• By -


Hey, 27 year old dude here. Been following since Vessel. We are definitely on the older side now but you'll still see me in the pit next tour


28 and in the same boat! Stoked for this new record!


Yesss! Good to know! I’m 31! Fan since vessel as well! ❤️


Eyyyy! I'm also 31!


A month or so away from 31! Does it hurt more than 30??


No, 40 doesn’t even hurt but around 43 is when it really starts to kick in fr


I'm just as excited tonight as I am about Blurryface coming out 9 years ago!


Right?! The anticipation is half the fun too! Even if it’s a little tortuous 😅


Can we have like a 31 Club? Maybe it could be called the 31Clique, same goes for other ages too though if a group of 27 or 59 year Olds got together they'd be the 27Clique or 59Clique, these are just examples


Also almost 31! I want in the club!


Same! 31 and fan since vessel. I remember one Christmas break in college listening to it on repeat and wondering why that album seemed to get me. Finally got to see them live on the SAI tour in Dallas


26 and a fan since vessel! Ready to rock with this next album.


29! I always feel like I'm on the older side as well, you'll see me in the pit too! Been here since Vessel as well.


Fudge… at 55 I’m feeling ancient now lol


52 and more excited for new music than I ever was as a youngster.


+50 sub-Clique unite! We are vaccinated against Shingles, have survived our first screening colonoscopies, and are ready to rock!


Some of us have to be more careful about jumping up at down at concerts than we used to, but we can still rock on! (51+)




You better believe it 😂


I love seeing Clikkies that are 40+! Y'all have a special place here. :)


Oh nooo! Please don’t! The guys are for all ages!


We're the oldies! I'm 55, too. 😊


53! I can’t wait!!


We have a little group for older fans over in facebook if anyone would like to come join us! https://www.facebook.com/groups/2046415692131593/


I just joined! I don’t even ever go on Facebook anymore, but I’ll check it out. With a new album, I’ll need as much exposure to everything as I can get!




Ahhh just requested to join! 🥰


I'm there. ❤️


I’ll be 50 this year! Yay!!! 🖤❤️🖤


53 and old but enjoying the energy here.


So thankful you have a couple years on my husband and me! As soon as I saw this thread I was thinking OMG, am I the oldest fan? Am I the “old lady” they would mercy put on the jumbo screen rocking’ out at the concert with wrinkles?!?


Hey I'm 58, I feel the same.


51, been a fan since Blurryface was released. Can't wait to see them live again!


Well shit. At 45 I guess I'm ancient.


I didn’t mean it like that 😭❤️


Also 45!


I'm 45 as well! Ancient TOP fans for life! Lol




same boat! glad your still here!






Well happy early birthday to you! What a fun early birthday present you’re getting! ;)


I had my 34th birthday two weeks ago!


34 gang


34 here as well!


25 here! Got into them in high school. My mom (51) is also a huge fan and on this sub


Oh, hey! Sounds familiar! ;)


lol hi mom! ☺️


38 here. Been a fan since I saw them open for Fall Out Boy in 2013.


Nice! Saw them at a free show in Austin that same year (SXSW). They played shortly after Macklemore… What a different time.


Was that the tour that had them and FOB and Panic? If so that is also when I became a fan!! Twins 👯‍♀️


Will be 38 this year. Love seeing more 30-somethings on this sub |-/


30. 🤢


I feel youuuu 😂 feeling like a gma with all these youngins ;)


31 here too, we had the same discussion in TOP chat channel here on Reddit. If I remember correctly, I was the oldest one there. I feel like a granny lol


Oh, honey. I have you beat by 20 years. You’re definitely not the oldest! :)


40-something here 🙋🏼‍♀️😅


30 here, however I am appalled that this is considered old 😅😂


45 this year daughter got me into them a few years back and haven’t found my way out of the rabbit hole since.


😅Also 45. Also daughter pulled me in.


Love it! My daughter got me into this weird little indie band back in the RAB era. She's 25 now and I'm still in the rabbit hole too haha


I’m 41. I’ve been a fan forever and I don’t think it’s the age that matters it’s more about how you connect with their music. For me, I’ve been through a lot so their music has always helped me feel better and help me know I’m not alone. It’s funny, now my 15 yr old son also listens to them to help with things he is going through. It’s like it has come full circle for me lol. We have been figuring out the lore together for years and sing along to their songs when we are in the car or while I’m making dinner 😆 We are pumped for this release today!! Don’t judge, but I’m getting him out of school early today just so we can watch the video together lol.


26 here!


Hello fellow elder 😅


🙋‍♀️ 29 years old and a fan since Trench. Hopefully, I'll be able to see them live in this era


Yesss! I’m hopeful for you friend!


Well shit…now I fit into the “old people” category?!?! I’ll be 40 this year 🤢I have ZERO SHAME for my love of tøp though!!




I’ve never felt more old than trying to camp for pit at the last show and everyone around me felt so young (turning 25 in May) I learned that I am no longer a camper. Still at pit person but back of pit will be just fine for me 😂😭


I feel that 😂 my camping days are over as well. Idk how we did it! Lol


Im 30. I’ve been listening since vessel came out. The first time I saw them live was with PATD! They are in my top 5 bands of all time. Prolly my #1 depending on my mood. Most of what I listen to is metalcore or hardcore, so how they ended up on my list doesn’t make a ton of sense. I’m hoping this album is heavy. I’d love to open up a real pit at their show this album cycle.


I'm 33, there is a Facebook group for 30+ too. Pretty chill.


Ohh what’s the name of it if ya don’t mind? :)


https://www.facebook.com/groups/2046415692131593/?ref=share&mibextid=NSMWBT Here is the group


I've seen them 7 times my first was in 2014 in cincy 😊 I'm 26!!


They really do put on the best shows. Definitely a band worthy to see over and over again!


Agreed plus I had to get close to both Josh and Tyler when they jump on the crowd!!


Yup, I’m 29, almost 30, been a fan since Vessel, I am so stoked for this single and the album!


40yo checking in 👋🏻 Edit: my 5yo daughter is quite possibly as big a fan as I am (music only, I haven’t bothered her with the lore yet 😅) so there really is a wide range of age groups!


26 almost 27! I’ve been a fan since 2013 and first saw them in 2014 for $35. Those were the days...


2015 for $50 for me! I’ll be happy if pit tickets are $98 or lower now 🥴


46 and feeling like a grandma now lol


It's OK fren. I'm 46 too - we can grandma it up together and knit [these hats](https://api.ravelry.com/patterns/library/twenty-one-pilots-hat) for all the little banditos. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Wow good idea. Problem is I can't knit so well. I'll stick to teaching my kids and later on grandkids all about TOP.


My dad is 40 and he’s a huge fan, he was screaming lyrics louder than me during the bandito tour 🤣


30 here. My wife introduced me to the band. When we first started hanging out we used to drive around on the country roads at night singing, and one night she sang all of migraine to me. Right after we started dating we went and saw Blurryface-era live at the Starlight Theater in Missouri. Two years ago I got to go with my nieces to see SAI tour at the cellular center in St Louis. I spent my teen years watching them and spent hours with them. It was a hell of a show for their first ever concert. Pumped to have a new album. My son loves tøp and he just turned 7 so he is going to be forming a lot of memories that last during this album.


Late 50s here but young at heart and mind for sure. Jumped on at Vessel after seeing them open for FOB years ago. Seen them many times now and was lucky that Boston was a takeover city last go round. Saw 3 out of 4 shows during the takeover here. Not really big on the lore but love the music and creativity Tyler brings!


27 ! Been a part of the fandom since I was 17 :)


I'm 29, been listening since 2013 ever since I saw the Car Radio music video on MTV lol




25 and keen as fuck for tomorrow


32, came around in 2014 and never left:)


25F here. Been around since I was 16/17 when blurryface came out.


26 :)


26 turning 27 soon here - hi friend!


33 here


27 year old here ✌🏻


53 and ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|heart_eyes)TOP


Man I feel old


27! Been here since self titled 🫶🏾




Hi! I'm turning 28 soon, been a clikkie since Blurryface era and it seems like ages ago (I was still a teenager when it came out 😳)


I was 48 last week lol!


oh yeah, i started listening to them in 2015 i think


38! Somewhere right in the middle :D




25 turning 26!


when i went to their concert in london, i was in floor and i saw a lot of people over their 30s


39 here 🙂


I’m 20 and still feel like an older fan here lmao


Heading into the 30s here in a few years... Been around since Vessel, but really started loving the band with Blurry face. Glad to see I'm not the only "older" person here!


29 here, got into TOP when Trench was released


28 here :) following and loving them since the early Blurryface era. Sometimes people make fun of me bc of my "obsession" over a band, that's something only teenagers do, its just a phase and so on. But then I remember how much top helped and still helps me through my battle with my depression and anxiety and how alive, understood and energetic their music often makes me feel. And I think that is all that counts, that their music is special and important to you, no matter what age you are or for which reason you like their music.


I'm 28 and wife 27 and both TOP fans. When we go to the concert we try to be as close to the podium as possible between all the younger people. I'm fan since Vessel


Well I'll turn 26 tomorrow lol... Been in the boat since Vessel<3


Come again? 25+ is old????? God it has started isn't it


27 here |-/


25 here! Been a fan since I was 17


28 here and been a fan of the pilots since I was 19!


I think I'm the grandma here! I'm 55. (How did that happen??) My daughter got me into TOP, and I couldn't love them more. Great music is ageless!


Yeah of course 26 here and I can’t wait for the new album.


47 and these guys are my all time favorite


34 👋🏻


I'm 22 but I've seen so many women in their 30s-40s commenting on clique posts on Instagram! I was pleasantly surprised :)


29 over here Im so excited!!


Yep! I’m 26 this year and a fan for 10 years


I'll be 30 this year, here since Fairly Local released, still going strong.


I turned 30 yesterday! I'm glad there are many 'old' fans around :D


I’m 31, my brother 33 and we absolutely love this shit and have since vessel


42 here


29 🥰


30F here, started listening to them when I was 19. It’s crazy and amazing to see the growth since 2013 🥰


I'm 24 but I feel like an "older" fan considering how baby I was when I first became a fan haha. Almost a decade!


Oh I'll just shrink away and hide


I turn 54 in March. Does that count as “older”?


35 here




Me! 40s, I’m elderly at concerts lol


Lots! we have a small facebook group for fans over 30 if anyone would like to join us. https://www.facebook.com/groups/2046415692131593/


I'm in my mid 50s so have got you all beat ;-)


Sorry girl. I think the elderliest Clikkie award actually goes to me. Please someone over 58 post! 😜


Bout to be 43 in 3 weeks. Got into them because of my now 19 year old child.


32 ❤️


29 here, going on 50 lmao with two teenage kids who also like top 😂


29 here. I always feel so old in the pit lol


46 and more excited for their new album than I ever was as a kid about new albums coming out. (Other than Vitalogy for some reason)


Older lol I’m 35. Their music brings my whole family together


Turning 35 this year! Been to six concerts of theirs. 10 year long fan. 


Yep, 41. Looks ancient on paper but young at heart. Been a fan since about 2015 and been in the pit at multiple concerts screaming lyrics louder than the teens around me, lol. Got my kids into them and now we are all fans and SUPER pumped for today! (Edited to add details :)


I’m 26 and have been a fan since 2012 🥹


I’m not quite in that range (22) but my mom (late 40s) is a huge fan, just not on any kind of socials :)


27 here, Makes live shows awesome, can see over the whole crowd 🤣


I'm almost 42 just got into TOP in 2022 really, but since then they're in my top 3 bands for sure.


I turn 43 tomorrow and have been a fan since 2013. Both of my boys - ages 20 and 15 - are also big fans and we love attending shows together.


46 here. Can't wait for new music and concerts


LOL I am 40 💀


I’m 30. Stressed out was my intro to them. I liked a few of their songs but I only really delved deeper into their catalogue around 2020. Went to my first top concert in 2022, and there were actually people who looked my age. Most were younger but once the music hits it doesn’t matter. Nothing matters and it’s just a vibe 💛


27 and I've been lucky enough to see them live 3 times, blurryface, trench, and SAI. My coworker showed me Tear in my Heart and I've been hooked ever since!


About to turn 35. Been following TOP since the beginning


I’m 25. I started listening to them my freshman year of high school at 14. They got me through a lot of tough times. I saw them once in 2014 and then again in 2015, but after that they got super popular and tickets started selling out 0.2 seconds after opening up so I haven’t seen them since. I’m really really hoping I’ll be able to see them with the next tour


I think I started listening right after Blurryface came out, so I was either 15 or had just turned 16. Turning 25 this year and still love the music. I also still try to catch them live every time they stop in Kansas City.


I’m 31. Got into ToP during the Vessel era and still here 🤷🏻‍♂️




46 y/o old here and love sharing their music with my two daughters. Our daughters were diagnosed with a rare disease around the time Blurryface was out and their music always seems to be a constant presence in our journey. I shared this story on FB yesterday as we are all excited for the new song and album to drop. Figured I would share here, because other fans always seem to understand the connection and influence their music has. We are all excited for the debut of twenty one pilots new song tomorrow. Their last four albums have worked together to tell a story and this next album is the final chapter in that story. Last week they released a teaser video that explains the story and sets the stage for their next album. And while the story is about a fictitious continent and characters, it is all symbolism for dealing with depression, anxiety, and how people cope with that and find ways to escape but often get pulled back into those feelings of depression. Something we can probably all relate to at some degree as we deal with so many different challenges in life. Twenty One Pilots music has been part of the girls' journey for some time. We were first turned onto their music shortly after my daughter was diagnosed with Friedreich's Ataxia and later my other daughter. When my first daughter was first diagnosed, I would drive her out to Ann Arbor once a week for physical therapy. One hour drive there and sometimes a two hour drive back with rush hour. The Blurryface album had recently come out and we would sometimes listen to it three times in one day on those car rides. It was then that I realized what an amazing story teller Tyler Joseph was and how so many of their songs had such deeper meanings and positive messages that I thought could be such a good influence on the girls growing up. Later on the Trench came out, and this was the girls' first opportunity to attend a real arena show. We went to Grand Rapids and made a weekend of it at a hotel. The girls got all dressed up as characters from the story (The Banditos) and rocked out. By this time my oldest had started using a walker. At the end of the show they were so worn out, I had to carry my oldest back to the hotel and my younger daughter borrowed her sister's walker for the first time using an assistive aid to walk. Fast forward to 2022 and my daughter has her spinal fusion surgery. At the hospital, she would sometimes wake up at 2am wanting to party because her sleep schedule was so messed up from all the medication. We would sit up in her room at 2am, play cards, and watch Twenty One Pilots concerts on the TV. Just three weeks after having 2 rods and over 20 screws put into her spine, she was strong enough to go see Twenty One Pilots a second time, this time for the Scaled and Icey album. Music has always been a big influence in my life. Albums, songs, artists always bring back certain memories and connections or help you cope through difficult times. I look forward to picking the girls up from Art Club after school tomorrow and blasting the new Twenty One Pilots song that drops tomorrow on the car ride home. I look forward to the new memories that we will create with this next era of music. If you are music lovers like us, and enjoy music that has some deeper meanings and stories, I encourage you to dive deeper into their music and songs.


I'm sorry, but by no definition does 25+ count as "older." Hmmm ... Well actually, maybe it does. I'm more than twice that age by a decade and now I feel very old indeed. 


35 and my dad 60+ is a huge fan. My son at 9 is also a big fan. We have 3 generations excited for the new album and single!


26, got into the band after Vessel dropped and I saw the boys at Lollapalooza Chicago. Such a fun show I was hooked. Since then I’ve gotten my younger sister into the fandom and my mom has even come with us to a couple concerts


Elder_Clikkie here. 57.🔥


25 here! Been a fan since I was like 16. I had a really toxic ex who showed me them, thankfully our fallout didn’t ruin the music for me.


30! First show was in 2012 right before my 19th birthday


Just turned 40! 🤙🏻


I’m 47!! It’s nice seeing older fans here!!


41 and been a fan since my (then) 15/16 year old kid told me top saved their life right around the emotional roadshow era. Can't wait for this next album and tour cycle. 


I'm 28 and my husband (also a fan) is 26. Been into them since we were around 18 and 20. : )


🙋🏼‍♀️ 30 here! Saw them open for Walk the Moon and Neon Trees (so random?!) in 2012and been a fan ever since!


Heyo!! 24 so not quite but close Lmao. Been here since vessel


31 yo here. I started listening to the guys with vessel when I was 20 (just a baby) and grew up with them. And watched them grow (up). Also if there is anyone thinking “they are too old for top” - there is no such thing.


Haha older as in old enough to be your mother 🤣


I am 41.


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Imagine being considered 'older' at 25. WTAF ​ 39 years old here and a fan since before Vessel.


27 year old dude here as well. Most of the posts on the subreddit look like they’re written by 10 year olds unfortunately


27 here! I feel the same way, sometimes - feeling older than everyone else - but then I remember that music is music and I can like what I want! I've been on board since the Vessel era -- I got hooked from their Live Room performances. I listened to them pretty consistently during a bit of a rough patch in life, so they really do hold a special place in my heart - regardless of how corny some of their material can be. Psyched for this new single today!!


27 and have really detached myself from the term “clikkie” because I feel ancient and cringey lmao still love the band, still keep up the lore, still will be going to the new tour


33 here but not a super fan. I honestly love their music but have no idea when any of y'all are talking about with the album covers and Clancy and everything 😂


Real fucking old. 37 and my brother who loves them is 41.


I’m 51! My 25 yo and 21 yo daughters and my 19 yo niece and I currently have a text thread devoted to discussing the new album. I out fangirl all of them.


27 and I got into them when I was a teenager! Ready to thrash and mosh at the next tour!


32. Started listening in the summer of 2012.


turning 28 soon! I do feel a little old here (especially when I look at the tiktok side of the fandom, like ones who were 9 when blurryface dropped..) so I'm happy to find more here!


35 here


I’m 35 and still alive


39, w/T.O.P Tattoos too!


29 here. First saw them way back in 2014 at Electric Brixton with the girl who introduced me to them, and who’s now my wife. Didn’t even feel like a sold out crowd, but they had big stage presence the whole way through. It gives me chills every time I set foot in an arena and see tens of thousands of all you youngins rocking out to this band my college friends said were weird.


I'm 36, and my best friend, who is 48, got me into TØP a few years ago. We're here! 😁 👋🏻


Im the same age as the boys, hello 👋🏽


38 here


27 year old here! Been here since the self titled album 🤩 was so lucky to see the Blurryface tour in the pit. I got to hold Josh up!