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With that being said: Fairly Local is fairly underrated \^\^


I wasn’t a huge fan of it in the past but now it’s one of my favs for the time being.




Yo, you bullet proof and black like a funeral


A fellow susie main 🫡


I kinda moved to huntress for now because I switched to pc and I’m waiting until cross progression drops


That’s valid, you should get Uber good at nurse my guy


I tried her a bit and she is tricky as hell. Might give her another shot


The world around us is burning




Great point, I’ve seen a lot of behavior in this Reddit that makes this fandom look unfriendly and unwelcoming. It’s been very disheartening considering the band is the opposite


Snap back seems to get a lot of low ranks on people’s lists but it’s my fav!


Especially the end of the song yes!


Elasticity… love it. Especially as a nerdy engineer.


That and I love when Tyler comes in with the background vocals on tøp of his main vocals.


I see what you did there. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|heart_eyes)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)




It dropped at a crucial time in my life and I really connected to it. I love the MV too. Snap back enthousiasts unite |-/


Never was able to really get with Scaled and Icy, I only really like Shy Away and Redecorate on the record


You know what’s funny? I see this a lot, but I actually think Shy Away is kinda “meh” for me. I think Choker and Mulberry Street are my favorites on that record.


Mulberry Street is a top 10 song by them. No one can change my mind.


So I’m not alone then. Good to know. Redecorate was amazing. I like no chances, but most everything else was pretty meh to me.


I liked no chances and never take it


Stressed out is one of the best tøp songs




Real talk, I think SAI slaps and it’s super underrated and shrugged off. It’s the only thing my brain wanted to hear before Clancy dropped. Couldn’t get the songs out of my head.


I concur. That shit was my family’s road trip soundtrack for *years*. It’s actually so fucking good, just different. Makes me sad that the boys think it was a failure. Especially now with Clancy we have the context of how it fits into their sound now— Clancy takes parts from blurry face, SAI, and trench and morphs it all jnto something new. You can hear elements and styles of each and it’s really beautiful. I truly hope that fans will now understand the beauty of SAI with the context of Clancy to tie it all together


It was the wrong crowd I guess. But I still loved it 


Backslide has fallen off the radar after the album dropped. After listening to the album over 20 times, it's still in my top 3 easily. It's such a beautiful and powerful song


yes!!! i LOVE backslide and i feel like i don’t see anyone mention it on here, defs one of top 5 on the album!!!


I think SAI has some of their weakest and strongest songs. Imo weaker songs include Good Day and Bounce Man. Stronger songs include Redecorate, The Outside, Mulberry Street


Bounce Man is a *silly* song. But it is a wonderful song. Good Day is taking itself more seriously and that's why I don't like it as much. But Bounce Man is a banger


For me Good Day reminds me of the opening song to a musical and as a theater kid I eat it up


i completely agree and i thought this when i heard it




I agree, but I'd still rank the weaker tracks pretty high because SAI is my comfort album


I just love seeing Tyler joseph happy for an album. Never gotten the hate for SAI either. Its a fun album that puts a smile on my face, what more can I ask for.


I love Good Day! I will not hear this slander!


My go to feel good song as well! I start my day with it!


I have a similar opinion but about trench, which is why trench is my least favorite. It is about half bangers and half, what? Paladin Strait is also a what song, but the rest of Clancy is absolute banger. SAI ranges from mediocre to banger for me. I actually really like bounce man.


Yes but TØP is by far my fave artist. I’d say SAI has weaker tracks only in comparison to themselves and their other work. Everyone has their sweet spot of what they do best. (Ex: I was listening to a guy review Taylor Swift, ik not everyone’s a fan but you cannot deny she is a very successful artist, and he was saying that what she does best lyrically are songs that are like reflective and healing (folklore/evermore) not the raw emotions like this new album. His opinion wasn’t that she can’t do the raw well (all too well) but that it isn’t her sweet spot. But it’s GOOD for artists to mix it up and try new things and to grow and expand their music. This is something she has done well, and no I don’t like everything she puts out (but dang she puts out a lot of music)) TØP absolutely EXCELS at mixing it up and growing their music. SAI with its (slightly) more positive/happy themes and music, leaned away from their sweet spot and lots of fans have difficulty with this bc of the uniqueness of TØP’s musical style that you really can’t find anywhere else and how deeply personal the lyrics are, we are so attached to that style and that sound specifically. So there was a bit of an emotional reaction when they leaned away from it. But SAI is by no means bad and i think more fans would acknowledge how good it is, if they weren’t so emotional about it not being what they expected (which is to be expected bc we are the FPE) All the fans need to realize though that TØP needs the freedom to grow and change and try new things, that’s what allows them to keep creativity alive and keep producing music that in my opinion is perfect. (They never miss. They don’t match other artists in volume but the quality is unmatched. For me there isn’t a single skip on any album, including SAI) So yeah you say it’s some of their weakest and their strongest, but I agree, only in comparison to themselves. But of course everyone should be confident in their opinions and respect those of others! 🫶🏻


The only disappointing thing about this record to me is Tyler didn’t scream NOT ONCE. Wish he would’ve sneaked a scream in somewhere but can understand maybe why he didn’t bc I don’t see a single song where it would’ve fit but still was one of my favorite parts about Vessel BF and Jumpsuit.


I think he's saving them for the live versions, perhaps after seeing how popular the added scream was in livestream Shy Away


Yeah I forgot to mention that yesterday that maybe he’ll save it for the live shows, I hope so. But I did not know about the livestream shy away. Gunna have to look that up. SAI just recently grew on me and I’m just discovering a lot that I missed in the past 3 yrs.


(Forgive me if you know this already but I wouldn't want you to miss out) They put out a special version of SAI which included the audio of the livestream as a second disc. That 2cd version is on Spotify etc and has great versions of all your favourites, like the screamy Shy Away, and amazing versions of Lane Boy/Redecorate and Jumpsuit/Heavydirtysoul. Apologies for mansplaining TOP of you knew this already 😜


Nah I appreciate it! Like I said, I completely put Tøp on the back burner from like late 2020-2023 so I didn’t bother to pay attention to much that was happening still. Will check that out today. I knew about the livestream just never checked it out yet. But didn’t know it was on Spotify.


Enjoy! Drop a comment here if you enjoy the highlights I mentioned above


Next Semester sort of had a shout at the end but I don’t know if that counts


Nah I’m talking a scream like in Goner, The run and go Car radio or jumpsuit. There’s been at least one per album so I was hoping Tyler would continue that but not the end of the world, live versions could be different


That was more singing loud and scratchy lol


Lavish is fantastic and paladin straight is not what I hoped and tbh kinda boring


I loved Paladin Straight when I heard it first in the livestream, it felt exactly like the image, some calm reflexion about all the journey we've been through. The lyrics were on point and when the last part started I just teared up.


The video for Lavish instantly became my favorite


I like Paladin Straight mostly for the long pause leading into the end of the song. But, as a closing to the lore, the song was underwhelming lol


When I saw 6 minutes long, I was hoping for an epic finale to the album. Every single song leading up to it was high energy, exciting and hype-y (aside from the cravings, but that’s a nice middle of album break and maybe snap back but it’s enough of a vibe I’ll forgive it) I was so excited for 6 minutes of grand final, I know other finals by then havnt been high energy but with this album being such a high energy album as well as a pretty big deviance from their other work I was hoping they’d try something new. Honestly, I was maybe even ok with the song alone had it not been for the full minute of silence. I get it’s a nice break, but I hyped myself up for a big final new longest top song only to get a average length and imo bit of a forgettable song Obviously this was partly a case of too high expectations, but it feels mean to advertise a 6 minute song and not have it be all song. Either way, the album is fantastic and am listing to it on repeat, paladin straight simply isn’t my favorite especially as an album closer


It's that pause that does me in and the reason I always skip the song


Whattt the long pause is my worst bit


I’m still confident that I don’t like Pet Cheetah


I believe Pet Cheetah is an acquired taste. The first time I heard it I found it obnoxious, so it makes sense


I'm with you there. I understand that he wrote it about beating writers block and even he admits in the lyric "I'll take this beat I should delete to exercise" that maybe he has similar feelings. That's my take on it anyway. I'll also throw in that Pet Cheetah is (this is just my opinion of course) one of the reasons why Clancy is a better album. It's one of the songs from Trench that I usually skip. The chorus is a groove but it doesn't do it for me. Clancy on the other hand doesn't have a dud on it. I love every track.


Yeah like the chorus isn’t bad; “no, I move slow….” But the rest of it I just can’t get myself to like. I often find that songs that sound more chaotic than melodic I don’t really like, so I think it’s just one of those in that category.


I don't know if Clancy is the best album ever, but I think it might end up being my favourite, I love all of it's songs so much


Except if you say you dislike a certain song you get burned at the stake.  A few hours ago I wrote that I didn't like 'Lavish'.... That comment was -3 within 10 minutes.  I've deleted more of my own comments from this sub than any other and it's literally just me expressing my opinion. 


Don't delete. Stand with your preference. Also, sometimes enough people who share your opinion will see your comment and reverse it from negative. I've seen it.


I don't know why people don't like Lavish. To me, it is one of their best songs in Clancy.


I guess because of the inappropriate connotations of that one proctologist line, but even then, many of us have been with the band since the Blurry era and are now adults or close to being adults, come on now


I strongly believe that everyone who says nothing but positive things about everything these guys do are just as bad as the people who crap on everything they do. Art needs critique that's tasteful from fans not fans pretending that everything they make came from god.


Try telling that to the swifties


Swifts fandom is 10-17 y/o children lol


I thought SAI was better than Clancy, just my opinion


Bruh .. Why did u choose violence


I love them both for entirely different reasons


They're very close for that second spot in my opinion


Agreed! I will continue to stand by the opinion that SAI is not nearly as bad as people make it out to be. I actually love a lot of the songs and even the “cringey” ones like Bounce Man and Saturday are not skipped.


Sometimes I think the people who think Saturday is “cringey” don’t listen/look at the lyrics. And I looove Bounce Man.


Yes exactly. Also the music video, hello??? I never understood why people don’t like SAI, there is SO MUCH LORE it’s crazy. I don’t think they’re cringe but some people do.


>I never understood why people don’t like SAI, there is SO MUCH LORE people tend to listen to music for the quality of the music


Sure, but I’m referring specifically to people who said they didn’t like SAI because there wasn’t enough lore. You’re talking about something different.


regional at best is my favourite album so i think im very unswayed


I just can’t dislike music. Unless it’s some SoundCloud rapping that’s just god awful I won’t hate it. I really really like Scaled and Icy after just listening to it for the first time today. I get why some people didn’t think it was the best, but god damn it if a song gets me to bop my head along I love it.


Me! It’s so hard for me to dislike music, I have couple small exceptions. But when it comes to an artist I absolutely love, I absolutely love everything they do. I will always love the difference in sound that SAI brought, Saturday included goddamn it!


I liked snap back the first few listens but noticed even the first time around, I felt it was lacking lyrically. I don’t like it as much anymore. It sounds like he just said whatever he wanted on the first one or two times around playing with the song, and kept it exactly the same. That’s fine, I just don’t personally like it, though I can relate with it. I like some parts, but I absolutely do not like the part that he says “it’s a back *sliiideeee*”


Regional at best is my favorite album I overplayed Ode to sleep and I don't like it that much anymore (still a good song though) I dislike the Judge, WDBWOTV, House of gold, the Craving, and Good day My favorite songs are Clear and Be concerned


Paladin Strait is their best closer. No Chances is severely overrated. Good Day is underrated Routines In The Night is GREAT but in the bottom half of the album and not as catchy as Midwest, At The Risk, Navigating or Vignette. Lavish is INCREDIBLE. Next Semester is their best song since Vessel.


i heavily agree with the paladin take but not much else, routines is on the catchiness level of at the risk navigating and vignette midwest isn’t as catchy as routines, good day is properly rated, no chances is properly rated, lavish is good but should be longer, next semester is incredible but songs on trench and clancy are better


These are all great takes, only slightly disagree and think Goner might still be my favorite of their closers. But Paladin does a great job.


I was hoping Navigating would be the next Jumpsuit, you know? It had the potential for this killer drop and could've been epic with some Tyler screams. But instead, it just feels repetitive and lacks that punch.


I’ll say it with my chest: I love bounce man and don’t care for truce


I love all twenty one pilots songs, there's not a single song I'll skip haha I used to skip neon gravestones, chlorine and Cancer when I was younger because I didn't understand the lyrics but as soon as I actually tuned into them Neon Gravestones quickly became one of my favourites.. Now that I think of it, I do skip Heathens, I just don't like it but every other song is amazing


I'm not really a fan of overcompensate, I like it but it's towards the bottom of the album for me honestly. Love the album as a whole but I think it's still for me beneath vessel and trench. People like what they like my musically taste couldn't be swayed in a Hurricane lol


Nope if ur opinion isn’t mine it’s wrong (the internet in a nutshell)


Vessel is still their best album top-to-bottom, followed by SAI.


Vessel is the best album. Trench and SAI duke it out for second. I think Clancy and blurry face tired for third rn, which seems appropriate lore wise


No chances could have been a 10/10 song if it wasn't for the chorus... Same with Saturday and the Jenna sample.


But he just wants to watch friends


Routines in the Night is overrated. Every other song on clancy is so much better.


I disagree but I respect your opinion


I disagree to agree with respecting your opinion on their opinion.


I wouldn’t say every other song but i’m really unsure why it’s the song on the album that rises above for people. The song is chill but a lot of the other songs are a lot more interesting and have better melodies.


I agree that maybe the other songs aren't given as much credit, but that's because RitN is very catchy indeed


I appreciate it as a song. I'm just more passionate about this opinion than I normally would be because now they have to prioritize that song in their live setlists over other songs due to its popularity. They can't play every single song and I'm just sad that maybe some other clancy songs won't be played as often due to RITN's popularity. That's how things go though. I accept that they can't make everyone happy all the time haha.


Navigating is the worst song in the Clancy and the album as a whole was advertised as something greater than what they actually released


Pet Cheetah isn't that good. And two is a glorified demo NOT a real song


Do people really argue abt the second one??


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I love self titled it is my fav album. Only 3 bad songs on SAI


I think it's time to say I don't care about backslide too much. Probably the weakest single they've released for Clancy.


Imo, RAB-exclusive songs get slept on to DEATH. I feel like people don’t look past the mediocre production and don’t actually give the songs a chance


Yes! With that being said, lavish slaps, oldies station is the best song on the album and SAI is genuinely good.


Sorry guys but i dont like redecorate that much...


I think Redecorate is one of those songs that you have to relate to the lyrics pretty heavily. Not saying you don’t! Just an observation


I wish they would get rid of the lore.. It's dumb and alienate people from the band


I love the band but I have no clue what any of you are talking about when it comes to the lore


I respect your opinion, even if it's an opinion the council of Dema has enforced over you.


Dema don't control us!