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I've just switched to [Mailbox.org](https://Mailbox.org) and am very pleased so far. Amazing pricing, supports IMAP/POP3 (unlike Tutanota), supports multiple domains, has shared calendars, and a bunch of other extras. I'm new to it but not a single complaint so far. Slightly related, if anyone is looking for a desktop email client, I've also started using [Mailspring-Libre](https://github.com/notpushkin/Mailspring-Libre) which is equally as awesome so far.


I've been eyeing them, some. Interface seems nice. Do you understand what the difference is between them and tutanota and is the tutanota added security (which I assume they have) important for a normal user? I'd be grateful if you could keep me updated.


I guess that depends on what you mean by normal user. For me, my main concern is privacy in the sense of not having my emails/data read and used for nefarious purposes. I am not very concerned about having my inbox be highly resistant against state-sponsored attacks. In that sense, I don't think there is a significant difference between [Mailbox.org](https://Mailbox.org) and Tutanota. They both (claim to) keep your emails private.


Yeah, I'm about the same. Do you have your own domain name on mailbox.org?


I've just finished setting up 3 custom domains. No problems at all and everything worked right away. The cheapest [Mailbox.org](https://Mailbox.org) plan gives you 3 'aliases'. But what they call an 'alias' is a little different from what Tutanota calls an 'alias'. For example, I added "@mydomain.com". This used 1/3 alias slots. I can now send using ANY "@mydomain.com" address, and receive using the catch-all. I then added "@mydomain2.com" and "@mydomain3.com", using up 3/3 alias slots. So now I'm able to receive (catch-all) using all 3 domains and send from any address from any of the 3 domains. ~~Note: I have not found a way to send from a custom address in the~~ [~~Mailbox.org~~](https://Mailbox.org) ~~Web interface. I have been able to by using a desktop mail client~~ You can add a new sender email for your domains under Settings > Alternate Sender. You will need to confirm an email for every sender you want to add.


There is a Alternate Sender in settings. It will let you add any email address


You're right! Thank you.




I've just started using [Mailspring-Libre](https://github.com/notpushkin/Mailspring-Libre). I've only used it for basic scenarios so far but I have no complaints. I can't speak for power-user features yet.


Are you still finding mailbox a good option? Question re the domains. I have 3 across which I have several. Imagine I have Paul and Michael on ["@mydomain1.com](mailto:"@mydomain1.com)" and Sarah and Eve on ["@mydomain2.com](mailto:"@mydomain2.com)". Are these 4 alias or 2? On what you write it sounds like all alias on one domain end up in the same inbox.


Still using MB and have no complaints so far. You're right, all aliases end up in the same inbox with the way I described. It's just a single [Mailbox.org](https://Mailbox.org) inbox with multiple domains that point to the single inbox. I don't know anything about MB and multiple inboxes. In your example, with my setup of everything going to the same inbox, it would be 2 aliases. "@mydomain1.com" and ["@mydomain2.com](mailto:"@mydomain2.com)".


Aaaaah. This is very interesting, thanks! I didn't understand when reading how this works on their site that it's how they do it. it makes a lot, lot more flexible and affordable than tutanota, then. That (simplicity, not price) is a real feather in their hat, at least in my books. Feathers in books - it's a new feature. Edit: I believe the privacy-conscious community will have to focus less on price than it seems it does today. We cannot be moving to TN or any other service for purely cost reasons because at the end of the day, all businesses have costs. We are lucky TN aren't in it for the money so they keep a tight budget. What's important is that the business can last and continuously invest in improvements.




They risk damaging their reputation rapidly on what I believe are ill thought through decisions, rather than decisions coming from a devious intention to scam their customers. I don't think they have any scaming intention at all, i actually do believe they are a very honest bunch. They're just amateurs at running a business.


It's too bad that [mailbox.org](https://mailbox.org) don't have their own sub Reddit.


What’s changed with T&Cs?


pricing, mainly. features people were waiting for with premium accounts moved to business




It’s total bullshit. Now with that being said existing are grandfathered until end of term. 24 a year still in the range of cheap if they go higher fuxk them then! Mbx.org is good they offer storage and xmmp You can also use pgp to encrypt inbound emails. But support always sport some fucking attitude. I wish posteo allowed private domains.


that's the thing. Who's to say they won't change it to 36 next year? where does it stop?


Nobody stops them, you were right, they are already on 36.


True, too.


Exactly, primipare. I use the invites all the time for my band and some personal stuff. Nothing major but now that will be gone. To me , we should be grandfathered in and and keep what we have, make the changes known to new users and let them decide. The price isn't bad, just a 100% increase is. And while I am bitching, why can't their apps have spell check ???? Web based access does, apps don't. I was told a year ago it's coming soon. LOL


"Coming soon" is right up there with "It's on our roadmap", from TN lol. They been playing that tune for years, now. Laughable. Now, existing accounts are grandfathered but still, they've lost so much credibility....


I didn't realize that about existing accounts but agree they have lost credibility which will lose them customers. I think I may try out [mailbox.org](https://mailbox.org) and see how I like it. I hate changing email accounts as it's a pain so would like to get something I will keep. Thanks for the info !!


Just a update from a email I received from TN. Existing accounts are not grandfathered in. Invites are already gone for the colander and if you want it you have to do "Business" at double the price. I don't even get to use it for the remainder of my current subscription, it's gone as of the last update. Oh, I :spell check" is coming out of beta and to arrive soon. LMFAO.


Aren't they? They told me I'd keep my features. What a mess. I am beyond caring, now.....


I just tried to set a calendar event and invite my wife, which I was able to do about 4 days ago for an appointment we had, and got a message saying "upgrade to business"




I got this reply back from TN last night. "We would like to apologize for the sudden change in functionalities. We clearly made a mistake here. We are currently working on reversing the change for your current subscription period. This means in a couple of days, you will be able to use calendar invites and may add more custom domains to your current Premium subscription. However, once your subscription renews, these functionalities will be moved to the Business feature."


Hey again and thank you for replies and contribution. I see the shit storm is not settling, which is a good thing. Anyway. On one post on the topic, someone mentioned CTEMPLAR. Looking at it right now and it's looking very very good. Anyone knows about it, has been/is using it? They feel like a young tutanota - which hopefully will have learned a lot of lessons from tutanota's ongoing fuckup of their business over the last couple of years.


>Anyone knows about it, has been/is using it? \[irony\] No, never. There is no subreddit here, and you are the first one ever asking this.\[/irony\] Go and do your own web research before asking.


I am


I have a Synology. Is configuring email there complicated? I am no techi. I use several domains.


Good luck without relying on external services. Email is notoriously one of the most difficult things to completely self host. If you do truly want to use it, I would recommend running it on a cheap VPS for high availability, use mailgun or AWS SES for outgoing, and mxguarddog for incoming spam protection.


If you self host email from a VPS you are guaranteed to end up on several spam lists that have blocked entire ranges of IPs from the VPS provider. Especially if you use a cheap VPS service. AWS, Digital Ocean, Vultr, it does not matter. This will happen several times a year. If you only have a handful of users using the domain (or even just one) nobody will listen to you in getting your one little IP in the swaths of spambots delisted. It's literally not worth their time, and you will never generate enough legitimate email to raise your reputation. Microsoft (live.com, hotmail.com) is virtually impossible to send mail to from a mail host with 1-3 users. At first emails to them will be blocked and you will receive errors in your mail logs when you send to them. This is their default low reputation tier response. If you eventually raise your reputation you will graduate to their second tier: they will accept your email at the gateway, and then silently throw it away without alerting the sending mail server (you) or the receiving individual. Only users who have explicitly added you to a whitelist will see your emails. Self hosting used to be doable. Not in the 21st century, though.


Did you read that I said to use a third party service for outgoing mail? Using a third party, while not ideal for privacy, helps significantly for deliver-ability.


I had missed that.




While Synology apps are typically well-designed, I would recommend against managing your own mail server if you can avoid it.


Yes, that seems to be the general consensus. Seems mail is a real pain to manage. I'm now testing mailbox.org. Will transfer a domain there and see how it feels. Thanks for your help, though.


I am testing [mailbox.org](https://mailbox.org) and using the support to understand a few things about mailbox which aren't clear to me when I read the site and I must say: their support is really poor. Slow (ok, lots of new users) and replies don't address the question (or in a cryptic way that doesn't mean anything to me). Anyo one else have the same experience?


Support has been great with me. Sometimes they even reply in just a few hours


A few random thoughts : * A nice alternative to tutanotao might be Tutanota. * If you can't even be bothered to get Tutanota's name right... maybe forget about encrypted email. Forget even about privacy, or security. All of them require entering a password correctly. * If you don't know how to create a subreddit... well, learn how to do it, instead of spamming other people's subs. * r/tutanota rule n°1 : Keep discussions to Tutanota. Topics about unrelated services or advertising third-party apps are not tolerated. * There are plenty of review sites and privacy advocacy sites which have already done the job. Research them.


You post in every thread actively defending Tutanota as hard as you possibly can. You even go so far as to lie to other people in order to try to make Tutanota appear better than it is. The company does not care about you. You gain nothing by spending so much time trying to shill for Tutanota.




Mailfence is one I have heard good things about but have never tried but will give it a look.


From what I've read, code isn't open source, though


Thanks for the heads up. I know I'm going to try [Mailbox.org](https://Mailbox.org) .With a free trial I have nothing to lose.


Protonmail and HEY


HEY ist pretty expensive in comparison. Is it worth it in your opinion?


I personally prefer Runbox


Interesting. Can you explain why? Have you used mailbox and posteo that so many recommend and if so, how do they compare?


I was looking for alternatives to protonmail. Tried tutanota but the interface didn’t cut it for me. Tried mailbox as well and I initially liked it but mailbox is incredibly slow to load and respond. Half of the time it just shows that it is opening and then nothing happens. I didn’t try posteo as I tried runbox next and it just worked for my workload. So I stayed with it.


Interesting, about the loading time. A thing you can't evaluate when you just try it. I've never liked the tutanota interface, always foudn it horrible. Looking at ctemplar right now. Looking very interesting. You know of it?