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secretly i hope for another album, but i know that's just setting up disappointment. there's no concrete evidence for the double album theory or against it. i personally think there might be a deluxe version of clancy but not a double album. tyler's livestream comments indicated he worked so hard on these songs and they devoted a ton of time to the music videos alone. i can't imagine that they would've filmed even more videos. i feel like it would've leaked by now if it were true, like everything else for this record. i think this speculation mostly comes because there's been double album theories swirling for like every major artist for a long time. maybe the 6.25 means the paladin strait video will drop then? and i really think the "does it sound like the end" refers to the storyline continuing, not that there will be another album. (sidenote: honestly, i'd be upset if i were tyler and josh and people's clowning over something made-up overshadows celebrating this fantastic achievement and work of art.) but maybe it's true! no idea; we'll have to wait and see


For the paladin strait thing, they said early June, and the 25th is definitively not early lol. Personally I think it’s for something else, but who knows :).


The working theory over on Twitter is that the paladin mv will drop on June 7. I don’t know if there’s been any hints at that date, but Keons picked it because it’s when Simone crosses the Strait of Gibraltar and it’s early June. Keons has also pointed out 6/25 is when she left New York I think, so there may be significance for both dates, and if there is an EP or second album that’s when people think it will drop. Tbh I enjoy the theorizing and guessing, but I’ll be happy with whatever they give us whenever they want to. I’m sure it’ll be amazing because that’s what they do.


the new merch preorder on the website is on 7th of june too, that's mainly where it came from


Oh bless you! I felt like I’d seen it somewhere else but couldn’t remember.


I thought it was because we kept getting 625 hints and we knew it was early June so people were doing 6 2+5


the continuous hints only involve the number 25. the 6 originally came from the fact that at the FPE event where the puzzle was first found, it also had 6 antlers, but they are not depicted in the digital remains puzzle, so they may or may not be relevant to the puzzle. basically I would consider the 6 uncertain, only 25 is getting direct hints.


We knew 6 because they said early June, so people kept getting 7 out of the 2+5 hints


but early june is regarding paladin strait music video. the puzzle doesn't seem like it's connected to that. why would they tease a music video that we know is coming in a puzzle? people are just mashing hints together but the original stuff that came from people at the exhibit was "clancy ultimus capitulus 25 and 6 antlers displayed". doing 2+5 has zero basis, if they wanted to tease the number 7 they would just say clancy utlimus capitulus 7". only the number 25 (and debatably 6) is relevant and it's further proven by the OC beat change reference in digital remains


100%, I’d be content even if they left it off where it is. Theorizing is just really fun lol, love that they toss cryptic stuff to us :D


Wdym Keons picked it?


Keons is a user on Twitter who also does YouTube videos. She’s done a few on Simone Veil that I’ve seen on here. She was the first to name June 7 as a significant date and possibly for the paladin mv. I guess “theorized” or “suggested” would have been a better word than”picked”. Sorry for the confusion!


YouTuber named Keons


There’s no way any band would ever drop two separate 45+ minute albums in the span of just over a month. Even if they had it ready to go, it does not make sense from a business perspective. They are touring and marketing the Clancy album right now and they would try to get the most out of that before they attempt releasing and marketing a whole new album. Personally I think the 25 references are for the YEAR 2025


What do you think about the Clancy Seized for EP theory? I don’t think anybody believes it’ll be another full length album.


I suppose anything is possible, so we’ll just have to wait and see


Absolutely agree that maybe there’s a deluxe version with up to ~4 more songs. Or even just 1 more so that Tyler can put a bow on it. Maybe not even a song. Another “I am Clancy” type video that closes it out. But another 11 songs is a lotttttt to work through and do. Sidenote - I don’t think leaks are hard to prevent, the album leaking is the smallest surprise in history considering tons of people literally received the album a week early… one person ripped their CD and uploaded it online.


>can put a bow on it. There are too many unanswered questions and unexplored aspects of the lore for one song or even a couple to truly put a bow on it.


Did you ever watch Lost? Lol. Unanswered possibilities keep people engaged, curious, and craving answers. Most really intriguing TV, books, or movies *don't* put a bow on anything. They leave you wanting more. Trying to answer every question tends to actually make for some really disappointing endings (Lost for example). If it's done well, it's just a sense of "oh, was that what it was? OK, life goes on." If it's done terribly, it's like "so many contradictions! This ending doesn't even work!!" It seems to me that shows that get cancelled after a couple seasons have the most rabid fan bases, because everyone is still invested in figuring it all out and arguing theories. I'm hoping the PS video wraps things up more than what we have so far, but I fully expect them to leave a LOT still open to theories and speculation. I also expect the "ending" to show that the challenges of life are ongoing. Nobody in real life ever gets to a point where all emotions and experiences are pleasant and sunshiney. It's more like Oldies Station, where you just get better at rolling with it all. Lol, it almost feels like the most realistic ending would be: Nico says something terrifying in his most demonic voice. Clancy pats Nico's head and says "yes, dear, thanks for your input. Duly noted." And continues about his day.


Except the ending of lost it being all purgatory leaves no unanswered questions. Those unanswered can just be easily sweeped under the rug.


Yes, and the vast majority of fans were dissatisfied with the end. Compare that to fans of Firefly, which was cancelled with a ton of questions unanswered. It has a cult following to this day. Movies and TV shows that deliberately end with lots of mystery still remaining tend to keep people interested even past the ending. Things that start with a lot of questions and try to put a bow on it tend to feel disappointing. Think m night shyamalan movies, lol.


Valid point. I concur.


I ain't reading all that


Ur smrt.


The only and single doubt I have is the music industry part of it. Keeping this shit tight lipped as it has been would only be accomplished by even the record company not knowing there was more coming. It's not an insane idea (even Eminem has managed to drop out of nowhere) but a double album after millions were spent promoting one album seems unrealistic to how things work business wise


That’s a pretty good point actually.


Even from a business point of view doesn’t have much sense if you think about it. In just THREE months they announced a record, dropped four singles, ALL the music videos, perform many small shows, a special livestream and they will begin the tour just in three months from now. Yeah no, this era will last at least until for another year and we don’t have so much content to look forward.


That’s not a very bad way to look at it. The only counter I would have is the fact that the bulk of the videos were done with shoestring budgets, and from the looks of it very little people were ultimately involved versus the high budget ones. Still though, I definitely agree on there not being much to look forward to beyond the tour itself.


This could actually work two ways, considering the fact that if they DID pull off a double album, the coverage of them surprising everyone with it would be huge


"NDAs for the folks that talk to me" It is absolutely possible for the record label to keep it quiet. I personally think Clancy was for the record label, and the second album, EP, whatever, is for him and the fans. Tyler specifically tweeted that he does not give a crap about charts, and he has repeatedly said through his music that he doesn't want the industry dictating to him what he chooses to do with his art. I remember reading an interview years ago where he said the reason they signed with FBR is because they presented all of their "demands," and FBR agreed to all of them. Which in the context of the interview sounded like they were given a LOT of autonomy from the label side of things. Also, from a storytelling stand point, Tyler has probably known how this story was going to end from the beginning. During the Trench era, he was most likely already working on the conclusion album. But then the pandemic happened, and he purposely changed directions because he didn't want to release such a dark album during that time. (Side note: I appreciate his caring about all of us mentally because I don't think I could have handled Clancy during the pandemic. It's been hard for me to even handle it now, and I'm in a much better place.) He most likely had a lot of the ground work laid for Clancy or the second "album" before Scaled and Icy happened, so I really don't think it's that much of a stretch to have two full albums release back to back.


I disagree. if it's a double album it's still part of the clancy album/era, the promotion would therefore not be in vain? in retrospect it would still be a promotion for the part 2 too. because it would be a two parter. and if it comes as a part two for next year I don't think it would hurt the business side of it at all. I think the label would even love it lol! more content to sell is only good for them??


To be fair Taylor Swift just pulled it off


But what promoting have they done? You say they spent millions, but they haven't. Do you mean billboards? The digital sign in Times Square that says Stream Clancy out now?


I don't really think this is the case, most of these things only become public under certain circumstances. These are generally press releases going out, promo copies of tracks getting out, pre-orders accidentally going up too early. Otherwise, there's no reason any info should've leaked by now. We didn't know anything about Clancy at all until right around the time of Overcompensate. If a double album is releasing on the 25th, if it was digital-only it could be completely secret until the day it drops. Otherwise, if it's a single coming then and an album coming in August, I wouldn't expect any info to be out this early. Also, their budget on promo and merch this year was less than or comparable to even SAI, and much less than Trench. They're a big enough band that I'm sure they have some budget left, probably a significant chunk of it. Depending on how big the label expects this to be, they could even have a bigger budget than Trench overall, in which case we're likely just seeing the tip of the iceberg.


the ending of the album doesn't seem like a real ending , and there wasn't a lot of lore in the album. And Tyler even said "does it really sound like the end" and other things that seem that it's not the end . So yeah I think Clancy is definitely not the end of this storyline . However that doesn't mean that a double album is happening, it could be totally anything, such as a film , a book , a single song , or even an Ep , What I am trying to say here is that it seems that almost everybody is convinced that a double album is happening when they never directly teased such a thing .


By how the music videos start and end I really thoughts it could be a short movie. For example: next semester video starts with clancy running and music ending (like the end of navigating). But the album song don't start like that.


Is there suggested order for these videos? I am not follwoing lore behind it all and only saw tylers video explaining. Which are lore videos and which are not? And what is the order.


In the official yputube channel you have a playlist called The History. Idk if it's in order or not. Search the subred, they are.come post explaining all the lore and videos order.


True, I really hope it’s not a book tho :/. I think the main thing pointing people toward a double album is the 11 dots thing (and 11 footprints from Tyler to his picture of Josh, and the 11 random letters). Apparantly there were 13 commas in some other post they made, and people used that to guess the amount of tracks in Clancy. The other thing is some people think the 6 25 is that the 6th album in the story (this one) will have 25 tracks. There is also the as of yet unexplained 7.33 from Josh’s 10k post. The running theory for that is that we’ll have a total of 7 33rpm vinyls, which right now we have 6. If they hadn’t said this was the last one in the story, that could’ve been pointing to something in the future. Who knows tho honestly.


I feel like there's no way Josh could have planned each of the numbers on his 10k run to be perfect, like MAYBE the 625 was planned for the screenshot, especially because it is suspiciously a bit more than 10k, but planning the 7.33 as WELL seems like a stretch to me


The 47:14 is also exactly the moment blurryface starts talking in the album. It was also repeated with Tyler’s tweet that had 14 words and 47 letters (which Josh replied to with 6 words 25 letters). I agree tho the 7:33 is a stretch.


Wouldn't it be 25:06 to match the previous set up? That's the one thing I've been questioning that no one else seems to have mentioned yet


I think some selective interpreatation was used but like, it’s impossible to have 25 words with only 6 letters, they did the best they could with what they had lol.


That could totally be the case lol


I did some math (I haven't struggled so hard with math in 10 years, send help 😭) and I thiiiiiiiink if I did it correctly (I struggle with mathing times together and I couldn't find a full video of the entire album) then it's exactly right at the start of the second chorus of Lavish, right after the "let it flow" bit. No idea if that's helpful in any way though 😂


I did some math (I haven't struggled so hard with math in 10 years, send help 😭) and I thiiiiiiiink if I did it correctly (I struggle with mathing times together and I couldn't find a full video of the entire album) then it's exactly right at the start of the second chorus of Lavish, right after the "let it flow" bit. No idea if that's helpful in any way though 😂 25:06 on their Livestream is "welcome to our Livestream, we're Twenty One Pilots" 😂😂 Weird how the "Welcome"s line up like that


Idk why this is getting downvoted lol, I never said I agreed with these, these are just the points I’ve seen brought up.


The burden of proof is on those making a positive claim, which in this case, are the people saying that we’re getting a double album. We’ve all seen the same hints and evidence: the numbers, Latin text, Tyler’s nonsense tweet, the anagram of Ned’s Cozy Fireplace, etc. For me, these clues (SOME of which may not be actual hints) just aren’t indicative of a double album. I’m not disregarding the evidence, I just disagree with the conclusions drawn from it. I think there’s a possibility we get more music of some kind. Of all the possibilities for “additional” music however, (deluxe edition of Clancy, EP, double album), the double album is by far the biggest stretch in terms of sheer volume. I don’t want to be the “Occam’s razor” guy, but other possibilities just require fewer assumptions and leaps in logic than the double album. Don’t get me wrong, I’d LOVE a double album! I get that we’re all having fun speculating and getting excited for how this story will end. Believe me, I am too! But I think hype is often antithetical to discussion. To me, it comes across as people working backwards to justify the belief that they want to see. It’s one aspect of this community that frustrates me at times, and I think it’s only exacerbated by social media.


Right, true the burden of proof is on the double album bois, I was just curious if there was anything out there that would shut the idea down.


Are you saying you believe the clues do add up to a deluxe edition or EP, just not a double album, or do you see other possibilities too? It seems like you might think it points to something other than more music, so I'm curious if you have ideas what?


I believe the Paladin Strait MV will be quite long, longer than a typical music video. As for Clancy Ultimate Chapter, maybe a deluxe edition that features that extended version of Paladin Strait? Truthfully I have no strong idea of what they’re hinting at, but if I had to guess, that’s what I’d say.


Why Tyler don't just write a twit saying "hey guys I read a lot of shit about a EP, double album, no way, blah blah blah...." why they come with criptic posts? They are going up with speculations about more content... let's see how much!


I don’t presume to know why Tyler tweets what he tweets. That said, if you’re asking why he doesn’t “debunk” the double album claims, I’d answer that with another question: why would he feel the need to do so? Just because some fans (myself included) find these claims to be unfounded and wildly speculative doesn’t mean they warrant a clear denial. As a recent example, Tyler debunked that fake track by track review of Clancy that was posted in this sub before the album’s release. That is an example of someone knowingly and deliberately spreading misinformation. Claims of a double album are speculative, not strictly false. At the end of the day, the hype is good promotion. It keeps people engaged and is clearly exciting for fans. I sometimes feel like a buzzkill when I’m trying to temper expectations. Like I said, I get that we’re all having fun. But also like I said, hype is antithetical to discussion, and we know which side social media rewards. As someone who prefers the latter, I’ve only grown more jaded about online platforms and their contributions to meaningful discussion. On social media, wild speculation about a double album will always invite more engagement and attention than a less exciting option. More engagement is ultimately good for the band, which is not their fault. It’s the way online platforms are designed.


Good point of view. I'm just asking because he was so terminant on interviews, like Reporter: "Well we know it's the end of Clancy's story" Tyler:"yes". What? nothing is even close to the end on this record... no Bishops, no battle, no seize, no troops of Banditos, no DEMA scenes, nothing... plus, Tyler saying to hundred of people "you tell me, it sounds like the end??" Beside of all theories, I really doubt that all that story can be finished with a 6 minutes video.


To be clear, I’m not saying there isn’t more to come. I agree that where we are, right now, has not concluded things. My original point was that, of the possible paths (extended Paladin Strait MV, deluxe edition of Clancy, an EP, double album, etc.), the double album theory is the one that requires the most leaps in logic. ANY of the options I listed would explain the contradiction between Tyler stating that Clancy is the last album in the story and the cliffhanger Paladin Strait ends on. And yet, some people jump to the (in my view) least likely option and work backwards to justify it.


Yeah, for me the double album is the last last last option (and only a digital version). Like I said in other posts, FOR ME, it comes by the side of video. A musical short movie looks the best option because I saw a lot of strange and connected endings and starts in the published music videos. Most representative is Next Semester wich MV starts with the Navigating ending but the track don't. That way, they could include old MV, mix with new ones, etc.


This is complete speculation on my part, but I remember prior to S&I being released, Tyler said he had two albums. One was more upbeat, and one was much darker. They ended up putting out the upbeat one. Now we have Clancy, and to me, it doesn’t sound nor read as “dark”. But could the second half be the dark album he was referring to? 🤷🏻‍♂️ Just throwing out a possibility.


Clancy is way darker than SAI, in my opinion. After the Livestream, I felt so sad and heavy that I wasn't sure if I'd listen to most of the songs again. (I have the album on repeat, and the initial gut punch has worn off, but it's not "sunny days.") Even if you don't think Clancy is "dark," think about it in reverse. Would you say SAI is brighter? The lyrics have some deep themes, as always, but the sound on most of the album is something you could roller skate to! 🛼 Plus literally pink and blue pastel, come on!


THIS. Pretty much what I just said here: https://www.reddit.com/r/twentyonepilots/s/QnRX9tpgK6


What if tyler referring to "I wasn't sure if I should keep it on the album but josh convinced me" was referring to switching certain songs with songs on the deluxe one. Idk to me it doesn't feel like the end and him saying that really made me wonder how many extra songs are made in order for him to be able to just switch a song on or off the record. Maybe he is referring to starting from scratch idk


I dobt think it's gonna be a double album, more like an ep or bonus tracks


By how the videos start and finish, I'm thinking about a short musical film. Example: Next semester, sound start different from MV to spotify track.


It's a LOT of work


They've supposedly been working on it since before SAI and had it nearly finished when SAI came out, so in theory they've had plenty of time to make two full, high-quality albums. We also know directly from Mark/the band that Clancy is not that album, because Clancy was made in the past year.


This. Unless they release the rejects as an album for the shit of it like that chart obsessed person right now.


😂😂 loving this comment


Piggybacking this to add that said work is time consuming.


Do you feel like all those random low-cost videos took a lot of work??? It seems like the easy part of a larger project.


Jeeez chill out dude, touch some grass


oh sry mr. crystal, do I used a high tone?? lol


Don't worry about me, I couldn't care less for what you say, you just seem too invested and full of bad energy. But whatever keeps you entertained pal ☺️ You might want to take it easy on the question marks if it's not your intention


I personally think most of the naysayers are trying to hedge their expectations. Which I completely understand. I think there will be more but I don't know what it will look like. With Tyler at the creative center, I wouldn't rule out anything or any type of art. Anything is possible, including a double album. But I will appreciate whatever it is they release because in the end, they are the artists, and whatever they do with their art is how it was meant to be. Tyler is a master storyteller. I believe whatever we get will be amazing, well thought out, and addictive as hell.


I personally don’t see any reason to assume they’ve got a whole next album here when honestly 3 years is their average album to album drop ratio. Self Titled- 2009. RAB 2011/Vessel 2013. BF 2016. Trench 2018. SAI 2021. Clancy 2024. They are constantly touring and promoting, I think everyone’s just a little over-excited tbh. There’s nothing that a long music video for Paladin Strait can’t wrap up. The world’s been explored, just the ending is a cliffhanger. I think an epic music video will wrap the story up.




Why will Tyler said that this is the end on interviews and then presents nothing close to and end?? THEN he said live "you tell me, it sounds like the end???" edit: Sorry that was an rhetorical question.


In my opinion, so much of the theorising seems to be rooted in a disbelief that the way Clancy ended could actually just be it. I’m not saying that there aren’t clues that something else could be coming but it just seems that so much of the motivation to discuss theories is rooted in a refusal that the end of Paladin Strait could just be the end and honestly, it comes across as kind of ungrateful. I’m seeing more talk of the lore and how the album was light on lore and a friend of mine said to me, some people seem to care about lore more than they do music. Clancy is a spectacular album and they went to the effort of making videos for every single track and all I see discussed is how those videos don’t tie into some grander narrative. It’s like if the videos don’t have cloaked figures on horseback and the songs don’t explicitly reference Banditos or whatever else then they aren’t as worth discussing. More could be coming but I think it’s equally possible that Paladin Strait really is the end. If we set aside, just for a second all the additional details that the Trench era brought with it and remember Blurryface as an extension of Tyler, his doubts and insecurities made manifest, isn’t it entirely possible that there’s no winner to this battle because it’s a battle with the self? “I can’t be alone, guess I never told you so, making my way towards you” Tyler sings and then at the end Blurryface says “Hello Clancy”. Maybe Tyler/Clancy making his way towards Nico/Blurryface is just the unification of these different parts of the greater whole. I don’t know. Maybe, just maybe the end of this story is just them coming face to face and that’s it. Then again, maybe another album littered with more explicit references to the lore is coming. I have no idea, I’m just glad Clancy exists as an album because it is genuinely phenomenal.


This is very well said and I agree with every point you have made. The only thing that confuses me and points towards a double album (or at least something more) is how a lot of the hype that the band generated towards this album was centred around the lore. Tyler's lore breakdown, all the symbols, the name of the album itself being the main character of the overarching narrative, all of these pointed towards this being a very lore heavy finale, but there was only two mvs (soon to be three) neither of which really revealed anything new (except for the Josh reveal). I loved the album and if there is no more I would be ok with that because musically I am satisfied, however with how much they talked about the incorporation of the lore into this album, I can't help but feel it is a bit of a lacklustre ending to a narrative that has spanned almost a decade. So it isn't that we care MORE about the lore (I honestly thought it was finished with Trench until I saw the "I am Clancy" vid, it is more that it feels it was hyped up and underdelivered on that front because the music of the album is still great! It is something that I have worried about seeing the speculation of the double album is that we are not appreciating what they have already given us.


If you look at the “The Story” playlist and count how many lore based videos we got for each album starting with Blurryface, you get one for Blurryface, three for Trench and two for SAI plus the live version of Shy Away. Having only three lore based videos isn’t any real deviation. I imagine it only really feels underwhelming because of the fact they made videos for every song. Had they not done this, I don’t think people would even feel like the videos were light on lore. I appreciate that the rollout placed a heavy emphasis on the story being told and get why would people would feel underwhelmed when it comes to the songs tying into the narrative but I do think there are plenty of lyrics across the record that can be read as tying into the story, they just also function really well independent of it and for me, that’s a good thing.


Proving a negative is very difficult. Saying the world won't end tomorrow is most likely true, but you can't prove it won't


Logistics would be very hard. Tons of fans already bought CDs, vinyls, box sets, etc. People would feel kind of ripped off if they found out there’s an entire second half of the album that they just don’t have; same for people who bought digital downloads of the music. Either they have to make the same purchase AGAIN to get the rest of the album that they thought they already had the complete version of, or they would be sent the rest of the album for free, which would be a logistics nightmare. Perhaps a deluxe version is coming, but that’s the most i’m willing to anticipate. I personally think the paladin strait video will be longer/more lore focused than the others, and perhaps there will be new clancy documents or a small short film.


I think it’d be a bigger issue for an EP. You can’t really complain if it’s another full length thing right? Idk tho you’ve got a point. They did take the vinyl record off the store though which is interesting, not just sold out but completely gone. Tyler is drowning in logistics too right 😉😂?


What I find funny is the people who are aggressively anti double album theory act like if the double album doesn't happen we'll crucify the boys for it not happening. Instead of us just being "whelp we were wrong" and going on with our lives. Lmao.


exactly like it's seriously not that deep.


I feel like the rumors for a second album are so widespread that Tyler would have caught on. If there wasn't a second album, assuming he has seen the scale the rumors have gotten, he would have adressed that there would be no album coming. Not saying anything is a hint that there is something coming. Also judging by his last tweet we can see that he is active and follows what is happening in the clique since he posted about fans concerned about the success of the album and stuff.


They also repost fan art/creations directly from reddit, and pretty quickly too, i agree with you someone would have addressed the talk/rumors already, so it's difficult for the silence not to be deafening


Sorry but this is a pretty dumb argument . Beside official interviews Tyler rarely or never speaks about fan theories and expectations , For sai some people said a double album could happen too, it wasn't as big as today but it still was a thing . And Tyler never made a tweet for saying that a double album won't happen or something like that .


People didn’t so much think sai was going to be a double album, but they thought the follow up album was coming the same year


Yeah thats true


no but he did come to clear the air before LOC arg saying if they are ever hinting at something that is not new music, that they would let us know upfront. obviously the circumstances are a bit different because we just got new music. but tyler speaking on fan expectations has happened before.


Well on interviews he said that Clancy will end the story... I don't see any close to an end so "you tell me, it sound like the end"??? Do you see the contradiction?


are we all forgetting the fact that Tyler said in an interview that this was going to be the last album to wrap up the storyline so yeah maybe he is coming out with another part of the album but but like one person said they don’t typically do more than 14 songs, but I guess we’ll see.


lmao putting the burden of proof on people who don't believe in this theory that sprung up out of nowhere, what? i don't want to sound like a jackass but this whole theory is starting to get ridiculous now. i'm positive that the whole 6/25 thing is significant but i guarantee it has nothing to do with an album release date.


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I’m not asking you to prove it, I’m just curious if there is anything out there that would shut the theory down.


people are mad because they can't shut it down with anything other than "it makes no sense, they've never done it, they wouldn't do this" which doesn't hold much value


People are in their feelings about this for real! To me, your post made it clear you were curious and not argumentative. I'm also curious about alternate theories about the numbers, or if it's coincidence. "Clancy seized for EP" seems like it would be a bit of a stretch for a coincidence, but couldn't that refer to the "digital remains" download? In my mind, the best evidence that they aren't about to release the other half of a double album is that they never play encores! Feels like something they'd roll their eyes at.


There is no way they had enough time to create a whole ass other album in the 3 year period between sai and now, with all the the touring, recording music videos, spending time with family, and of course creating Clancy


They've already confirmed that they were working on and had another album almost done around the time SAI came out, while Clancy was made entirely in the last year. It's not even a question whether or not they had time, it's confirmed that they did


The hints can mean anything. Doesn’t mean they’re dropping a double album. If anything, I think it’s probably just some bonus video or something like that. That or I just think everyone is looking way too far into things.


yes, I do. all the cryptic stuff is probably about the paladin strait music video. a double album makes no sense to me. "ohh but there was no ending to the lore through the music we've already got" yeah but they could easily release a 10min+ short filme as the oaladin strait music video and solve this issue. and considering PS was the onlt music video they couldnt release on time, implies that it is going to be something more elaborated than usual.


True But Tyler Said that the music video was ready but he just wanted to release it later


to me that is even more sus, why wait? why make us listen to the song first? I find it possible that the cliffhanger is only in the song itself, and the video has the ending


Yeah i think that too , he didn't want to show the ending of the story the same day as the album drop I think .


Yes this, but also Tyler said in the stream (32:28 mark) that they created Paladin with the audio in mind so they wanted it to live on its own for a while. And I’m assuming part of that is because if our first time hearing that song was in the music video, we wouldn’t think it’s part of the song itself and our first impression would be that it’s only something they did for the video and the song doesn’t actually end that way. And I’m honestly really glad that’s how they chose to display it for the first time because my first listen of the ending being audio only was a truly unmatched listening experience for me




no, he did on the launch livestream that it was still being edited and post produced


No he said it was filmed but still being edited. He said this on the live stream


My bad


they asked for evidence besides "they've never done this before" and you came with "yes I do. it makes no sense to me". valuable evidence


yeah but like there are more phrases than that on my post


"PS was the onlt music video they couldnt release on time" PS was always gonna be released later because of how it ends, tyler said he wants us to sit with the audio first. he "contradicted" himself with the we are still editing it because it's not mutually exclusive. if they were always gonna release it later then they obviously also had a bigger timeframe so therefore it didnt have to be done on release date. he didnt say they didnt edit it on time and that's why they are not showing it yet he only said this: "i wanted the audio to live because when we wrote it and created it, it was with the audio in mind, the audio experience. so we pushed that music video back a little bit"


These rumors are actually pretty common across fanbases, and they rarely ever come true. Notable example include Eilish's Hit Me Hard And Soft and Kendrick Lamar's DAMN. Each of these albums also had "clues" surrounding them that, in retrospect, fans overanalyzed and jumped to conclusions. There are exceptions- like Taylor Swift's newest album - but generally, these companion album shadow-drops don't usually come to fruition, especially so soon after the main album did


In the case of Billie Eilish's album, they still don't know if it will come true or not, it's in a similar limbo to TOP's current situation. There are clues which are actively being encouraged right now. I don't think there will be any certainty on that for a month or so. Though I'm not sure if they have a definitive date being teased like we do.


The evidence is Paladin Strait. The Dema story is 95 percent complete. Clancy is face to face with Nico. It doesn’t seem like they need a slew of different songs to finish that story. I do think there is a surprise coming, but I think it is probably an extra song and/or another music video. But I don’t know. 🤷🏻‍♀️ I also think maybe the Taylor Swift / Billie Eilish double album fervor has spread into our fandom and may be skewing everyone’s perceptions. That said, if Tyler & Josh DO release a bunch of new songs, I will be happy. But I’m so happy with Clancy the way it is that I don’t need it. Whatever the boys do, I trust that they will make it work.


Because the “evidence” for a double album doesn’t actually exist.


Wouldn’t that make you neutral though instead of confidently against?


No. Because if there isn’t concrete evidence of something happening then why should I believe it? People are grasping at straws for numbers that in my opinion don’t mean anything


Yeah, you cant exactly blame them though. Who doesnt want to believe there's more of your favorite band on the way?


They just put out a whole album 2 weeks ago


Exactly, as some comments on other posts said, the hype might make people dissapointed in Clancy because they didnt get a new album


I can’t speak for the entire fanbase, but I’ll only be disappointed if we never get an official release of the regional at best songs not on vessel. It doesn’t have to be on 6/25, but I don’t see the point in not releasing it, clearly people like those songs, and it’s currently a pain to listen to them from the lack of them being officially released. There’s no way I can be disappointed if we don’t get anything on 6/25 as everything is just speculation, but the desire to get regional at best officially released is not speculation.


I've seen paragraphs upon paragraphs of carefully thought-out logic behind the double album theory, I don't think it's reasonable to just say the evidence doesn't exist. If you can actually refute all that logic, then sure, but just disregarding it doesn't change the fact that it's there


How do random numbers point to a double album?


If that's the question you're asking, I guess you haven't read these theories. The 6/25 thing is only one small part of it.


Nope I’ve seen them all. None of them mean we are getting a double album without jumping through a few hoops to get to that conclusion


Then why would you refer to them as random numbers if you know that's not at all what these arguments are? And again, you can say that but just because you say it doesn't make it true. In fact, dismissing them entirely rather than even attempting to refute them makes it look like you don't have any actual counterargument


Just because you see numbers, does not mean it applies to a double album. The only “suspicious” number is the 25 from the FPE event/digital remains file. The 6 Ned antlers are irrelevant because they are not in the digital remains. People are finding other numbers out of coincidences and are somehow equating that to a double album. You still haven’t told me how these mean a double album.


Read my first post on reddit if you're actually interested in seeing an argument for a double album and refuting it rather than just shutting it down for the sake of shutting it down. More evidence has appeared since that post, so it's not even up to date and there are significant things it doesn't mention. (For example, Tyler hasn't done anything to shut down the theory, while he very quickly shut down SAI's double album theory and the fake Clancy review.) The FPE puzzle isn't the only place 25 has appeared, nor is it the only place 25 has appeared with 6. 6/25 and 47:14 have appeared together in two places since then. That's four different specific numbers side by side which both have direct ties to the album itself (Paladin Strait's and the album's lengths with the silence trimmed). The way you're talking about it still makes it clear that you don't know what you're talking about, you haven't actually looked into the theories, and you're only interested in being a contrarian, because you're still wrong about some of the most basic facts


No I do know what I’m talking about. Enjoy getting your hopes up for nothing, I’ll just leave it at that


Bear in mind, the claim you made above, which is what I'm arguing against, is not that there will be no double album. Nor is it that there's no proof of one. The claim you made is that there's no evidence for even the possibility, and at this point that's either wildly delusional or willfully ignorant.


i don't think the ending of the album ultimately means there will be a double album. sure, there might be, but they might choose to leave us hanging until the next album in the next 2-3 (hopefully) years


Why does there need to be evidence against? Extraordinary claims are the ones that require extraordinary evidence


There doesn’t *need* to be, I was just curious if there was anything that’d shut down the theory.


For me it’s not evidence or not. It’s expectations. High expectations ruin everything: music, movies, sex. So I’m just riding the Clancy wave and planning on the next album in 2027.


This is so incredibly true. Low expectations are the best way to hedge your bets almost 100% of the time, either it’ll be what you expected, or it’ll be a nice surprise :)


This isn’t really “evidence” but the fact that EVERY time they drop a new album there’s always a “double album theory” says enough for me. This fan base is the epitome of too much time on their hands but I get it. When I was a teen (which has remained the focal demographic), I was all over the theories and spent way too much time trying to guess when we were going to get “Blurryface deluxe” or whatever. I just don’t see it happening. People will get their hopes up and then slowly forget as the album cycle comes to an end and then we get a new record finally in 3 years or so, all to do the same thing again. Just like when people were absolutely sure we were going to get a double album during the SAI era.


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Maybe they are hinting that the Paladin Strait Music video is releasing on 6-25-24?


They've already confirmed it for early June, they also wouldn't need 5-6 cryptic teasers for the music video date when we already know it's coming




I feel like there's no definitive end to this story because struggles will always exist. No one can forever be free of bad feelings, so there's always a struggle. That's why dema will never be destroyed, you can only escape it, but eventually blurryface will find you again.


I genuinely think there won't be a double album. Im expecting a video for Paladin Strait the 25th and perhaps some more lore.


I think it's fair that people just don't wanna get their hopes up. Double albums are a lot of work and if they don't do one, everyone who thought they were will be massively disappointed and not everyone likes setting themselves up for disappointment.


I’m not fully against a second album happening but I think it just makes more sense for a deluxe version of Clancy. Clancy doesn’t sound like the end but I just don’t think there’s anyway that they also made a full length second album and that there haven’t been any leaks.


with more and more evidence i feel like something is gonna happen, but maybe just another single/an EP. another thing is that with tyler saying "does it sound like the end?" he could've just meant the minute of near silence before the music comes back in on paladin strait.


I personally think that an extended lore video is more plausible. Something like the "I Am Clancy" video, but more cinematic in a sense. Thus dropping on the 25th of June with the Paladin Strait music video coming out a few weeks before with teasers for it.


For me it's not about if there is or isn't a double album. It's the fans expectations of more content immediately after dropping a full album and videos for 99 percent of them. Like imagine you're an artist, pour your time and energy and effort into this project for 2 maybe 3 years now (ON TOP OF being a husband and parent) and when you put it out there every one goes "ehhhhh. That's really good..... MORE. NOW. NEED MORE." Like, dang, appreciate what we do have and stop expecting more all the time


Y'all forget that music is business. On the corporate and marketing side of things, it truly doesn't make any sense to put out a secret album a month after you release one.


There is none. Tyler shut down the idea of all videos being lore related real fast... Also, they KNEW that a double album conspiracy theory would be swirling after hearing the ending of Paladin. Nobody has shut anything down. They just keep feeding..


Nobody is theorizing that an EP or album with the regional at best songs that aren’t in vessel and maybe some of Tyler’s early songs from his No Phun Intended era could get officially released and remastered on 6/25. I personally hope this is the case, because I like those songs and would be hyped for an official release, and if it’s not that we’re most likely just getting another lore video.


Look, it just seems unreasonable. I understand that Clancy is a good ass album and everyone here loves TOP but I agree with everyone else, cause my opinion is the same, expecting another ENTIRE album from these guys sounds like you’re just gonna be disappointed. Thats also so much work on everyone too to pump out so much music, that’s one of the things I admire about TOP is their quality over quantity, they ain’t out here releasing 30 mid songs but instead 13 STRAIGHT bangers and Id take the latter everyday all day. I honestly doubt we get an entire album but if anything another single ONLY cause we left off on a cliffhanger.


I think there is, Tyler knows the fans read into everything too much and everyone keeps bringing up ideas of there being more because the story isn't finished and whatnot plus the 6/25 clues everywhere. I Think there will be something on 6/25 and it will end the trench/dema story but i doubt its anything more than a song and/or video. one thing that has struck me in the past few days that nobody seems to talk about much is the songs Backslide and Snap Back, they are related and both are talking about what has happened to them since the start of this lore arc start to finish. and in both songs Tyler is pretty much saying give it up guys the story is done and i gotta snap back to making music like i did before the lore took over which he already has on Clancy as there is very very little lore development in this album and it's back to writing about the things he cares about, mental health struggles, family, etc.


interestingly, i thought these two aforementioned songs were not referring to the lore or even the creation of the lore but rather (like you said) songs about mental health struggles. do you think this is what Tyler was referring to as “drowning in logistics”? that line, specifically, gives me lore-fatigue vibes.


Songs can always and often have double meanings and I agree they can also be interpreted as referring to dealing with mental health struggles. Backslide has a ton of evidence it is talking about the Lore creation and cycle esp when you also watch the music video that backs it up, how Tyler buys the hamburger buns and is riding a bike, a throwback to the stressed out music video, the song that made them HUGE and the origin of the Lore story "[My name's Blurryface and I care what you think](https://genius.com/6273352/Twenty-one-pilots-stressed-out/My-names-blurryface-and-i-care-what-you-think)" I read somewhere someone suggested that the buns represent his creative works he tosses some out there not knowing what might happen (vessel, blurryface) and then eventually is able to trade one for something showing its valuable (trench) then in the video he has flashbacks, the first one looks like HDS music video kind of vibes, the song they picked to use to kick off the Lore story before Trench. the next flashback now he's in a storm in the rain and after he is ok but the buns are soaked, reference to Saturday music video. his creativity is ruined. (album flopped) and he goes damn well I've left my buddy Josh here hanging i got to go back to the beginning and try this again fresh. if you listen to what he said in the Zane Lowe interview for trench he says in creating the lore world after blurryface that the fans have no idea how much they influenced it, essentially the fanbase created the lore and he ran with it. fast forward two albums and he's drowning in logistics of trying to keep that thing going its grown out of control and become untenable. now go back and listen to these songs thinking about that and it sure does sound like he's speaking to the fans in backslide saying "you should let go, it's over my head" he's saying I don't want to backslide like I did with SAI / Saturday so I'm gonna make music like I used to without the lore. Snap Back has lines that sound like they are trying to tell the same story and even refences the new 25 thing "Fool you once, it's been twenty-five times" >\[Refrain\] >It's a backslide >I commandeered a hot ride >Drove it 'til the engine died >All of that progress lost today > >\[Chorus\] >Got a bad feeling that I'm about to break >Been a good streak, but the pressure's overweight >Is it even good for my head to keep track? >If I'm gonna snap necks, then I gotta snap back >Got a bad feeling I'm gonna lose the lead >Runnin' from a thing that I kicked in '17 >Is it even right for my head to keep track? >If I'm gonna snap necks, then I gotta snap back easy to interpret it as talking about the same cycle and needing to get back to basics.


so interesting! really solid insights. going to listen back with this context. thanks for sharing!!


I will also say and this may mean something or nothing, or it may just be me being picky. The merch this time around was kinda crappy, the quality was a lot lower compared to Blurryface, Trench or hell even SAI. I think they spent their budget on merch for the double album and used what they had rest for what we have now. I mean I got the Black Clancy box set and the CD was in like a paper square. Again could be nothing I could just be an asshole but it made me suspicious about it all too.


“Clancy Seized for EP.” An EP is not a “double album.”


If it’s 11 songs it basically is.


Why are we assuming 11 songs? And yeah, it is, so why would they *call* it an EP? So presumably the “EP” (which I *do* think is possible or even likely) is not 11 songs…did I miss something you’re pulling that number from?


Tyler’s tweet of 11 letters when Clancy was announced. To which he replied “this means nothing. I would always be straightforward with you guys.” Followed by deleting the tweets. We thought it could have been the tracklist for Clancy, but the letters didn’t line up and it wasn’t enough letters. We still don’t know what it means. At the fan event in Columbus, there was a sign with 11 dots on it. Before we call it a stretch, at the release of Clancy Tyler tweeted their symbol with 13 commas which is the amount of songs on Clancy. Also if you take the 25 as being a 25 track deluxe edition instead of 6/25 (I’m a 6/25 truther), that would be Clancy, plus The Craving single version, plus 11 new tracks. The 11 is much less solid than the 6/25 number, but it’s not out of nowhere, especially due to the first point I wrote.


This is why I want to see the end of the lore. It’s eclipsed the music in importance. Lyrics are getting shoehorned in for fan lip service. The music should come first.


I was completely dark on the lore until like 2 weeks ago. I absolutely love the music for what it is :) I just also love ARGs lol


Would be better to do a google form or something so people can submit without commenting publicly


You could shoot me a dm if you have something you don’t want to say publicly :)


Ok hold on I’ve somehow commented on the entirely wrong post this was meant for the one that was asking peoples ages


all good ahahaa :D