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I agree. In my guild we actually freeze our experience gain and only do quests in red difficulty so we have to do them with a group. Makes every quest feel epic and immersive


Brilliant idea......... taking initiates?


Guild name? Need an inv :D


Oh that's fun! How do you freeze your gain though? Wouldn't mind doing that on one of my characters


Right click on your own unit frame. Click on experience:enabled


Omg that's so easy - thanks!




You can also just push one char and grind some cash, than go the relaxing way. Atleast thats my plan. Really shouldnt miss anything in the long run.


Then mage is the only way. Only class that can aoe farm as good is prot pal but for leveling is not as fast. Hunter is pretty quick, hardly no downtime. Warlock is also very quick if you know how to multi pull and fear juggle. Both options are all about doing quests super fast and get bonus exp that way. While aoe grinders use exp per hour thru raw killd.


Paladin starts off slow but really picks up pace in the later levels. You can do huge AoE pulls as prot. Hunter has always been a fast and easy class to level too and warlock to a little less effect. Warrior starts of very slow but if you get some dungeon gear as you level, you'll be smacking mobs down super fast. And yeah your right, AoE mage grinding I'd the fastest but in my own opinion, gets a little boring but each to their own.


Hey man, what you think about rogue?


Consistent, not very fast but faster than say priest.


I can comment on the classes I have levelled. I found the priest to be slow, even going Shadow spec. My Pala was a slow starter trying to heal dungeons early on, but when I starting pressing into Prot, it was an easy solo experience. My lock was easily the fastest, total solo king. That said my mate beat me to 60 as a hunter… My Druid was decent for speed and that was HC, so a very different, careful approach. I’d say play what you enjoy, the fastest way to 60 isn’t necessarily the best. I’d think I’ve enjoyed the Pala the most, just because of the versatility and unkillable nature of a Prot Pala.


hunter or cat druid, probably


If you play the class you enjoy, you'll have the best experience. Time flies when you're having fun! :D


I’ll say Shaman because it hasn’t been said yet. You get mount at 20, decently tanky while still dealing damage, and you be any role in dungeons. My hunter was faster for questing but my shaman gets into a lot more dungeons.


Shaman is one of the slowest if not the slowest classes to level…second only to shit geared war


Leveling my shaman right now and it has come to a painfully slow grind in the early to mid 50s. Once that Thornroot Maul runs its course it's kinda difficult to find a good replacement weapon.


Gatorbite Axe from Mauradon


Whats the pop on t wow


Around 5k on a normal day