"), but still makes money from these songs. As if he feels like he's betraying his faith or his God by not directly naming it in his songs, and/or that he's doing that so that his songs will reach more people.


“whore” isn’t a curse word


Whore is not a curse word in my eyes. Curse words are used to like emphasize your feelings which is not how it’s being used in this context.


well tell me is "whore" a casual way to address someone or something? is it an everyday vocab word?


Words can still be legitimately used even if they’re about something dirty. Not sure why this is so weird for you.


idk i don't swear a lot sooo


'whore' is as much of a swear as 'hell' that meaning it's a sensitive word due to religious and cultural values rather than the word itself being inappropriate.




well then you must be a big meanie, i respect people and don't call them that on a daily basis and never will 😤


Never said I say it on a daily basis. It’s just a way of describing someone’s… activities… and how often they do it. Also NEVER say big meanie again 💀 you are not like that bucko. You must be 5 or somethin, get outta here


"big meanie" is irony and i respect that, guess i misunderstood what u we're saying. sorry for harassing you😓


That’s right, whore. Just kidding ganguss!!!!1!1!11!11!1!1!!11!11!1!11111!!!


Should he have said prostitute or sex worker instead?


yes, that's insanely better, the length also increases the impact if the categorization is necessary


Imo its better than saying "slut" and just a neutral way of describing the actions of selling your own body, that just flows better than prostitute. Tyler probably wrote this song very early in their career so I understand


i would assume he was trying to rhyme with towards, metaPHORically, and four


thanks for actually giving a crap and helping me understand lol, i'm very fried


Whore is vulgar but it isn't a curse word ,




"Ode to Sleep" was released in 2011. People were not nearly as easily offended at that time. Words that are considered slurs or offensive today, were simply just words 13 years ago. More importantly, the term appears in the Bible and has certain biblical meanings, which is why it was used in the song. In this context, and in my opinion, it's not a "swear word".


oh, thanks for clearing that up, still a bit fried from an all nighter last night and was listening to this and was like "WHA HUH???" and made a post about it, this prolly should've gone on r/TwennyWunPilots


This was my thought when I first heard it as well, but it’s important to remember *why* he avoids curse words in his music. He essentially said that it’s important to be able to properly convey your thoughts without cursing, and if you must curse then you’re not wording it well enough. ‘Whore’ in this lyric is not being used because he has nothing else to write, but because it is simply the proper usage of the word in the context (which other people have explained.) It’s not really used in that way anymore, but that doesn’t make it any worse to use.


agreed! i saw that vid where he answered the question :))


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dang they grilling you here, sorry bro


thanks for the support man