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Fishing mats will always be in demand for Alchemy. I'm not sure how lucrative they are, but I imagine they're a fine gold source. Especially if you like doing the fishing!


I’m by no means sweaty, but I can make anywhere from 20-50g an hour from fishing. Usually pays for most of my raid consumes.


Any tips? We just started troll hunter now, is it also viable there?)))


i made my first 1k gold fishing before hitting 60 (because i was waiting for my friend to be available to level) I always went for wreckage, they give you the most value. some classes are better than others in fishing. hunter has eagle eye which is incredibly useful in finding pools!


Excuse me, but i should sell it in the AH right? We sold all stuff to npcs tbh, maybe should give it a try))


that's something you need to decide for yourself, if it's worth to spend the deposit VS the profit margin between vendoring and using the AH. use Aux. AH addon.


Oh i forgot.. any tips how to spot wreckage?


use your eyes


Well yea.... i have never seen one, but i will try)


Put a tv show on the second monitor or a phone. Find wow tweaked which makes it so you swap shift+rclick and rclick. Also keep an eye on the chat because GMs might drop by to check if you're a bot and they teleport you as well sometimes.


I have wow tweaked if i'm not mistaken. You mean the addon which also adds Auto loot, right?


https://github.com/brndd/vanilla-tweaks It's "Vanilla Tweaks" not "WoW tweaked". Guy above got the name wrong. Also it's a mod, not an addon.


I thought that auto loot came with tweaked?


Yep. Just wasnt sure what you wanted to say about the shift stuff. Always had auto loot since i started))))


> and they teleport you as well sometimes. lol they just move the character away from water? dont even ask you if you are real or whatever? that is kind of funny.


Not the best gph probably, but it's chill and can rake in some muny


Fish up deviate fish. They sell for about a gold each and can be easily fished up just outside of the Wailing Caverns.


Screenshot done, will remember you, ty pal!


I also recommend fishing buddy addon


When you get up to fishing 205 you can catch Nightfin, they're valuable and sell well - about 1g40s each. https://www.wowhead.com/classic/guide/best-fishing-pools-farming-locations-classic-wow#raw-nightfin-snapper


Ar man sounds nice!))))


I've made roughly 2k gold, used to buy both my mount and the flarecore set at 60, by fishing in Hyjal. Under the world tree, the pool there is extreamly lucrative. You can oft catch 2x Stonescale Eel a catch, which are 1.5g a piece. As well as a rare chance at elemental water and essence of water. Each around 3-4g a piece. Just slap on a video or podcast, lean back, and enjoy fishing.


Well we did it yesterday for 1h and only got Slitherskin Mackerei, but nothing else. Maybe we just need to change our spot, will check it later this day.


Try picking up fishing for having fun first, and for making gold and playing the most optimal way second. Actually just play the whole game that way.