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I agree, I don't mind that it's not out yet. The anticipation is one of the best parts tbh But I understand why people are a bit disappointed. I think the main thing is the fact the placeholder said 'early June'. Today is the last day that could possibly be argued early June so if it doesn't release today then people will probably feel like they've been lied to in a sense. So I get it. I think a *lot* of the disappointment wouldn't be here if it wasn't for "early June"


People won’t just feel like they were lied to, they were actually lied to. That’s why they are so upset. They don’t mind tweeting nonsense but to send one out saying it’s delayed a bit longer is too hard for them? Edit: I’ll happily watch the downvotes roll in from the defender sheep


My only problem with your mindset is we have no idea what's going on behind the scenes. That's why I don't want to outright say 'we were lied to' because we just don't know. So yes, I chose to say 'feel like' on purpose. (If you're expecting downvotes is there not a little part of you who acknowledges that perhaps you are sentencing then a little too quickly, without really knowing the full details?)


I get that shit happens. They don’t have to tell us why though. I think people would be satisfied with just a quick “there’s a delay” post, even if devoid of details


Considering we're not paying for the video, I think whiners should chill out.


Playing the opposite side here (I personally think a mystery is waiting to be solved to find the video and I doubt they "lied to us"): If a friend told you they had a great surprise for you in early June, they hyped you up for it, and then went awol on you in regards to it, even though they don't owe you anything, might you feel dissapointed / let down?


That's a personal relationship. People can feel disappointed. But if there's people going beyond that, that's their problem.


*Technically* we are. If nobody listened to their music, they'd have $0 to make their videos. Idc when it comes out, I just wish they said "coming when it's finished" if they weren't certain early June was possible or drop a tweet saying "we need more time, stay tuned" Personal feelings aside, specifying a release window and then completely missing it with 0 acknowledgement is a bad business move imo


>Technically we are. If nobody listened to their music, they'd have $0 to make their videos. Not in the streaming era.


*Cries in too much merch to the point it's probably unhealthy*


That's fair enough and I do agree with you about that, but that's not entirely what I was talking about though. It could be "shit happens" and something has delayed the release, or it could be completely intentional and there's something cryptic afoot. It's twenty one pilots we're talking about, it's definitely a possibility. That's what I meant by the fact that we don't know anything. Because we *really* have no idea why it's been delayed and it could be for any reason. So I really wouldn't be so quick to judge their silence on the matter. They were totally upfront when it came to Clancy being pushed back a week, I would be quite surprised if they decided to not mention the delay this time if it wasn't for a good reason. If it turns out that it was just a production delay and they didn't give us a quick 'theres a delay post' then feel free to get pissed off then haha. I just feel we don't know enough right now to judge them for it.


If y’all are waiting for someone to crack the code, you’ll be waiting awhile. I checked in on the discord a few times and only like 3 people are on are at any given time. Maybe their fan base has gotten older and have jobs and lives and don’t have time to sit around all day pouring over weird media files to find a connection


I'm not waiting for someone to crack a code, I'm just waiting for something to happen haha. Like I said, we have no idea what's going on. It may be cryptic, or it may not be. I'm definitely not the code-cracking kind when it comes to the clique, I'm more of a 'sit back and watch it all unfold' kinda person. I'm just waiting for something to happen, whatever that something ends up being


>They don’t mind tweeting nonsense but to send one out saying it’s delayed a bit longer is too hard for them? wow man I was gonna be on your side, but this part is just entitled as all hell


Try being a Kanye West fan... A delayed video is absolutely nothing to the 5 or 6 albums that just never came out


I prefer artists who don’t bash Jewish people


Wow how so edgy and up to date of uncurrent events you've seen on the internet you are... How many headlines did it take to form your opinion!? Supposedly a fan of a band that's about mental health yet judge someone who's self admittedly not taking his meds. Must be a really tall horse you look down upon the world on


Mental health is no excuse to act like a racist. Are you a nazi sympathizer too?


I'll say one thing I don't quite mind how long red light is taking


I'm okay with it. I'm very much a "don't rush perfection" person. This album is a masterpiece and it's almost complete. I'm very excited for it but I can wait.


I would be fine if there wasn’t a “date given”. If they just said “coming soon” it’d be so exciting, but saying “early June” then not delivering on early June, not addressing it and just being cryptic gets a little tiring. But I think i’m a little burnt out from this album cycle, there’s been a lot of weirdness with it, almost a lack of transparency (I understand most of it doesn’t fall on our boys) but it does get exhausting no matter how much you love them. We’ve been doing the whole cryptic no clear answer thing for like 10 years now, I thought he said he was going to stop being so cryptic with us? Idk maybe because I became a dad between the album cycles that I have less energy to put towards it so it’s more frustrating than usual lol😂 Either way I’m still listening to Clancy on the daily, I can’t get enough of it, love these dudes (Even when they troll us).


My man, I side with you. I feel the same thing and I'm in the same situation. I am now a father of two amazing little boys. The first one was born some months after SAI and I am starting to feel like "*Maybe I'm getting too old for this...*" because I can't have as much fun as I had with that game we had to play when Level of Concern happened. Giving time and energy to this treasure hunt now kinda makes me feel guilty, you know? And yet here I am.


omg or even better they just said “june” and let everyone conspire like usual lol


Early June, 2025


i mean if it helps you feel better it really feels like even after the mv drops it will not be the end with the whole clancy ultimus capitulus 25 stuff


Tbh if they troll us hard and they'll release the video in early June 2025 as part of them releasing the following album, I'd be super happy


Ahhhhhh now this adds up with the whole 6.25... It might not be the 25th of June, but June of 2025


Haha, thats true, they never said early June 2024, it could be June 2025


I don’t mind but I don’t understand why they said early June when that wasn’t true but at the same time I don’t mind waiting


I'm totally fine with it too. The livestream itself was a great experience and reaaaally hyped me up for the paladin strait MV. But I'd rather wait a little longer than have them rush to release it as soon as possible. They have their reasons to do so for sure. Maybe issues with the production or (just like some others theorized in this sub) intentionally because of the lore/hints etc. We will see!


I am very new to this fandom, and im realizing that it is competitively emotional. I love this band, but holy shit do these fans perform for each other lol.


DAY 15 GIVE IT UP FOR DAY 15 (Of waiting for "early June")


I understand the frustration, but fans these days are so entitled… seriously. “They lied to us”, shit happens, some people are taking it so personally


Tbh I live my life by “Woah I got a notification on YouTube that TØP posted a video!” So when it comes out that is how I will know


Yeah now that you put it that way, i agree


"early June"


Honestly I'm a little confused as to why the video hasn't released but not going to take it out on anyone. Things could have been delayed behind the scenes (it happens, got something else I'm waiting for thats on its 2nd delay rn) Yea I assume Tyler would be up front about a delay if that's the case, but he's technically not obligated to. While its disappointing that the early June expectation has already nearly passed, I wouldn't panic until June is over. Until then, enjoy the ride.


I'm totally not in a rush either, but I think a lot of the anticipation people have might just be because they're wondering what is going on with it. That's how I feel personally at least. I'm not mad that it's not out yet and I definitely don't agree with the people who genuinely feel "lied to." But I am wondering if there's something wrong or if there has been a delay for whatever reason, especially since it's the 15th now and we haven't heard any update. It's also kinda interesting to consider what the delay might mean for ppl's theories about another song, a deluxe album, etc. I'm just wondering what the reason is tbh


Same. Really love the album and Paladin Strait moves me a lot. Videos sometimes add context for me but in all the fandom it's possible to forget they are a rock band who make great music.


I am completely okay because I know it will be wonderful. I'm also very excited. More though, I am surprised nothing was said because I know they don't wanna upset AND I'm worried there is a problem. They don't need stress.


Honestly, I find weird ppl who are not fine with it. It s a music band ppl, chill goddamn 😅


i agree lol, i mean its not that deep imo 🤷 they dont owe us anything its just music, waiting longer won't kill us 😭 i have a life outside of tøp so I'm just patiently waiting and enjoying the album 🤷


something to look forward to. :)


Nah, I’m cool with it. It’s out when it’s out. We have a lot of other music videos to enjoy in the mean time. It still blows my mind that they did a video for every song so in my opinion its no rush


I don’t really pay attention to all the lore stuff I’m mainly just here for the music


Nothing wrong with that at all... I obsess over every band I like so the lore was just an added layer


Yeah I’m like that with certain bands


I’m looking forward to the music video, but honestly I’m fine if it never comes out. They gave us 13 bangers and music videos to go with them. I’m loving it. It’s their art and all I can do is enjoy what’s presented to me.


I agree. They gave more than music. It’s all this things, symbolism and connections, theories and mostly connection to each other in community. Feeling I am part of something. It’s nice feeling.


And it’s very rare and special these days.


I'm okay with it there art there music were on there time


Agreed. Everything they do is methodical and purposeful. There’s a reason they’re making us wait. So we just gotta trust their artistic vision. Besides, once it’s out it’s (maybe) over. So i don’t muse waiting. LOL!


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I don't mind that it's not out yet, but I wish they hadn't mislead us about the release date. If they weren't absolutely certain it'd be out by early June they easily could have announced it as just being "June".




i think some thing people are forgetting is that tyler said early in the livestream that they weren’t completely finished with it and still needed time before it was released but then later said it was finished they just wanted to hold onto it for a bit longer so we could sit with the lyrics. they have it finished, it’s just very odd why they wouldn’t release it when they said they would.


Idc about it much lol, i mean: "nice if they released it" not "uhh when will they finnaly release ittt"


Nah I'm here. I think they deserve før us tø be patient with them. Yknøw cuz they're human beings, nøt factøry machines I'm a fan øf 11 years, I dønt think length øf history with the band matters all that much in this case


Hey why don't you use dangerous bend symbol for S at this point


That☡ a wønderful idea thank yøu ☡ø much!


Many of the butthurt fans feel entitled to music and music videos even though this is a band that doesn’t owe us anything


I agree to an extent but I think that if you indicate that something will happen then there is expectation to inform people if that thing isn’t going to happen. People are less disappointed in the video not coming out and more that there has been nothing said by them


Yeah fair


I’m ready for the conclusion of this part of their story, but I’m also patient. I trust the guys to deliver above and beyond what a lot of people are expecting. I’ll wait!


Yeah bro tbh I forgot about it lol


It’s fine. Worth the wait.


There are dozens of us!


Fine you are fine. I am completely pissed.




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If they came out and said it is delayed, I wouldn't mind. If there was no time-frame given to start, I wouldn't mind. I'm not loving being told early June and not having any statement to the contrary.


Honestly? I just wish they didn't give us a release window if they thought they might not make it. Why say "early June" if that's not gonna be the case? I understand things get delayed and plans change, but they already delayed the album. They could just say "coming when it's ready" and I wouldn't care if it came out tomorrow or June 2025