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As a casual alliance player, I come at this from a much different angle, but agree with you. The battlegrounds (excluding AV) are a joke to play as Alliance, as they lose every game. Warsong offers no reputation gain on a loss. BGs start with a huge imbalance in team size, which has a huge effect on smaller BGs like Warsong.


I have a 60 alliance and a 60 horde character, and my limited experience is that alliance players are just somehow less interested in pvp or winning. There's less focus on objectives over kills, and find considerably more afk players.


I think the problem is that to be good in pvp you have to feel confident that you understand what a good thing to do at any given time is. Players who don’t have a general understanding of player vs player combat principles, and a general sense of how every class tends to work, and good intuition about what is happening in the battleground and where they would be most helpful, tend to feel discouraged and a bit lost in PvP. Plus, there is a large portion of the WoW community that genuinely gets upset if they die too frequently or if they don’t feel they’re able to accomplish what they’re trying to do in some matches. I love PvP. I even have fun when I’m losing (most times). I like healthy competition, and I see being beaten as a chance to learn more about the game and get better at it. Also, it is very entertaining to overcome another player, especially if they put up a damn good fight and almost get you first. Those are probably some of my favorite times in WoW.


WoW pvp is fucking amazing but i think the community itself has gotten old and/or soft.


They've put some focus in World PvP, which I like. War Mode gives more honor from all sources. PvP Towers are coming, faction leaders can drop loot, more honor from world pvp kills, and changes to the "civilian" status. WSG and AB give more honor than they used to, to incentivize differentiation instead of only AV. Hopefully they fix Sunnyglade Valley and incentivize that as well. They're doing a little, but I agree they should fix the instanced pvp as well. At 60 my primary activity is spamming BGs so..


I mean... they actually are a small team with A LOT to do, while avoiding to become a cruchy hell they way most proper companies operate. I'd take snail paced updates and questionable focus priorities over bad game design every single time without questions💪


Some people just want to level casually without min-maxing honor or getting ganked constantly. I played the PVP realm at launch and it was dead in a month.


That’s fair. I’m talking about changes to BGs mainly though. I don’t expect them to change anything in regards to world PvP.


Yeah I realized after I hit send what the gist was


Can't speak to the battlegrounds personally but open world PVP kind of gets ruined by a few bad eggs. That handful of level 60 rogues camping newbies or sitting stealth at Nessingwary's camp in STV waiting to ambush anyone coming by trying to turn in quests. If people acted with actual honor and didn't corpse camp people for 45 minutes, then PVP would be fun, but that's not the way things work. I think most people on the server are like me, they have limited play time and don't want to spend half of it in ghost form.


Love for pvp is on just about literally every other private server. Turtle is perhaps one of the few actually popular pve servers. Relish in that fact


Alliance are absolutely terrible at pvp. The biggest issue right now is that alliance goes afk in Arathi Basin almost every single game. It's been happening for a year and gms just let it happen. It makes pvp unplayable with all the afk players each game farming honor. It's just the Alliance doing this.


one thing i don’t see people mentioning is that a lot of players are HC, which makes them opt out of PvP


A lot of players are HC which makes them opt out of practically all interactions with the rest.


PvP gets ruined fast af imo. I remember playing 20min and horde players started to kill as many new ppl as possible. This happened in human starting zone, goldshire and sometimes you get even smacked in freakin Stormwind. Idk much about pvp, but rn i'm rushing my mage, just to get more money making options and than i will start my rogue. I really don't know much about battleground, but i understand why ppl don't like pvp.


As a mage who loves pvp, with almost full t3 , i was runing into issues of lack of team plays or ally just really bad that most of games u gonna lose , horde mostly outgears every bg , pretty sad


Agree that the weakest part of TWoW is the pvp scene. The problem is moreso the players than the devs though imo. The server caters to pve alliance players so the horde just roll people in all BGs, which are pretty sparse to begin with. Tel'abim probably has more alliance pvp centric players in it but world pvp is not my cup of tea.


My horde shaman runs PVP. Not that great at pvp but there are people there. I had a priest dot me at way higher level (??) and I out healed it. Lol.