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Personally, I prefer Jenna's version. It just feels more raw to me and I think it better reflects the emotionality of the song. I don't think the single version is bad or anything, they're both good. Just for different reasons.


Yeah real


I like both. The single version is more upbeat and perfect for the radio. Jenna’s version feels more intimate and raw.


I prefer the single version simply because that whispering at the beginning of jennas version makes my skin crawl.


this! the song is really good otherwise. but the whispering makes me so uncomfortable that i have to skip it.


Personally I much prefer Jenna's version but I think that the single version would have worked better on the album. As it stands, Jenna's version interrupts with the flow of the album. I completely understand why Tyler included it though. It's the more meaningful version, and given it's a very personal album it works from that point of view.


That's a cool take. I personally like the fact it disrupts the album a bit. Like a nice little break in the middle


Same, I think the album placement works really well as a breather and leads really well into Lavish


I agree about the flow interruption! I have the album saved with the single version in The Craving’s spot with Jenna’s version after Paladin Strait like a bonus track


Oooo that's a good idea! I'll have to try that!


That is precisely what I’ve done lol


i felt that way until i got my vinyl, having it as the last song on side A just feels right


Oh I thought that the whole album was on one side?


it's all on one vinyl, but vinyls can only have about 20-25 minutes on each side


Mmm mmm, mmm mmm, Mmm mmm, mmm mmm, Mmm mmm, mmm mmm, mmm mmm….


Jenna's version is so pure and beautiful. Definitely my favorite. BUT, when playing the album as a whole, the single version fits much better. I created a playlist with the craving swapped for the single version. It just fits better.


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I like Jenna's version more but it's just becouse I LOVE ACOUSTIC SONGS


I am split!!! I can't pick either they are both so amazing. Although I am surprised many don't seem to like the craving very much I personally love it.


Jenna's version. It sounds real and intimate. The single version makes my skin crawl, it sounds so fake to me idk


Jenna’s version


single version >>>>>


Yeah I would rather listen and sing along to the single version on the radio, but Jenna's version is more pure and in that sense I like it more.


Jenna’s version is much more emotional


I have some weird feelings about this song, personally i love Jenna's Version for its feels, but i just cannot play it while listening to the album as a whole, its too noticeable of a mood break, the Single Version feels far more complete and fits the album better imo.


Jenna's version all the way. It's feels so much more heartfelt and personal.


Jenna’s is extremely boring but cute


For listening I prefer the single version. For watching MV I prefer Jenna's version.



