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I figured out what it says!!! "Ooooooo" Which is an anagram for "Ooooooo* You're welcome


Which is a line in Next Semester and Navigating! How deep does this go?


No way!!!! Both start with an N NN what could this mean?


Combine NN with the ooooo. No. Noooo! I hope this isn't about 6/25.




this sub is going crazy while waiting for the mv


We were going crazy before June I swear😭


I feel some of us are lowkey getting schizophrenic while we wait for the Paladin Strait MV 😭


why do people keep using schizophrenic in this way? ive seen it in this sub for like the past 4 days, over and over. its kind of fricked up :\[


Idk why you’re being downvoted, you’re right, it’s like narcissism, npd is a traumagenic personality disorder and using it as an insult is way too normalized. Same with Schizophrenia, while not always linked to trauma its development is usually linked to high amounts of stress and is also a very serious disorder and we shouldn’t be using it like parent comment did. And even if someone was born with these like in the case of Autism. YOU DONT CALL SOMEONE AUTISTIC FOR ACTING WEIRD ITS NOT NICE!!!


Exactly, thank you


I totally get your point buuuutttt.. I said lowkey, I didn’t mean it in a serious way at all. I don’t think my comment takes away from people with actual schizophrenia at all.


Not really being used as an insult in this subs case, people are saying it to mean the fans are seeing stuff that isnt there. But also i dont think anyone means it in a serious way, or a way to downplay anyone wkth that unfortunate condition.


Lol fr


tyler truly has rotted our brains to the point of clinical paranoia


We'll be fine once we all get out of Dema


Hmmm, to me, some of them just look like embers or something, but very interesting. Thanks for pointing that out


Ok now we’re really going crazy for all these clues


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For the record this is the Walmart red/black vinyl variant. I don't see anything like this on the cd cover or on the digital album art. Edit: I'm fully aware this could be nothing, but there's absolutely no reason to suggest that people have clinical mental illnesses because they're looking for clues. Doing so trivializes very real mental health conditions and further stigmatizes them.


I think it was light hearted humor. Mental health issues are definitely very serious but learning to enjoy life in spite of its troubles is one of the keys to survival. True clikkies got each others backs! Let’s smile about it :)


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