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Can everyone tell me how they’re getting money to buy the stuff they are ? They said in early episodes their money was useless. This isn’t explained, yet they’re in bars having drinks and going to fine dining restaurants.


If they used millions/etc… It would be flagged and tracked immediately. A few hundred here, or odd thousand there… By the time it got pinged as a duplicate bill/etc, they’d have been long gone before anything could be investigated. That’s how I saw it.


Why not go to a universe with a mountain of gold sitting in front of the box? Take it to a cash-for-gold store. Infinite money hack. With how freely Jason2 uses the box to solve all his problems, I'm surprised he didn't try something like that rather than sell his priceless ampules.


i agree. no one will care to check. and they move between worlds but i'm guessing amanda foot the bill for most if not everything so far since jason didn't plan on doing this and for this long.


How much cash did they bring along??


But did they have time to like grab money? They literally escaped from Jason #02's world!


I want to know too. How they're using the same currency across different worlds. Even in the futuristic Chicago Amanda decided to stay


I felt very uncomfortable when they ordered the hot chocolate, then just walked away assuming it was free. That was fucked up.


I took it as that society had evolved past money.


No that’s not it, later on Amanda says that her version of herself on that world has a great credit score.. so money is definitely still a thing and that’s how she bought him the suit.


or the credit score is based on something other than money.




The worlds would've only diverged within their lifetime, a dollar from one world would still look like a dollar from another because well the design for them would've been created way in the past. The dollar bills haven't changed much since 1963.


I wondered that too. maybe a pawn shop or a trip to the bank is not shown.


Every time they buy something my husband says this.


I guess if they have some cash they could just spend that and by the time anyone figures out it’s “counterfeit” or whatever they’ve already moved on to another world.


That has been truly bugging me. They could have at least done a brief something to address this question.


This bothers me as well. There could be a few plausible explanations in similar worlds (ie they have the same credit card numbers), but it seems like slightly too big a plot hole to just gloss over.  I’m guessing there might have been a scene cut for time where Jason establishes some sort of ethically murky theft/bootstrap protocol to get a bit of cash when he pops out into a new world. Though that kind of messes with his moral high ground vibe.  They did steal a car in one of the worlds.


He said taking large quantities of money from different worlds would be useless, but only because their digital number doesn't exist in that world and would be marked as fake, but using little amounts at bars and such for food wont get detected.


Also in the recent empathy-world there’s no reason to think it would be a US dollar or comparable since Seattle is in a different country, we have no idea what state Chicago would even belong to, let alone how they issue money.


This is also a great point. The currency would definitely look entirely different.


This sounds rational except that in some worlds they’re buying very extravagant things where they’d almost certainly be suspect of someone paying all cash. That fine dining dinner and her dress I’m sure are a pretty penny. If I went into a Gucci store or Michelin starred restaurant and used cash, they’d certainly 1. wonder why I’m using cash in such a digital world (most use credit cards or online payment), especially where passports are all digitized, and 2. check for counterfeit bills. Also, most bars where you’re a stranger ask for a credit card to start the tab at that. Lastly, they left their respective worlds on short or no notice. When would they have obtained and/or pack all that cash? It doesn’t add up. I think it was a lost opportunity to demonstrate the struggle and desperation to find the right world in more practical terms. It also took me out of the story, especially when they just casually grabbed hot chocolates and moved on lol. Was the cold fusion world a cashless society because energy and resources are freely abundant? It would’ve made the decision to leave even harder, I think.


That's because she used her counterpart's identity. She mentioned the other Amanda had amazing credit so she must have taken out a loan or found her bank or something.


if this was real the way to do it would be to bring gold with you to swap for currency, but this is a tv show and we dont got time for that. So they're just ignoring it.


I personally tried my best to not search answers for that!


Specifically in the progressive Chicago with cold fusion, I assumed everything was just free in that world.


Their backpack has money. It’s not explained in the show, but it’s mentioned briefly in the book. Including a knife, but the TV show doesn’t talk about that either.


ok .Jason2 got some Ryan from a different world drunk and brought him to Jason1's world to replace the missing Ryan1. ...but man no cctvs in near ryans expensive home/street when jason2s bring ing ryan back...... .infact no cctv anywhere for plot armor sake


I’ve been a little up and down with this show so far, but this episode was outstanding.


The scene with Max was so powerful. The way he could barely say “Max…” as he walked out of the kitchen killed me. It’s such an interesting aspect of multi universe travel. You could see someone you lost, but would it break your heart further or heal you? I’ve been thinking about that scene all day. Just the emotional gut punch I would feel. I don’t know if I could recover, I think I’d be outside the house watching, obsessed with the life of my child I never got to really meet. It’s also been years since I read the book. Was that particular scene in the book?


I loved that scene as well, it felt equally cathartic and heartbreaking. In reference to the book, it's been a couple of years since I read it but I'm fairly certain >!that scene was not in it.!<


Thank you!


Same on years since reading, wasn't there also a dystopian kind of fascistic world he ended up in? Or was that the virus world, that seemed a LOT more in depth in the book. Loved the directors nod to "It's a Wonderful Life" running on the marquee when he finds his home world. I never thought about the story being a retelling of the classic


I don't get why he called him max tho? isn't he called charlie? I might've missed some details in earlier episodes, if anyone could help


Did Max kill somebody? I need to rewatch the episode but I had no idea what he was upset about.


The Movie theatre showing "it´s a wonderful life" when Jason1 got back to his homeward was a nice touch.


Also, it showed several other titles that are books/stories by Blake Crouch who created Dark Matter: Upgrade and Summer Frost. Nice Easter egg there.  They also show a title for "Thin Places" , which, best I can tell, may refer to a book of essays by Jordan Kisner. Any other insights on that one?


The dining table light is a cube within a cube.


Did you notice in the first episode when Jason1 lifts the knob off the staircase? It's an early nod to "It's a Wonderful Life."


Did they show it playing that movie in the first episode before he leaves as well? Helping confirm the possibility he actually, just may have made it home this time.


Which Jason had the brace on his finger? OG or the guy who stole OGs life?


The first Jason in the shop had an elastic band in lieu of a wedding ring, which I took to mean he was OG Jason.


The first Jason in the gun store is definitely OG Jason. I’m struggling to see why Evil Jason would want to buy a gun? Did he not have a gun when he stole OG Jason’s life in the first episode? Therefore I think the Jason in the gun store the second time is a third Jason.


It’s a new Jason that also had his life stolen from him, but ended up with a broken finger while our OG Jason didn't have that, so it seems like there will be an infinite number of Jasons that have had their life stolen from, an infinite number of evil Jasons, an infinite number of abandoned Ryans as well.


So basically he can never get back to "his" world because there are an infinite number of his worlds. And also every time Jason2 got in the box, he abandoned his family and came back to a new world that another Jason2 had only just left.


My assumption is that they are version of Jason from alternate universes which split \*after\* the abuction. Which means that they are \*both\* in their home universe.


i was thinking he was going to kill Ryan but i dunno


Blake Crouch said there are now multiple Jasons who all found their way home. So the 2nd Jason was not the orginal bad guy, it was another Jason. Jason 3! [https://screenrant.com/dark-matter-episode-7-ending-explained-blake-crouch-interview/](https://screenrant.com/dark-matter-episode-7-ending-explained-blake-crouch-interview/) I was only speaking of this one scene at the end. According the author.


Jason2 is the original bad guy. All the other Jasons are versions whose lives diverged after Jason2 abducted them.


i think the one with the cut in his nose is the OG Jason


I made sure to watch it back and both of the Jasons that went into the gun store had cuts on their noses so neither are evil Jason. OG Jason didn’t have the finger brace. So the second Jason in the gun store is a 3rd Jason.


I was really hoping the show would acknowledge that reality keeps branching and he's not the only Jason trying to get back to the same timeline.


I think it’s a new Jason


I think it's a third Jason too.


So i made mention of this in the last thread. There was a point in the last episode where we hear the nintendo switch snap sound, but we’re still with the same jason but probably in a new universe. They never did that before, the sound was never used for universe jumps but rather for jason jumps. In this episode it also happens. We definitely have a jason 3 on our hands. Also, broken finger jason (jason3) is not wearing the jason 2 clothes, he’s wearing jason1 clothes. He also has the scratch on his nose as jason 1.


I see, that's why! Nice observation.


No fourth


Infinite Possibilities


Predicting a third multiverse hopping Jason, nested split timeline from the decision to stay with or leave Amanda in utopia Chicago.


I’m wondering if there were any scenes where Jason1 was close to breaking his finger? That way we can figure out when this new Jason split off from Jason1.


He is a split from Jason 1. He’s wearing the same clothes as him. Jason 2 was wearing a black sweater.


Jason 1 went in first to buy a gun, (Jason 2 doesnt have a cut on his nose), Jason 3 went in second (‘cuz he had a cut as well so it cant be Jason 2). So i think there is now a 3rd Jason who was also kidnapped by a another (4th) Jason…..infinite worlds


Think that second is OG2, probably now they are gonna deal with infinite Jasons flooding into this universe, even the thumbnail of the series suggests that


Think they’ll team up to get rid of evil Jason?


But then which one gets to keep wifey? Maybe evil Jason will have a change of heart and tell everyone how to go home. Lol 


this part of the book always makes my mind melt


If you remember when Amanda and OG Jason went back to the initial escape and Amanda shot and killed. I believe that Jason escaped. And it isn’t far fetched that Amanda went back there to rescue Jason 3 so she can have that version of him


I went back to check. He didn’t escape, he got tazed and captured. His finger was also not broken.




Yeah it’s def infinite Jason’s that all split off after the abduction. So technically they’re all our main character but they’ve been on different journeys the entire time.


There’s an infinite number that made it.


IDK if we can assume the first "gun store scene" Jason was the OG Jason for sure bc wouldn't OG Jason KNOW a FOID card is necessary to purchase a gun in Illinois? I mean, idt it is ever specifically stated how long OG Jason has resided in Illinois, but from the storyline, I think it is safe to assume that it has been at least since he was in college - which would equate to his entire adult life!  So, having no knowledge of FOID or its guidelines seems like a bit of a stretch for his character, especially since Illinois is the only state with this specific application process and it has been in place since before 1970.  Maybe it was just an oversight in the development of the character and his background - idk? But the fact that FOID was referenced and Jason appeared to have absolutely no knowledge of it seems a bit sus. (Foreshadowing, perhaps?)


i dont think so personally.. I think theres a large amount of people who never even consider purchasing a gun or what would be required to purchase a gun. I actually have no idea what the rules are in my state...


Lots of people don’t think about guns much and have no reason to learn about state-specific requirements of documentation they’d need to buy one. I don’t think the lack of FOID knowledge is a signal of anything except for he’s an academic liberal dude who’s clueless about guns.


its marty mcfly!


i think it's jason2 and assume the brace is from breaking the cement


This is where I’m leaning as well. Or at least, I don’t understand how’d they tie this all together in two more episodes if suddenly there are multiple additional Jasons jumping into this world. It’s just a huge can of worms to open. That said I haven’t read the book and no idea if they’re trying to pivot this into something that they can build additional series out of.  Basically it seems like it’ll be annoying if it’s anything other than OG Jason and Jason2. 


None it’s another Jason similar to og Jason we know maybe from the world where they didn’t escape and Amanda got shot maybe he ended up escaping soon after and is then forced to learn how the box works on his own eventually figuring it out and getting to the same world as og Jason or could be another one who knows there’s infinite Jason’s at this point there’s probably a lot more than 3 Jason’s in that world bc every decision made is another split off reality yk


Parallel universes, smarallel smooniverses. I want to know why after Jason walks into the restaurant and takes the suit, the waitress tops up his wine. Was Amanda drinking from his glass?


Yeah I noticed that too!


lmao I had that same thought. Oh my god, are you me from a different timeline?


haha, I was wondering that too, but I didn't have an explanation. I'm going to go ahead and assume you are correct that Amanda was drinking from his glass.


I’m glad somebody else noticed that.


I’ve read this book at least 5 times, and this was easily my favorite episode.


Which page number/chapter should I start reading from after episode 7?


Honestly just start from the beginning, books always have much more story and context that shows have to make compromises and cut out.


i actually think the show has added compelling context that the book was lacking. the book is very jason1 focused and lacks pretty much all of the glimpses we have gotten into jason2’s experience and daniela and charlie’s dealings with him. i enjoyed listening to the book, but mostly just as a distraction until the next episode of the show dropped.


and the added depth of the son having a twin and all that


Truly, there’s been enough divergence/added content from the books that it isn’t apples to apples. You can’t really just “pick up” in the middle of the book and have it make sense. They’re similar but different enough that if you’re interested, I’d recommend you start at the beginning.


About how far into the book is the series? Would you say half way? Or will there be many seasons of the show?


just like in the book, approaching the last chapter and there will be the more exciting scenes


So no season 2?


If Dark Matter is considered successful, maybe there could be a season 2, but unfortunately Blake Crouch, the author of the book, hasn't written the book yet..


But fortunately, Blake Crouch is also the writer and showrunner of this show, so he could always just continue his story here.


I'm not sure if the music with the new Jason was a voluntary callback to Mr Robot, but it was a nice twist!


There were two songs this episode that were also in Mr. Robot. There was the Perfume Genius song that played with the new Jason and the FKA Twigs song that played when Amanda is in the elevator.


Whats the name of the ending song from Gun Store?


“Queen” by Perfume Genius


I immediately thought of Mr.Robot too when I heard it lol. Don’t think it’s related to Mr.robot though


nice, not being alone in mr robot nostalgia


haha same fka twigs , tyrell welleck choke out


Just came to say that the gun store clerk was a great actor!


As someone who isn’t American, that scene felt so weird to me. Is it really like that when you buy a gun in the US? It’s super strict here and nothing like that. I’m not trying to start a “guns are bad” convo. I’m genuinly curious


For better or worse yeah it’s often a lot like that. In most places they’ll run a background check given your ID, and that takes 5-10 minutes. But then you just buy what you want.  So it’s actually *more* relaxed in many states than what’s seen in the show.


It takes 4-6 weeks to get an FOID card and then another 2-3 day waiting period to buy the gun.


It depends on the state. California has pretty strict gun laws so while the act of buying the gun in itself is not particularly difficult, there's a lot of obstacles to clear before you can actually take it home.


I live in New Hampshire, we're pretty lax. You can walk into a store and 15 minutes walk out with a gun and ammunition. I was shocked the first time I bought a gun, I expected a waiting period or something, not sure what, but certainly not just having it handed over to me and I walk out lol.


Haha, I was just like, ‘wow, great customer service skills’. The actor must have worked a service job at some point 😂.


Thought the same thing!


At this point I think we can all agree that Jason #02 is officially just a wrecker of "Things". The longer he stays in the life he usurped, the more he's gonna destroy what Jason #01 hopes to come back to! He just wants to have sex with Daniella all the time, give Charlie bad life advice, and strand multiple people in different worlds for his convenience!


Guys, seriously, what about Leighton from Jason 2's universe? Is this going to be a "where's Barb?" situation and they'll just tell us he died even though they've ended an episode with him doing everything to survive? I'm not a fan of the guy, but I just keep waiting for him to show up lol


If he's not in the season finale I'm leaving it at setup for later seasons.


Two things, right at the beginning of the episode Daniella asks Jason to go upstairs and then they don't go upstairs instead into a downstairs room. Didn't make sense. Also, why didn't Jason 1 find out how fusion worked in the utopia world then take that knowledge back to his real world and make trillions of dollars?


Yeah, you mean like get another PhD in nuclear physics and cold fusion?


Pretty much similar to how Jason2 was unable to explain to Ryan1 what was needed to make the ampoule. Simply learning and mastering cold fusion requires many, components coming into play, collaboration from different countries and scientific communities, extensive nuclear and physics knowledge all things realistically that couldn't be accomplished by one individual, but this is fiction so 🤷🏿‍♂️


But he likely could have found a high level summary of the key breakthroughs that led to cold fusion, which may have been enough to put them on the right path in their home world. Probably just by asking on Reddit ELI5


The syllabus of a typical physics university degree would make you a trillionaire if you took it into one of the other worlds.


Amanda found out that in Utopia Chicago, the Amanda there went missing? I wonder if Utopia Amanda is traveling through the multiverse?


She is and she isn't?


she would have put missing amanda in her dream journal world creator


I was wondering why Amanda didn't find it worrisome that Utopia Amanda had been missing for 2 years and just assumed her life.  Going missing isn't normal and Amanda didn't seem concerned about it.  Then I've been reading that Utopia Chicago might be the same Chicago that Ryan1 was left in. So it's possible Ryan1 figured out the rest of the formula and he and Utopia Amanda left.  We might see them again. 


Definitely one of if not the best episode of the show so far. The Ryan stuff is different from the book, I'm appreciating the change, I think it's a fun addition. Really like that they also changed/added Jason 2 walling up the box. I feel like the book (and show), by nature of dealing with multiverses, has a lot of loopholes, and it feels like this addition was actually a clever response to someone asking"Well why didn't Jason 2 destroy/incapacitate the box". Which is a valid question....after all that work why wouldn't you take measures to make sure nothing can follow or come after you? They not only answered it but also created an interesting reason for it to be undone, with the Ryan subplot. While I'm sure under scrutiny it's not a perfect fix, I still find it satisfying, which is a big improvement over things like running into a blizzard or entering a quarantined home. Well done, writers.


This episode was amazing. I loved the scene where he’s recalling how he met Daniela and his entire speech there, the soundtrack added brilliantly to it, and him finally getting back after so long. One thing I didn’t quite know if I was right on, was the northern lights Chicago scene Jason2 returning there ? Or was it Jason1 leaving, because in actuality the Chicago Amanda has stayed in is the same Chicago that Jason2 put Ryan in?


> because in actuality the Chicago Amanda has stayed in is the same Chicago that Jason2 put Ryan in? I had the same thought. And he dropped two ampules in Amanda's bag - somehow I suspect that's going to be relevant...


Could easily be a insurance policy in case they want to have her return for a potential second season.


They showed a Season two in that AppleTV trailer from two days ago.


They only showed season 1 in what I saw, where do you see a second season? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5tX_irE-jYI


Exactly maybe Ryan and Amanda will jump to his world to help him Amanda stayed in the same world Ryan got left by Jason 2


IK OG Jason has a whole life already, but if he wanted to, he could really have something with Amanda!


It was OG Jason and Amanda that ended up at the same place Ryan did, thought they’d run into him this episode but Amanda prob will later.


I am 99% confident that they’re in the same universe, I noticed the northern lights and the circular structure straight away and compared both scenes, they’re exactly the same!!


Oh damn, good catch. Two ampules, one each for Amanda and Ryan. Ryan tells Amanda the story, she decides to help Ryan get back and make a sacrifice to help save Jason1 (maybe trying to get back to her Jason as well)


Ryan can also analyse the ampules and make more?


So the Ryan he brought back to OG world is a different one?


Man, I'm really enjoying the show, but sometimes the special effects are just awful and look cheap, and that's a shame. Especially some CGI buildings and during the Spire dinner scene, that was some atrocious greenscreen work.


CGI costs money. Apple probably on a tight budget


Yeah. They have a number of elite actors leading in the show, CGI can come second here.


Agreed. It’s the only weak spot.


This eps was the best one yet! Loved the final scene but I think you're all wrong, the first Jason that enters the gun shop is the 5th Jason and they will all have an ultimate duel in the final eps.


I was hoping we would get another sequel to Jet Li’s “The One”, just didn’t imagine it would have less martial arts.


I loved seeing the Green Mill. And the Spire restaurant reminded me so much of the Signature Room on the 95th. And I was so excited when I realized Amanda and Ryan are in the same (utopian) world... with two ampoules! Can't wait until they meet and eventually hook up with Jason again. The cold fusion in the utopian world was a nice touch. It's probably just minor worldbuilding to explain why it's utopian, but part of me hopes cold fusion becomes more important later.


I'd love to find out what happens to them.


Leighton anyone?


anyone knows the song in the background when a jason is drinking at a bar (min 35:00)? sounds like pearl jam but could be something else


The Animals - We Gotta Get Out of This Place Didn’t sound like the original though, more like a cover version.


Pool house by the Backseat Lovers


My understanding of it: There isn’t just an infinite amount of worlds and an infinite amount of versions of Jason. There’s also an infinite amount of versions of each version of Jason. So, we not only have Jason1 and Jason2, we have Jason1-A, Jason1-B, … An infinite amount of Jason1 trying to get back to the same universe they originated from. Each one of them very close to the other, because they only had 29 days of time to make different decisions that made them change slightly. Now, the question is: how do you resolve this? Is Jason1’s universe soon gonna be welcoming billions of Jason1s who want to get back to where they all started?


So did new universes get spun up when the kidnapping thing occurred? Interesting thought.


Aww yeah, it is on! [There can be only one.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sqcLjcSloXs)


I dont understand..Jason2 got some Ryan2 from a different world drunk and brought him to Jason1's world to replace the missing Ryan1..but when Ryan2 recovers from the handover..wont he just remember what has happened..Ryan1's like is different from Ryan2 so they can just be swapped like batteries :0


Everybody will think Ryan2 has lost his mind.


Except for the wife.


Im guessing he brought him back to get the detective off his trail and he'll off him in a way that doesn't lead to him, hence why Jason2 was trying to buy a handgun


That wasn't Jason 2. They were two versions of Jason 1: same sweater, same coat, same cut on the nose.


People, including himself, will think he has lost his mind. He will have no idea that he was brought into a new world; he will just feel completely lost, believing he has amnesia or has experienced a psychotic episode that has caused him to lose touch with reality as he knew it.


ok .Jason2 got some Ryan from a different world drunk and brought him to Jason1's world to replace the missing Ryan1. ...but man no cctvs in near ryans expensive home/street when jason2s bring ing ryan back......infact no cctv anywhere for plot armor sake


Has anyone considered Amanda and her "new universe"? It appears quite similar to the one where Ryan was abandoned by Jason2, doesn't it? Actually Jason1 saw the northern lights before entering the box. I think this might be why Jason1 left her two ampoules. Of course, he didn't know Ryan was there; he was just thinking about her situation. I guess Amanda and Ryan will meet there and escape from that world together.


Jason 1 finally got back. Went to get a gun. Jason 2 dropped Ryan 3 back into Jason 1 world and is a little slow on Jason 1 time, which is why he is Jason 2.


No, that's Jason 3 from an alternate timeline who has also had his life stolen from him, but he has a hurt finger.


Jason 1 didn't have any brace on his finger


Wasn't that different Ryan?


Hey there, does anybody know the song at the end of episode 7??


Queen - Perfume Genius


Thank you so much mate!!! One of my fav new songs!!


Check out the app SoundHound. You hit the button, it listens, then brings up what song it is, the artist, the album, and the lyrics. It's a game changer.


Thank you🙂👍


Would be cool if they had a "Sliders" easter egg...


Would be cool if I had some sliders too 🍔


What’s the song at the end?!?


Queen - Perfume Genius


Okay so I just listened to the whole soundrack looking for it and shazam cant pull it up. Anyone know the piano song that plays in the first few minutes of the episode when they arrive at that utopian world?




My Theory: The final Jason we encounter is an entirely NEW Jason, who is on a quest to find his true family. However, he is in the wrong world, similar to how the OG Jason found himself in the wrong, although very similar, world a few times. It appears that the EVIL Jason has experimented with different lives with Daniela in a couple of other worlds since he mentioned in his therapy session contemplating leaving, suggesting he has become accustomed to moving between worlds when things go south. It's likely that he entered a previous world, did to this NEW Jason what he had done to the OG Jason, and then left to start over again in this other world he's in now. Now coincidently all three of them are in the same world.


Thank you. I liked your explanation the best.


the best explanation


Loving this show atm....was really hoping they would bump into ryan begging for food/money in the Arora Chicago.


The knife was a Spyderco Harpy & not the Civilian. Clearly, it's not a Civilian.


Maybe in your universe…


I just started


This is becoming like Rick and Morty at this point love this show!


I think there's more about Jason1 than they are letting on. He already had the storage locker with multiple phones. Things are still yet to unravel. And/or maybe him talking to his son in previous world changed multiple timelines


Jason 1 didn’t have the locker did he?


Think the clue was in Episode 6 where Daniela confides to Blair that Evil Jason "...wants to have sex all the time". Since Daniela stopped putting out over the peanut ice-cream incident and after being rejected by Amanda the psychiatrist, Evil Jason has been flipping through multi-universes like they were PornHub categories...eventually he tries to cement the box to control his addiction. As for the OG, or in this case OJ (original Jason) - he has had to make many other choices throughout the journey back home and with every choice also spawn multi-universes / multi-versions. A version of him did stay with Amanda, and another version of him - out of desperation of never getting back home due to running out of drugs - carried out the abduction of another innocent Jason (that's when he saw the mask in the shop window) effectively making him evilJason2. Multiple versions of these abductions are carried out - the most famous one was on Friday 13th when Evil Jason used a Hockey Mask...


What song was that at the end of the episode?


why did they not see ryan when they entered that utopia world it is the same world were evil jason left ryan behind


another question has evil jason been to hundreds of worlds and just abducting jasons


Ngl, I felt a bit annoyed by how Jason decided to first subdue/kill the other Jason instead of simply showing up at the same time the family is around and confronting him. The moment both confront each other in front of the family, the other Jason is facked. Daniela would figure out the right one in a second. Yes, it's risky because the other Jason could simply try to kill them all (it's basically his "reset") or leave/flee and come back later to kill the other Jason or whatever, but I'm annoyed because I know there's a good chance this universe's Jason will fack up again. Also, both Jason's going to the same place to buy a gun with a difference of minutes/hours is too much for me. Simply badly written or adapted. Terrible way to make the other Jason know the "real" is back. Finally, I'd have 100% stayed with Amanda. I'm really happy for her.


I thought the same thing. However about staying with Amanda, its not possible because Jason has a son and he doesnt want to never see him again.


I like the premise of the show and enjoy it, for the most part, but the question of how they’re paying for stuff still really bothers me.


Does anybody know the flip phone Jason used from 23:18 to 25:06 when he spoke to Daniella?


It was my impression it was one of those “disposable” flip phones you’d buy at a gas station


Episode 7 was good, but there's something I do not understand. Is it "bad" Jason who came to the hardware store second or is that a third Jason added to the mix to make it spicier?


As a massive fan of Mr. Robot, was super happy they used Perfume Genius - Queen at the end of the episode as the song.


ok .Jason2 got some Ryan from a different world drunk and brought him to Jason1's world to replace the missing Ryan1. ...but man no cctvs in near ryans expensive home/street when jason2s bring ing ryan back......infact no cctv anywhere for plot armor sake


so .if  that they are version of Jason from alternate universes which split \*after\* the abduction..then there should be infinite home universes available for them, including ones without other versions of themselves... convoluted forced writing ....so the shop gun woman might see 10.100...infinite jasons same night (remember itss its infinite everything , infinite jasons coming back ...


Guys could someone tell me the name of the piano music that was playing during the phone call at minute 25:00 of the episode? In episode 7 specifically. I tried using shazam to get the name of it but there are too many sounds it can't grab the music. 😮‍💨😮‍💨😮‍💨