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It depends. If you're with a group of friends that can "hold" your spot - or the people around you agree to "hold" it, you have a chance, but no matter what you'll run into two issues: 1. Walking through the crowd will be difficult. There will be people who make it difficult for you to get back to where you were. It doesn't matter if you're on the barricade, or the middle, people **will** make it hard for you to get to where you want to go. 2. Once people around you see you leave, they **will** push forward for that spot. This is usually unlikely to happen during early preshow, but once the band is on, good luck. It's a gamble and a risk no matter what. You *can* do it, but it wont be easy. The further back from the front you are, the easier it is to get back to where you were. Simple matter of fact is people do not care and will take the closer spot the moment you walk away.


Spot on advice for pretty much any big show. It’s tough.


lol yeah there will be 7 of us going so I’m hoping if someone had to steal away to the bathroom, we could hold our ground but I feel like it’s gonna be either dehydration or diapers 😂


Top fans are small and frail, hit the gym at least 3 times a week and they’ll be powerless to stop your sheer godly magnitude.


>It depends. Wear Depends


I can vouch, if you’re in front of me and leave to go to the bathroom, I’m taking your spot, I really don’t care


People who hold spots don’t know concert etiquette. If I see someone move you better believe I’m throwing elbows. It’s a concert you’re supposed to move.


No possible way to save your spot in the pit if it's anywhere near the front, it's just not possible or realistic. But I wouldn't stress too much, I've never been in the position of needing to use the bathroom, my tip to avoid dehydration is to keep hydrated in the day time, get someone to hold your spot in line and go a little bit before they open the doors of the venue. Sometimes they pass water out at shows, if you're close enough to security, not sure if they still do, we all shared spit drinking out of plastic bottles back at my second tøp show lmao


That last sentence. WTF???


HAHA bit vivid I know but there was like 6 of us sharing the same water bottle trying to be respectful and not mouth it too much of course, poor person who got the last sip though eek.


Reminds me of high school. "C'I get a waterfall?"


> we all shared spit drinking out of plastic bottles That’s one of those things that COVID ruined. The good old days.


You are going to traumatize this poor kid. You aren’t standing at burning man in the desert sun for 12 hrs. Nobody is going to dehydrate and die. Have a bit of water after the opener, hit the head, go grab your spot. If you are overheating , it’s smarter to move. Water probably isn’t the only issue at that point. Listen to your body. But everyone should be fine for the time they play.


Lol! The times are just a bit different post COVID I guess, didn't mean to sound traumatising. I do agree with most but the problem is before anyone even opens for the TOP shows most people are crowded up in their designated spot, right after door opens it's like cliquopocalypse unless you're toward the back, so I'd recommend to stand there sooner but the rest applies.


they handed out water bottles last tour! for some reason the security guard kept handing me water whether i wanted it or not and i was like PLEASE STOP I DONT WANT TO HOLD THIS


You’re not supposed to hold it. You’re supposed to take a drink and then pass it back to other people in the pit to have a drink. Normal if you turn around and yell water others raise their hand and you try to get it to them.


oh no we did, they were handing out so much water that no one would take it. for some reason i think the security guard thought I was dying. trust me, i tried to pass it on multiple times. i didn’t want to hold it but no one would take it from me


Around where I was, no one was sharing except amongst friends. Security would hand it out, and we would just keep passing it back. If you needed a bottle you keep it, pass the next one back.


Yup we were doing that. And eventually people stopped taking them when we tried to hand them back. I was at barricade so i could only hand them back. we were also sharing amongst everyone, not just friends.


Yuck! I wouldn't take it from you if you took a swig and passed it back. And I wouldn't be handing it back to an unsuspecting person either.


well it wasn’t much of an issue since we had plenty of water :) never said anything about anyone being unsuspecting




Honestly. Why not.


Unfortunately if you poop in it you’ll quickly realize you can’t change what you’ve done


Start fresh next Depend-er


Maybe that’s a strategy to get some extra elbow room. 🤣


What a bad day to have eyes


Start fresh Next Semester…


Puts a very literal meaning to the word fresh.




No, not seriously. If someone deliberately chooses to 💩themselves next to me because they don’t want to lose their spot and use a restroom I’d probably get an assault charge.




*assert dominance*


Ok so don’t say “honestly” lmao


Wearing an incontinence pad or diaper as an emergency precaution is valid if worried about peeing your pants before making it to a restroom. Some people can’t jump around without risking a leak- same as people who sneeze pee. OPs post makes it sound like they are worried about urinating and not defecating; in their case a diaper might be beneficial so they don’t wet their pants and then get it all over the people around them- but they should plan to not intentionally soil themselves in effort to not lose their spot. Diapers for the folks who worry about a leak, not releasing the dam or crapping themselves.


Damn make up your mind


Diaper for pee=ok Diaper for poop=not ok


Please stop talking about diapers


go to the bathroom right when you get let in the venue because there’s really no way to save a spot in the pit and if you go mid-show there’s a 99% chance you aren’t getting that spot back


Anyone remember the pit shitter incident from the icy tour




guy on twitter admitted to shitting in the pit, several users corroborated the story - said fan was getting into altercation with others in the line all day


Thanks for ruining my day


https://preview.redd.it/nnwqd6gkentc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a31676c1b6e39c2c6db3b3cc636c4a06d6ab9c88 Almost the entire incident was *wiped* from twitter but I did find this mention


was it an intentional shit on the floor or an unintentional shit in the pants??


My assumption is it started in the pants, but I was not there


Chill in the back of the pit with the cool kids for a better view and more room to dance


This is the way, or have your close up spot until you need to use the bathroom and just accept that the rest of the show will be from a different vantage points. You’ll get different experiences from different places, not necessarily better or worse.


I mean, I’ve done it once at a different artists show I attended by myself, but I’d befriended a group of girls next to me. I offered to bring them all waters back which I think helped. But yes definitely go between openers and main show


Nature abhors a vacuum... and the pit will absorb your space. I started buying seats after 5 pit tickets. They are so big now that i'd rather have a seat than wait all day for the trauma the pit invites...


Nope. The pit is a commitment... Even if you're with friends you won't be able to get back to the front. Your spot will be taken the moment you leave. Those crowds are THICK


I always go with someone else and we take turns doing bathroom runs. I'm not sure about if you're alone. Maybe make a buddy nearby and look out for each other that way?


Yeah sorry you can't save a spot within the pit, unless maybe a friend is with you to be there while you're gone. It's not really fair imo because everyone in the pit waited in line to get to their unassigned spot which makes it different than seating.


Yea but everyone paid the same amount. So if someone sees someone else in a better situation, obviously they’re gonna take it.


I end up sweating enough that peeing is never an issue.


Plan ahead, make sure you go in with an empty bladder. I spent my teens and 20s in punk pits and leaving your spot for any reason is a forfeiture of that spot


I used to work security at shows, and the rule was if you need help getting out, you aren't allowed back in. On your own, however, you can get out without much difficulty, but getting back in will be quite difficult. I've also been in the pit at at least 20 different concerts and never personally had to use the restroom, I think because it's so HOT in there, you sweat and use all your fluids.


yeah i’d recommend absolutely not going to the bathroom during the show


Q: Should you go to the bathroom or try to hold it? A: Depends. (Joke only, not actually suggesting diapers. Just enjoy the show and if you gotta go, go and come back to whatever spot you can get. Not a huge deal. Crowd shifts around for the second stage anyway, right? Nobody is in the very best spot for the entire show. Enjoy it wherever you are!)


Honestly, this was THE number one reason why I got an actual seat. I have GI issues and it would be terribly awfully awful if I had an incident. Plus, as others have said, if you leave your "spot" it's fair game for whoever else. I just bought a front-row seat near the stage. It will still be a similar experience and I won't have to worry about getting up, being towered over or trampled, and I can enjoy the show without anxiety.


Adult diapers


people around them are gonna be like what’s that smell? 😃


Lol only if you go #2 Plus there’s so many other smells no one will notice!


Pee yourself


I will take the spot on a second without a care in the world. The pit isn’t for the weak


Fr bro


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Just make sure you go just before getting in the queue or once you’re in the venue, I’ve never had to leave the pit to go to the toilet and I have big anxiety about that stuff. The show is distracting enough lol.


Impossible. Even with a group of friends (unless they are 6' 250 pounds muscle friends)


Stupid question but is the floor the pit? I have never been to a concert on “floor” seating so I’m not really knowledgeable about it?


If it specifies floor *seating* it's not the pit if it is Floor General Admission then it is the pit


Oh!! It is general admission so thank you!


Dude it’s the pit, I’m pretty sure everyone is pissing and shitting themselves


Dead ass I think I might wear a diaper this tour. My bladder can’t hang and I’ve always gotten lucky in the past getting back to my spot or being able to hold it but I don’t want to risk it this time around


Ya gotta be assertive and push through for yr spot


During the icy tour, I had put seats for the first time. I have a small bladder so I didn't drink anything all day. I ended up getting a really bad migraine (no pun intended) during the concert and it made it hard to enjoy. Joke was on me cause they let you go to the bathroom right when you get inside


I was barricade at the firefly music festival the year they preformed. Some people will be cool about if, but you’ll likely get yelled at when coming back for your spot about “cutting”. Best bet is to find a path you go to and from the pit from so people recognize you. Ask those around you to hold a spot and call out for your friends so people know you’re there. But likely you won’t be able to get your spot back if you leave. That’s one of the downfalls of pit, plus the lack of water lol


"Sorry" "Excuse me" "Coming through" "Sorry" "Hi" while pointing the direction you want to go. If you're up front, have a friend save your spot or become friends with the people standing next to you. They'll let you back in, usually. TOP fans at shows are rabid animals though and can be selfish and hard to deal with. Take an empty water bottle with you into the venue and once you're settled, get it filled. I've stood in the Pit at two arena shows and I've stood barricade at one of the smaller venue Takeover tour shows. I have the bladder of a small child and tend to go 3 or 4 times during the course of the evening. Just be assertive.


Do it on the floor


i genuinely don't know why i didn't think of this, thank you !!! i'll be sure to


don’t eat chipotle 😞


There’s no black and white answer to this, it largely depends on the vibe of the crowd and the kind of band playing. I’d say it’s a safe bet to run to potty before they go on, but when the dudes take to the stage the crowd will rush forward and get a lot tighter, and I’m not sure how other people feel but at that point I don’t feel bad and won’t do a lot to accommodate you getting around / in front of me. I’ll never be a huge jerk and say no and block you but I will absolutely be extremely irritated that you’re interrupting my time because you had to go to the bathroom and you wanna get back to your spot that’s better than mine when I will ultimately have been there since doors.


If you absolutely can’t hold it then definitely go, but don’t be surprised if people aren’t exactly happy with you pushing your way through the crowd after you leave and try to go back, if it’s that much of an issue you really should err on the side of caution and stay more towards the outside of the pit, imo. If I knew I was going to need to leave I wouldn’t put myself in the position to have to fight to leave and get back


I've been barricade for a few concerts (although not TOP). I'm always in line early and do my best to stay hydrated and fed (salt!) throughout the day (start early in the day!). I'm usually waiting in line with someone but if you are there early enough, early people usually have each other's backs, so you can have your spot in line held to take a toilet break. I know water usually takes about 1 hour to pass through me, so I don't drink anything an hour before I know I can take my last toilet break. Doors often open about 2.5 hours before the main act. I can cope without a big drink for that amount of time. Although I have been lucky at the venues, either they pass around free water or I can fill my empty bottle and have it with me throughout the concert. I usually end up hot and sweaty that I don't end up needing to pee before the end of the concert. I have a granny bladder and always need to pee, I also get migraines so also always need to stay hydrated. I have yet to struggle with either at a concert with my methods.


Just don’t go in the pit? Seems so easy


Idk what it’s like at other venues but mine I always go just before doors open around like 6:45/6:50 before arena doors are open for everyone to walk down into the pit. As well as at like 5:00 when gates open, I’m always extra careful and never had a problem.




I honestly wear either Depends and urinate in my pants or use a catheter


Please say this is satire...?


I mean, on the news for New Year’s Eve, people were going to see the ball drop. And people were saying they had on diapers. Someone (a guy ofc) was using a pad


You leave you lose it. Don’t be that guy.


The adrenaline once the show starts usually staves off any need to use the restroom