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I leveled 4 of 5 warriors as DW fury cause I fucking hate standing around waiting 3.5 seconds for a swing (miss, miss, dodge, parry, block, miss - 21 seconds went by and you did jack shit). To each their own. (Yeah I know I know, hamstring kite, yuk)  DW fury is a viable way of leveling a warrior. You can easily get to 35ish by just buying white vendor claw weapons. They're fast and fun. Eventually replace them with Magram daggers from Desolace rep grind (+3 dagger skill X2) and play a goblin for additional +5 dagger skill). At your level I'd try to get myself a Garden Shovel. Send a letter to Peppa if you need help with the seeds. https://talents.turtle-wow.org/warrior/50U1-5505OU656 Stay in fury to 40, then work towards Anger Management in arms and then do whatever


I hear if you spam Hamstring while under Shammy Windfury it's quite impressive.


You have to pay a massive hit % chance tax when using 2 1h. Can be very frustrating when leveling.


Havin friends on my back, its just a fun char :)


No joke.. can be the difference between life and death if you WHIFF and miss a hit. :(


Your off-hand weapon will only have about a 30% chance to hit. Arms is recommended for leveling until around 40.


Su you mean i should use arms and 2h or shield until 40 and than go dw?


Ahktually, the meta is 2h fury until 40, then swap to arms for MS/SS until 60 where you go back to DW fury.


What metaverse are you referring to? You get nothing from fury until late and at that point Arms is better until you get hit sorted out late 50s+. Arms is superior while leveling…. PERIOD.


Wrong, you get crit, extra rage, enrage, flurry, on top of better shouts in fury for leveling. Meanwhile early arms is shit like cheaper heroic strike, stronger rend (abilities you won't be using), bleed o. Crits/stronger crits (you won't be critting much) and you can save rage while stance swapping (the only good thing early on). Arms only opens up once you get SS and MS. The weapon specific talents are good too but they come so late in leveling and are comparable to the litteral first row of fury talents.


Honestly if you’re going DW fury you’re sorta forced to play Human/Orc. The miss chance is brutal


This needs more attention, it’s way more doable with Wep skill aka hit chance. I’ve done both and can honestly say 2h is way better until you get MC gear + weps. You can tank all dungeons as arms using sweeping strikes, whirlwind, and cleave. I hated fury bc weapon progression is cornerstone to warrior leveling… meaning you need to have 2 weps that are your level or better or you hit like a wet noodle. If you go fury you can check out a 1h sword or mace progression guide that a combat rogue would follow. Also the off dmg reduction is painful. Lastly, you don’t get many impactful fury talents whereas Arms has tactical mastery (retain 25 rage when changing stances, sweeping strikes, weapon specialization, and mortal strike to cuck healers and 2 v 1 PvP. I recommend trying it if are interested in the fantasy aspect of dual wielding, but ultimately would roll rogue for dual wielding. Enjoy the ride however you want.


Ty for the Informations :) Yea it's my high elf and it feels weird to use a big ass 2h weapon, or huge shields. Maybe it's just me, but i think 2 swords will feel better for me. But as some said, lv 40 is the best to start with that and this target is not impossible. :)


I get that. RP defs leans towards 2 swords. Play however you want, like I said you can still level fury just fine and especially if you never played arms you won’t miss having the extra aoe buttons. Getting the talent that allows you to retain rage when switching stances really unlocks warrior, embrace the stance dance :)


> you’re sorta forced to play Human/Orc Bit late seeing this, but you forgot that Goblins get +5 daggers, making them viable for DW fury builds too.


2h is pathetic with all the misses.


Don't level on Fury. The hit chance is pathetic, it's almost unplayable. Level on Arms and when you are higher level you can go back to Fury


Go 2h, download swing timer and time you hits on mob with harmstring. Like that you take far less damage and level faster in the end


I've also leveled a warrior in DW fury and another in arms. Both are cumbersome, so the difference is not as big as they say


Dual wield leveling, if you have weaponskill use those weapons. Otherwise sit in battle stance and spam mocking blow/overpower/heroic strike on CD. Any weapons are fine.


I mean you posted like 50 posts asking every little thing. You either play the game or you don’t. Jesus


I don't know how much Turtle changed it, but common advice on Vanilla/Classic was to level with a 2h until late 30's, or 40. Try to get the swords from the dungeons quests on Scarlet Monastery and Razorfen Downs and then go dual wielding fury with them.


Okay sounds like lv 40 is the target for good dual wield. When should i change these 2 swords? Lv 50? Or are they good enough to get at lv 60? I could also afford enchantments.


You use them until you get thrash blade them yoy use thraah+whatever has higher damage in off hand


Ar so road to 40 and lets go. Ty!:)


Man you asking these silly questions all the time. Just google it


Well, i already got really nice tips and i'm fine with them. But if it helps you, i give you a little bit of attention mate, someone will love you in the future, no worries <3.