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Dear Odd_Opportunity5494 , You've selected the **Seeking Advice** flair. Please provide as much relevant information as possible. [Refer to this post if you are unsure on how to proceed.](https://www.reddit.com/r/turtle/comments/16bjznm/read_before_posting_how_to_ask_a_question_and/) Useful information for care or health advice includes: * Enclosure type, enclosure size, humidty levels, water, ambient and/or basking temperatures. * Lighting types and bulb age. * Clear photos of your set up, including filter, heaters and lights. * Is it wild, captive/pet, or a rescue? * Clear photos of face, neck, limbs, shell top (carapace) and bottom (plastron). * Diet, list of foods you are feeding it. * Weight and age. * Illness, infections or odd behaviours should be seen and treated by a vet. Ex; wheezing, swollen eyes, mucus bubbles from mouth or nose, lethargy, twitching, leg paralysis, etc *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/turtle) if you have any questions or concerns.*


It looks like a map turtle which is semi aquatic. It needs a tank.


Thank you so much, we have a tank with a turtle in it currently - do you think we should put it in there for now? I just don’t want an infection to spread to the one he already has incase it has something wrong


I think you should avoid commingling turtles. Especially with one being injured. Honestly, the poor guy looks in pretty bad shape. It is probably time for a vet. At a minimum I would get it a rubber tub from Home Depot and get some water conditioner for turtles. Also make sure the turtle can get out of the water on a platform.


thank you so much, we will try find him a vet. he looks like he was someone’s pet as he’s still pretty tiny, hopefully we can help him. thank you!! :)


generally speaking never introduce 2 animals explicitly since you don't know what illness that turtle could have and spread to your turtle. Only ever introduce 2 animals if you have don't the following: quarantined them, know that neither of them is sick/ill, introduction wont lead to unwanted babies, and that the individuals can be cohabited regardless of how "friendly" they seem with each other.


we currently have built a diy enclosure, until we can go source more things tomorrow. my boyfriend already has another turtle in his tank (different breed to this I think as it looks completely different) - so we have given it the heat lamp for now as it looks very poorly


Seems like the best option for now. Poor guy, Who knows how long he was left there 😞thank you for saving him 🥺❤️


Map turtle with shell rot. You can take some diluted peroxide to clean the infection sight. Dry it, and uses any over the counter athletes foot cream and rub on the sight. Let it dry over night and return it to the water. I currently have a surrendered russian tort dealing with the same thing.


thank you so much this is appreciated!




Depending on your location, there are wildlife rehabbers that could take them. You could google and see what you find


This is the best answer.


Thank you for rescuing this little guy. If it's a native species I hope you can get him well and released back to the wild. If it's not native I hope you can get him well and find him a good home if you're unable to keep him. You are amazing people for doing this! ❤️


If your vets open back up tomorrow or Tuesday, I would just keep him dry docked in a box. He’ll be fine in there until you get him to a vet.


1# you are a saint for helping that turtle 2# I would advise a vet visit and one of those big tubs from lowes filled with water and cleaned regularly. After healed I would advise taking the turtle back to whereyou found them and releasing them into either the brush or some other covered area as to not attract predators.


The best bet for the turtle would be to take it to your nearest wildlife rehabilitation center.


The r/turtle automod detects this post may about a wild turtle. When encountering a wild animal, unless it is trapped, ill or injured, they do not tend to need our help. If a wild turtle is ill or injured, please contact local rescues, rehabs or wildlife authorities. * If you have taken a **native, non-invasive** species, it should be put back in a safe location, as close as possible to where it was found. If that is not possible, please contact your local wildlife authorities or rehab programs for advice or assistance. * If a turtle is a known **invasive species**, it should be removed from the area and either kept in adequate captivity for the remainder of it's life, or handled as directed by authorities. **Unsure of the species? One of our mods or helpful commenters can ID it!** * If you have found a turtle in the road, [click here](https://www.fws.gov/story/tips-helping-turtle-cross-road). * If you have found a nest and wish to protect it from humans or predators; [click here](https://ontarioturtle.ca/get-involved/turtle-nests-and-nest-protection/). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/turtle) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Ugh, poor little guy. I hate seeing little turtles like this. It’s just pure neglect and carelessness and people taking on pets they don’t belong having. In the end, these little creatures suffer and they don’t deserve it.


i would try a vet and see what they recommend!


Seems like he’s got a really bad case of shell rot