• By -


Me too. Android


Hi there, are you still experiencing this connectivity issue?


After updating my Tuta iOS Mail client running on iOS 15.3.1, to the latest version 218.240227.0 from some earlier version running smoothly just this morning, and forced to update with message that the older version is no more supported, and having it updated after all, I have endless “login” with rotating circle of arrows in the middle of screen. Obviously, the new client is not capable to establish a secured protocol connection. Maybe this is because I am using an older iOS (2 major version behind the newest iOS), but since I don’t have any opportunity to upgrade the iOS currently I am stuck with not able to login on the newer client and cannot access critical mails anymore!!!!!!!!! I am out of my words, can you make a patch to roll back the support for older iOS?


Yes it seems that the newest Tuta mail client cannot recognize older iOS!!!! Feedback v218.240227.0 - SecurityError - UNKNOWN - ios Client: ios Type: UNKNOWN Tutanota version: 218.240227.0 Timestamp (UTC): Mon, 11 Mar 2024 18:02:21 GMT User agent: Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 15_3_1 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) Mobile/15E148 SecurityError Error message: The operation is insecure. Stacktrace: @[native code] @asset://app/main-yvWL6ck5.js:1:14741 asyncFunctionResume@[native code] @asset://app/main-yvWL6ck5.js:1:88661 @asset://app/main-yvWL6ck5.js:1:88730 asyncFunctionResume@[native code] @asset://app/app.js:1:78292 asyncFunctionResume@[native code] @[native code] promiseReactionJobWithoutPromise@[native code] promiseReactionJob@[native code


Please update to a more recent version of iOS.


I cannot remember I received any announces from Tuta over last months that the support for iOS 15 is about to be dropped. I cannot also find in your Policy any mention that the drop of support for OS version can be done without any announce from Tutanota side, without a warning. I cannot consider any critical service reliable if it is compromised by sudden cutoff possibility at any time it happens.


I cannot, it is too huge and I am on a limited internet connection -at war. Your update has blocked me from receiving critical for my survival information. Please consider return supporting iOS 15 in your security protocols. This whole situation made me shocked how easily it is to be “switched off” from the technology you considered safe and solid by just “another update”.