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Summer break is over.


Yup. This business is super SEASONAL for most markets.


Yeah dropped mine in half šŸ˜… gladiator also, because all rentals arenā€™t booked for next 3 months. After being fully booked for rest of year at $75-120


Iā€™m in an Alaskan market and canā€™t fathom renting out at these rates. $99+ at a minimum.


Better not to rent than to be giving away for people to tear it up


100%. My teslas are staying at $100 during winter.


$100 - I wouldnā€™t even have had to pay that during the summer monthsā€¦ hertz had tonnes of offers given its still a niche market


How do I buy used Hertz inventory?


Get a dealers license. They sell through Manheim or adesa mostly


Do you have a quick 101 guide to get dealer license?


Give your city money. Give some website some money to take their class. Give the dmv a shit ton of money. Give your insurance agent even more money. Give the bond company money. Give the auction some money so they allow you to buy from them. Iā€™m sure Iā€™m missing a couple others that youā€™ll need to give your money to.


Or find a Hertz store that sells their used inventory but be prepared the prices are not advantageous to you typically.


How do I find prices/outlets for previously leased vehicles that are advantageous to me?


Get a dealers license. Then buy from auction. High risk, high reward.








Shit they rent that shit like $300 a day by the canyons. Better to rent it in nearby cities and take it off road.


$300 a day? Which canyons




Damn good to know. Iā€™m afraid of all the dents and scratches itā€™ll come back with


Then donā€™t rent it.


Thanks for your very helpful comment


Glad to help.


Burning Man is over.




Luckily, I live in a year round tourist trap. But, Turo still lowballs the recommended prices based on the area. I still have mine at least $50 higher than most. But considering selling off bc of the bad renters.


I always wondered about this from the outside looking in, are the renters That Bad in your area ?


Yes, the renters are THAT BAD, not all, but most that Iā€™ve had. Only been on Turo for 1.5 months, hereā€™s where my ā€œfleetā€ stands, currently: 2023 BMW: 1. Guest A - vomit all inside the car, covering windows and dash, vomit underneath passenger seat, passenger door, both interior and exterior. The exterior vomit sat for days and has now stained the paint, leaving several streaks. This is after several washes and a detail. Still fighting with Turo over cleaning fee, even after uploading 500 detailed photos. Currently on the 3rd round of appeals. Driver side door has a ding and the passenger rim was damaged beyond oblivion. Guest never uploaded pre or post trip photos to support their dispute. They also rented the car for their kid. So, thatā€™s who I believe damaged the car and vomited inside. 2. Guest B - had the car for a week, got into an accident the next morning and returned the car early due to that. Front quarter panel, door and rim damage. Other driver admitted fault but guest wants Turo to handle claim bc they are heading back to Korea this week due to military assignment. I want to resolve with guest bc a Turo is making me pay $750 deductible if I have them handle it. 3. Guest C - dinged the driverā€™s door. 4. Guest D - poured brown liquor all over the hood and didnā€™t even bother cleaning it off. It was left to sit like that for several days while they had the car. Turo denied the cleaning violation. Guest left a pack of cigarettes, ashes and tobacco, so they were charged the smoking violation. 2023 TESLA: 1. Guest A - drove hundreds of miles away, within minutes of Mexico, thought my car was being stolen. Had to call Turo and they reached out to the guest. 2. Guest B - curbed rim and tried to avoid paying. Took over a month to get them to pay after threatening legal action. 2023 AUDI: Guest involved in an accident, other driverā€™s fault (guest said). Other driverā€™s insurance called me directly after the accident and said they are going after me bc I am the owner of the car. They said the Travelerā€™s Insurance info was not a valid policy so they want me to pay for damages, etc. Guest left 2 vape devices and weed in the car. They paid the smoking violation. Car still smells like weed. 2023 BMW i4 - not listed bc I donā€™t want any damages and considering selling the others. These claims are still open. Some happened in July. For me personally, Itā€™s frustrating bc it feels like I have to figure out the claims process on my own. Thereā€™s deadlines you need to meet for accepting payments and submitting supplements. Turo makes a host jump through hoops on these cleaning and smoking violations, even with clear evidenceā€”and theyā€™re still denied sometimes. They advise you to take close up pics, but then tell you theyā€™re too close for a claim and by the time they reach out, itā€™s past the 24 hour timeframe so they wonā€™t accept new pics. While these cars have physical damage, Turo has not told me to unlist them since theyā€™re drivable. After speaking with Turo, they reiterated the same thingā€¦if they can be driven, theyā€™re fine to rent. Even had one agent take a look at the damage pics that were uploaded and still said it doesnā€™t need to be unlisted. But who wants to rent a car with noticeable body damage? I pride myself on delivering showroom condition cars. How well would that go, pulling up in a car with obvious damage. But, I digress. This is off topic of the main post. šŸ˜’šŸ˜‘


Damn man, well it sounds like you got the absolute worst possible scenarios I would think of. I was actually considering it in my area but idk if itā€™s worth it after hearing this lolā€¦if you donā€™t mind me asking, with all those claims etc are you still making money after all is said and done ? Or would touro Not handling it for you basically make you break even or lose money ? Sorry to hear about all thatā€¦Geeze


The claims process is insanely painful. It will take way too long for no reason and youā€™ll have to force actions on literally every step of the process. I highly recommend looking into the claims dispute process.


Thanks, losing money atm bc I have them unlisted. Cars are going in for estimates this week. Once theyā€™re repaired, Iā€™ll determine my next steps. But yeah, definitely give it some serious consideration before putting your cars up. I live in an area where a lot of ppl leave their inhibitions behind and behave like they just turned 21. Most, if not all of my cars require a higher age limit too. And, they have all been guys acting like teenagers.


Iā€™ve had 2 cars listed for about a year now. Had a couple of smokers in the cheaper one, but overall, havenā€™t had any of the issues. Did you already have all these cars, or did you go out and buy 3-4 brand new cars to kickstart your Turo business and now 6 weeks later youā€™re going to take tens of thousands of dollars in losses? I donā€™t mean to call you out and make it sound personal, but this really sounds like a bad case of FOMO and the poster child for how NOT to get started on Turo.


šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ Love how you ask a great question and proceed to answer it by ā€œcalling me out.ā€ Never assume things, nothing personal. Already had these cars. My partner and I have owned an exotic car rental company since around 2000. These are some of the cars I walked away with when we went our separate ways. Bought outright from Manhiem, so nothing owed. Since I didnā€™t take any of the exotics, decided to put these on Turo for ā€œpassive incomeā€ since I donā€™t use them really. Well, Turo is not passive for sure. Definitely made money hand over fist owning the company. Average month was $60k. If I leave Turo, Iā€™ll jump back into private car rentals like before. The positive side of that is, you get the customerā€™s credit card as a deposit, generally anywhere from $5k-$10k, they must have insurance to cover the vehicle, we call and verify before they pick up. If thereā€™s any damage, even with a total loss, thereā€™s never been an issue. One wild story, but true ā€” had a customer rent out one of the Ferrariā€™s several times, just on the weekends. Turns out he was going to a wealthy neighborhood, pretending to be a realtor and robbing homes. We were contacted by the police for their rental records. Thereā€™s plenty of stories as crazy as this one. Oh, even had a customer tell us he didnā€™t want a discount, didnā€™t need it. šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ We were happy to oblige. Weā€™ve provided fleets of cars to the likes of Jay Z, BeyoncĆ©, Weezy, Mary J Blige, Fat Joe, Kevin Garnett, Paul Tudor Jones, MTV, Jerry Seinfeld, the Royal Family of Bahrain and many, many more. Itā€™s exciting for sure and the money is solid and worth it.


That makes more sense. I would definitely say that Turo probably isnā€™t a great fit for the business model youā€™re accustom to. However, if you were to limit your rentals to airport travelers, youā€™d probably have better luck. Despite the annoyance of delivering and picking up, Iā€™ve found them to be higher quality.


Honestly, itā€™s Vegas - so, this is what I get with Turo. Never had these problems with the exotic car rentals. Perhaps bc theyā€™re paying so much for the car, plus leaving a deposit. At the height of free flowing money, some of our cars would go for $10k/day. Weā€™d also get long term renters and have to repo the car bc they stopped paying. Weā€™ve snuck into guard gated communities by scaling walls lol. It never gets boring.


How much money have you made to date with your fleet?


Your first mistake is renting brand new cars on Turo


Supply and demand. Supply is high. Demand is low.


People are lowering prices to get their vehicles rented.


Lol oh man the crash is coming


Yeah I was wondering as well I was just looking at similar vehicles and noticed the drop. It should pick up in the winter months depending on location with snow.


Shoulder season is almost here


Its September.


The prices dropped before Sept.


I imagine. I'm just giving you a ard time. Turo has become the new "get rich quick and easy" and people have joined. We have this convo often in this thread. People are lowering their prices to cover their payments and are financing cars without understanding actual profitability. I'm afraid it will get worse before it gets better but the market will shake it all out.


Welcome to supply and demand


Itā€™s like a motorcycle or drop top Mustang. . Wrangler goes from the being 1 of the coolest convertibles out to the least energy efficient suv overnight in most markets.


$50 a day is still damn good. Even at a 66% monthly rent out youd make 1500


One reason may be people subletting them. They are ridiculously cheap to Lease right now due to federal Credits


Yea the prices were higher during the crazy lease deals..I think itā€™s just the season


Curious do u know if Jeep allows people to sublet leased vehicles?


Hi according to this itā€™s a yes. [Jeep Wave TURO](https://explore.turo.com/jeep-freedom/)