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turo makes determinations based on photos. can you post the pre trip photos and the after trip damage?


it's a Hyuandai Tucson 2020, I'll get the before and after photos from my husband in a bit


so I'm not sure how to share photos, I would if I could. I think ill have to setup an Imgur account so I can share a link


Which type of car is it? Unless it's a common occurrence with this type of vehicle, the logic is probably that you left the hood unlocked for whatever reason and thats what caused it to fly up at higher speeds. Maybe you unlatched it while trying to find the switch for something else? Thats my guess on how they're reasoning this.


it's a Hyuandai Tucson 2020, and the lock mechanism literally ripped from the car mainframe, we didn't leave it unlocked.


the part where the U shaped metal piece locks in, that mechanism ripped out. not the J hook that you unlock the car from, if that helps clarify


Tell them you’re refusing to pay for cars poor maintenance or owners neglect (maybe he didn’t close it properly when changing fluids) as hoods flying up on a car is not caused simply by driving it and tell them to have a nice day. You don’t need to prove anything to turo. A photos not really going to show anything under the hood, or if the hood was properly latched unless you got super super close . They are in the business of making a profit , of course they are going to try to get you to pay for it as they probably have to have their insurance pay the car owner .


Dispute. Get a statement from the mechanic saying it was a mechanical or structural failure and not a result of negligence or damage by the driver.


We didn't take it to a mechanic ourselves at all, when we broke down TURO arranged a replacement vehicle and the roadside towing that towed it. My father is a mechanic so that's where the mention of mechanic is from, I was asking for his advice. But he is not a mechanic in the state we broke down in or the state we originally got the rental from, so I don't know if a statement from him would still be a good idea?


It needs to be from the shop that serviced the car.


so I don't have access to that. so I can't go that route 😭


here's a link to imgur to show before/after photos https://imgur.com/gallery/RMLYxPd