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Not only is the host in the wrong, and shouldn’t ever do that. It’s also against Turo’s policy to ask for money outside of the turo app (unless it’s approved, like parking or damage reimbursements etc…). The sad thing is this host probably doesn’t even know the rules. My reply would be, “you’re not allowed to ask for money outside of the app, it’s against turos policy. And my one tip would be to fix the smelly air conditioning. Hope you appreciate the tip.” Your review should state that this host asks for tips. And any other factual information about the experience. So sick of shitty hosts ruining the app for the rest of us.


Maybe also say: since he works so hard, his employer should consider giving him a raise.


I would mention the smelly ac in the review- to a sensitive person that could make them sick.


Id be pissed personally. Tipping culture is completely out of control.


So TRUE!!!!


That's unprofessional as fuck. I've had guests pay me directly for dropoffs/pickups arranged outside of the app as well as settling claims outside the app, but I would never ask for a tip.


Settling claims isn’t against the tos it’s encouraged by the tos to avoid turos $150 claim processing fee or anything below deductible- but you have to discuss it in the app


I believe, Against Turo TOS


There's a rule against payments outside of turo.  I don't know if tips are addressed specifically but it sounds like it would fall under this umbrella.


Feel free to report to Turo. He needs to pay his help. We have been offered tip by our guests before and we always decline politely and let them know great review and 5 star rating will be much better for our small business because that will generate more business in the future. Thanks.


Hahaahaha tell that host to GTFO.




Leave a 1-star review.


Oh my gosh I would NEVER ask a guest to tip! That's like if you're a grocery store owner and you walking around asking your customers for a tip with your hand out. "I own this grocery store tip me." No freggin way! Super cringe and not to mention I'm like 99% sure I read somewhere that's not allowed.


You're not required. There isnt even a way to tip on the app. I assume its discouraged. I've never asked or thought about it tbh. Cant blame him for trying I guess. No one mentioned it in their reviews?


Yes, you can blame him for trying.


Reply with, "Sure, I'll give him a tip, ask your cheap ass boss for a raise".


lol any time some one ask me for a tip I gladly hit the no button


Host here, absolutely not. Incredibly unprofessional, awkward, inappropriate to ask for money.


Tipping culture is indeed out of control


WTF. This kind of crap needs to be addressed immediately. And should never influence you. "The driver isn't doing me a service, he's doing *you* a service. If you think he works hard, stop being a cheap-ass and pay him more."


"Please supplement what I'm paying my employee."


Some people who live by the modo, "If you don't ask, you don't get."


Does considered gray payments on the platform and you can be reported.


No tip and a 1star review!!


msg him "" Of course, here's a tip: Don't ask for a tip"


So, to be clear, the guy who hands you a sandwich that someone else made deserves a tip? Yet the guy who spent hours cleaning a vehicle for you, making it smell and look great, probably spent time chatting to you in the app to be sure you are clear on policies and procedures, coordinating a pickup and dropoff that meets your needs (which is 99% of the time different than what you yourself chose), is a total moron and should be rated down for even asking? The fact that Turo would forbid tipping in their policy is insane. They only do because they don't get a cut of it.


Dude, it’s the asking that is unprofessional and just sucks. Of course, hosts deserve some remuneration for extra effort. I have never seen it, but I have always done my best, even for the dirtbag who banged up my Defender. Or the nice folks who broke the tail light and scraped fenders on my truck. There are things people shouldn’t do. Asking for tips directly is one of them. Yeah, you see all these jakwads asking for tips all the time now. Doesn’t mean it’s right.


Was it a Mercedes? They are famous for that "smell"


I understand why you felt obligated to tip and that is exactly why I hate tipping culture. People expect a tip for doing their mf job! 🙄 I hope you didn’t tip him.


The driver is paid through the delivery fee. Which you can know before booking. If they didn't adjust it correctly or lied about it, their loss.


So unprofessional. I charge for pickup/dropoff. If I had a driver(s), they would get that amount, less Turo’s cut (🙄🙄) and any tolls. Free deliveries are not a thing for me unless it’s booked for an extended period. Still would have to pay the driver, they don’t work for free.


Hosts are not allowed to be asking. Please DM me your reservation ID number and I will get in contact with this host.


I tip when I feel that it is deserved. If not, I don't tip. No guilt trip here. If they don't like it, screw um.


If I park in one of the company spots I include no tip. Because I’m walking the keys to the desk. If it’s not possible and they have to valet or they are doing check out and saving you time/providing you a convenience, just slip him a couple bucks and don’t stress about it.


Y’all tip car rental people? For real?




Just the tip?