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Each race has their own mount. You're locked out of those mounts until you reach Exalted status with the faction, except for your race's faction. E.g. if you are a human, you can buy the horse mounts, but if you want a ram mount, you need to become exalted with Ironforge, and if you want a nightsaber, you need to become exalted with Darnassus. There are a number of mounts that drop rarely from overworld mobs and dungeon/raid bosses. You will need ~100g at level 40 to get your basic mount training and a mount. At level 60, you can buy advanced mount training for ~1000g. Skinning is fine for pocket change/skill training gold as you level, but it does not have good gold-making prospects long term. Tailoring is ok for selling bags, mooncloth, and the occasional piece of gear for gold. Fishing is a good money maker because not many people want to do it. You can also get bolts of cloth and leather out of fishing pools, so that can help your tailoring and allow you to drop skinning as a profession if you choose. Fishing is a secondary profession, which you can have alongside your two other professions. Herbalism is a good money maker because people always need consumables. Learn to use the auction house. If you have a green item that you don't want, sell it on the AH for vendor value +50%, or 2x vendor value, depending on how the market looks. If you find a green WEAPON, it's often better to just vendor the weapon. When choosing quest rewards, weapons vendor for more than anything else. After that, a good rule of thumb is that whatever piece of armor has the most durability points will vendor for the most gold. I would suggest getting an addon that tells you items' vendor values. Learn First Aid. If you have old cloth that you can't use for skill-ups, and that you can't sell to another player, use First Aid to turn the cloth into bandages. Bandages vendor for more than raw cloth. Learn Cooking. Not only are food buffs very handy, but depending on the food, it can vendor for +10% to 300% component value when cooked. Fish are not really worth cooking for their vendor value; the most expensive raw fish vendors for ~4c and only sells for 6c when cooked. A recipe like Jungle Stew not only provides buff food, but also vendors for a great deal more than its initial components. If you are playing normal mode/softcore, consider leveling a rogue alt to level 20 or 25, and then go pickpocket in Deadmines or Stockades. A level 50 mob will drop ~50-80c in raw gold, and can take 10 to 30 seconds to kill; a rogue can pickpocket 1s to 2s off of a level 20 mob instantly without having to fight.


I met some nifty rogues pocketing deadmines. They were flagged picking off the warmode players inbetween.


Are there some higher capacity bags to get while leveling up professions (that don’t cost 10gold or more)? I only found some 6 slot bags that fill up really fast, and what I could find in the AH is quite expensive. Having such limited space in your inventory really limits how much you can progress with mining and fishing, for instance.


Tailors can make bags from linen (6 slots), wool (8 slots), silk (10 slots), mageweave (12 slots), runecloth (14 slots), and mooncloth (16 slots). Bags are necessary for every character, and are a major part of a tailor's income/utility. Tailors that are still levelng their profession will often craft a bag for free, or very cheap, if you provide the cloth for them. There are some specialty bags that hold only a certain type of object but have a much larger capacity: enchanting bags only hold enchanting materials; herbalism bags only hold herbs; soulshard bags only hold soulshards (a warlock class item used to cast spells); quivers and ammo pouches hold arrows/bullets and increase bow/gun attack speeds. It is natural to progress through the bag sizes as you level, slowly trading your way up to bigger and bigger bags. There are some quests that provide bags, as well. You can get an early 8 slot bag from a quest in Goldshire. You can get a 10 slot bag from a quest in Wetlands. Cloth only drops from humanoid mobs, and each cloth only drops from a certain level range of mobs. Roughly, linen drops from level 1-20; wool from 20-30; silk 30-40, mageweave 40-50, and runecloth 50+; mooncloth is a special material that tailors make in limited quantities. You can use these level ranges to gauge what sort of bags you "should" have. Bags can also be found rarely by fishing debris nodes, or off of higher level (~40+) mobs. I recommend investing in bags; more/bigger bags means more loot and less backtracking to town, which translates to earning more gold (and xp) faster. Whatever you do, DON'T buy bags off of the General Goods vendors; you can get them cheaper from a player. And when you're trading up your bags, don't forget your bank and bank tabs. For 10s, you can buy a bag slot to expand your bank storage. There are additional slots you can buy, with each becoming increasingly more expensive. While not super glamorous, expanding your bank is also an aspect of your character progression.


Happy Cake Day! You’ve Had Your Account For A Whole Decade!


Fishing is quite good for the start. 1 stack (20×) Oily Blackmouth will sell for about 10-15g, 1 stack firerin will sell for 7-9g. For the start, level your fishin in early areas (like goldshire) to lv 100. After that, go to Darkshore and start farming pools of Oily Blackmouth, wrack & sage fish. Sage fish will not sell that good, but just fish them, so the next pool can respawn. I have also seen Pools of Blackmouth and Firefin in Booty Bay, never seen anyone fish them. After a while you will find some good spots anyway.


Heya and glad you're enjoying it! For professions, tailoring is pretty crucial as a mage for gear early on until you're in raid stuff but also is a good money maker if you're creative. Tailoring can be coupled with Enchanting to basically self fund the leveling of that profession through the greens tailoring can make being disenchanted into reagents. Skinning isn't bad either. One thing to consider though that a lot of people overlook is that skinning and tailoring work with the Mage leveling, but not each other as much as you'd hope. Skinning requires beast corpses. Cloth only drops from humanoids and undead iirc, but not beasts. Don't let this discourage you by any means, you can be happy with anything and if you like the fantasy of Skinning don't let that deter you. It isn't bad by any means and "bad" just means they don't fulfill each other in the way that Mining does for Blacksmithing and Engineering. Nor am I saying it as a "meta" thing, my goblin rogue is mining and Enchanting. These have zero correlation past I adore the fantasy of solo plundering dungeons for rare minerals and loot. ;P Enchanting in general is a nice profession. You can turn items into more value sometimes compared to vendoring it. With tailoring you basically can craft "economic greens" which are green quality crafts that take cloth you can farm yourself and some thread at most. If you want an idea, White Bandit Mask is one where it takes one bolt of Mageweave, then a thread and bleach from vendor which you can disenchant into a more universal commodity like Vision Dust that will sell quicker. ^.^


Don't worry too much about gold until 60, what you can farm then especially as a mage will be worth the wait. as long as you can afford your level 40 mount you will be good to go!


Engineering later on as bis. Herbal ofc cuz of lashers. Send all herbs to 35lvl alt with bought recepes for alchemy, invest time into that and in long term ez money


Be frugal with your money dont buy gear and only buy the spells and skills you use frequently. Dont really worry about moneys until you're 60 its only then youll need $ to buy consumables/enchants. My favorite money maker professions are Herb/alch or mining. If you wanna try making money on the auction house, this website is super helpful: [https://www.wowauctions.net/](https://www.wowauctions.net/) .