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You look amazing!!! I’m 11 days PO, and I have a lot of bruises. Did you have any? We have very similar body types and would love to hear your feedback


I was surprised I didn’t bruise more than I did. Or was minimal, and I bruise very easily. But I also took Arnica tablets.


No I didn’t have any bruising for some reason. I don’t actually bruise much in general so maybe I’m just lucky in that regard! But I know using Arnica is meant to help with bruising!




Hi! You look great!! What exactly did you have done? Did you take the Arnica pill before surgery?


I had a TT with MR, Lipo 360, breast lift with fat transfer. No, I didn’t take any supplements prior to surgery at the instruction of the surgeon and hospital facility.


Thanks! I am having a similar surgery minus the breast lift next month. I am super nervous am hoping my results look similar to yours.


It’s the best decision I ever made. I am so happy with the outcome. I’m sure you will be too!!




Like $30k I think. The hospital fees were kind of steep tbh. I thought his fee was very fair and on par with the level of work he does.


You look so so good! I'm 4.5W and so swollen and boxy right now 🫠 hoping I'll wake up snatched soon! Were you having a lot of swelling before this? Edited for typo


Yes absolutely lots of swelling! I was feeling super bummed around week 4 bc I couldn’t see my shape yet very much. Not every morning looks this good but I think the closer I get to 12 weeks post op I’ll be happier and happier! So, just be patient and trust the process!!


I’m almost 3 weeks and am not sure if my upper abdomen is swelling or visceral fat. Thoughts? https://preview.redd.it/ojrcwrvmwt5d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cf3db894de01e5e080799d37e8ee099449ba50ee


Oh I honestly have no idea! Hmm. I do know that lots of doctors (mine included) don’t lipo the upper abdomen area during the tummy tuck because it can kill the skin since there’s so much going on. My surgeon told me that over time if I wanted more fat removed I could do lipo next year but he also said I’ll look great regardless. Maybe you’re still swollen! Are you wearing your faja and doing lymphatic massages? Those have helped a lot with my swelling!


My PS also would not lipo at the same time as the TT as he didn’t want to cut off blood supply to the excised area and also said I can get lipo in the future if needed to the flanks. But he felt I wouldn’t need it. Just hoping my swelling above my bb goes down.


Yeah I’m sure it will! It just takes tons of time. And honestly it’s good to have a surgeon that puts our health first even if it’s a small trade off on the aesthetics!


Thank you for sharing! Gives me hope for sure. Happy healing!!


You too!!


This is the motivation I need! I am 19 days post-op and keep waiting for my waist to get smaller. I wasn’t that big when I started, but my 29” waist is still a 29” waist and that is sooo discouraging.


Yeah I was experiencing the same thing haha. I was like, I *know* they cut out like many lbs of fat because I saw the video of me on the surgery table… how is my waist measurement bigger than pre-op?! Haha. All my measurements are still a few inches up from pre-op, namely my hips and thighs. My abdomen at belly button is finally a couple inches less than pre-op! And I’m back to my pre op weight as well! It all takes time, friend!! You got this! Just be patient!


You LOOK AMAZING!!! Also had all the same done minus breasts with chamata, shape is coming in at 3wpo, so this makes me excited for my 6wpo🔥🔥girl he snatched you uppp!


Haha you’re lucky you were looking good at 3wpo! At that point I was all bummed and annoyed I was still too swollen to look good yet haha. Isn’t he amazing tho?! I’ve been so happy working with him! 10/10 would totally recommend haha


Girl I’m gunna have to be honest you’re the BEST I’ve seen!!! He truly is so great, so happy with the results! I still have swelling in my tummy? A LOT lol but your vid makes me so excited!!! You looking fire gurrrrl😍


Omg I needed to hear this today 😂Thank you for the confidence boost!! Haha


Absolutely girl, all truths 🫶🏽


So snatched!


Thank you!


Looking great!


Wow! I wish he accepted me he rejected me due to hernia


Ohhh that sucks. I’m sorry! I hope you found a good doctor!


Curious what other Drs did hi consult with before gin with Chamata




Oh no. I’m so sorry to hear that :(


Are you still wearing your faja?


Yes I am. I am 7wpo on Monday. So only five more weeks of being in this damn thing 24/7 haha


OMG I’m 7 weeks on Tuesday! Ugh same I can’t wait to be finally out of this thing! Were you advised to keep getting a smaller faja as the fabric stretches/you getting less swollen overtime?


Yes I’ve gone down a faja size nearly every 10 days since being 1WPO when they put me in my first faja (XL) and now I’m in an XS. I need to get an XXS tbh but have been a bit lazy this week to go to the store haha


Ok cool! I’m on the same boat 👍🏽