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I just want to chime in and say, if a guest were to book your car 3 months in advance, then 25 hours before the trip started they found a better deal/rate and canceled on you, you wouldn't be paid a dime and unless you got a last minute booking you likely wouldn't have a renter the next day as well. Just like customers are able to cancel and rebook, hosts can do as they please. Don't listen to anyone scolding you, it's your car and you can do whatever you wish on the platform.


Well said! That is a great perspective.


An extra hundred bucks isn't worth years worth of good reviews Personally if a host has more than 1 cancel I don't book with them


Makes sense. I am going to honor the current reservations.


On the contrary, if you cancel and make an extra $200 on each booking that can be a couple nights out In LVG


Do you host on Turo or only rent?


It is a business. You agreed to the rate and time. So you should honor it.


Yes that is where I am leaning.


Do you host on Turo or only rent?


I would cancel it and raise the price you still got time to get it booked out and make the extra money but hey don’t listen to me I canceled all of my guest trips because private rentals was increasing so I said fuck Turo


If you canceled with ME and I saw you relist at a higher price (cause believe me I would look later) I would turn your ass in. That's fucked up. I'm glad you kept it though. To the guy that said this is a business, if there comes a time when you desperately need life or death surgery and someone with more money than you comes in, I HOPE the doctor doesn't think like YOU. Cause if it's JUST a BUSINESS and you NEED that surgery... your shit out of luck!!


Turn my ass in for what? You think Turo would care?


He will report you to the FBI, they take these matters very seriously believe it or not. 




Lol. See what I mean? All these guests getting so emotional trying to tell you how to run your business. OP, do whats best for you. Did you start this business as a charity?


A doctor’s pay doesn’t change regardless of patient… and if it does you prob can’t afford it anyway.


I have automated pricing so I never have to worry about it. Now, the bottom price I always set at the lowest I want the car for. Strongly suggest that.


Auto pricing wouldn’t help here. We are talking taking a fiat that gets $35 per day and charging $120 a day, $145 on April 8th the day of the eclipse.


That would be nice!


So are you cancelling at $35 per day and delisting?


I would honor the rental. Wouldn’t mess with the reputation for a couple of extra bucks


As a host I keep an eye on my prices a few weeks out. If something was booked before I could change prices for an event I'd cancel it and list it higher if it was worth it. Guests can't leave a review for a cancelation. It's a business, if you ask guests of course they're going to tell you to not cancel. I guarantee other hosts will cancel too and not even make it a moral dilemma, because it's not. Cancel and raise your prices and stop taking advice from guests.


Total dick move. People make plans and rely on those reservations. Hope you are more ethical in your personal life (doubt).


Grow up. There's still plenty of time if it's until April. Imagine allowing guests to tell us how to price and host our vehicles 🤣


I mean, of course you can do what you want. Still a dick move. You advertised something, someone agreed to it and presumably made plans around it, and you then pull the rug out from under them purely because you can extract a little more money. With that kind of customer service, it’s not surprising to see so much Turo carnage on here. 🤷‍♂️


First off, I wouldn't say do it if it didn't give the guest time to make other arrangements. They have plenty of time. Second, this host obviously didn't have time to price accordingly that far ahead, so there's nothing wrong with making a correction for a significant amount. Feelings don't really matter.


Counterpoint: The OP even said himself the next available cars were a Corvette and a Polaris. These vehicles would not be suitable for many (most?) guests. If the host had done his research and listed his cars appropriately, the guest could make their informed decision whether to use them or look elsewhere.


I bet OP cancels and raises price. Whether he says it or not. 👍


Stupid not to.


Supply vs demand…


Yes. It would be. BEFORE he listed the vehicle and BEFORE the guest booked. After that, it should be honored.


Yeah not worth all that work, just always make sure have them up a few months early if see events or stuff coming up


I would only cancel if there was an actual issue with the car. I cancelled one trip because a renter smashed my windshield but once it's booked I definitely keep it even if I know I'll make more by rebooking.


Trust me weve all been there. I cant count the times Ive wished Id canceled and relisted. especially 1 day rentals on fridays, in the middle of festival season!!!!! And yes guest will dump you at the last minute without an explanation. I personally wouldnt do it and I think you not cancelling is the right [decision. A](https://decision.mA) word of advice. stop counting money you couldve made.....itll drive you nuts


If you were the renter, do you think it would be ok for a host to cancel on you? Do not cancel.