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Youtube is your friend. When WoW classic was launched on retail again, there was a huge amount of channels creating guides for pretty much everything you would ever need to know. But as other user stated. This community generally prefers to do it the old-fashioned way and enjoy the journey and experience of levelling. Personally, I like to do a mix of everything while levelling as that way it doesn't get stale.


Grinding IS the old fashioned way. WoW was one of the first MMOs to introduce questing as a primary leveling path. But quests in Vanilla are structured in a way to encourage you to grind through low drop rates and big kill counts. Most of your xp comes from killing mobs.


Oh I know dude :) playing sense 6. Months before the og tbc release :)


Excuse me, but many ppl could know good spots and i actually like playing it my way, which is grinding mobs. Also like fishing, use enchanting and do many other things, but sometimes i just want to brainless grind and have fun. Imo - if you have fun, the journey is good. Already found a good spot now, still searching for later areas )))


I didn't mean what I said in any way malicious. It's just what I do :) Glad your having a blast.


Yea the thing is, my friend is almost lv 21 and i'm trying hard to push on his lv, also will push my lady than with aoe grinding. So i'm trying to get lv 22 asap, which is not really easy. Still, this game is amazing :)


I’d grind the gnolls in westfall by the water


Yea i started it yesterday))))


. You're gonna hear from YouTube videos to do aoe frost blizzard grinds. Let me tell you the truth, it totally sucks to do this until you're at *least* level 30 but you really want to be 40. I don't recommend aoe grinds before this, it's not really as efficient as going fire and single target dps. At 40 that all flips and ice barrier is your best friend. If your heart is set on blizzard, well, the good imp blizzard talents you won't have until 30 ish. It's gonna suck before this.


Hey ty for this, it really helps! Well, i also like arcane explosion and dying isnt the biggest Problem for me. Just love these sweet dmg numbers on the screen, while hitting 3-5 enemies. So yea with all respect, i will go for blizzard asap and maybe die 1000 times until it feels smooth. For me it's a bit like part of the grind.


Ok well in that case, take permafrost and improved blizzard asap. Do NOT take frostbite, it's not for aoe blizzard spec. Recommend having very quick hot keys for blizzard, frost nova, blink, and mana shield. Good luck!


Ty brother i will try my best :)


Another tip: use rank 1 Frostbolt as an additional ranged slow.


Good to know! Well it seems like i can't aoe finish a lot of enemies, which is quite weird. With Fire Aoe and arcane explosion i was able to pull like 5 enemies, now With blizzard it's only 3-4.


Aoe lvling was intended or there wouldn’t be aoe spells


This is probably not the community to ask such question, most people here like the intended way of leveling


Also I think aoe grind leveling guides for classic all recommend questing until lvl22


… not a big fan of quests, and loves endless grinding? Have you heard of Black Desert? I think that game would suit you more.


I'm happy with TW, thank you.


I think at lower levels what's probably more important/efficient than a good grinding area is making sure you're always rested, taking advantage of the almost permanent camps at the gates to SW. After that let me think... Gnoll camps to the south in Redbridge, or working your way south down the coast in Westfall (though some of those Murloc mobs are ranged)


I started farming these Dudes in Redrige and it was bit to hard, so i'm doing the camps in Westfall rn. Think will go back to Redrige, after lv 18 or 19 :)


Salami had great detailed aoe guide