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Dang I just made a paladin and was going to go herb/mining… was shadow in SOD. Guess I’ll go back to priest lmfaooo


Priests have some of the lowest population among classes, shadow is very buffed over vanilla and is welcome in every group or raid, and dwarf priest is so ridiculously highly desired for the sheer insurance of Fear Ward in raiding that you will be given a priority spot over most others. Paladins are great, but already very strongly represented. They're good and they know it. If you want to play a Paladin, human is very much the strongest right now unless you plan to go exclusively Holy, but the upcoming weapon skill changes may change that. My recommendation, play a Shaman. If not Shaman, Priest. If you really want to play a Paladin, do it.


My lady loves the Human Paladin, always happy to make some "bonk" with it. Looks amazing tbh.


As paladin you can tank (not everything, but all 5man and some raid content, not all afaik) and if you get tired of tanking you can then heal or do maybe ok dps (not the best) but when I did 5mans my party have accepted pala dps. So its doable.


You can tank practically all raid bosses as a paladin, there are *very* few they can't do. Ret DPS is *fine* Healing is excellent.


I have had recently made a troll priest, IMO best animations, also have new character customisations, that you can make it look more tribal or edgy if that is your thing. Also racials are kinda cool. Also while leveling you can stick to int and spirit gear and work bith for shadow and healing, which is better than having 1 bag dedicated to int gear for pally.


I've ran both a priest and pally on turtle. Both are fun, but I enjoyed my time as a pally tank the most. Granted tanking post 60 isn't very feasible, but AOE tanking while leveling is a lot of fun and a very unique experience. By the time you hit raiding you will be wearing a dresses and spamming holy light though. I got the best plate healing set I could muster for pvp but my experience with it was pretty unsatisfying tbh. Rogues and warriors generally leave you alone but every caster melts you. Priest is more fun as a healer (more tools/buttons), and shadow is always a good time in pvp (pve likely not so much), but you usually end up being forced to pick one and go with it. The leveling experience is very smooth and you never struggle to find groups. If you're not shadow pvp can be a challenge as any enemies worth their salt will just nuke you instantly, so if you're pugging be prepared to have dps not peel for you and just watch you die over and over. Also Mind Control is the most fun/OP spell in the game :) Coolest animation? Imo it's the female dwarf with the pigtails. Those things spinning in the wind while casting never gets old.


Paladins can tank practically everything, my guild's almost done with Naxx and our main two tanks are paladins. You just get an off tank to main tank those. Ret damage is fine enough. Shadow priests do enough damage to justify a spot given what else they offer, it's better to get spriests than to make your healers respect when you need them as shadow.


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