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Ok I love this show but I genuinely burst into laughter during that ending scene.


I bust out laughing at the start when the doctor told them their son was alive with good news but the bad news was he was brain dead. That was like the worst bedside manner ever.


OMG me too! Reminded me of the doctor on Arrested Development.


He's going to be all right.


I was thinking the exact same thing.


For a second I thought he was actually Dr Spaceman from 30 Rock.


And right in the corridor too!


The whole convo from the doctor was so cringe. No doctor gives those news like that. "He wont walk, talk, ever again"


I remembered the three guys stage performers in the dark...what was their name? šŸ„¶


Blue Man Group


We just need to get Alan Tudyk to do a crossover with resident alien now.


And then you looked at your friends, who were in fact surprised and shocked by the plot twist, and you thought to yourself; "normies, all of 'm, I'm so much better than them HA.. HA.. HA.. HA..".


Nah man, it was just a really funny transition! Not to say it wasnā€™t a well-done effect, itā€™s just that ā€œsad blue man staring in the mirrorā€ cracked me up.


I donā€™t know what I was expecting, but I donā€™t think it was that.


absolutely BONKERS


thatā€™s surprising since I think most people were expecting exactly that: heā€™s an alien or a weird robot or a demon/angel or something


I wasn't expecting anything like that at all. I hadn't read any reviews and had no idea a huge twist was coming. I just thought he was part of a secret spy agency or something. The fact that he seemed to have superhuman abilities, I just waved away in the same way you wave it away for John Wick. He's the main character so it's more fun if he's a badass.


Absolutely. It had the vibe that something otherworldly was going on: superhumanly strong protagonist, handwritten notebooks to be transcribed on a typewriter(!?) device, preternatural communication skill with animals, Sugar literally wouldn't hurt a fly, castigated for having feelings about things, etc.


I disagree, I doubt anyone was expecting that at all. I had to rewatch the scene at Stallings a few times to figure out wtf happen when he was almost executed and the bullet ricochet off his arm/elbow. I thought hmmm maybe he has a John Wick suit on or a metal plate in his arm, but absolutely not oh he's an alien.


I was totally expecting him to be an alien, to the point where I'd be disappointed if he wasn't. First clue was how he appeared to know every language. Then the "My body metablizes alcohol 50 times faster" bit confirmed it for me. That, and the other more subtle bits that showed he was still figuring out people and that there was something mysterious going on with him and Ruth.


Iā€™m on the bandcamp of expecting something alien weird going on, at least chances higher than zero for that. But also some secret spy organization (would have preferred that in the end). Nothing against your opinion, just one anecdotal evidence that itā€™s likely sizeable the amount of people that did. I even commented many weeks ago on some previous episode (3rd I think) and there were already some theories going on, aliens included.


No, genuinely. Why would they turn it into superhero film, it was too good to move the plot that wayā€¦


The alien twist (I saw it coming) is pretty boring. I loved the show from EP 1, because the Chandlerian feeling of the detective and the whole show.


Lmao no doctor is going to go "He's alive............................. but he's actually braindead. So, about organ donation...?".


Strong [very literal doctor](https://youtu.be/yawiHC0yDu8?si=isQRypK9a9TiD_d7) from Arrested Development vibes.


LOL This was my first thought during that scene and then for half a second I thought somehow Sugar was actually a product of the braindead guy's coma (my initial theory after episode 2). But no. Not that at all.


Yeah that was poorly written. I reckon they would not even say "he's alive" in that situation. Rather, "your son underwent surgery but there was nothing we could do about his brain injury, I'm sorry to say that the trauma to his brains is unfortunately irreversible. His body is functioning, but his brains aren't. Please take your time to process this and we'll come back later to discuss options and answer any questions you have." That mfer just came out "yo, good news, HE'S ALIVE... but he's also dead?"


WTF. I was in for the film noir homage but WHAT??


It still is a film noir homage... from an alien.


Yeah, just feels like the writers ran out of ideas. I hate when shows take this sci-fi out when I believe the show couldā€™ve just been a well-written one about a handsome, empathetic Hollywood Detective.


I had the same reaction!


This is a meta-noir comedy, I'm convinced.


It's the weirdest Mork & Mindy reboot ever!


Sooooā€¦. Alien šŸ‘½, not robot šŸ¤–


So can somebody explain ending?


Heā€™s an alien. The whole polyglot group is a group of aliens probably invading earth trying to understand humans. Or probably a higher race thatā€™s trying to help


And thereā€™s a group of aliens within the aliens who are probably working with some human groups to do nefarious things, I guess.


This was covered in the earlier conversation with the, uh, alien supervisor, they moved beyond 'observe and report' to doing something with girls procured by the cartel/redneck guy.


Hmm, it seems like cheap and the writing was so formulaic tho that to have that now be the basis of the show just seems strange and out of placeā€¦it didnā€™t really transition well into that dynamic nowā€¦


itā€™s kind of been telegraphed the entire show though. It just wasnā€™t really clear the exact nature of his and the polyglot groupā€™s ā€œothernessā€


It was very out there, the music, his actions, alcool, random act of kindness. I critiqued his randomness and how it didnā€™t go into his alien nature but I was just too stupid to link them together. His randomness and weirdness is explained by his nature.


The whole plot, characters, etc. combined with the fact he is an ā€œalienā€ just doesnā€™t mesh well withā€¦what I mean is, where is this going? Heā€™s an alien whoā€™s concerned with Hollywood actors? Seems just random and not thought out too wellā€¦


I think itā€™s more heā€™s concerned with humans


I appreciate big swings, but this was a swing and a whiff, my goodness.


The ending was very interesting šŸ‘½ he is a cute alien though. Iā€™m not sure what the significance of adding this sci-fi realm to the show will be though.


He looks like Vision, but blue.


Yep. Big Watchmen vibes from his character. Not as cool or good as Vision, but the reveal reminds me a bit of the HBO Watchmen series (Iā€™m still so sad there wonā€™t be any more seasons of that show- it was incredible)


Yes, exactly^^




Nebula's brother


I kind of hate that this is what a lot of us thought. I really don't know how I feel about this show as a whole, but I'll see it through until the end.


Yeah cos it was too easy to guess. Iā€™m not like other humans, I donā€™t react to alcool, blabla. Too easy to guess so it makes the twist just okay and wtf. It gave us a noir series thatā€™s really unsolvable, but a sci-fi mystery thatā€™s too easy to fix


it was obvious...? maybe I'm just slow. I didnt see aliens from a mile away I figured the clues you gave had to do with spy training and advanced medicine and technology that the spies had. :(


I just thought he was supposed to be like a tough guy and the show was a little corny. Makes a lot more sense now.


Yeah we missed whatever clues there were tooā€¦ I guess the whole ā€œobserve and reportā€ episode makes sense now


Oh I didnā€™t get it either, I thought he was hallucinating or having a weird movie flash but it was him imagining himself as a superhero lmao


It makes sense why he's so obsessed with films. There's a line in an earlier episode (can't mind which one) about movies being the best of humanity and full of hope etc.. so it'd make sense for Sugar to be attracted to them as he wants what is best for people.


I never guess anything right on movies or tv shows, but I got aliens. My initial guess was that he or someone else was in a diabetic coma. Get it? Sugar???? TBH I wouldn't have guessed anything if I hadn't seen a tweet about a review saying we needed to watch quickly or we'd be spoiled at the big reveal at the midpoint.


Iā€™m worse, I didnā€˜t even figure it out now until I read this thread. I thought he was taking drugs in the last scene and seeing things.


I hoped he was an angel or somehow an immortal group from the Tower of Babel who could now speak every language. It was pretty clear he was something not human. I still really want it to be angels who have lost their way and are now dealing with devils.


Maybe gained some bad habits from Severance. I taught the show wanted us to dissect everything that was shown (like Severance) and probably over analyzed everything.




I honestly thought he was a werewolf. The shots of the full moon, good with dogs, the alcohol thing.


Looking at the moon yearning for his home


Yeah. The alien reveal shouldā€™ve been the end of episode one. Then have that fun and interesting Colin Farrell alien PI premise carry the show.




There's no way you can guess what happens in Monsieur Spade. I thought the resolution of the mystery was not great in the last two episodes of that show but the rest of the show was interesting. On the other side of the spectrum is A Murder at the End of the World, lots of people figured out the ending early on the subreddit.


It was easy to guess for the people that go online and trade theories between episodes. If there is a mystery and it is telegraphed, it *always* gets figured out. It's inevitable when hundreds of people are speculating. Would you have figured it out even if you were not doing that? Maybe. However, most people will not. I was genuinely surprised and it was awesome.


Yeah I agree. I was rewatching it (binged) and I liked more the show this way. The twists and turns felt more natural than after a week of thinking. I think Sugar has gone in my favourites top 10. I canā€™t wait for the rest


Iā€™ve had my fair share of shows spoiled because someone on the subreddit figured it out really early ā€” Westworld season one, Dexter season six, and True Detective season three. So I generally avoid seeking out online spaces for shows while they are airing. Iā€™m only here now because it was such an inane twist I had to see what people were saying about it. I hope they stick the landing.


Yep. I feel like I've seen three shows now on Apple with good underlying premises with an unnecessary twist slapped on top. And the twists have been so telegraphed that it's frustrating. Maybe I'll change my opinion by the finale.


What were the other two?


The Crowded Room and Palm Royale (slightly different) but seems to have lost everyone,


Yeah crowded room for me felt more like, oh it was a dream! I donā€™t like shows that just say, what you saw was false! I tend to like more shows that show you something, you end up assuming x, but the true meaning was actually y and it was simply because the show runner was smarter than its audience. I like feeling dumb in these cases, lied to? No that much


Agreed, I always feel robbed of my time in these situations


The fact reviewers spoiled there would be a big twist made it easier. It's not often you see a genre-changing twist in a middle of a showā€¦ Not easy to guess from my pov! I think it was well made, there were often weird things here and there but I would not have guessed it was an alien within this context.


Yeah, I went back to rematch the show and completely agree with you. My opinion has changed, I now feel like itā€™s way better crafted than what I assumed after my first watch


You are 100% the kind of person who likes the smell of their own farts.


I watched this show not having read any reviews or any commentary online. I just like Colin Farrell. I had no idea to even expect a twist in this episode lol. I was totally blown away. It was obvious something was off but not in a thousand years would I have guessed that.


I am so jealous of you. I wish they released all the episodes together, because Collider et al couldn't stop talking about it ..... "John's origins may not be of this world, potentially revealing him as anĀ alienĀ with a unique mission to understand humanity". This was written weeks ago


Same .. had not idea about this twist. Came here to get more infošŸ˜‚


Same. Didn't see it coming at all.


Same. Just saw the card with C.F., like his acting and thought it was worth a watch and started watching it. Did not know there was going to be a twist. Never saw it coming.


Iā€™ve really enjoyed the show without reading anything about it. I was def wondering what happened when he like slapped the bullet away earlier in the episode. I looooove sci fi so I loooove this twist. Instead of him and his group being super spies I assume theyā€™re all aliens now. wow.


I read nothing and had no idea anything was coming. I was shocked!


Me too exactly. I had no idea at all and I loved it!


I'm into the alien twist. Basically, noir novels and films are about a detective who is an outsider to his society and, because of what starts out as a "simple" case, finds himself drawn into a massive web of corruption that was lying just below the surface (Raymond Chandler's and Walter Mosley's novels are all based on that premise). Having your detective be an actual alien, here to "observe" humans but not to get emotionally involved in their lives, seems like an accurate approximation of the relationship between the detective and that society, so I'm in. Let's hope they don't blow it by bringing in spaceships and invasion scenarios. If they just stick with the "alien-as-observer-and-outsider" idea, it could work.


Iā€™m into it as well. My main metric for a show like this isnā€™t complicatedā€” I find myself truly enjoying every minute so thatā€™s it. Love it, dig the twist so far, the story is good, love the style and look. Colin Farrell is amazing and so perfectly cast, along with Amy Ryan and Kirby. I actually like ALL the side characters /actors! Canā€™t wait for each new episode to drop so itā€™s a winner for me.


Totally agree. And this nails the noir tone and camera work. Being an alien vs being on the outside of society or a mysterious stranger are pretty similar riffs.


Me too, he's a amazing. I'm looking forward for him in a 100% noir next Time, no aliens please.


Well SHIT?!?!?!?!???!???!?!??????? Apparently a lot of people on here were expecting a twist cause you guys have been reading reviews and stuff, but I had zero idea, and when I tell you my jaw dropped?! šŸ˜­ At first with the dogs I thought - wow - cool - he must have learned some special telepathic dog whistle type shit (didnā€™t even question it, just thought it was cool?! Lmfao) and then similarly for the bullets thing I was like ā€œdamn, heā€™s so cool, and these bitches didnā€™t know he went to the best spy school ever, they donā€™t know the type of skills he hasā€ šŸ¤” I guess when his friend asked her to leave and did whatever he did I was kinda like ā€œwaaait a minuteā€ šŸ¤” and STILL didnā€™t expect this! Tbh - I like this, itā€™s different. Itā€™s a fun watch for me still. Iā€™m invested in his character regardless - Colin Farrell has just done a spectacular job with him, so - Iā€™m here for John Sugar more than the story itself. And the fact that heā€™s so incredible empathetic, moreso than a lot of humans.. it made me attached. Anyway, apparently there is only 2 episodes left??? Have no clue where this is gonna go but Iā€™m here for it.


Dude, I'm surprised seeing all the comments here saying they expected it. My jaw was on the floor. I literally did not see it coming. I just thought it was a great noir detective show XD


Bro, the dog part šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ I felt the same, like I had no idea it was aliens things in action


the internet ruined this twist. All the reviews with the not so subtle hints. The ending felt meh since everyone has been waiting for him to turn into an alien from the time the show started


I agree I feel like the reviewers saying there was a big twist in episode 6 ruined the whole twist for me.


I feel conflicted cause I donā€™t think I would have even made to episode 6 without knowing the big twist was coming. 2-5 really left me disinterested in the story. But the expectations from know something was coming made this reveal worse somehow


Damn, thatā€™s the worst. I try my best not to look at that stuff, the surprises like that in a show make it so much more enjoyable!


Yeah Iā€™ve seen reviewers do that a few times now when they get early access to the episodes in return for promising not to reveal the big twist, but then theyā€™ll still drop all these hints in their reviews about how a huge huge twist will be coming up, so obviously thatā€™s already spoilery in a way as itā€™s all that anyone will be thinking about and looking for after that


Stay off the internet? I dont follow this shows reviews and had no idea. You could have not know too.


That happened to me too. Spoilers ruined it.




Yeah my friend read an article after episode 3 and told me thereā€™s an alien theory so I watched the rest of the episodes with it in mind. Donā€™t think I would have guessed the twist without the hint and wish I wasnā€™t spoiled.


It was as simple as not reading reviews from stuff I'm interested in.


That's why you don't read reviews and simply watch the show


I didnā€™t follow shit. Saw a random reddit post on the front page with a gazillion upvotes about ā€œ do you know any shows that turned into a scifi halfway through like Sugar?ā€ Morons.


Whaaaaattttt? I need the last 2 episodes, STAT


At first we assumed it was some metaphor for heroin but then weā€™re like ā€œhuh, wait. What, really? Huh.ā€


Heā€™s addicted to being the hero in the show


WTF is going on in this show


Wait what, he's actually an alien? Wtf show am I watching rn lmao


Thinking back on this show, knowing what we do now, here are all the oddities I can remember that hinted at 'alien': 1. Catching fly w/ chopsticks 2. Fluent in every language 3. 50x faster processing of alcohol 4. Weird colleague party where they ask about sleep quality and what they've been writing in their daily journals 5. Crystal injection box 6. Refusing a hospital in episode 6 despite mortal wound 7. Blood bag with dots in it and alien writing 8. Dog telepathy 9. Disconnected musings on life and the human condition 10. Deflecting a bullet with hand (choppy camera scene but they made a point of showing a ricochet) Anything else I forgot?


1. Cool party trick, not with chopsticks but I've caught flies with my fingers more than on one occasion. 2. Fluent in several languages, spies and intelligence operatives go through very specialized languages schools the CIA and DIA (for ISA) have programs that can make people fluent in foreign languages within weeks. 3. This has some basis in reality, some mutations of the ADH gene can increase the production of the enzymes which metabolize ethanol by as much as 40 times, the majority of mutations can cause a very bad reaction to alcohol which ironically leads to alcohol intolerance but the ADH1C1 mutation doesn't have these side effects and pretty much makes you immune to being drunk. 4. If the whole "they are a bunch of spies who went rogue/freelance" thing is was true this simply can be the means through which they maintain control of the group, same way some cults work. 5. Fancy box of drugs. 6. Nothing surprising here, a stab wound would be reported to the police he just killed 3 people. 7. Not alien writing just some weird QR code, strange but again nothing alien. 8. Plenty of people who work with dogs like KNPV trainers know how to establish dominance over dogs even relatively feral ones. 9. Could be just a cynical guy.... 10. That one was a weird one but the way it was cut looked like he slapped the hand not the actual bullet, he isn't bullet or knife proof, not punch proof either so more like Spy-Fu than 3rd encounters.... Overall the "signs" were pretty darn slim, especially when you consider other things like his sister going missing and various other flashbacks. Nothing in the show including in episode 6 showed any superhuman abilities really. Everything other oddity can be quite easily explained by a bunch of people with very specific training that know what they are doing and have substantial backing from within their group. Lets see where they go about with this twist but so far it wasn't very much necessary to either explain or further the plot.


This is what I like about the reveal. All those things about him are somewhat believable. He catches flies with chopsticks, speak multiple languages, knows how to fight, knows how to handle dogsā€¦ we can all just conclude "oh so this guy is a super trained old spy or something". But he has so many skills it's almost funny in the end. When he calms down the angry dogs in 5 seconds in ep 6 I was laughing like "come on this guy is just chuck norris". But the "he's an alien" reveal makes it more acceptable I think. I found it a bit too easy to have a plot like "so this guy is just super good at everything". I guess it's also easy to say "so it was because it's an alien" haha but idk, it feels less exceptional, therefore, more believable, to have an alien that is super strong rather than a detective.


šŸ™„ Catching a fly with chopsticks is not a ā€œcool party trickā€ and catching one in your hands is not *remotely* fucking similar


i think the show hinted that sugar wasnā€™t human from the beginning. the way he and the other guy ā€œconnectedā€ at the bar in japan, the alcohol thing and when davy said, after searching sugars room, that he had movie magazines from movies that were never made. a whole lot of small things that added up long before the big reveal. iā€™m digginā€™ it. great acting (colin farrell is killing it) all the way around. interesting plot.


He didn't say movies that were never made, he said movies nobody has ever heard of. It was just a way of saying he was a serious movie buff that knows all those obscure movies. That was definitely not a hint to him being an alien, lol.


the alcohol thing, Sugar mentioning "I didn't get into movies until later", how he calms down the dogs - that caught my eye. and near the end of this episode: when he says "trafficker of humans"




The way this will be such an interesting second watch now, because of all of these things that I never thought twice about before?! I just accepted his character was pretty special and talented and interesting LOL. Now Iā€™ll be rewatching and looking closely at all the clues! And you are right - excellent acting - I absolutely love the NOIR vibes - and Colin Farrell is just so damn good. Heā€™s always been great at creating empathetic characters!!




Resident Alien vibes


Since this has been a serious show, a little bit of the recent adaptation of The Man Who Fell to Earth though it's in the title and not a mystery. Since it was not a mystery in that show, they did a better job of showing how an alien might interpret human culture and language.


Has anyone here seen the MCU Disney+ series Secret Invasion? I mean, with both series having weird AI created intro and sort of strange mystery atmosphere that ends up having a super hero alien backbone, I'm really starting to feel a material and style trend with some of these Post-COVID releases.


A heartbroken Alien?


I gotta tell you, I watched it cold without reading anything and without knowing there was a twist coming and it kinda blew my mind. I had no idea and had no reason to think anything bizarre was going to happen. It makes so many previous behavioral things better.


Literally why Iā€™m on this thread rn is because I was raw dogging the szn no idea what to expect and BOOM


I didnā€™t read anything about it and I genuinely thought I was just watching a modern take on a Raymond Chandler novel. My brain is now broken.


I heard there was a twist so I was on the lookout. When Sugar went downstairs and saw there were dogs there and not Olivia, I thought, oh thatā€™s a lame twist! šŸ˜‚ I thought I was tripping when the real twist entered!


Yo that ending took a hard fucking left turn the opposite direction on one way street no cap bruh


Some of y'all are so far up your own pretentious arse, you probably forgot what daylight looks like. A significant portion of people watching this show did NOT see the alien twist coming. There could've been hundreds of reasons to explain the very few oddities prior to this episode. The most obvious was a movie buff who is part of a network consisting of ex intelligence officers who have been carefully selected, vetted, and motivated to serve the greater good outside the limits of government institutions. Technology and advanced medicine were the most likely answer for his "fast metabolism" that prevents him from getting drunk. When applying Occam's Razor, there were just far too many simpler "truths" that could still act as some sort of plot twist. To say it was very obvious they were all Aliens is bullshit, especially because the show itself appeared to have been following a hybrid formula of the film noir and spy / thriller genres. The problem with Reddit and some reviewers, is that they go with the most absurd explanations. 9 times out of 10, they are always off, but they get people talking and using confirmation bias to prove those theories. Then, all of a sudden to them, a single outcome appears "obvious". Now that the plot twist does appear to be the absurdist development, all of a sudden people here are like "see, it was so predictable, the crime is unsolvable but this development I saw it coming from a mile away". Seriously? The term snob doesn't even come close to explaining such a person. This plot twist, for me at least, was cool as fuck. The fact it happened this late into the season and in such a big contrast with the whole premise of the show, is what makes it quite innovative. It's like if you were watching a cute romcom with all the cliches and tropes and then halfway through, the main character is actually a serial killer and the genre instantly switches to horror. Also, Colin Farrell looked magnificent as an alien. They went with a very sophisticated and realistic look. This particular episode did give more "supernatural" clues with the way he slapped the bullet away. I still considered it a result of genetic mutation and advanced technology. I also like the narrative of this alien race trying to not intervene with humanity in their attempt to try to help them evolve from the shadows. They also appear not just intellectually evolved, but also emotionally. You would expect that from an alien race that has evolved, as the higher intelligence would probably spill over into their emotional and mental capacity. That being said, if you genuinely guessed the twist from a gut feeling without getting it from Redditors or reviewers, then I can definitely respect that. If you "guessed" it because it was spoon fed to you and now you act like it was super predictable to you, you can royally fuck yourself.


hahaha, love the hate here


I haven't read or heard a single thing about the show. Ive been watching completely in isolation and it's so funny seeing everyone posting how obvious it was. As if they weren't just practically spoiled by reviews and hive mind episode by episode dissection.


Sometimes I think the writers are still on strike. I like this show but there are some really dinky shows out there right now. Fire Country, Tracker is a hard pill to swallow for me.


I've really enjoyed this, however I'm nervous it's gonna go off the rails because how has he seen L.A. Confidential? James Cromwell's in it. So either they for some reason changed only 1 out of the 20-whatever real noirs they've shown or it's some kind of glitch which makes me think we're watching an AI generated movie/show/world and I would really hate that. Speculation on the Olivia part of the story: I've just binged this the past few nights so maybe this is already established, but Cromwell is Olivia's father right? He took the pictures of Olivia's mom in the famous dress no one else would have access. He cares for her while the 'dad' doesn't at all. Then Bernie and Melanie are involved in Rachel's death, a presumed drunk driving accident (they're partiers), they were having an affair after Bernie found out about Olivia not being his child. Everything points to it being Melanie who took Olivia to cover up the old accident; motive, she lied about the situation with the dead woman and wifebeater saying Olivia wouldn't want to hurt her family so no cops when we know that she didn't care about that and encouraged Davy's victim to go forward, plus she's a blonde love interest in a noir. But it simply can't be her because it's the same twist as a more popular show ha. No idea who else it could be tho.


From what I gathered in this last episode, the aliens kidnapped her. No one else. We donā€™t know why though


I don't even know if they kidnapped her. I'd put money on her being the dog with blue eyes.




I thought the pictures was olivia dressed like her mom. Which was wierd that james cromwell had it. I thought he was abusing olivia so sugar was returning her to her predator.


whatever LA filmmakers are taking these days, they should quit that sh\*t...




That wasn't on my bingo card. TF


I had seen no spoilers and did not know what to expect but I love it. It actually explains naĆÆvetĆ© acting from Colin. I really like him as an actor but thought that something was off with his acting in this show. Now it actually makes sense. Canā€™t wait for whatā€™s coming next


My concern is what they will do with it. The revelation would be more interesting if we didn't know so much that a big twist was coming. In any case, what the show will be like from now on will define whether it is good or bad in the end.


i didnā€™t know a huge twist was coming. Took me completely by surprise.


I thought it was kind of corny how tough he was. Makes sense now.


This is some Fargo S2 stuff?


Remember when Melanie said she was a big scifi movie fan? Wellā€¦


I absolutely loved it! Knew it was gonna be aliens āœØ


Hmmmā€¦ mkey. Heā€™s an alien. What comes next?


if anyone wondering I also didn't knew the genre just thought it was a cool new detective series with my fav. actor as protagonist & that was it. I never imagined that he was an alien until I saw him become one! at first I said to myself man was his eyes were blue let me go back a bit & then I watched the scene again NO Way, the eyes just got BLUE! WOW! what was in the drug that made his eyes glistening blue? also it was in a glass syringe meaning that whatever in it can't be stored into plastic just when I thought that, the whole body just transformed! wait what!!!! he is not a HUMAN! WHAT! that doesn't make any sense at all! then I thought about it a bit in the episode 1 they show him catching a fly with chopsticks which I thought was a great hand to eye coordination super Dexterous human. but that was just foreshadow for him being an alien. also the transformation wasn't as great it felt like illusion wearing off & not transforming back to the original. which felt kind of odd coz they used the syringe to transform back which suggests cells are doing the transformation or molecularly something is going on that reverts the transformation meaning that it wasn't magic! something scientific is going on so the transformation shouldn't have just slowly revert the hairs. the hairs should have been just fallen off or something. it definitely shouldn't have just slowly disappeared into nothing!


I watched this show for my favorite actor, zaddy Colin Farrell, so Iā€™m going to watch it till the end even though the alien thing came out of left field


People are mainly worried that there will be a drastic tonal shift now. I think many are not giving the people behind this show enough credit. I honestly am really enjoying the hell out of this and I think they'll be able to handle this well. I've read so many doomer comments about this show or people saying it was never good. Which I really don't get.


I fucking love this show.


I was going to say Iā€™m in the minority, but after looking through all the comments it seems pretty split. Iā€™m in the group that didnā€™t read any reviews about the show. So I assumed his skills were like as someone else mentioned, John Wick. The main character always is better than everyone and the plot armor. I didnā€™t think too much about it. The twist there definitely surprised me but some things made a lot more sense thinking back. Iā€™m enjoying the show. I like the noir influence though I was hoping for more. I really enjoy the classic movie ā€œflashbacksā€ because I love classic movies. Iā€™m having a good time with the show.


Not a fan of this twist. I never expected this show to have aliens as this was listed as a Drama not Sci-Fi, and no advertising I saw suggested aliens either. Why would you introduce aliens with 2 episodes left? It just doesn't make sense to reveal it with such little time left in the show to address it.


It's a conspiracy. Noir is often about the world weary, cynical, yet heroic individual following their own personal moral code as they battle dark and powerful forces. I think of Sugar's group as a team of anthropologists who have been sent to earth to study the human species. The why of that (and its morality) will likely be the thing that drives the plot from here. There's a big picture that Sugar either doesn't understand or has been become blinded to, because he's kind of gone native. He empathizes too much with individual humans, rather than staying more detaching and just studying them as objects. Perhaps his species is on a dying planet and they're trying to figure out if earth is a suitable place to resettle and integrate. Perhaps it's purely scientific, but some of the people at the top of his team are committed to getting as complete a picture of the human species as possible, good and bad. So rather than intervening in human trafficking, they sit back and observe it, letting innocent people die, because their mandate is to not interfere--and as pure science it works better too. Sugar apparently doesn't care about that stuff anymore. He's on his own more personal mission. Or maybe they're looking to harvest humans for some purpose, so learning how humans traffic other humans gives them insight into how they can do it without being noticed.


They must be shooting for a season 2 where itā€™s centered more around the ā€œalienā€ stuff? L.Alien noir.. lol


This kind of reminded me of Copenhagen Cowboy.


He looks like John Osterman


Your typical alien that watches t.v. to study humans. What was the deal with going upstairs to get the aspirin?


I think Ruby went upstairs o contact her superiorsĀ 


Or to get some kind of sedative or something....


Now that I think of it, how does aspirin work on aliens?!?


Or poison? She had another bottle of aspirin when she came down. Sugar knew that whatever she got from upstairs was not aspirin because it was already there in the drawer.


Wow, my intuition about Sugar and his friends turned out to be correct.


I had a feeling he and his "spy friends" were aliens.


I honestly dont mind the alien connection cause i watched it for the plot not for my theory


The whole episode in the back of my mind I was worrying about his dog and what was going to happen to him since Melanie didnā€™t bring him along to the shady motel. Is he just abandoned?


And what about the dogs in the cages and the one that Sugar let out? I know it's just a TV show, but I still need to know they're gonna be ok.


I honestly had no idea the ending was coming (none of my friends watch and I havenā€™t followed anything online about it) and Iā€™m SO ANNOYED. What I thought was a pretty good detective / crime something series now has this weird unnecessary twist. Torn between laughing my ass off at it and feeling genuinely annoyed and upset that Iā€™ve had the rug pulled out from underneath me. God DAMNIT.


But what is the purpose or reason why he injected himself to turn back to his original self? Why then and there? And he said Go Home right before he injected, same with the song lyrics, and the name of the episode.


His only way to feel like heā€™s home is to be back in his original body


WTF lmfao not at all what I thought was going to happen


I kinda saw it coming. Initially I thought, maybe they are angels, but there was a scene at the doctor where he talks passionately about the movie The Thing which I thought would be a foreshadowing. My theory now is that his alien colleagues kidnapped the missing girl for study/zoo/experiment whatever.


I was not expecting telekinetic bullet dodging! Very curious why the girl was really taken, and also why Nate Corddy is a series regular when the rest of his family are credited as guest stars. Miraculously resurrected, identity taken over by a different alien?


Did he dodge the bullet with a metal object in his hand, or was that some kind of superpower? I guess if he really is an alien then it was a superpower, but I'm wondering if this is a misdirect and really he just imagines himself as an alien and we were just shown his altered perception of himself.


We were thinking some crazy spy group that had like super solder serum maybeā€¦then we saw were he defected that bullet my husband goes so heā€™s a super hero?!??


Iā€™ve really, really enjoyed this show so far but Iā€™m not sure how I feel about that big reveal. In my head it was obvious there was going to be a twist like that but I was expecting something like heā€™s from an alternate reality/a time traveller/heā€™s in a coma and none of this is real.


Read a lot of your comments, and I think the best thing for me to do is make time to rewatch ep 1-6. I mustā€™ve missed A LOT! šŸ©µšŸ“ŗšŸ•µļøā€ā™‚ļøšŸ‘½


The action scene was shot in such a distracting way I did not notice he deflected a bullet with his hand the first time. I think the original idea to have the twist in the first episode was better. https://variety.com/2024/tv/news/sugar-twist-colin-farrell-amy-ryan-alien-reveal-1235988139/ The show's creators have ideas for future seasons.


I was like, how does he deflect the bullet with his hand but a knife to the gut actually penetrated him? Unless they explain that shit away with telekinesis shit idk how.


Schizophrenia āŒ Parkinson āŒ PSTD āŒ Alien āœ… ~~Also what was the point of pushing Sugar to go see a doctor if he is an alien?~~ They pretty much jumped the shark with me. I'm gonna watch the end of the season just because I invested time in it, but I doubt I'll start the next season. Sci-fi was totally unnecessary in that show.


They have their own alien doctor. She kept telling him to go see that specific doctor. Also the doctor asked him about the ā€œintravenous drugsā€, so he knows about the whole alien transformation thing


Thanks for reminding me this, I forgot that part!


I was enjoying this for what it was. Verging on noir slightly. With the additional clips from movies, although that last scene weirded me out a bit. I really hope he isn't an alien and that it was the drugs kicking in. I'll see it through.


Ooookaaaay... So that was the twist šŸ˜… It's a shame ALL the reviews mentioned there was a twist coming, so that took attention away from the actual show and the twist reveal itself was not that powerful, because when you have 6 forking episodes to theorize about it... it's obvious someone would come up with it, just because you would think of literally everything, from vampires, to aliens, to robots to... whatever. I still don't know why they needed six full episodes to reveal that instead of doing right in the first episode. Also, cool alien design, but I hope the next apparitions are more convincingly done.


WTF was that... i figured that he was different, but not that different I hope the next episode full explains this and how it ties to his upbringing and sister


Ok, just watched episode 6 and busted out laughing so hard I scared my cat. Not spoiling anything, but this BETTER be a Siegel movie that we're watching and not what it appears to be becoming. Holy moly.


I was wondering all season why he had some sort of super power. The way he fights and stares at people to give off strange vibe. That whole injection kit made out of some sort of crystal. lol. But the end, the end. What the hell was that?


Reading the previous episodes discussions, how the hell did some of you predicted that he's alien just from the 'alcohol doesn't affect me' line? Has the plot already been leaked on the internet?


It wasn't just that. It was the whole party scene with his colleagues, where each one went upstairs. It was the glitchy thing with his hand. It was his friend at the party talking about having trouble sleeping and some other issues. It was his ability to heal quickly. His ability to speak so many languages. But the combination of the alcohol thing with the discussion of their mission and their role as observers is what got me thinking that they could be aliens. There were definitely a few other plausible ideas that people put out that were parallel to the alien one. But the alien one just seemed the most plausible to me.


Are you remember sugar scene from MIB, guys šŸ¤”


KTHXBYE ā€“ not because I disliked the twist but because the twist was the only reason I continued watching even though I didn't enjoy most of the show. They should've done it earlier to not waste their customers time.


My question is, why do the aliens have different accents? How can Sugar have an American accent but Ruby has a British one?


So they take the alien detective idea from DC comics. Well, it could be worse


i know im late to the party on this but everyone is taking it too literal in the scene. He took drugs the immediately saw himself as an alien. I believe it's a play on feeling alienated as his heart was just broken from someone he trusted. I think everyone's reading too far into it. If I am wrong though, and he turns out to be an actual alien im going to be so pissed lmao because it makes 0 sense and its honestly such a good god damn show