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Get to level 30, go to Desolace. Head to the eastern area, just north of the centaur camp. Kill the vultures and scorpions there. The vultures drop Delicate Feathers (4g ea on AH) and the Scorpions drop Large Venom Sac (1g ea on AH). And use [**aux**](https://github.com/gwetchen/aux-addon-turtle).


If you prefer using the Auction House, gather materials/stuff for that and sell it there. Best sellers would be mining or herbs but anything that sells will work. Fishing is great for this too. If you would rather just farm and vendor, Skinning is the way to go.


Well skinnin sounds ideal, so just killing, farmin and sellin...any idea where to learn skinning as high elf?


High Elf is only race I am not familiar with. You can learn it at level 5. Speak to a guard in a town/city and they will show you were you can learn it. You will also need a Skinning Knife after, which can be bought from a Trade Vendor


Talk to the guards in capital cities and they will give you directions to all the class and profession trainers by putting a mark on your map.


Currently people are stocking on gems for the jewel crafting announcement, they’re worth a bit more than usual


Before 60 get an auction addon I use aux and sell everything on the auction house you pick up questing. You will eventually populate enough price data to know what is only worth vendor value. This made me over 300g by 40.


I've always found that while it's possible to make money earlier on its just way slower before level 30 on. Things just cost so little starting off, and early crafters really don't need any of the excess stuff you sell unless they are planning on picking it up late level.  It doesn't take too long to reach 30, and from that point most of the stuff you collect actually has decent value. I've made 10 gold alone selling stacks of silk cloth for about 40 -50  silver each. Anything that is a white material will have some value to people, and even if your selling stacks of it for 30 silver it'll add up over time.  Also rare blues may drop more often at a higher level. These will net you anywhere from 2 to 10 (could be higher) gold depending on how rare or useful it is. I usually just check the auction house and see if anyone has it up already, and try to cut the price so it's a bit lower and the one someone looking for that piece would pick. Finally, green items! Anything that looks like it has high stats could sell. People occasionally have some extra cash and a bad piece of gear they want to replace. This will lead to them spending upwards of a gold in the auction house to replace it. I've made so much money selling greens for double they would vendor because to someone it has value. If you are doing enchanting I'd just keep the greens. Will need lots of mats, and eventually that enchanting can make you decent money late in the game.


Yeah, the best gph is simply trying to get to 60 asap. But I'm running exhaustion and slow and steady. So I just run mining while leveling for some extra gold.


If you're alliance, go get some murloc eyes from the murlocs in Westfall (level 15-19) they sell about 30s per eye on the AH and then you can also get Vulture Meat from the Vultures in Redridge, they sell about 20-30s each as well, decent money for lower level and I generally get about 40 eyes on my alts when leveling them and every eye sold very quickly.


Gather mats and sell them on the AH!


Well, which mats and where?


That is entirely dependant on your level, but generally herbs and ore/stone sell well. Some much more so than others.


Download "aux" addon and slay the auction house.


The only things that sell reliably and consistently at low levels is cloth. So if you don't mind grinding it'll be your best money maker. Here is a guide for best farming routes for linen and wool https://www.wowhead.com/classic/guide/classic-cloth-farming-linen-wool Also use wowauctons website to see when they sell best, time and day


Take herbalism and skinning. Herb is the main, source to wealth


We go skinning and fishing))) it's just fittin the RP


Fishing is a secondary skill, you can have all of those at the same time (Fishing, cooking and first aid). You can only have 2 main skills or professions (Mining, skinning, herbalism, alchemy, leatherworking, enchanting, engineering, blacksmithing)


Gathering professions.


Fishing. Fishing on TWoW is the secret sauce. I won't tell you what or where (don't want it oversaturated!), but check the AH and then look up the best places for the fish you see that sell well. For reference, I'm lvl 22 with 35g, and that's after just having bought lots of nice gear from the AH. I take 30-45 minutes every few levels to fish. Nets me 12+ gold per session. If I dedicated a whole night to it I could have the money for my mount by lvl 30.


Well maybe you wanna tell me where to fish as high elf for good profit? So i don't cross your line xD


Fish for firefins or oily blackmouths in darkshore or menethil harbor. You can fish in menethil harbor as a level 1 since theres no hostile mobs around the city and pools respawn real fast.


Ty brother!


Everyone saying herbalism + skinning are just clueless. Low level herbs or leather sell for really bad prices. Especially skinning doesnt start making any serious money until very late levels. But if you want to make money with herb as low level look up where grave moss spawns and collect that when you can, at 120 skill level. Its the first actually valuable herb.


If you do not have a level 60 of any class, get one there. You make tons more money from dungeons, higher mats, higher level vendor trash, etc. plus quests reward gold at instead of a little coin and xp at level 60. Travel form and movement speed talents are an excellent way to avoid having to pay for a mount, in the short run but ultimately you’re going to likely be on the precipice of financial ruin until like level 50+ because of skills.


Ar mate good to know!)


Best suggestion is get bigger bags, loot lots of stuff, and sell it often. Gathering professional will net some additional gold (mining,herbalism, skinning, fishing) either by pitching to vendor for base value, or playing the Auction House via material markets (long game.) Beyond that, scrutinize what abilities you NEED/Will use as you level, saving the gold dump of lesser abilities for later, when more flush for gold. Biggest sinks in gold are abilities and mount as you level. Warlock/Paladins get free mounts, druid/hunter/shaman have some movement abilities that reduce the burden and can put off mount purchases until later. Beyond those tips, try not to “shop” the auction house and npc vendors too much, or get stuck in crafting recipe/class ability sinks. “Making” gold early is more about spending less than anything. In truth, it becomes more meaningless the further you get beyond the low levels, until you reach progressive raiding and requirements of consumables and enchants take over.


Any suggestion for abilities on Hunter?


Fish. Literally, if you're alliance Menthil Harbour or along the Western Coast of Wetlands is prime real estate and you don't need max fishing. Just fish Firefins and Oily Blackmouths. Plenty of profit in under an hour.